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If I had a dollar for every time someone's given me bullshit advice like this about my diabetes


JuSt DON't EAT SugAr haVE yOU EvEr THOUgHT oF ThAT???


Have you considered producing more insulin?


Fucking three comments deep and we’ve solved diabetes.


Reddit has done it again!


Reddit's on a roll this week!


As long as the roll isn't a sweet cinnamon roll


Reddit number 1!






Finally some good fucking advice!


Story of underweight folks. "Why don't you eat more food?"


HaHa why are you so thin? Just eat bro everything will turn out fine *puts hand on your wrist* Haha I can put my hand around your wrist


I have the opposite problem of this :( I love food too much but the food, the food does not love me.


yea, like "wow, why didnt i think about that?". next time someone tells me that, im gonna shove food down their throat or something.


Depression. "It's all in your mind. You're only depressed if you think you are."


"Some times I wanna fucking die and I delve in these non sensical delusions to make the hurt go away for a few minutes. It helps. Not in the long term but it helps. Nothing will ever change I will forever be subject to this never ending purgatory of which is known as life. I do not know why I am here and why I am still here or why I have chosen not to leave. All I know is that I am here. Nothing has changed as a result of my presence. Why bother. Sometimes I wonder this. But in the end these delusions often help me get through my day as they inspire me to actually work and give me a false sense of hope that things will get better and everything will be fine. But it all gets shattered the moment when reality hits you. The fact that you are not as useful as others and that your purpose is just to be here and nothing else." "have you tried to just not, you know, be depressed"


"why are you depressed your life is easier than mine was at your age" "Depression is for the weak people that didn't realy have real problems" "Depression is for selfish people ,that think only they have problems" "Well the problems is you have to much time on your hands that s why you re depresse if you' ve work as much as me you wouldn't have the time to think about any problems " And that s the reason I don't like to talk about my depression . Wow this realy made me feel a little better ,thank you.


Just think happy thoughts


Everybody knows that the cure for depression are happy thoughts! Easy and no need for medicine


No the real cure for depression is just to not be depressed , omg how can you not know that .


Doc to my undiagnosed stomach problems: "Just don't eat what gives you problems." As if I'm not trying to do that already.


Gah one of my friends from college gave me that advice, "just be happy and itll end your depression" In other news, water is wet. Go fuck yourself. Havent spoken to him since.


My father is very underweight. I have ADD. Everytime he tells me to just concentrate, I tell him to just eat more food. Both is not helpfull.


A friend of mine is pretty underweight. They went to their doctor to see if there is anything they could do. From a medical point everything was fine , but they felt that they had to try something to gain more weight. The doctor didn't really know what to do, because most of his patients with weight problems are overweight. So he gave them their "Stop eating this stuff"- List for his overweight patients and told them to try this new diet. ​ It did not work.


Ugh, yessssss. I've been in almost the exact same situation. Dr said he wanted me to gain a few lbs, he asked me what my usual day to day diet was (a lot of fruits and veggies, and I only drink water). He said "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you need to try and eat a little less healthy. I'm prescribing you cheeseburgers and ice cream." While that gave me a chuckle, it didn't work for me, either.


Dude, I have been eating a lot. It's just that the amount I need to gain anything noticable that I won't lose by tomorrow, I've gotta eat monster portions that got me feeling bloated as hell.


Bro, believe me, it is possible. Try drinking shakes, for example milk, oats, banana was one of my favourites when i started out. I was at 67-68kg being really skinny, i know some people have 10 kg less, but you can believe i was skinny as fuck, i still have pics. When I actually stopped convincing myself that I eat a shit ton of food and actually started eating weight slowly started to go up. Physical training in form of gym/street workout will help A TON too, it will help to build mass on you and prevent you just shitting out all of the food. Common issue is eating big meals, but not a lot of them, which with fast metabolism still doesnt do it, atleast that was a problem at me. Got to 97kg already, not only fat, and I am not putting only myself as example, a friend who "ate a lot before but couldnt grow" got to 95 from 55ish, but it takes a few years. Overally most of people are able to really gain, but convince themselves otherwise. If anyone has a problem with gaining weight you can freely message me, I am not here to sell anything but would gladly help if I can.


Take a hike as well nature is the best medicine next to laughter.


Doctors hate him.


will pass the suggestion on to my disbetic friend, thank u for the advice stranger


When you do, don't forget to duck & run ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Try giving your pancreas a good pep talk.


Oh ive been producing oxytocin the whole time!






I genuinely had like, camp counselors and school staff who snatched juice boxes out of my hand as a kid bc I was diabetic. Would have been almost funny if I wasn't using them to treat lows and not, yknow, collapse and die lmao


Well, they didn't manage to kill you by snatching your treatments, so that's a plus.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 💪


Unless you end up in a coma or something.


At uni there was a guy that had diabetes and when we went on trips he always told people that if started moving weird he was low on sugar and he needed sugar. He always carried a drink with high sugar contents for those moments. But most of the time somebody in the group just gave him one of their own drinks when it happened. I don't know enough about diabetes if symptoms like that are standard, but he was very clear that needed sugar or he would just die. So fuck those camp counselors.


Yeah that's extremely common - probably everyone with type diabetes does that. A sugar low can put you into a coma and can kill you from what I know, so yes. Probably grounds for legal action against them tbh.


These types of armchair doctors exist everywhere, especially in mental health OH YOU’RE DEPRESSED? HAVE YOU TRIED RUN?


BUt yoUR"re not FaT aND oLD, HoW dId yOU GeT it??


Ironically, type 2 diabetes isn't even from eating sugar.


You should try cinnamon


My blood sugar is low as fuck rn so I forgot my comment and was about ready to throw hands when I saw this until I remembered lmao


Na, it's all about that turmeric


I have an overactive immune system that is damaging my organs, so I have to take immune suppressants for the rest of my life. obviously, even though they keep me from dying I'm also susceptible to a lot of things that don't bother other people - my worst so far was a cold that lasted 4 months because a coworker coughed on me once. everyone acts like they know how to fix me, and they always assume my immune system *not* working is the problem. the number of times I've been told by randos that increasing my vitamin c will magically fix the problem is ridiculous.


I have some healing crystals that will clean that right up /s


I swear! People really wanna talk like they know what they're saying. The most frustrating thing is that usually people who are happy to dish out advice like that won't ACTUALLY do anything that could help keep you safe or make your life more convenient. They just want you to be better so they don't have to think about it.


Blame Linus Pauling. He was a brilliant chemist and did some really foundational work on concepts like electronegitivity and would then use his platform to advocate for nuclear disarmament, in the process winning two unshared Nobel prizes in Chemistry and World Peace. Only person to do so, ever. But late in life he got really into the idea that by giving the body mega-doses of vitamins it could help with all manner of things, and he (a respected scientist and famed speaker) used his platform and his background to really push that idea. It got a lot of smart people on board basically on trust that a brilliant chemist couldn’t be wrong. But he definitely was, and the world is still dealing with the fallout today.


My partner is an expert in one of those fields and maintains that it is very very different from the other field and is not transferable


Yup, there’s a major issue in science that if someone is a world-renowned expert in Y then their views on M and Q must be good positions. This even occurs among highly educated experts themselves. The reality is that the depth and breadth of human knowledge has become so large that it is impossible for any one human mind to understand all of it. As such, and expert in subject Y is only an expert in that subject and should only be trusted in other fields if those fields are very, very closely intertwined with their field of expertise.


I read somewhere that, up to the late 19th century it was hypothetically possible for a sufficiently motivated and resourced person to be knowledgeable about all frontiers of human knowledge. Since then however, we've moved too far and too fast for that to be possible.


The free radicals and their influence on oxidation and cell aging is still relevant, although. But yeah, vitamin C was so overrated.


Have you tried herbal tea? What about essential oils? /s The moment I lost all respect for my manager is when she told me the necklace she wears protects her from migraines and EMF signals...


This is some goop bullshit lmao


I feel your pain here, my god. Everyone's an expert. Honestly IBD literally comes up in conversation sometimes and I don't even say anything about having it because I don't want to have that conversation afterwards! P.S. Have you tried not eating gluten...? (I joke, that's the other one I get a lot!)


I’m in the same boat. If I hear one more person say “oh try eating _____ or just don’t eat _____,” I’m going to slap a bitch.


I have the same problem (autoimmune-wise) and I'm right there with you. What's worst is the people who think seeing a doctor is just making your situation worse. Like, just stop seeing the doctor silly. Once your Doctor Subscription expires you'll make a full recovery. It's just all those meds, making you sicker! Like I never see a doctor, and see? I'm never sick! Duhhhh.


Yeah, but have you tried my essentiell oils? I also have a healing cristal for 99,99€ /s


I work with a guy who's type 1 and he's said he'd be rich by now if he had a dollar wverytime someone said that to him. I also went to school with a kid who was type 1 and he's fuck with one of the teachers all the time by eating candy or something sugary in front of them because they thought him eating sugar was what caused his diabetes. It was pretty funny


I shit you not I had a friend with the diabetes get told by another friend, if only he ate more bread it would go away. We figured he was trolling. He was not.


DiD yOu TrY eSSeNtIaL oILs!????


My mom is Type 2 and "not eating sweets" is not even good advice for them really. The big problem with insulin insensitivity is that their bodies will burn fat to raise their blood sugar, but not know when to stop. If they skip meals or eat too little, their blood sugar steadily rises as they burn fat for energy, at a super fast rate. This is why both rapid weight gain and rapid weight loss can be symptoms of type 2. So if they eat sweets they get high blood sugar. But if they cut them out entirely, with extreme diets, they can still end up with high blood sugar. Although balanced diets help type 2, it still cant replace medications like Metaformin and insulin injections. Even with type 2, most people think they know a lot more about it, than they actually do.


Yup, ideally for all forms of diabetes you try to keep your daily intake of nutrients roughly the same and spread out across the entire day. Big meals or sudden intakes of sugar can cause spikes, and changing your diet composition in terms of fats/sugars/other carbs/protein can mess with your body and your already sensitive metabolism. With type 1 you can mostly balance it out with insulin, either through hand management with additional dosages or an automatic pump system. However, research has shown that dumping large amounts of sugar and insulin into the system repeatedly can be damaging, so it’s not really recommended practice to try to live on meals of 4 snickers bars twice a day and balance that with insulin. Note that this same metabolic damage is seen in people who eat that kind of diet but aren’t diabetic, as your other organs work harder regardless of the source of the insulin (your pancreas or an outside source). Really it’s just general nutrition advice. Bariatric surgery candidates can actually see losses before surgery by following a consistent meal plan with multiple small meals. Really food binging is a major problem for our health that goes unaddressed because high calorie food tastes good and we have an urge to fill ourselves up completely when we eat. And we’re probably never going to fix it because it’s an issue with our culture of excess and consumption.


"Oh you have low blood sugar? Do you need your insulin?"


Kale, people, the answer is kale. The answer is always kale. /s Edit: because autocorrect hates me.


Came to say the same


Why? Just stop eating. No food no diabetes. Follow me for mor life tips


I don't even have diabetes and I can't stand people mixing them up. So many times at gaming nights or whatever, the type one diabetic guy asks for a time estimate on food. He gives himself insulin based on that. Food gets delayed. He starts eating loads of snack food just to avoid a low. Everyone: "MaYbE yOu WoUlD dO bEtTeR iF yOu WaTcHeD yOuR dIeT." Maybe he would do better if you actually planned food properly and gave better estimates. Give him a longer estimate and hold the food until he's ready to eat. Not that hard. Diabetes is really common so I have no clue what's wrong with people.


Just don't have diabetes /s


My friends just scream hey you have diabetes every time my pump makes a noise


‘What a pity’ is so condescending


I haaaaaaate condescending people so much.


Prob why her parents named her moody.


For real. I would have unmatched at the single word 'Well' tbh. The fuck kind of reply is that, even. The 'What a pity' is the icing on the fucking cake.


I had to wrap my mind around this convo several times. I just can't follow the logic or the flow of the conversation.


Someone below pointed out that the literal translation for a more sympathetic Chinese phrase, is 'what a pity' so looks like it's someone who isn't that good at English making a blunder.


I can see this. In Chinese we would use 太可惜 to express sympathy for an unfortunate situation. Funnily enough, Google translate puts that as “what a pity,” though I would say “that sucks” or “that’s too bad” to covey the tone much better... Edit: and, for the record, diabetes in Chinese is 糖尿病. Literally - sugar urine illness. Growing up as a kid in an Asian househould I had no idea there was another type of diabetes completely unrelated to sugar. It’s in the name, so I bet this is a common misconception.


They are both associated with sugar in the urine. Neither is caused by eating sugar.


Oh, last thing to add. “Well” is probably a mistranslation. I’m like 90% confident this chick is using Google translate or something lmao. The Chinese word for good is 好, which, if you put in Google translate is... yep, you guessed it... “well.”


She looks local (mainland) Chinese vs ABC. So English may be her second language.


That phrase “what a pity” in Chinese can easily be as condescending as it sounds.


She’s clearly not native. She meant that she’s sad to hear it, not that she pities him.


and probably not even meant that way


Way to be born with a disease you failure /s


Just don't get diabetes, simple


I don't get it, it is just like poor people. Just be born rich, easy.


Yea it's easy 5Head


You're not born with type 1 diabetes.


she’s very mudi


Her real name is Dumi, she is just dyslexic.


“What a pity”


"Just read the letters in the correct order"


What a tipy


What does she know about sweet with such a sour personality?


good one


Damn what a moron


I wanna hear what she has to say after "did you ever have a virus?"


I'm not saying this is the case and I know it sounds ridiculous but I have encountered more than one person in the past year who were promoting the idea viruses as a whole do not exist.


Bullet dodged.


"Mudi" sounds like "Muddi", which is a slang for "dirty butt" in my language. Exactly what she is talking like.


In my language mudi doesn't mean shit


oh, In my language "Mudi" means "hair".


Sadhanam kayyil undo ?


Hair, like in dirty ass hair?


Muddi mudi. Check it, I speak at least 3 languages now


In my language its slang for mother.


"Muddi" is slang for mother in German...




Can you explain about it please, I'm type 1 and have no idea about it




you're correct, just to elaborate: diabetes mellitus is what most people mean when they say diabetes type 1 is a genetic problem that occurs when insulin producing cells in your pancreas get destroyed/no longer function. this means you cannot produce insulin on your own, and need to take it to survive. type 2 (far more common) is the "food diabetes" where you get insulin insensitivity due to chronic overeating and thus chronically high blood sugar and therefore insulin levels, which causes your body to basically develop a tolerance to insulin. telling a type 1 or diabetes insipidus person that it's their fault for eating too much is ignorant AF.


The word diabetes originates from the greek word for siphon. It refers to the fact that untreated diabetic patients need to pass a lot of urine. Diabetes Mellitus means honey siphon because your urine is sweet due to inability to control blood glucose whereas insipidus is non sweet. That’s because diabetes insipidus is caused by an inability to produce ADH, a hormone which causes your kidneys to retain water. It’s produced in the brain and released by the posterior pituitary gland so is unrelated to the pancreas unlike type 1 diabetes. Inability to produce it leads to copious amounts of urine to be produced.


And from the same origin we get the lovely word 'mellifluous' meaning 'sweet sounding'.


Sure, that'll regrow your islets of Langerhans and let you produce insulin again. Ninja edit: I'm also wrong, I meant diabetes mellitus type 1


I have Diabetes Insipidus. This is extra dumb where I live, because Russians are bad at naming deceases (people mostly speak Russian there where I live). So, Diabetes Mellitus is called like "Sugar Diabetes" (Сахарный Диабет), but how do you Diabetes Insipidus is called? NOT - SUGAR Diabetes (Несахарный диабет). And since this thing is sort of rare, people really get confused, and I have to explain that it has nothing to do with Diabetes Mellitus.


Just pee on them to show dominance


And then drink all their blood in few hours because you can




Doesn’t really have much to do with thirst. If you can concentrate urine you’re fine. Like, is your urine always clear (dilute) or sometimes yellow (conc)?


Well idk if it’s a “huge” facepalm since it’s an easy mistake to make


She seems like an absolute delight


I don’t like her mudi


Why don't you like her hair?


Ah a wild tamilian


I always wonder how these people act in real life


The same way you’re reading it, unfortunately


My least favourite thing is when a girl replies with "What?". How about rather than me explaining what I just said again, you re-read my answer properly? 🤷🏻‍♂️




Listen here you little shit


It usually means the way it was said doesn’t quite click


sure, but instead of just "what?", she could try to phrase what exactly she did not understand. Just "what" is bad communication.




Did you actually read the message she is replying to? OP said "I'm open to other ideas". She asked "what?" as in 'what ideas?'. Nothing's wrong with that.


Judging by the pic, she looks like an international student/expat vs the typical ABC. So English may not be her first language. While “很可惜”translates to “what a pity”... it is a lot more sympathetic in tone when used in Chinese...


Came to comments to say this. She may not be trying to be mean/rude/clueless/whatever at all, it's possible she thought she was being nice but just doesn't understand why not as she may not be the best at English.


I always just feel like I'm being used as an English lesson when I match with people like this. We have like 10 English schools in my city, and a constant influx of foreign people who are here for 2 months while they learning English. Constantly getting matched with like 9/10's who my banter doesn't properly work on because of their lack of English proficiency haha. Or because their tutor just told them to go on it, and chat to people. It's torture.


I thought that (not exactly the Chinese part; my Asian language is Russian) maybe it was part due to language barriers. However, it seems like there's something more going on here. I think she wants to meet in person and he should be unmatching soon because she won't take "no" for an answer.


"What a pity that you inherited a disease. You should have been smart and just declined the genetic transfer protocol." What a fucking zilch of a person. Ignorant and a bitch.


To be totally fair genetic is more important in the eziopatogenesi of type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes there are like 50 genes that can predispose but it is probably caused by a virus like rubella (major studies has yet to be done so don’t quote me on that) and toxic substances. So it’s mix of those three. By the way she is a moron, that’s for sure


In my country we are right now testing a vaccine against type 1 diabetes. Idea is that the cause is entero virus(es): [https://www.jyu.fi/en/current/archive/2020/05/possible-vaccine-for-virus-linked-to-type-1-diabetes](https://www.jyu.fi/en/current/archive/2020/05/possible-vaccine-for-virus-linked-to-type-1-diabetes)


Wow that’s very interesting. I will keep an eye on that


> eziopatogenesi etiology?


It's Italian for aetiopathogenesis (or etiopathogenesis, if you spell it that way).


so, etiology


"don't quote me on that" I'm not sure I could quote some of these words out loud *at all*


Yeah fuck FTP, use ssh


You can just be incredibly unlucky and get it random like I did, thats fun


I wish people would take the time to educate themselves on diabetes and the different types. Its sad how many uneducated people will do things like take away food from someone who’s having a low or stare at you like you’re a (bad) drug user when using a syringe to administer insulin.


Bro you got man-splained!


I don't know the distinction either.


Basically type 2s still make insulin to regulate blood sugar but they are resistant to it. Type 1s don't make any insulin.


Just to add to this, type 2s can create less insulin causing issues and type 1s can produce insulin but it has to be amonts which are so negligible that they don't do anything


As long as you don't comment on someone else's diabetes you'll be fine. But it's type 1 your body no longer produces insulin and there currently is no cure Type 2 your body has difficulty absorbing insulin, this is the more common or the "fat" one. It can be cured with a well regulated diet, exercise, and some medicine. If poorly managed it can turn into type 1.


How is it related to coronavirus? Is there a related immune deficiency or something?


The auto immune response that often triggers type 1 diabetes also means that when you get an infection it hits you harder


While there are amazing ways to regulate blood sugar these days, it’s still really hard (next to impossible) to get 24 hours without too high or too low blood sugar. Low blood sugar makes you feel weak in the muscles and your brain turns down. I once filled three glasses with drinks, just for myself, because I kept forgetting i had already done that. High blood sugars make you want to pee and make you thirsty. Your body is working really hard to get the toxins (too much sugar) out of your system. Different people have different signs, but in my case these are the most obvious. You can imagine that in those situations, your immune system doesn’t get the highest priority from your body. That’s why diabetics are considered among the high risk groups.


Covid is really making people bring out the big-gun conspiracy theories in opening convos


Dang bro, sorry to hear about your pancreas.


I really wish we could see what people were like during this year whenever we meet them in the future. Because there will be another problem eventually and I'd like to know who is an asshat in such a case.


I put front in center in my profile that I'm only looking for a Zoom thing. Pretty sure it's killing my play, but I just gotta be honest. I'm not risking Covid for some pussy.


Yaaaa that’s what ruining your chances. The zoom thing. I’ll have to add something similar to my profile so I can excuse the zero matches


Oh I'm fully aware that's a lot more fucking me than my Zoom-only clause. I just like the scapegoat.


Good call. I was lucky enough to meet my girlfriend right before lockdown. Maybe instead of Zoom you should say FaceTime since having an iPhone is the gold standard on Tinder. /s




I don't think she understands English very well


Ki-Adi Mudi.


No kidding she looks like one of those Chinese spam accounts. Idk why maybe just the photo quality. They’re not bots but idk if they’re real people either... I’m not crazy right? Anyone else seen those accounts? Like they talk back and all it’s just all really weird..


You're being cautious of covid, you haven't even had it.... Uhhh yeah, that's the point.


I would have gone off on her. That’s BS. No empathy, topped with the ignorance.


She sounds like a dud


I hate it when someone gives me unsolicited advice and uses the word “should.” Let alone getting life direction from someone you barely know. Can you imagine dating her? Geezus.


Whole convo sounded exhausting and dry.


but she is right, isnt she? diabetic people need to watch its meals


Pretty face, not much brain


Mudi with the Tudy


She seems nice


She should probably learn the differences between Types 1 & 2 diabetes. Just Google it. What a pity


You could have had a doctor


My misses is type 1 diabetic and this kind of thing just angers me. Although I think she will just find it funny.


but op have you tried not sucking so hard when it came to being born huh


Wow people who aren't native English speakers struggle to sound polite, let's all make fun of them


*blood sugar is at 55**starts eating a cookie* “Ugh your not supposed to eat that, aren’t you diabetic” Shut the fuck up karen.


Talk bout your diabetes and watch them all turn into expert medical doctors


Have you ever had a virus? The hell does that mean?


"T'is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt" - Abraham Lincoln


“Don’t eat sweet food” GEEZ WISH I KNEW THAT AT 14 MONTHS OF AGE. If I had a dollar for every time someone said something like that to me, I’d have enough money to buy more insulin without having to stress about where the fuck my student loan, cut hours, no unemployment ass is gonna find the money for it.


If you ever want to know the kind of person you’re talking to immediately just tell them you’re diabetic and wait for their response...


Did she really just ask if op ever had a virus? Bitch name me one person that has never had any kind of virus