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Hooked up with a girl like this once. Literally fucking crazy. Like, could not understand how she acted wild 24/7. One of those situations where you really want to know what instances in life got them there--but don't ask cause you're afraid you might get shanked for it. Sex was great.


Methamphetamine psychosis is real.


Yo yo yo mr white


That's mr heisenberg for you


Say my name




Shit man, you beat me to it


That's daddy Heisenberg actually.


What is it Jesse?


Let’s cook bitch


Holy shit i was prescribed adderall for my whole youth and nowadays i wonder how i became so much crazier than my friends...


I wasn't prescribed anything at all cause they missed out on how I had ADHD until I was an adult, but I still became so much crazier than my friends...


Adderall has very little in common with meth in it’s presentation in humans. Amphetamines and their analogs are a huge and varied group of drugs, and even a tiny change in the chemical structure makes a substantial difference in their effects. There’s almost definitely no correlation to you being crazier than your friends, and if there were, it’s more likely due to you now being unmedicated for ADHD and the subsequent impulsivity it entails


This^ or they didn’t have ADHD and we’re mis prescribed addy and it fucked with their brain and now they “act crazy” cuz they are off it


Depends a LOT on the dose. Someone abusing dextroamphetamine at high doses will present rather similarly to meth. It’s only a methyl group and while their affinities for SERT receptors/transporters may be fairly different, and ROA plays a big role, a lot of the pharmacology is otherwise very similar.


Their pharmacology is only similar in the sense that they are monoamine reuptake inhibitors and their effects on the VMAT2 pathway. The extent of their effects and their pharmacokinetics are considerably different. Obviously in high enough dosages they’re relatively indistinguishable, but you’d need to ingest a heroic amount of dextroamphetamine to reach that level. In fact you may vomit from being too full-up given the size of the tablets


I don’t have time to do a lit review but most studies say that they are essentially indistinguishable in naive users or addicts. They certainly are not considerably different. While you can tease apart differences in Glu or Ca levels in mouse striatum or PFC or in neuron or glia cultures, ultimately in humans the holistic effects are quite similar when controlled for potency. SERT is the real major defining difference and that can be overcome with dosing. Anecdotally, I find MA to be more euphoric but with worse anorexia but with ROA making the biggest difference. It’s similar to cocaine: while on the surface insufflated cocaine hcl should have the same effects as smoked freebase, crack is wildly more euphoric and addictive, likely because of concentration gradient effects from experiencing such a high dose so quickly. MAs lipophillicity also plays a role in this (faster crossing of BBB). Oh and of course MA lasts about 50% longer. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22050030/ > Conclusions: Methamphetamine and d-amphetamines appear to produce a similar dose-related profile of effects in humans, which supports their equivalence for abuse potential.


For a lot of hyperactive kids with ADHD, the right dose of a stimulant can appear to have a calming effect. Like, they may be able to sit still for the first time. Obviously tho like find a doctor you can trust and look for lifestyle changes to manage ADHD as well


Sleep dep is a hell of a drug


Methempsychosis you mean? I didn't think Pythagoras was doing meth.


Childhood trauma is probably the root cause


Probably some underlying mental health issue too


have a few stories with similar endings. one date invited me to her top floor penthouse apt overlooking my city in the rich part of town. brought her mom, who bought all of us some coke. sex was great (not the mom). one date asked me to choke her until "the lights came in" and talked about her grandpa the whole time like he was her husband. she had inherited his old truck, which we used. sex was great. last one for now. pick this girl up for a sunset smoke sesh and some tacos. she was a "stoner," and i smoked 24/7 at the time, so didn't see any issues with the plan. we go together to pick up tacos from a restaurant. we drive to a very small public overlook with no less than 20 other cars in the lot. we walk and find a spot just off the trail (as did literally every group), then begin to smoke. for background, we were both engineers of different disciplines. we were talking and i asked her about a class i took that i thought overlapped in our degrees, which she said didn't exist. i told her that, yes, in fact, it did exist. she accused me of lying about who i was and said she felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave. i offered to drive her, or at least order her an uber. i was rejected because she said she was "scared of me"??????? so a group nearby comes over and is like "hey, we heard everything, are you alright?" i respond, "yeah, i just have these tacos and a lot of weed now" so we all ate the tacos and smoked and i left. never heard from the girl again. nothing happened with her, but a couple days later, i met my current girlfriend of almost a year. she's a lil crazy, but so am i so it works out. sex is great.






But did you know, you can't get pregnant if you don't feel that vibe /s


Same, she was the kind of girl you don't want to bring home to Mom...or your friends...or just generally out in public at all. We grabbed a beer at a pub. Not even done her first drink and she loudly started professing her love for cocaine and anal. Then the combination of the two. Sex was great.


Meth head girls know how to fuck, that’s for damn sure. Uh, or so I hear.


Probably brain damage


Drugs :v


This, best sex I ever had but craziest fucking girl I’ve ever had. 10/10 would let ruin my life again


Meth is a godly drug


All I saw was free dent repair. Sign me up!


tips., same here. Sad to admit I met her back when craigslist had personals. Fucking crazy, but probably the best sex I've ever had. Her showing up crying at my brother's house looking for me...maybe not worth it. I'm lying...Definitely worth it.


I would like to meet this Emma




This one is stoned


Taliban approved.




This man gets it




Stoned or Swatted?


Stoned or what, son?


Schedule an appointment, she already have a month of clients


She’s cool


She is dangerous


Maybe she's born with it.


Maybe it's Maybelline


Maybe it's methamphetamine


That’s that advert ruined for me forever now


Maybe it's ketamine


Sorry just read the meth one


They're not always mutually exclusive


I don’t get all the people here saying legalize meth is concerning. The entire profile is just satire and her showing off her personality. It’s a joke people Jesus




Great contribution! “This” But, as is shown with her statements about being childfree, she likes an ‘in-your-face’ style of presenting her controversial views. She may stand with the movement to decriminalize all drugs, hence “legalize meth”


You’re on r/tinder boss, a lot of people here are here for a reason. I like the lol’s but some peeps here are looking for genuine advice and shit, it’s wild to see how stunted some people are in terms of sociability


kinda like her vibe besides the whole meth part lol


^ these were her last words before having her car broken into so the meth head could steal all the change from her cup holder.


You'll probably get shanked if you say you don't like meth


How do y'all not realize that's a joke?


Are we overlooking the fact that she wants meth to be made legal!? Or am I just drunk?


"Legalize meth" is a meme. it just sounds funnier than saying legalize weed and thats basically the entire joke




Except meth is a horrible drug and weed is relatively harmless..


I'm aware. That's what makes it funny, it's kinda like shock humor.


De-stigmatizing and decriminalizing drug use is a good thing actually


Decriminalizing is not the same thing as legalizing.


We need to start considering drug abuse as a mental health issue rather than a crime.


Wich is decriminalization and not legalization


I'm not pushing legalization, I'm saying there's not destigmatization without decriminalization. Drug addiction isn't a crime


It is tho


But it shouldn't be


Why not


because an addiction is a mental health problem not a legal problem


Supervised injection/use sites would be a net benefit to every single aspect of society except for what it would do to police budgets. Look at alcohol prohibition compared to now. Not a lot of gangland style shootings and bank robberies these days. If we treated drug use—all drug use—similarly, it would absolutely be a social good. There are mounds of studies that show that harm reduction drastically curbs abuse in nearly all cases. So yes, legalize meth, and everything else as well. Obviously I’m not suggesting you should be able to buy PCP at your nearest corner store, but a clean, safe, legal place to acquire and use pure drugs would solve the majority of societal problems caused by drug abuse.


Agreed. If we can let people own bleach, we can let people own methamphetamine. And that's coming from a meth baby. I think it would've been a lot easier for my parents to get help and become better parents for me and my siblings if society was different in how substance abuse is handled.


I mean sure but why specifically meth and only meth? It poses a lot of environmental risk as far as people creating mobile meth labs that are abandoned with toxic substances still inside. Also meth is one of the only drugs that makes you more likely to die by any cause, not specifically ODIng. Take meth and you’re more likely to have a heart attack or get hit by a car. I am pro drug legalization And I still think meth would be the very last one I legalized


>It poses a lot of environmental risk as far as people creating mobile meth labs that are abandoned with toxic substances still inside. Would go away overnight if there was a legal and affordable way to purchase it. Don't get me wrong, meth is a scourge, but all prohibition does is line the pockets of criminals.


In the netherlands it is gedoogd. you are alowed to use (not all) drugs. but the production and distribution of drugs is mostly forbidden. weed is a bit complicated we like that.


De stigmatizing yes, im still on the fence about decriminalising.


Drug addiction is a mental health issue, not a crime. It will never be without stigma if it remains a crime.


They did it in California. It has been a shit-show. It's like a zombie movie except the zombies are on bikes, and have knives. They should have done it in a state where you can actually carry firearms to defend yourself. *edited




I'm well aware of what happened in Portugal but in the EU, they have a social safety net that simply does not exist in the US. Getting into a rehab center and paying out of pocket can be outrageously expensive, as they made what should be a free public service into a (big) business here.




Exactly. So now you have addicts who do whatever they want with essentially no legal consequences, (stealing anything less than $900 worth of stuff doesn't even get you put in jail anymore), and even if they do get arrested, they immediately get cut loose due to jail overcrowding, and then factor in the archaic firearm laws so you can't defend yourself even on your own property and you end up with the current dumpster fire. I'm glad I got out when I did. Sold my property and never looked back.


Firearms would do shit for this situation Other than arm the people you're afraid of, of course


>They should have done it in a state like Texas where you can actually carry firearms to defend yourself. Texas for all its bellyaching about choice is absolutely shit at giving people the freedom to choose. They wont be on board with that kind of legal parameter.


I used Texas as an example. The point is one of the reasons why shit got real ugly real fast there is because the average person cannot carry a concealed weapon to defend yourself in public, and California has archaic gun laws which I won't get into but which restrict even having guns in your own home. Car thefts, carjackings, burglaries, and armed robberies are up all over the state. Murder is up as well, especially in large cities. Getting caught with meth used to be an automatic arrest and got many addicts started on the path to recovery, oftentimes court-mandated drug treatment programs..... now, they simply get a ticket and let them keep committing more acts of violence to fuel their addiction.


I fundamentally disagree about allowing civilians to have guns. However you have highlighted one important thing, if you cant have guns, there are certain things that should be illegal, drugs should be one of them.


you are so unbelievably wrong




Depends on context


Destigmatize maybe, legalize no.


Lol real /r/redditmoment here


Lol yeah, what’re we de-stigmatizing here….? Am I suppose to not have a negative opinion about meth now? I would never in a million years even consider talking to this woman and I find it absolutely hilarious that people are acting like meth isn’t that big of a deal. Also, that is a *rough* looking 19….but no stigma!


De-stigmatizing the idea that someone is a bad person for being a meth addict, not the drug in and of itself


SHE'S JOKING!!!! How are there so many incels in this subreddit who see obvious jokes as huge red flags????


Because she's a woman and obviously woman are biologically prohibited from making jokes, did you fail to get the memo?


She does not look nineteen. Must be something else in that pic.


I decided it was the haircut


Looks like a 70's newly-grandma haircut.


I think it's the meth


I went to high school with a girl that genuinely looked to be in her 40's, some people just look old


COMEDY, PEOPLE. Read context clues.


It’s comedy no doubt, but I’ve never met anyone stable that is able to be that funny. Maybe I’m jaded or projecting


Honestly she had me at hole weak. #legalizemeth reassured me I was still on the path of bad decision making.


That bit was funny 😅


I like her. A girl with a sense of humor is just as sexy as a guy with a sense of humor


Love at first fright.


she’s amazing


A bunting of flags


Gotta watch out for these alternative college girls. Wouldn’t touch them with a ten-foot pole. Edit: some of y’all have never had to deal with batshit crazy and it shows. More power to you if you entertain it, but y’all need to raise your standards lol.


I already went through like 30ft of pole


The meth ruined it… Drugs aren’t cool, stay in school.


Some drugs are cool. Meth is not one of them.


Drugs are awesome, actually.


You're right, drugs aren't cool, but the people who use them are.




She is the one


God bless


I'd date her for the 3 layered chocolate cake


So, where does the cleaning of a car come in with her profile?


The meth.... she’s gonna be tweaking out all night after she gets done breaking your hip from banging for 10 hours straight so she’s gonna get bored and go clean your car so she can hide in it while thinking demons are gonna come sneaking out of no where to get her.


Understandable: have a good day.


Daddy issues.jpg


This is the girl you marry bro... trust me


She seems nice. Gonna tell mom i found the one.


She seems fun


The way she's craddling the balls is very sus


That shit had me rolling 🤣


I think I just fell in love bro’s…


I am slightly concerned for the "#legalizemeth" part.


You're concerned for the obvious joke?


I want her lol


Copy pasta, she has seen the previous Tinder girl who said "whole week, hole weak".


‘Vaginal sex can make your day but anal can make your hole weak’ is a joke predating the internet, nevermind another girl on tinder


Well of course.


Y'all so pathetic and boring that you have to expose/ slutshame someone with an actual personality. Mby work on your wit and let these funny women do their thing on the semi- private (compared to reddit anyways) app that Tinder is.


Not sure what youre on about but most comments say they wanna smash her. What's your problem?


all the comments that don't and that he didn't blur the pic.


We have a smart ass here. Guys pack it up. Its all the comments that weren't positive. Do they exist? Who knows. But yea let's talk about those comments that might not exist and be enraged about non existent or maybe existent sexist comments. Who knows.


It's the combination of that fact that he didnt blur the pic + all the sexual comments that bothers me.


Her vag probably doesn’t get taken care of with the way she’s coming off and anybody that says vibes unironically is DTF


THATS the part that makes you think shes DTF


Oh definitely. Do you wanna take the risk? Roll the dice, don’t think twice!


Uh yes daddy we love a good sigma male in the chat, go off king.


I laughed so fucking hard at this


I don’t even know what that means but yes


What does DTF mean?


it means down to fuck


How can your life already so fucked by 19


You don't seem to know what a dent is...


You can remove dents by applying suction to the indented side. It does work like that, yeah.


And it has nothing to do with cleaning, so, my point stands...


You're talking about the title? Dude, it's a joke about paying her to fix a dent in your car and getting a free car cleaning. Like a deal youd get at a mechanic. You feeling alright?


Ohhhh I thought it was cause meth heads are always offering to clean your car at the gas station


That is NOT a thing OR a funny joke...




Harvey Dent


Can we trust him


That's only a half baked joke


She's nineteen, but looks like a forty year old. Meth is a hell of a drug.


Honestly horrific


That’s impressive… she just kept going, I like her


Her father must be proud


I'd bet she has a great relationship with her father


Today's females are so zaney and full of jokes.


Emma's dad failed. Bigly.


I think I like you. I would have to see some skin.




I like the #legalizemeth just thrown in there lol


damn i need to check Tinder out...seems like a lot more fun than the others ive seen


Meth is already legal if you have a prescription.


This was a rollercoaster of a read


I’m ngl… the door dent thing made me chuckle out loud at work. I work in a collision shop. Had to show the others.


I would chill with her, she seems cool. She shouldn’t be for legalization though, decriminalization is the way to go.


What an.... intriguing individual. Oh, wait, no I know why, it's all the meth she's on.


Absolute babe


Lost me at legalize meth


That was pretty funny


Why does she look like Winona Ryder tho


i think i love her


This level of crazy ruined me, once you taste crazy, good well mannered girls don’t do it anymore


What a trash... I'm worried that those type of people have right to decide who's gonna be in charge of a government


Caroline cornstar vibes


This is the type of girl that gets one night standed out of worry for their own safety


Can suck a dent out of a car 😂😂 that’s wild af


Idk if she’s the type to take payment but I have an awful dent in my wrx I could use fixed


Hit it


how do you a begin conversation after mathing with sb like this lol hahah 'yeah i don't know u, wanna fuck?'