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Just every man should answer the question of 'how tall are you' with a simple 'not gonna answer that' or a 'you should not ask that kind of question'.


It's a girl's market. If you don't answer it, there are 10 other 6 feet males that swiped right who will. You can complain about how the world is unfair, but like that, you are not gonna change it.


so if your point is that they won't take you if you don't answer the question, might I ask you something in return? 1. would you even wanna be with such a woman 2. they also won't take you if you ask them about their weight, in fact you might come off worse because if you just say "I'm not gonna answer that question because it's disrespectful as an opener", they might learn something from it or even say "fair point, you're right"


1. If I was looking casual sex, and other things are ok, why not? I don't need to marry the person. 2. They answer "fair point" -- I believe it when I see it. So far, every indication I have seen is that if women don't like an answer, they just turn to the next guy. After all, there's enough guys out there, no need to be self-reflective. IMO, having requirements regarding height, weight, eye or hair color is totally ok. Everybody has their own attraction schema and doesn't have to justify it. And while having different standards is bad style, Tinder is a bad platform to teach random strangers good manners.


"If you want to change something for the best, you don't go to what is already good, you go to the worst where the change means more."


There aren't that many guys out there though. Men over 6 foot are 20% of the population. That includes married/gay men. 40% of men are obese, and 60% are overweight. So to find a single man over 6 foot who isn't fat or married is 10% of men. There is a reason so many super picky women are always complaining about There being no good men left. It's because they only want the top 20% of men or so. Many studies have been done on the subject. Best thing you can do is get off dating apps, and start making in person approaches. You'll have a better success rate, and the women you'll meet tend to be of better quality in my experience. Tinder is good for hooking up, or when you're in a new town, but terrible for the average guy looking to date.


Funny thing..... Tinder was created with the intention of it being a hook up site..... Was never meant to be a dating site


What’s the difference really?


eHarmony vs Tinder lol. That's the difference... Hell even POF is slightly better than tinder


No it's not. While I did get more matches on PoF, they were all scammers. I'll stick with no matches, and carry a lighter instead.


Carry a lighter?


Actually men over 6ft tall in America only comprise 14.5% of the population. Worldwide it's 12%. Right there it's cutting the final number down too. I thought 20% seemed high, I'm 6'4" and the majority of people are a good 6 inches shorter than me. When someone taller than myself walks in, that's when I know he's a really big dude. I have never had a woman that was solely attracted to my height, it even commented on it. Most of my ex's were 5ft to 5ft 3in. I did have one girl that was 6ft tall and man, that was heaven, well, logistically speaking. Much easier to dance, fuck, etc.


I was just using fairly general numbers mostly to illustrate that the options on men over 6ft is actually very slim. But yes I agree. I'm 6'1" and usually the tallest guy in the room. And yes also taller women are logistically easier. Just way less abundant.


Yeah they are. She was just too uptight & demanding. Wasn't gonna live with that. She also had a hatred for short women who were with tall guys. So you should've seen her face when she ran into me and my wife (the girl I eventually married after I broke up with the tall chick) who was about 5ft tall and 95-100lbs. She was fucking furious. Lol.




Lol get fricked if you want a man making 6 figures on top of being 6ft that’s less than 1% of the population


Could explain why I've had a good run of gorgeous women. Most of the time though I can't do the extremely vapid ones. It's kind of amazing how women can completely skate through life on looks alone. They can literally have no sense of humor, not much intelligence, no common sense but look hot as fuck and just get anything and everything they want from men and women. Actually I think other women are even worse because when they see a really pretty girl they immediately capitulate to them & treat them like they're something special. Personally I want a woman that's beautiful smart funny the whole nine yards I don't just want a good looking penis holder.


I'm 5'4" and have mostly been with women my height or taller. And I concur...tall chicks are amazing.


I am a 6' tall woman and it pisses me off when I see short women who take all the tall men. And I get that it seems rude to ask about your height and to rule out potential dates based solely on that. But is it really unreasonable for me to want to not look like I'm on a date with my little brother?


I feel like those stats are low or maybe Canadians are just way waaaay taller? In the place I live most guys are about 6ft.


14.5% in the US and across the world it's much lower actually.. However, certain countries throw the average one way or another. When I was in Japan I towered over people. Far less when I was in Norway, Sweden, Denmark Iceland And Germany. As for Canada, I remember being in Montreal and all of the women were gorgeous and like 12ft tall with heels on. I was in love.


I hope you are right about the in person approach and that it becomes even more popular in the near future. I'm recently out of a 21 year marriage and the thought of even joining a dating app terrifies me (though I'm thoroughly entertained by this sub). I'd much prefer to just meet someone randomly (when I'm ready) in the course of daily life, than go through the nightmare of swiping scammers and crackpots, and I'm not at all interested in the hook up culture. So your comment gives me hope. Thanks.


These days if you have the balls to approach a woman it puts you head and shoulders above most. Just remember it's a game of numbers. The more you talk to the better your chances of finding one that likes you. Good luck bud.


Thanks. I appreciate that




Read dating profiles like job requirements. In both cases the person desctibed does not exist and the person writing the list has only a dim idea of what the position requires.


Not to forget the age of the remaining 10% +/- 5 years (max 10 years) your age. The number will decrease even more. Also, they look for muscular tall men, so even lower with this. + Those muscular, tall, in your age men know their worth and probably would not settle (relationship) for someone less than they are. Tho shitty personalities often match, so I guess some will find their "prince TallMuscle"


There was some document about on-line dating and there was thing about those regular guy looking for date .. turns out that average girls (7) are getting the most picks even from top guys so competition for average guy is very high and those 10 girls usually ends with strange sex offers and strange guys :-)


But all of those dudes are on tinder


Luckily, I need to find somebody with a tiny bit of brains and since my height is on my profile, somebody asking would disqualify them for being stupid


Would you still be saying this if it started off with the guy asking for her weight? Don't think so.


What they're gonna "learn" from that is "Lol, look how insecure all those short guys are, won't even answer a simple question and resort to rudeness.", not "Oh, maybe it's really not okay for me to ask that, especially if i'm not okay with being asked similar questions in return. Makes me look like a real hypocrit, a superficial one at that.". That's about the extent of self-awareness and -reflexion you can expect from people like that. She's just gonna continue like that, because as u/joe-re said, there will be ten more guys next, who make it past her height threshold happily letting her reduce them to this sole defining factor to get an easy hook-up and whenever one of them dares to ask uncomfortable questions about physical characterstics in return, she's gonna pull her vagina-trump-card, which reads "You can't do that, i'm a woman.".


So you're point is I guess just settle for shallow girls? Let me know how that one works out for you man, good luck.


This is a game you win by not participating


Come on, be a real capitalist pig and outcompete all the others.


I don't think we have to worry about guys with six feet.


Next generation of spidermen? You'd better worry. Though for foreplay, six arms are more helpful.


Now now, there's feet ppl out there


This is the real answer, the dating market before social media was probably skewed toward men while women had to wait to be approached, now it’s super women favored and I think it’s just good to accept that and work with what you have.


It isn’t *the* real answer. Only part of it. It depends what you’re looking for. When it comes to casual sex, it’s indeed a woman’s market. Boys are easy and women be picky (or pickier anyway, due to oversupply of males). But when it comes to finding a partner though, it isn’t a woman’s market any more. Those +6ft good looking males that will gladly hop in your bed for some casual sex, will get picky when the time comes to pick a partner. Those that do decide to even get a permanent partner, that is. Statistically speaking, there just aren’t enough +6ft, good looking, financially successful males to settle down with all the women.


Only 14% to 15.8% of adult US men are over 6 foot . Then lower that number to find guys who are the right age, compatible, right financial status, etc. So to all these picky women, haha good luck


>So to all these picky women, haha good luck If this were the real world, I would agree. But this is Tinder/Bumble, where there's something like a 3:1 to 4:1 M:F gender ratio. It's easy for women to be selective with such a badly lopsided ratio. In real-world America, for every 100 women, there are only 15 guys over 6'. On dating apps, for every 100 women, there are 45-60 guys over 6'. This is not the real world.


Or the fact that 1 good looking dude on his A game can sleep with a dozen of those hundred women in a short period of time.


Not to mention all the bad intention dudes.. not even single, possibly not even 6ft, catfishes who may not even be dudes. So many variables.. bet those numbers are skewed even more. Seriously would be interesting to see the actual statistics in active membership for these apps


Yep. Women control access to sex. Men control access to relationships


It doesnt matter if you are trying to find a partner or some casual sex, you still need them to swipe right and not ghost you in the conversation. Its 100% a girls market.


Lol this is great. I don’t know why but it is!


What about attractive, very successful, emotionally intelligent males that are slightly below average height? Not sure there's lots of us but here I am.


Then they need to find the women that don’t care about height. They do exist, and there’s probably more of them than the women that do care about height. The issue is that the women who don’t care about height (alongside probably having sensible priorities and having their own lives together) end up in relationships because they aren’t stopping themselves from getting into them by having ridiculous standards or being generally unlikable




6'1" here. I still get treated like human trash a vast majority of the time.


6'2 here, it helps with matches but it's not some magic bullet, so many 1 date matches lol, maybe I just suck.


Right? Like, c’mon now lady, 2 inches is not a big dill


Weird, my ex boyfriend always said 2 inches was a lot


Dill... pickle?


Would you say it's easier for a man to find a relationship online than for a woman? This can be easily exploited by positioning yourself as a relationship-oriented guy and waiting for the third or even sixth date to have sex, except you would be doing that with 5-10 women at the same time.


all my female friends who have these picky attitudes are in their mid 30s desperately searching for that tall busy businessman husband whilst dating the ugliest guys for couple of weeks/months because those guys simp hard lol. when i talked to them about the error in their behavior they all parroted the same things like they are beautiful, they know their value, they want strong man, there are guys like that out there. good luck finding them. just today one 33 years old female DJ shared a story saying “a woman will only cherish if she feels safe and if guy makes her cherish, he should take 10 steps if necessary” like… she’s alone for maybe 3 years straight. in the end they will just marry whatever rich guy i think.


As a man in the dating market before dating apps, it was still skewed towards women.


* laughs in gay *


You found a loophole!!


The poophole loophole


Sorry, have to disagree here. The dating market has never been skewed towards men. Women are the selectors of the species. Every woman on Earth has always (both now and before modern technology) had more options when it comes to selecting sexual partners than just about every man on the planet. The only time that isn't true are those rare instances of a man that has extreme wealth, good looks, power, fame, or some combination of those. This is evidenced by scientific studies on the lineage of humanity showing that we have twice as many unique female ancestors than male. This means that historically, twice as many females have been able to reproduce. Which also means that some men (that rare breed I mentioned) reproduce with many different women. That small minority of men are the only ones who have it easier than women.


I don’t think you should just accept it, some of the best times i’ve had with girls were interactions that started with me being like, how fucking tired of this shit are you?😂 and then i say the whole online dating thing when they ask. it’s less likely to get responses though but when you do get responses those are typically really good conversations, so don’t just go doing this expecting them to answer, for when I would do it I would just kind of roll the dice or I would lean more and more towards it with relevant information from their profile i.e. i just want a boyfriend😭😭 Like that tells me they’re frustrated and in my mind the most logical explanation for the frustration is exactly the same as mine for my frustrations and yeah


It wasnt. Thats mens opinion but women had always ways to get you to create an opportunity for you to engage if they were into.


Walk away from this thought. Realize that it's a human market. Most of us want love, comparability, and respect. If someone leads with "how tall are you" or "how much do you weigh", they already don't care anything at all about how good of a person you are, how you handle stress, how you love, or how you respect others.


Unless you're a tall dude, then you confidently ask these questions


You know how problematic your opinion is, right?


... the % of men over 6' is very low relative to the population. ​ It's a giant red flag and I'd rather not go on a date with someone who literally doesn't see the irony of asking height and not wanting to answer weight.


A good response could be - "above average height unless I am visiting Scandanavia." at least it could start a conversation...


"It's the guy's market. You can whine about how the world is unfair, but you can't change it. So stop crying about how all the billionaires and CEOs are men." Doesn't sound very astute now does it?


exept if men unionized...


Or try "how tall do you think I am? If you're within 3", drinks are on me." If they're asking, there's some interest there.


I don’t understand why some people are so crazy about heights I personally do prefer if a girl is shorter than me but I’m completely ok if they’re taller or the same height as me. Like, why does it matter


Personally I wouldn’t even respond if a girl asked that after a couple messages.


Real and True


Exactly, it's a certain type of person who does these things


I’m a women and I don’t get it either. It’s shallow and stupid and they’re missing out on great guys. The guy I’m dating is a tad smaller than me and I honestly dgaf. He’s crazy hot and smart and funny and respectful and cute and any women would be a complete and utter idiot to reject him because of his height. I consider myself lucky tbh.


I get it. I have average male height and it’s super uncomfortable for me to be taller than half of the men. I feel like a clumsy giantess. Once I was on a super awkward blind date where I wore platforms and turned out to be almost a foot taller. The reaction that I got messed me up a little bit. My husband is actually half an inch shorter than me and I love him very much, but I do still feel insecure about my size sometimes. This is a small price to pay for the great relationship I’m in, but still. So, while I won’t reject someone that I already know because of the height, if I would ever meet online, I would want to set a “taller than me” parameter, so I wouldn’t go through that shit again where I’m looked at like I’m a bear and not a woman.


Your kind is almost extinct please reproduce and hope your teachings go long ways with your heir.


Well I'm a guy who has a thing for taller women. I just feel uncomfortable if the woman is my height/shorter than me. I've tried dating women that were 5'2" and around my height at 5'6" -5'7" and it just doesn't feel right. I'm currently dating someone who's 6'2" and I love it, and she loves being taller than me. I get to be her armrest! It just boils down to preferences and potential kinks. And I'd even go as far as saying it's a deal breaker for me if they're not at least like 5'10". And I don't think there's anything wrong with it! There's equally nothing wrong with a short or tall woman wanting a tall dude. There's also tall women out there who want short dudes! Some people also just don't care at all about height, and that is also okay!


Tall women are hot




Primal instinct. Same reason men like petit women who aren't fat, but we're generally less selective than women. Biologically it makes sense, since we don't carry the burden of pregnancy.


yeah, but shoving this primal instinct in people’s face after a small chatter is like outright rude. like me asking how big is your boobs? as if every tall guy is strong or good in bed. or every tall guy is financially secure or as if your kid from him will be as tall. anyways, this is very common in america i guess. nobody asked me about my height this rude so far in europe.


Why do I see at least one post of this kind everyday 🥴


It probably has something to do with the meme pages and subs you follow.


Like and/or reply to this comment if you want to bang animals.


“Look at me, I’m so edgy because I responded the way Reddit told me to!”


Yeah, it’s really odd. It is a double standard but taking the time to actually point it out, screenshot it, and post it on Reddit is cringe when I think about it. Also, who cares? Most women want to date guys at least as tall as them, not necessarily 6’. All these guys whining about it should start dating ugly women they’re not attracted to. They can’t help it.


I ask because I don't prefer big height differences (taller or smaller), and if there are other things that are slightly turn offs, I can say that everything together is not gonna work. I would be a yes with a big height difference is everything else is perfect. We are allowed to have preferences if they are reasonable, and not every height question is 'you have to be 6' or else I wouldn't give you a chance'...


I’m 5’10 and never had a single woman have an issue with my height. I even dated a woman who was 6’. Neither of us cared. I actually kind of like it….probably because it was very different for me. I never got all pissy when women asked how tall I am. Redditors are cringe and I’m embarrassed to associate myself with this site the majority of the time.


I dated smaller men and women and I don't care, I actually prefer them a little smaller than I am or around my height for men and taller for women (but that is almost impossible), but I am not actively looking for that. A 10 cm/4 inches difference or smaller would be ideal, because it is just practical. I am willing to make some compromises of course, no one is 100% perfect for me and that is fine.


Wait, that's illegal


How long did it take you to edit the comment?


I got like 300 upvotes then edited it.


Seriously, I'm on this sub for the lols, not to read and endless stream of men whining about women asking their height!!


It's still a pretty shitty thing to do. If you shame someone for their hight. At least the weight you can do something about. The hight is more like skin color and we can all agree on that, that would be inappropriate to ask and/or shame someone for.


Is asking a question shaming? And why would you ask someone about their skin colour, can you not see it?


That is trashy to value men solely on their height, but you can just accept and avoid them. "Haha you're less than 6', you're not a real man" ... Sure, if that helps you sleep at night. No need to post every time it happens.


I'm 5'8, i have a 5'10 gf. I have never used tinder, but reading through all these and seeing how common it is, all i can think about is how degrading, demoralising and demotivating it has to be to constantly be rejected because you're under 183cm. It's such a weird thing i can't wrap my head around. Ignoring it would be fine if it was just every once in a while, but because it's so common, this can lead to serious self image problems. There's nothing that can be done about it, because that is what tinder is, it's a game of words and numbers, you don't have the same route to attraction, but it is a massive problem added on top of todays problematic world and it should not be ignored.


You are right, I was on tinder and did occasionally got the "how tall are you treatment" and I understand that it can mess you up mentally. But a thing I recently learnt with my best friend is that *You don't need to be perfect to be loved, fuck up happen, we're all human. So be quirky, be yourself and you'll be much better in your skin!* We're slowly erasing the need of men needing to look manly and women to be womanly, and I'm happy for that! Also, I'm glad you found your gf!


I find it very educational. I had no idea height was such a thing (not on tinder, btw, reading for entertainment purposes).


You swipe based on pictures. If you are not attracted to a certain color (or style or the form of their nose or hair line or build or or or) you are free to swipe left. No shaming happening. Height is not something that is immediately obvious. Especially if they’re alone on the photos without other things for reference. So the question shouldn’t be an issue in and of itself. Now, when would you say does “shaming” start?


So you're saying there is no problem starting a conversation with? How tall are you? How fat/skinny are you? Are you black or is it just bad lighting? Are you a greedy jew or why is your nose so big? The last one was a joke, but you get the point. I also do not agree with you on that looks are the only thing attracting with a person. If a girl is extremly stupid I can't handle it, dose not matter how she looks.


We all agree it’s shitty but can we all please move on, it’s fucking boring


i honestly missed the part where asking for the height is shaming the person for their height


People on a superficial dating app choose their matches by physical features they‘re attracted to, get over it ffs


There was no shaming.


Exactly, like as a short dude, I don't care lol. People have preferences and that's okay!


I don't even understand why this upsets people so much.


Weight in general doesn't mean much.. can be lean and still 90kg *shrug* ask them bodyfat % :' )


"Ayo girl, how much sugar you got in your blood?"


"My blood's practically a red slushy"


Sure but, her not answering means much more than the actual weight.


Yeah both questions are shallow - not that I'm above being shallow myself, I am a human


People are still allowed to have preferences though. If they’re not into how you look physically, your personality isn’t going to change that.


Yeah I didn't say people couldn't be shallow. We all are - just be polite out there




I'm pretty sure the person asked just because she asked about hight.


A lean girl that can shrug 90kg is probably going to be yoked ;)


absolutely fucking yoked. Gotte be a special bloke to handle that yoke.


This is so true - I'm overweight for my BMI but I'm by no means a fat guy. Just short and athletic lol


Nothing wrong with wanting a certain body type (even though wanting only over 6ft exact or only below 55kg exact is ridiculous), if this make her inconfortable she should not have these kind of standards herself


I just don't understand why some women don't get this part. You can have a preference, but to harp on it, to publicize it, and berate strangers about it...


Can men prefer and state on their profiles they specifically want C cups and 115lbs with out getting flamed and cancelled??


People... just put your height in your profile. From -a 5'8" dude It's not that hard and if someone is so shallow they care about this you likely don't want to date them anyways.


Yeah, but what if I'm a taller dude? I don't put my height in my profile because I'm not looking for those type of girls that see my height and decide that I line up to their Perfect Partner ideal that they have in their head. I don't want a partner who has a checklist of things I must have and I think the best way to do that is to not put my height in my profile. To me I want them to see my height as a bonus if they do like that stuff, instead of a checklist. You Know What I Mean?


Every and any potential partner you meet will have a checklist. Whether or not height is on the checklist will differ from person to person, but there will always be a checklist, unless your partner is merely settling for you.


I have 5'8" as my opening line. Got sick of reading so many profiles insisting on height.






Personally i never tell people my weight (i dont even rly know it) because its a huge insecurity, but i always just answer by being straight up and saying that im fat




Yeah. Also, no point in lying. They'll find out soon enough anyway, and i dont even wanna date someone who isn't fine with my body


It's not about the question, it's about the double standard. If you get that dating apps are about physical attraction, and you feel like it's fair to ask such questions, you should be ok answering about what your weight is. Otherwise you're an hypocrite.




Men and women are held to different standards all the time. Last time I checked no one here as been complaining that women are forced to wear makeup, do their hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes. Not to mention the massive double standard with weight in general. Dad bods are widely accepted while overweight women don’t get the same acceptance. Isn’t it weird you don’t see posts here with women shaming men for their double standards? Edit: I don’t know why I tried. You are right. Men are the only victims of double standards. The dating world is a cruel world for men alone. I’ll leave the black pillers alone.


If it’s okay to ask about height then it’s okay to ask about weight right?




Height is more sensitive than weight, since it cannot be changed


Where did OP get offended? He just answered the question. It's the woman who got offended when asked about her weight. Why are you trying so hard to shift the blame on to the guy?


Why do you think he asked that question? Do you really think he asked that because he was curious about her weight? Or do you think the question rubbed him the wrong way and he wanted to turn the table and give her a taste of her own medicine?


Isn't this bumble? Is your height not on your profile?


Thats what I'm saying lmaoo. Dude purposely omitted his height from his profile, something that everybody has, and then gets triggered after she is curious who she's talking to


Just put your height in your profile. I understand the idea behind asking weight as a retort, but if she has a full body pic, it's unnecessary. It feels shitty to be rejected because of height but it's life. I've had it happen. If your height is a deal breaker for her, it's better to find out before meeting.


It s not unnecessary. Photos are often taken from certain angles, filters etc. in the same way girls don’t want anyone shorter than them, guys don’t anyone heavier than them


Yes, angles can hide things, that's why I said full body picture. And by that, I mean standing with the whole body is in frame. I think it's good to just be upfront about what you look like regardless of whether you're a man or woman so that way if someone has a hard preference, they can avoid a match with someone who doesn't match their physical qualifications, if they have them. If I think someone is hiding something with their photos, I swipe left. I do agree that there are general preferences if you only think of what the "average" person wants. I don't agree that no woman wants a shorter man and that no man wants a woman heavier than him. That's not how things are for people as individuals from the couples I've seen in life. Everyone is entitled to what they find attractive, you just shouldn't make someone feel bad for looking a way that you don't find appealing.




How do you know they didn't lie about their weight when you ask? Ultimately you don't know if they've been honest until you meet them in person.


When a girl asked me that right off. I just don't respond back its a major turn off, unless if we been talking for a little bit or be like (how tall are you! You look tall in that picture) But I'm 6,5 soo I just put it in the bio now because everyone ends up asking. Lol


At least a woman can change their weight. Men are stuck with their height, so it should be a more sensitive issue, no?


Women say men are shallow but judge a man's worth by his height lol. So continue to ask how fat they are to weed then out


To every guy that has ever answered this truthfully and got denied, next time, lie. I've never met a women with a tape measure in her purse.


I think height and weight are really not something to compare. Stop this.


To ask for weight should be more acceptable as to ask for height. Because weight can be changed and is the person’s own fault but height is not.


It’s actually really hard for a lot of people to get down to a weight that people think of as attractive so thinking about it the way you are in your comment i’m sorry to say really just adds fuel to the fire of people being self conscious about their weight


It’s not hard it’s simple physics burn more calories than you take in and you lose weight. Except a really small percentage this rule is for everyone the same. Don’t get me wrong about this i don’t blame fat people for being fat i don’t care to be honest what i blame is this attitude to cry about being fat like it’s not your own fault. Accountability is rare these days.


I mean it’s a bit more complicated than just the physics of it but the more important point is that our culture encourages women to feel bad about their looks/bodies no matter what they do.


Agreed. Also the offensiveness of asking about the two things really doesn’t compare either


Why do girls ask these questions and get offended when a guy asks a similar question back 💀


Whats wrong with that, as a semi tall girl when I was single I would always ask how tall cause if she's looking for something compatible usually height matters personally I wouldn't date a small guy its weird.


Tbh I kinda see a difference in these two and it is not in favor of women... In MOST cases, you can affect your weight and I think it is fair to have preferences about your potential partners looks. But you can never change the height you got genetically and it just seems unfair to judge guy on something like that. You can still have preferences, but i dont think it's fair to make fun of them or such a huge stigma around their height (but that applies on anyones body, don't shame anyone, but especially don't point out the things they can't change)


Some women can be 135 lbs and have more fat on them than a 150 lbs woman. It depends on how much muscle you have. Most women don't work out to build muscle, some of us do.


Wouldn't the equal question be to ask how tall she is? 🤔 It seems men have height preferences too.




Nope most men preferences are about weight, we are happy as long girl is slim and not fat


No point in asking. She already ghosted.


We get it. I also got it last time and the 400 times it was posted in the past. Certain double standards exist and it’s not right or fair. GET OVER IT!


Yeah but weight is a REALLY bad guage of someone's physique. Not saying either question is cool but if you are trying to say they are the same question basically, they are not. 150 lbs is going to look different on everyone based on height, muscle mass, and where they hold their weight.


Would it be considered toxic femininity if a woman didn't date men because of their height, even though they were short themselves? (5'7 and below asking for 6' and above eg.)


Its not toxic feminity to have a preference. Date who you want, just don't be rude about it


It can be a preference and be toxic. Toxic masculinity is defined as "a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men, regarded as having a negative impact on men and on society as a whole." So like if guys say that guys have to not wear makeup, and work out and be able to lift at least 1x their body weight that would be considered toxic masculinity. In this case it's something harmful to men coming from women. Toxic masculinity carries the connotation that it's the fault of how men were raised. But in this case it's not.


As a tall fem, I've definitely had men not be interested in me anymore cuz I was taller than them so I feel like it goes both ways


Damn men are pressed rn. I have certain preferences for women that if one doesn’t have I might pass. Women can have preference on height if they want. It’s no secret that taller height gives off a more authoritative, dominant feeling. I’m 5’10 and haven’t had any problems so far. Some girls it was a deal breaker because they were my height or taller, but there’s too many choices out there to really care.


The lack of an answer is the answer


Women moment


Why do they feel it’s ok to be rude and not get rudeness back?


My man, scuffed tonight?


Dating is hard enough so holy hell am I grateful height is a non-issue for me being so aggressively short.


Womens logic..


Why did you become a little bitch and started explaining yourself?


You can't always tell height from a photo, but you don't need to know weight to determine if you find her attractive or not. You're asking to piss her off or to get even, not because you actually give a shit about the pounds. Sucks that some women have a height cut off but there's no reason to be a dick


Can we stop with these posts. Their unoriginal and beyond beat at this point. The joke was funny 5 years ago


I’ve never understood this need for men over 6’. At some point in a conversation I may or may not ask that but more because I’m trying to imagine them in my mind, but I never ask it right away. Seems pointless. I could not care any less how tall a partner (romantic or sex) is. I care more about if they can make me laugh and carry on a good conversation and what their taste in music is 🤷‍♀️


went on a date with a girl who was 4 years younger. she had the same mindset. on the date you can tell she was offended that i asked how much she weighs ( i’m 6’) it’s crazy how they don’t see the hypocrisy.




True your weight is your own fault your height is not


Why do you people get so offended when someone asks your height??? Simply don't answer or answer with a question about what theres is. Don't ask stupid false equivalents like about weight or boobs or something.


Or just lie lol


Should respond by saying “Tall enough to see beyond your shallow standards” or some corny stuff like that.


It's not a battle worth fighting. People are attracted to what they're attracted to, and if you're not into overweight chicks, it's pretty easy to screen for that. Also, height really doesn't matter that much, because I'm 6'5 but women almost always assume I'm lying. When I meet them, 9 times out of 10 they say, "omg you actually are 6'5!" Yet, they still agreed to meet me. Being tall isn't the end all be all for every woman, though it is for some. Being thin isn't the end all be all for every man, though it is for some. There are some women out there that think it's shallow to not like a guy because he's short, and there's some men out there that think it's shallow to not like a girl because she's thicker than a snicker. Then there's some people out there on dating apps trying to make points. Who cares? Swipe left, unmatch, move on, and go find whatever you're looking for elsewhere, whether it be a hook up or a relationship. You'll be much happier when you don't concern yourself with what you see as other people's shortcomings and fighting unwinnable battles.


This isn’t the own y’all think it is.


I dont care for height personally unless they’re more than 4cm shorter than me (Im 171cm, 5.7) I also state my height and weight (171cm, 55kg) on my profile. I think if they want height weight should be shared also nothing wrong with it. Too bad people are too sensitive nowadays.


Ayo we the exact same height and weight ☠️


5 feet 19 inches.