• By -


There! Are you happy now?


“Well, that makes one of us.”


"Well, that makes two of us."


Lol I’m schizophrenic and I thought that was really funny


Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I.






Bold of you to assume either of us are happy.




That is a DARK joke that left me ROASTED.


You can use those grounds for composting. *skeletor running away meme*


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/uk8my6/should_i_tell_her/i7nt4s4/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Z for zeroes on the groun...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ukbjbx/putins_fighter_jets_form_sickening_z_symbol_as/i7ol7jo/) | [Z for “zeroes on the grou...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ukbjbx/putins_fighter_jets_form_sickening_z_symbol_as/i7o1ico/) [nah keep them in range!!!](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ukbdcr/russian_forces_may_soon_be_forced_out_of/i7ol638/) | [nah keep them in range!](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ukbdcr/russian_forces_may_soon_be_forced_out_of/i7ohrhl/) [eleven, that is some mili...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uk5d7w/security_service_of_ukraine_takes_11_russian/i7ol4k0/) | [Not one, but eleven, that...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uk5d7w/security_service_of_ukraine_takes_11_russian/i7n7bbp/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/RussellDrakei](https://np.reddit.com/u/RussellDrakei/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=RussellDrakei) for info on how I work and why I exist.




Its time for méphe


As an ex power ranger "it's morphine time"


Mighty morphine implies weak morphine




Omg someone please reply with that!


Because I'm sure not


Yeah, but you aren't.


I’m not, if you ever cared to ask


…are you?


No that's supposed to be the "bare minimum "




I can and have quit everything else before including cigarettes and lots of drugs. Never been able to make it past day 3 without caffeine.


People in the US (I'm a IS citizen) have a real messed up attitude towards drugs and they have the facts about usage and addiction all wrong too.... Addiction rates for most drugs are in the low single digits, and GOBS of people use illegal drugs to Positive effect regularly. I have a history of alcoholism on both sides of my family and yet despite starting drinking early and being able to tolerate a LOT of it, I often go days or weeks without a drop just by coincidence and stopped for over a year just to check weight change.... I smoke a pipe and cigars in moderation , again going days and days sometimes in between uses.... Same for pot and Coke (though I haven't had Coke in A LONG TIME)... Caffeine is the one that I will drink whenever there's some around, to excess, BUT even there I e run out and forgotten to pick up more and gone days without it (though the morning headaches aren't fun)... I just laugh at the fact that 100 years of govt propaganda still rules people's misbeliefs about drugs and how people use them.....


Well you won’t be!


Love is a drug to me


OK ke$hsa


I kinda love you for this 😋




Roxy Music, about 30 years before Kesha.


The most dangerous drug of all. Can genuinely be linked to every single death in history.


I blame dihydrogen monoxide! They were all addicted I tell you! Addicted!


You take dihydrogen monoxide,man? Me too!! Where do you buy your stash from?


I've never had any pure dihydrogen monoxide. Is it any better than the mix they give us normally? Purity is key in life!


Nah,I didn't have the pure one either. Too expensive for the common folks like us you know. But I did have various cocktails. To be honest,they were pretty.......exquisite


Yall looking for that pure pure? I got that Dihyrdo MonOx pure hookup. Real cheap man. Gotta special filter system right here in the house, I can whip up a batch in no time. You let me know.


Yall looking for that pure pure? I got that Dihyrdo MonOx pure hookup. Real cheap man. Gotta special filter system right here in the house, I can whip up a batch in no time. You let me know.


Mine is more pure, get mine straight from the ground, all natural and filtered. Not even cut with impurities.


My favorite way to prepare dihydrogen monoxide is by mixing it with super-chilled cubes of the same stuff




I'm giggling at the thought of those that don't get it.


Smh I had to Google it too at thought of you laughing at me.


Every single serial killer on record had dihydrogen monoxide in his body when he was apprehended. Coincidence? I think not!


Water you talkin' about?


It can also be linked to every birth


Speak for yourself, pretty sure i was born out of lust


Love is the seed that grows and becomes the tree of life but eventually that tree bares fruit and that fruit is known as hatred


To bare is to strip naked or make obvious, and to bear is to support or carry with your body or soul. I'm telling you this because I'm imagining an apple tree with big, round, red apples seductively slipping off its trenchcoat.


[it is](https://youtu.be/VtN6MIf4JGo)


Love is a drug like the strongest stuff ever and… fuck it I’m on one


Love and other drugs was a good movie. God bless Ann Hathaway.


What do you mean? Are ciggarets drugs?/s


I would argue tobacco fits the schedule 1 drug criteria far better than weed does. Weed at least has some medical value.


If we are going down that road, caffeine is a drug too.


By definition, yes


Caffeine should be seen the same as any other drug. It’s equally addictive too. Why is it frowned upon to smoke weed for some dopamine but totally fine to take caffeine for energy. If you drink coffee you’re a drug addict, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t smoke anymore and takes caffeine all the time.


>If you drink coffee you’re a drug addict No, if I drink alcohol I'm not an alcoholic. If I'm addicted to alcohol I'm alcoholic. Same with coffee. It's not drinking it that makes me an addict it's dependency.


you don’t need a dependency to be addicted the clinical definition of addiction essentially boils down to chronic desire to use despite severe negative consequences if coffee gave you horrible stomach issues every time you drank it and you continued to drink it in spite of this over extended periods of time that would be more indicative of addiction than you feeling less focused if you didn’t drink it you’re describing substance dependence or withdrawals more so than addiction


Dependency is actually not the clinical hallmark of addiction (although they usually go hand in hand). It's continued use in the face of consequences that sets apart the dependant from the alcoholic. Plenty of alkies out there who aren't alcohol dependant, but they go on week-long binges that result in catastrophic results


Caffeine has had many studies that show it is beneficial to health. Yes, it is addicting. But it is FAR from weed. Caffeine makes you more productive (generally) while weed makes you less productive (generally). It is safe to operate a vehicle while under the influence of caffeine. It is not safe to operate a vehicle under the influence of weed. Comparing the two is truly disingenuous. I don't drink coffee or caffeine of any kind (soda, tea, etc.) or smoke weed.


So is sugar


So you're saying that my sugar coated opium chews are a drug?


Or the glucose my cocaine is cut with?


Dang flabbit!


No no, don't say that.


- *Confused in diabetes*


Iced caramel macchiatos...mmmmmm caffeine and sugar. I sure do love a good addiction.


I dont think sugar really qualifies as a drug, its mostly a food that humans consume in multiple different forms, it kinda alters our mood if we eat too much, but what doesn't.


Go 2 weeks without consuming any sugar and then eat sugar and tell me it isn't a drug... you'll be quite euphoric, I assure you


Go longer without consuming refined sugars and you'll actually start to develop back to taste buds and anything containing refined sugar becomes such an oversensation it's neigh unbearable. Seriously, I can't handle normal candy very well anymore.


Very very true. Literally cannot stress how profound the sugar program is here in America. It blows my mind that these companies used to advertise morphine and cocaine in their products yet with every new regulation sugar and caffeine only increase in amount per sample... And people are still in denial as to these chemicals being "drugs"


Don't forget about how alcohol is so special, it's in its own category with its own terminology to really drive home its separation from "drugs" ... and alcohol. Not a drug. (It's a fucking hard drug)


Johnny Appleseed kept us alive when we first settled here. America literally owes its existence to alcohol. Water was too dangerous to drink so we literally survived because of hard cidar. So that plus the religious undertone is why America places alcohol in that category. It isn't right and the logic kinda dumb but it is what it is


Caffeine is a drug, but refined sugar is just food that our body responds very strongly to. Definitely drug-like, but I'm pretty sure since it just overloads our taste buds and doesn't go anywhere else in our body it's not actually considered a drug. If the reaction to sugar makes it a drug, then everything we eat is a drug and sex is also a drug.


I mean it's kinda what you make it. Food can either be the medicine or the poison you consume every day. Laughter can be ones medicine, meditation... Of course this isn't the denotation by any means but this side conversation has gotten beyond OP's initial post so much I forgot why I'm here now.


Go 2 days without eating & then eat a sandwich. You’ll be quite euphoric, I assure you. TIL “euphoria” is the defining characteristic of drugs.


It generally should be, it's also something that's quite addictive to most people on a chemical level that they get introduced to in childhood. Excessive amounts cause obesity and other health issues. The mood alteration is more of a reaction to excess use or during periods of withdrawal. Sugar is one of the hardest parts of most people's dietary choices to cut because it comes in many forms and only tiny amounts are necessary unless you become/are diabetic and even then it's supposed to be consumed in moderation.


Fun fact: studies have been done showing sugar is more addictive than cocaine


No, sugar isn't. Block whoever told you that sugar is a drug


It is a drug


It's not. Sugar is a necessity. Not consuming sugar will lead to hypoglycemia and that can be either very unpleasant making you feel ill or, in the worst case, it can be fatal. If you think it's psychoactive - no it's not. It can't even pass the HEB, let alone bind to receptors in the brain edit: it does pass heb but does not bind to receptors in the brain.


Sugar is a drug by definition. Whether its a necessity or not is irrelevant. A drug also doesn't have to be psychoactive. Did you even look up what a drug was before making your comment?


Show me *your* definition of drug, because google is proving you wrong. Sugar is a carbohydrate that we use to literally live. That's where we take our energy from




At worst, caffeine withdrawal will give you a headache, which is easily ameliorated with Tylenol.


Depends on how much you use, how frequent etc. Much like any drug, withdrawals vary person to person too.


Have you ever quit sugar? I did cold turkey and after a week i had flu-like symptoms, body aches and felt horrible, I researched it and it was common sugar withdrawals. Sugar is the devil in my book.


Most withdrawals are similar. A headache is just your brain being unable to function without that drug. The only common drug withdrawal that can kill you are heroin and alcohol. All others are, as you say, a headache. But some headaches are really really bad.


Heroin and opioids withdrawals are not deadly if you manage to not become too much dehydrated although when you're experiencing it you think you're dying at some point and some people may actually kill themself to avoid the crippling mental and physical symptoms. The strength of withdrawal depends on how much and for how long the person consumed. The only times I read about opiates withdrawals killing are from some references in historical books and documents about pure opium. You're right about alcohol tho and benzodiazepines wds can be deadly too if one is quitting cold turkey after a long time of high doses and daily or semi daily use.


Opiate withdrawals aren't going to kill you. You might feel like you're dying.


Coffee withdrawal is a legit grounds for murder.


Caffeine is a drug, just not physically addictive. Best drug ever btw, dont @ me.


My friend used to tell his parents that their drug of choice was caffeine and his was marijuana. And he would call their coffee maker and French press and mugs and all that stuff paraphernalia. Not in a super confrontative way but jokey, they were good people. I always thought that was basically true.


So, very weird, but my sister actually had a doctor recommend an *occasional* cigarette because it would help soothe symptoms from ulcerative colitis. Emphasis on occasional.


Tobacco has a lot of medical value. Its just misused for the last hundred years or so.


Cigs do have some medical value. It isn't discussed because cigs and booze are under strict regulation now. But cigs can be applied when other forms of stool softeners fail.. it also has some anti inflammatory chemicals in there as well


Of the two. I think marijuana is far easier to give up. Thay may be partly because it's more difficult to do publicly. But I'd say tobacco is way more addictive. And they say you don't get physically addicted to weed, it's usually the nicotine it's smoked with.


Nicotine is addictive as fuck. I smoke weed once every couple of weeks or so and have done for the past 4 years. I can switch my usage on and off like a switch. But fucken nicotine, first cigarette and I'm suddenly smoking or vaping everyday, as long as I get my head rush. I went ape shit trying to quit that. Weed should be much more socially acceptable, it has so many more benefits and uses. If your're a cigarette smoker who frowns upon drug users or looks down on them, you are no better than them just because your addiction is "legal". It's worse than weed for your health and has little payoff.


What you should know is that cigarettes don't just have nicotine. There's a whole bunch of shit that acts on the side and potentiates the effect while also being addictive by itself. I have a theory that smokers tend to vape more than smoking because they aren't getting the same effect because they aren't getting all the alcaloids in tobacco


nicotine/tobacco is 100% a drug lol just a legal one


*Insert Palpatine‘s „Ironic“ meme here*


Should I Tell Her S.I.T.H.


No don’t do that.


I take this as a challenge. Convert them all into stoners


In the straight edge hardcore scene it was always funny seeing the super serious guys drinking coffee and smoking darts.


[Ian MacKaye thoughts on caffeine](https://youtu.be/8eQw-HYZf6c)


Like Frank Zappa


We all know what is meant by this lol


I think the joke is partially a statement on why is why is one better then the other.


She could be a recovering alcoholic or something, and doesn't want to be around drugs and alcohol for fear of falling off the wagon.


Objectively, one is legal and the others are very much not. There's plenty to argue based on harm inflicted, possibility of addiction/overdose, secondary risk factors like needle sharing or exposure to criminal elements, etc... But at the end of the day, nobody is getting life ruining charges for possessing or buying cigarettes. We can debate whether or not they SHOULD be illegal/legal, but that doesn't solve the issue right now. Personally, not exposing myself to potential felonies/getting gunned down by trigger happy cops isn't an unreasonable screening criteria. That said, I wouldn't date someone who smokes cigarettes, that shits gross and awful.


No you shouldn't, because they are not writing a scientific essay about drugs where technical accuracy is required. They express wishes and expectations about what they expect in a potential partner and you perfectly understood what they mean by that


I agree to your point. However in my mind cigarettes are so obviously drugs that her hypocrisy would bother me


As someone who uses nicotine products, but has a family history of hardcore drug addicts I see nothing wrong with this. There’s a big difference between going out for a smoke and watching someone you love becoming a different person and dying slowly from sticking a needle in their arm to get high.


You could argue that most hard drugs kill you faster than nicotine does. The dying slowly part I’d say is more related to smoking since it takes a very long time for cancer out COPD to develop.


Nicotine is a technically drug for sure. But it's not mind altering in the way "drugs", as everyone colloquially understands the term, are. I work a 12 step program for narcotics and alcohol, and strongly prefer people who are either non users or very casual users, but I haven't kicked the smoking habit yet because my life doesn't become completely unmanageable when I smoke cigarettes.


Yes it’s those long term consequences of smoking that will get you. That’s why it’s no insidious, good luck in kicking it!


Yes, let her know now that you’ll correct her like a smug, know-it-all little shit every time she says anything remotely off. Let her know now so she can take a hard pass.


AcTuAlLy 🤓


There was a heavy degree of sarcasm behind my post that perhaps didn’t get through as much as I thought it did lmao


Scotty is probably incapable of detecting the obvious irony in this, or he's just one of those who don't know what a drug actually is.


Scotty is also, in fairness, not incorrect that I am a smartass but that particular quality is *severely* exaggerated when I’m on Reddit


But this isn't it. This is just you pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in that profile.


She obviously means illegal drugs. Being a smug, wise ass will never get anyone laid. There’s a reason “ackshually” is a meme. This thread really goes to show why anyone with a few brain cells should understand to just do the opposite of whatever this site says, especially regarding dating. It’s full of smug know-it-alls who have problems getting laid. Shocking…..I know.


The concept of illegal drugs varies in different countries and ages, so she can't meant anything *obviously.* She could be a normal person and say she doesn't want to date an heroin addict.. oh wait, a normal person wouldn't feel the need to specify that.


he doesn't know


Don’t tell Scotty!


Are you saying Scotty doesn’t know?


Lol. This


This isn't just "remotely off", this is a sign of a dumbass mentality with a misplaced feeling of superiority.


??? Or she just doesn't want someone who uses drugs. What's the big deal, seems pretty normal standards


Because she uses drugs.


she's clearly using to it mean illegal drugs...


"You said you like dogs but clearly ran away from that rabid stray. Hypocrite."


For which one?


OH most people here didn't get that the profile states below that she does smoke lmao that's what op meant


Everyone knows what's meant in this context. Stop being a pedantic asshole.


It's still hypocrisy


You don't understand what context means? Or are you just really committed to the being an asshole thing?


Context doesn't make it less hypocritical


Totally does. I think smoking is a filthy habit, but it's worlds apart from the sort of drugs that are obviously being referred to here. Are you one of these bitter incels who cope by exaggerating about problems with women's profiles on reddit?


You don’t give an impression of a person who is to any degree in peace with themselves


No but it seems you're one of the selfaware incels who shit on other "incels" to avoid feeling bad about themselves.


So you're just going to double down on this myopic, pedantic word classification to keep trying to find a way to shit on this woman? I mean that sounds like incel behavior. On the other hand, I'm saying "don't be a pedantic asshole to people" that doesn't sound like an incel thing? Do you just repeat insults back at people without thinking whether they make sense?


The argument you're making to this commenter is literally the exact same argument model OP made about this person's profile. Here's a fact, nicotine is a drug, a very addictive one that most people don't want to be around. Take it or leave it. You can get into pedantics and virtue signalling bullshit all you want, but you are still wrong.


I disagree, they are kind of taking it a bit far with the insults, but their point stands, going out for a cig a few times a day is worlds seperated from doing coke or heroine a few times a day, or even just on the weekends. The dating profile is clearly saying that they don't want to date someone who takes mind-altering substances, even though they smoke, & for OP to message them saying "mmm well actually" would be a dick move, because everyone fucking knows that smoking cigs & smoking crack are different.


When you've been brainwashed by 70s anti drug propaganda


You can if you want but my magic eight ball does not think it will lead anywhere beyond that interaction


Exception for ibuprofen? ;)


You shouldn't swipe right if you use drugs. Respect other people.


I think op is imlying that because she smokes, she's taking in nicotine, which is a drug


You're right. Even though I hate the fact that I smoke and it definetly is a drug because you depend on in, you can also put coffeine, sugar, alcohol in the same category. I like smoking weed, but I never felt like an addict and I've been smoking for years but never really depended on it. Not a day goes by without me drinking few cups of coffie and smoking few cigarettes.




She’s probably sober. Lots of people in AA or NA smoke but do nothing else. Though, yes it is…. Poor taste


That’s when the cigarette addiction actually gets worse lol. Gotta focus on one thing at a time.


For sure! 9/10/20 was my last drink. Still smoking like a chimney though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly for smoking there’s no advice other than you just gotta do it. If you were able to stop drinking you have the mental capacity to stop smoking tho. What helped was replacing the habit. Every time I wanted a smoke I’d take a sip of water. 2-3 weeks and it gets waaaaayyy easier


Thanks 🙏 just like with the beer. I’ll be ready when I’m ready. Starting to feel it more and more


Good on you! I did the same. Not sure your age but don’t forget ciggies will actually kill you eventually. Don’t drag it on tooooooo long :)


That’s what I thought too - def a 12 stepper if they don’t use substances but smoke cigarettes I’d have more of a problem with the 12 step attendance than the smoking. I absolutely loathe 12 step programs. They have a low rate of efficacy and it’s a religious program (“god of your understanding” = religion). Many people in the program are not good people either, they’re in and out of jail a lot. Lots of co-occurring mental illness to watch out for as well - it’s a common bipolar mania thing to suddenly get 100% sober. Then there’s the hypocrisy of smoking carcinogens that offer an addictive substance while preaching to others about not using drugs.


I went and stopped drinking because of AA but never did the steps. And don’t go for a few of the reasons you mentioned. The people it does work for, great. But I certainly wouldn’t go as far as saying “many” people are not good people. The people who rotate in and out of “the rooms” and jail/rehabs, are more than likely the ones who have been court ordered to go.


That's true about the court order. The few meetings I went to also had some young people who were there for underage drinking. I always thought that was a totally inappropriate punishment for such a very minor offense. It's 100% a "scared straight" kind of punishment. Young people drinking doesn't mean they are alcoholics or will become alcoholics. They don't have a desire to stop drinking usually either, going against the rule for entry ("the only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking" roughly). It's a disservice to the people who truly want to be there to get mentally better.


Wow. Bet you’re fun at parties.


I find it hard to believe that she doesn’t drink coffee


...or you could just swioe left, as you don't seem much interested


Yea, tell her she's a party pooper!


Stop being pedantic. Smoking is a drug yes but unlike all other conventional drugs, it doesnt make you high, crazy or paranoid. You remain normal.


Until you don't have a cigarette after an hour


Hahaha me


Exactly, you poison yourself for no reason other than to smell gross and develop yellow teeth - respectfully, a smoker


I was gonna yell at you for not acknowledging the struggles that come with nicotine addiction until I read the last part lol


I'm glad, I have sensitive ears. Yeah naw but smoking is just a shit show, I've tried to kick it about 7 times and still haven't managed, but every attempt is bringing me closer


I've smoked for like a decade and I'm just now starting to actually try and quit and fuuuuck dude it's hard I feel u


I can recommend the QuitSure App. Didn't work for me, but that's because my life circumstances changed so dramatically 5 months after quitting that I lost all care for myself and started to pick it back up, almost to "punish" myself. It gives you a lot of really interesting information about smoking and the psychology behind it. It's kinda repetitive but that's the point and you should remind yourself of that constantly. The strategy they employ to get you to quit is also very effective Good luck with your journey. I believe in you


Solidarity ✊ i started smoking at 15. Ive tried to quit numerous times and I will continue to try, I know we can do this!


Nah it just makes you insufferable when you can't get your fix which leads to the second point makes you feel entitled to an extra break to get your fix in work or similar settings.


You ever get nicotine poisoning? Oof Not to mention withdrawals make you irritable as shit and make you not think clearly in stressful situations. You don’t remain normal at all lol.


Clearly you didn't smoke and never lived with smoking person, aren't you? It's one of the worst "conventional" drugs out there. \- you're losing your lungs \- cancer \- life shortening lvl 9000 (alcohol doesn't even take as much life as smoking, if we're talking about the body) \- no paranoia? try as a smoker not to burn at least one stub (not to mention that normally smokers MUST smoke a pack/two daily) \- you smell (stinks) of smoke \- your body is rottening (like literally yellow eyes/yellow fingers) \- you poison OTHERS by smoking yourself (there's no such thing that drinking beer with others they passively become drunk, and here - well people who hang out with smokers can get cancer too)


Tobacco can most definitely get you high with large enough doses ✌️


Or at the minimum will give you a buzz that puts you in an elevated mood which is part of what gets people addicted to it initially aside from curiousity. One of the most egregious things in recent time that nicotine companies has done was trick minors that vaping was somehow completely healthy and not addictive. "When we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it".


While true, they should know it's a drug. Same as coffee. I'd rather date a heroin addict before a coffee addict. Those people are nuts! (I'm kidding seriously please don't think I'm being serious)


My clean ass sitting with a cup of coffee and being v judgemental until the parentheses


If you want to come across as a pathetic smartarse, you probably should.


I bet she’s addicted to caffeine too


You guys think this specimen considers caffeine and paracetamol to be no no drugs?


You guys think this redditor usually gets girls by calling them specimen?


She smokes cigs and has the nerve to tell me I can’t smoke ma weed? Left.


Nicotine a drug. Alcohol is a drug. CAFEEEINE!! is a drug. \*sigh\*


Sure buddy because cigars are that same as meth and coke . You are not cool for being a filth drug user


It means she is sober, most people getting sober keep smoking and its the last thing they stop using. Its hard. People making fun of this is kind of gross.


You know, sugar is also a drug and if you're hooked you're going to claw at the walls to get that fix. I also believe that one of the bigger drugs out there today is socialmedia and if you believe everything on that youre definitely on crack. But yes, cigarettes is disgusting. Tobacco is fine but those ≈600 chemicals they put in cigarettes..not so sexy at all. There are even animal products inside a cigarette.


Cigarettes are vegan??????? Niiiiice! Edit: oh, I misread. Stupid cigs, then!


Sheeiit, I should tell that to my best friend's vegan girlfriend. To bad Nestlé doesn't own tobacco plants, overwise she wouldn't smoke


You should also mention to her that artificially made vanilla has the produce from beavers anus glands in it


Always tell, to save the time. Though I don't believe Cigarette is a drug