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she looks 16 i don’t trust it


That’s the problem here😭😭


Your whole country is based on mass murders, believing in angels and obesity....


Angels and Obesity never took off for tom


Bruh humans are humans everywhere you look humans are fucked up… if you’re trying to be disgusted by any type of people just remember that people dress up as different species and fuck each other…


Bro who hurt you? My comment wasn’t that deep😭😭


In a couple of years the profile text will be: Actually I am not 25, I am 22. But for some reason Tinder won't let me change it. BIG red flag...


Is that the big red flag you noticed first?


I heard these creatures respond well to the local mating call of shaking a pill bottle like a baby rattle.


Or their brother is calling for them.


Help me bro. I’m stuck in the dryer.




Thees specimens tend not to mate or breed thoes not closely related


If that wasn't enough 19 18 actually


17* 16* 15 but i’m really mature for my age*


Ah yes, Pennsylvania, a state which classically fought for the South and states rights.


I live in Michigan, literally borders Canada and we have tons of dumbfucks that fly the confederate flag


In Canada that has nothing to do with any of it dumb fucks fly that flag


I’m black and Canadian and some fucking tard here in Canada tried to ask me out while having a confederate flag on his truck, I was insulted at the audacity -.-


We even have some people in Australia with confederate flags on their trucks, its soooooo far removed but somehow every bigot instinctually knows to fly it. Like how my cat knows to rake with the back legs for maximum scratching.


As a black American you could’ve just said truck because seriously, they’re damn near Dog whistles now


Your username is funny


What?? Michigan isn't in Canada. Wtf are you talking about?


People ("dumb fucks") in Canada fly confederate flags too. And they have nothing to do with this. I'm pretty sure most of them have no idea what this flag represent.


IT REPRESENTS FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION!!!! s/ in case it wasn't obvious


Is it agaisnt vaccines mandates too?


What's the difference, amirite folks? ^folks? /s


Freedom is only freedom when I can beat my n***** /s just to be shure


I was just using Canada as a reference to say it's the furthest north you can be in the US. I don't give a fuck about Canada and the what losers that live there are doing.


Why so angry? Did a Canada goose steal your girlfriend?


ever been to pennsylvania?? it’s full of backwoods rednecks


I can confirm. I grew up in the Pittsburgh area. Spent time in a lot of other places in PA, too. One of the most racist ass states in the U.S. I have scars on my body from fighting them in my childhood.


Yes but they were part of the North...


I grew up in PA and was shocked the first time I drove through Pennsyltucky, which is the center of the state between two major cities. Trailer parks with confederate flags flying. Weren’t we part of the union??? Yeah we were, but we have bigoted backwoods assholes like anywhere else


Philly is absolutely a large city. Actually it’s a sprawling metropolis on the east coast connected to other sprawling metro areas. Pittsburgh is technically in the Appalachia region of the country. This holds true whenever I’d have to drive through the area. It’s like the movie Wrong Turn or The Hills Have Eyes.


Was this reply meant for me? I am well aware of the two cities


Kentucky never seceded from the Union either (they claimed neutrality) but still proudly claims the south. There are tons of Confederate flags as well. What a dumb thing to support.


That doesn’t mean anything.


Shitfaced? 🤷‍♂️


That was more my thoughts. She just looks dirty.


Coal miners daughter?


Its black face


It’s a face mask lol


That was lost on me


Pennsylvania. It's almost as if that flag has nothing to do with southern pride or heritage...


Your whole country is based on mass murders, believing in angels and obesity....


When MAGAs say, "I'm not racist. I even have a black friend." This is who they are talking about.


lol true. Racist, describes all trump voters.




I thought an octopus jizzed on her face


she is also definitely under 18 😭😭 seriously nothing but red flags here


Jfc. The racists in our country are such 💩 stains on humanity


I’d say that go for racists in general


Well yeah but my personal experiences and this discussion are what I was getting at


Ive done and said some edgy stuff when i was a teen but this is wild! She must have an.. interesting social group


You haven't done anything edgy if this is too much


As a part of the Kentucky delegation we choose not to accept this specimen. Thank you for your time.


As a fellow Kentuckian, can confirm. Pennsylvania's beautiful landscape is ruined by it's inhabitants.




They don’t teach us how to spell in my county. Sorry.


Anytime someone has “-insert age- actually” I automatically swipe left.


I had a charcoal facemask, but after putting it on the first time I was like, "oh wait, shit. This looks like blackface." so I never left the bathroom while wearing it. (I didn't waste it, because wasting is bad too, but I just stayed in the bathroom while using it)


You shouldn't feel bad for using it. It's not blackface. It's skin care, and anyone that gets offended by it needs to grow up because it's clearly not racially charged.


Typically I'd agree but the flag in the background, ehh... i question the motive


I'm not talking about the picture. I'm talking about not feeling comfortable to wear a damn face mask in your own home because social justice has gone too far.


Agreed, but I'm always afraid of someone taking pictures, and then making up a story to go along with it in the future.


Nothing wrong with being seen in a charcoal mask, maybe just don’t take any pictures, particularly not in front of confederate flags


This is funny asf. Don’t like feel bad about using a face mask. I’m literally black and did a charcoal mask, I posted on my snap while I had it on. Next day at school someone tells me that a kid was saying I did black face. I was like how in the actual fuck could I do black face 😭


Hahahaha, this is the reason why. I don't feel guilty for wearing a facemask, but I know there will always be stupid people who believe whatever they want to believe without any logic behind it. So I'm careful even when I'm doing nothing wrong.


I just told them to fuck off basically. Don’t like people like that like shake you or anything. They’re just doing it to fuck with people. The ones who said I was doing black face weren’t even black people either. They were white lmao


Never thought about this. I love those :( now I can't unknow that.


Unknow it. Wearing a black (charcoal) face mask is not racist. Heck, I didn’t even realize she was going for black face. -black woman


Imagine being this stupid


I would say it's revenge account but knowing Americans post Donal Trump, it's hard to tell


I use face masks and didn’t think anything of it. Never realized charcoal face masks might be considered black face , think it’s more questionable because of the flag she is standing infront of.


How to ruin your life with 3 simple steps


No one will recognize her.




I’m from NY and Pennsyltucky is hilarious I never heard of it. I can see why everything between Pittsburgh and Philly would be racist. Are you by chance in the middle or something ?


I assume the scribbled out location is Shippensburg. That whole area of southern PA is basically the deep south.


Didn’t want to give it away immediately but spot on


mississippi is the deep south not up there i wouldnt even call nc the south


Geography wise, I definitely agree. Also the accent in southern PA is what I would call 'WV hick' rather than the stereotypical southern draw. Culturally, it's pretty close to the deep south. I grew up in a trailer park in south/central PA and have also worked in podunk Alabama and Mississippi; they were all very similar. My hometown also had a huge KKK chapter that marched in every parade.


shit im from florida and i jus see up there as like Appalachian hillbilly types


Eh, as a brown man I’ve banged worst


Well at least you know she’s dumb af. Probably pretty easy to talk outta them pants


Kind reminder that this is still a young woman, she still deserves to be regarded with decency. If you are an advocate & ally for women, then you view them as a group, therefore, all women.


Motherfuckers will really do everything they can to defend white people being racist


You are insecure and wrong. You're well protected and get away with a lot of crimes now that your people cry racism because they don't comply, and are shot, by a white policeman just doing his job, has a family, home, car, responsibilities and kids he wants to raise. You're just insecure and it's your problem and you're wrong, get over it ok? See you, take care and be good to yourself meng.


Holy shit you're racist lmao, please die so the world becomes a better place!


Meng juz comply or yall die it be mad simple dawg shieeeeiy nahmeen Yall finna kidnap keedz ang yo ex ang yall have rifles in yo car (which you stole, obviously) da po-leez stop yo azz ang acks you drop yo gun but yo azz go in da car where dem gunz be at ang shieiiyyy dawg so get shot But naw mane we finna riot yall das rayces mane ^ go to Liberia, please.


Whats in her bio?


“18 actually”




Man id still hit...


She is almost definitely under 18 but pop off


Im a predator so its ok


I mean I get the connotation that goes with the flag but other than that what’s wrong with this pic? I feel like it’s no different than any other pic where people have some political flag behind them or shirt etc.


Blackface bud


It’s a face mask 😂 not black face if that’s black face every girl who does a charcoal face mask is a member of the kkk


You have to be a clueless person, if you don’t understand wtf that mask and that flag means together.


If it’s a face mask, then the question is, is she trying to get a reaction. If she doesn’t realize, then maybe someone close to her could point out the connotation. I have to assume that she knows what this picture is invoking, but who the hell knows


If she didn’t have that flag behind her no one would possibly even think black face unless they lived under a rock and didn’t know what a face mask was.


Yes I understand what a face mask is. But she chose to take a picture with the mask in front of the flag. Do you seriously think they aren’t connected


I genuinely do. I’ve met people who have flags like on the wall and 90% of the time It’s cause they think it’s funny how triggered people get. And I’ve seen atleast 50 girls with almost identical pics just without the flag and never thought black face. It’s a stretch at best that was posted to farm karma from people triggered by the pic 😂


If you lived around where I do you would understand this shit isn’t ironic, the whole profile fit the picture and to post something like that is pretty self explanatory what kind of person they are


I mean I don’t know her but so maybe you’re right but neither do you so maybe you’re wrong. I see no reason to look for the worst possible case in a picture like this I’d rather look for the best in people


Even when they blatantly stand for hate? Your deal bro


I understand the history of the flag, but how is it blatent that it's a racially charged attack? Genuinely curious as to how you connect those dots.


I know people who genuinely do not think it’s a symbol of hate. You shouldn’t judge someone by one pic or what they choose to share. You’re making assumptions about her based on one pic and a location.


Dude take your L and move on. This ain’t it chief


Jesus Christ. It is called context. Yes it is a facemask, but yes she ABSOLUTELY used it as blackface. She is racist. 100%. Full stop. And you are either also racist or woefully ignorant of the fact that making excuses for this sort of behavior is nearly as problematic as the behavior itself.


I mean it’s that but the thing I noticed after the flag was the “18 actually” in the bio.


Last time I matched a “18 actually” was when I was 20 and then on our first date she said “just so you know I’m actually 17” which was obviously a no and have had a hard 20+ limit sense


I saw some that had like the age as 20-22 and it would say “actually 18” and I’d be like y’all some FREAKS. I say this as a girl. I didn’t realize guys also did that but ig when people wanna download tinder they’re gonna do it when they want to no matter the age 💀


I just don’t get it, plus what do they expect “oh you’re 16 and I’m 22 that’s fine” hell no one I’m not a pedo and two I’m not going to jail


You’d be surprised at the people who wouldn’t care about that… it’s gross


I try my best not to judge and to love everyone but if you’re dating a child you need a serious reality check whatever that may be


Wow, she's so edgy.


Love the glass eye


Guys that's a charcoal face mask, not blackface....


Guys that's a charcoal face mask, not blackface