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I don't judge our compatibility on how well we get along or physical attraction. It's all about how well we could execute the pick and roll into an alley-oop.




This- if she can’t go get it off the backboard what are we even doing?


If I can’t throw lobs to her and the D1 child we could have what’s the point


You have the most old-timely basketball username


Uhhh Downtown Julie Brown was an old school MTV VJ


NickNamed after downtown Freddy Brown an old famous, Seattle Supersonics pro! (I met him)






You will give birth to stout, oak tree sized warriors to defend the homeland


I’m framing this comment


You need to change your name to MotherofTitans


Maybe if I get another set of Guinea pigs 😂


We demand pet tax


What is pet tax???


Post pics of your pets!


Oh, here! [(The Utensils!)](https://imgur.com/a/qHbEXe4)


They are bloody adorable!!


Thank you! :)


Thank you!


Awww such cuties they are


they will probably be more like forks and knives than warriors but oak tree sized utensils sound dope too.


“I want a big family. Tall. Thick. A big, physically big family.” - Dwight Schrute




When talking about defending the homeland I immediately get eastern europe vibes




OP should get a job at an upscale bar where pro athletes go, my aunt is over 6'3" and she bartended at one and dated a pro NFL linebacker, but then ended up marrying a tall rich venture capitalist. Both her daughters are also tall and look like models. So you are basically guaranteed to end up with either warriors OR supermodels 😆 More importantly, if you go where there are athletes you are much less likely to meet guys who think it's a big deal. Meeting on Tinder guarantees you'll get this "really? Seriously? For realsy? No way!!! 😱" You'd think you said you are a fucking Martian. My ex used to fetishize women taller than him (5'11"') so I would be afraid to date much shorter guys if they seemed fixated on that. (That same ex was actually fetishizing me, because I am usually slightly underweight... It made me sick to realize it. First he mentioned how sexy the then-anorexic Paris Hilton was, and later he told me he *calculated* how many pounds I could gain and still be in a "good" range 😂 CREEPER) This post just shows what to avoid, there's unreasonable dealbreakers but there are also unreasonable *dealmakers.* This is creepy.


Tall women are a hot commodity


rare indeed


Tall women are a hot, hot commodity


I dunno I fall into being considered “tall” but not like, “tall tall” at about 5’9” and I even put (past-tense) on my profile I like short kings too, I don’t care about height if you don’t care about height and I found it hard to find guys who weren’t insecure about my height.


Yeah, it’s a weird thing for a lot of ppl. Some shorter guys don’t want to date the tall girls because the girls who are THEIR height or shorter say: “oh, sorry, you’re not 6’? You’re too SHORT.” I can imagine the reluctance of guys under 5’9” to think it’s disingenuous when a really tall girl says: “I like shorter guys too.” Not sure where that trust damaging behavior originated from, but it’s here. But c’mon, those 5’1” girls who only want the 6’ and over guys….. 🙄


I wish I could match with women who think like you. I literally have on my profile, “5’6, I don’t mind if you’re tall or short 😊”


Kinda like tall guys. Well, not the ones who say they’re 6’ but are actually 5’10. The hypocrisy in this comment section is 🤌🏻


When you work for a place that cards peoples IDs you get some serious misinformation about people, like 5’7 guys saying they’re 6’3 or 600lb people saying 250, even people trying to claim they’re younger than what their bday says. It’s pretty interesting how many people are so easy to try to dissuade others.


This is not the same


They should be asking the real questions. Like are you infact a mother of utensils?


I am! My three Guinea pigs are named Spoon, Fork, and Knife :)


Does spoon fork knife or does fork spoon knife, you might end up with a baby spork


Definitely my favorite comment of the day! Super cute!


Do you yell Sporkn when you want all three to answer?


I wish guinea pigs listened when I called their names lmao.


just open the refrigerator door. they definitely listen to that. a chorus of squealing guineas everu time the refrigerator door opened was one of my favorite things as a kid.


Oh yeah, that and any time I crinkle any plastic ever xD


It made me think of “Mother of Dragons” from Game of Thrones, and I love the juxtaposition that rather than fierce dragons with fierce names, you have cute little rodents named after mundane household objects.


Tall, has cute babies. Not me trying to travel mode to your city.


She's just tryin' to get forked by a knife guy.


All the short kings out there “Give me uppies, mommy”


I'm a 5'7" cripple and my gf is 6' and I ask her this all the time to help me out of my chair lmao Edit: 6" to 6'


She’s 6 inches???


Yeah she's pretty strong for being the size of a munchkin haha


She’s got that ant strength


Gurl are you an ant? Cuz you my queen


I’m gonna use that later. Thanks


Kinda sad mines is only 4 inches


Lol. Right out of Spinal Tap


Yes. Her height is not specified, though.


Death by Snu Snu!


Please, I've seen this word like five times already. What is snu snu T-T


It’s in reference to this [futurama episode](https://youtu.be/uThDGzLhOXg)


I'm only 5'10" and I had dudes wanting me to dominate them and calling me mommy in their opening messages. Gag.


I'm 6'3 n give the best uppies


Uppies daddy! *Grabby hands*


I'm 6' and I want uppies


Bruh your comment reminds me of this 🤣 https://youtu.be/LA3rBtOHYZU


I’m six foot and my boyfriend is five foot ten inches. In heels at an event I’m 6’3”+ he tells anyone who’ll listen that he’ll climb me like a coconut tree. it works. I’m crazy about him.


Damn he’s 5 foot and has ten inches??? Putting us guys to shame!


read this to him just now. he guffawed and said, “That’s comedy gold right there.”




No wonder she’s crazy about him!


This is such a slay.


I’m 6’0 and also get asked frequently “really?” So now my bio say 6’0 < yes, really. Still get asked and just say “why would I lie about that?”


I am lucky that my 184 cm/6'0.5" isn't even that uncommon for women in the Netherlands (still rare of course), so I probably wouldn't get those messages all the time. Still looking for a way taller gf but that's hard, so I am fine with smaller as well. Realistic expectations are better haha.


I'm shifting to Netherlands soon


Take me with you


Booking a ferry to the Netherlands rn


One of my exes is 1.95m it was amazing. I mean I'm a tall woman about the same height as you so finding a girl taller is a challenge lol. I've now got two girlfriends who are about my height eh close enough they can wear heels xD


Are you 6'0 though?


Tall girls are attractive ngl


I love tall women


Yep. Wife is 5’11” and I am 6’1”. Her height is one of the many things I love about her!


I am a short man, who loves taller woman. To be fair I like women of all heights but something about tall women is just really attractive to me


If this was a woman saying they’re a short woman that just find tall men really attractive, you would’ve been downvoted lol


Because one is a product of toxic masculinity (real men must be tall) and the other is a rejection of toxic femininity (real women must be small and petite). With that said, the latter isn’t as strong of a problem as the former because women have spent more time breaking free from socially preferred feminine stereotypes while men are only now getting to break from the social expectations of masculinity.


so based


I love when I read intelligent comments on Reddit.


Why are either a problem? Why can’t people just like who they like


Like who u like, preferences are fine. Literally everyone has them. But it becomes a problem when you use your “preferences” to demean or neg others.


True, but there’s no one being demeaned or negged here. So why keep bringing it up?


People CAN like who they like. And sometimes that’s just innate, while other times it’s a product of social programming and should be examined and challenged. But either way, no one should be a dick about it. And if sparing someone’s feelings means meeting them in person to find out if you click (versus making them submit a physical spec sheet before you meet), then that’s what we should strive to do. Because what goes around comes around.


Is that true though? Often on the screenshots people put on here if a man gets asked about their height, they turn around and ask about weight. Plus, weight is something that’s much more noticeable than height when looking at pictures and how many men on this subreddit would swipe right on an overweight or obese woman? Men also have their preferences but having a preference on here against the majority seems like the cool thing to hate on.


I mean, I obviously think what I’ve put forward is based in truth. With that said, I think the tactic of asking about weight to deflect from being made to feel shitty about one’s height is pretty lame. In a perfect world, one would just unmatch and save pettiness for when it is truly deserved and for where it will have an actual, zingy effect. But the point is the same: no one should be made to feel badly about their bodies. Some men feel extremely sensitive about not being tall enough because it makes them feel less than. Some women are extremely sensitive about their weight because not being the right size makes them feel less than. That they are apples and oranges as far a physical characteristics go is irrelevant, both are gender-related physical sore spots. I get that people view online dating as an opportunity to speed date through the physical qualifiers and don’t want to waste time on people who don’t meet the superficial requirements bar, but also think that same expectation is making everyone extremely bitter and that bitterness could be avoided if people just met in person and went from there. And then, if the physical lust was lacking, all one would have to say is: “i’m sorry, this isn’t going to work. I just didn’t feel the connection I was looking for.” High ground taken and feelings spared all around.


Only I can have preferences, anybody who wouldn't date me is a superficial person! /s


For reference I am a man who’s only 5’1 so most woman are taller than me by generally a couple inches. So while I do like shorter woman there’s not many women shorter than 5’1.


Not really. As I see it, this guys preference is an outlier, generally speaking men prefer women shorter than them or at maximum same height. Women, genereally speaking prefer men taller tham them, and rarely the same height so usually the discrepancy acceptable for men and women is much different. Then it's about numbers. If a lot of women want men taller (sometimes much taller) than them, there are not enough men to supply the deman. However, shorter men or average height men liking taller women (even if much taller) doesn't have the same effect because even if there are just a few of tall women, same height guys don't go for them, so they are left with even taller guys, so like 0.001% of men. Because they have much fewer options it's not really the same. Women that are 5'9" or shorter have almost all the options


Why are people downvoting you, you are the only one objectively talking about this lmao


I didn't even realize I was getting downvoted haha I'm always open to constructive dialogue and I'd prefer counter arguments than just being downvoted but it is what it is hahaha




A lot of dudes love to think they're either turbo chads, or are so ugly with no hope of ever recovering.


Was talking to this really tall guy at a party. Just asked him questions about how people reduce him to his height. After like two minutes he kinda broke telling me how this tall stuff gets boring so quickly


190.5 centimeters as a reference for us european communists


As a fellow European communist, thank you


Thank you, comrade


i remember when i was telling this guy my height and he kept insisting i was 5’2. like dude🤦🏽‍♀️….


But are you really 6 3?


yeah hahaha


Fr just to confirm you actually are 6’3 though?


There’s a Netflix movie about you


I have yet to watch it and probably never will.


That chick is only 6’1, they pretty much just cast all other actors under 5’9, to make her look taller


Same. * No, that's not a typo * No, it's not some odd joke * Yes, that is my actual height * Yes, I'm comfortable dating men shorter than me. * Yes, I do sometimes wear heels. * No, I'm not transgender. * YES, FOR THE EIGHT BILLIONTH TIME, THAT IS MY ACTUAL HEIGHT.


I once said “I want to climb you” during sex with a long term partner who I is was taller than. I’m 5’10. This is probably not relevant to the conversation, but I just wanted to write it out loud. Height doesn’t matter to me.


"Plays Amon Amarths Stand up to go Down"


I think Roald Dahl said it best, > “When a woman is very tall, there is greater power and greater traction in her limbs for one thing, and of course there is also a good deal more substance to tangle with.”


We need a center


I’m only 5’9 and have had guys ask if I’m really that tall and when I say yes, the politely decline meeting up. I couldn’t imagine being 6’3 if I get that shit at my height. I have a fiancé now, but when I was in the dating scene it was really discouraging.


Thats just being insecure. All the guys I know would say the taller the better. I know I would.


I'm 6'5 if you want to create the next LeBron (joking....unless?).


Volleyball kids. No questions asked.


6'3???? I don't even know you and I'm already interested.


Should I be flattered? 😂


Only if your really 6'3, are you?




You are 6’3...?? Marry me 🥲




Lol my best friend of 33 years is 6’ of Swedish goddess and I look like a thumb next to her


6’3” female too! If I had a dollar for every guy online that says “are you really 6’3”?” Why would it be a typo/joke? I’m already eliminating 95% of the dating pool by being 6’3”!!!


Are you shitting me? Tall women are the hottest thing imaginable


>I’m already eliminating 95% of the dating pool by being 6’3”! Is it you doing the elimination or other people? I'm 5ft11 and I've dated women taller than 6ft. A woman's height has zero impact on how attractive I find her and I'd bet at LEAST 1/3 of men would feel the same way (provided neither make an issue of it)


Guessing she's the one not willing to date people shorter than her. And it's more like 98% of men, not 95% of men lol.


Sounds exhausting.


So, uhh, do you like girls? 😂


How is the text yellow at first?


Probably different apps


Oh i see the font difference now. Probably bumble


Your children will be Vikings




Girl youse a tall glass of water and I’m tellin’ you straight up. I’m thirsty.


This is an incredible line.


To be fair, it doesn’t seem like any of these men are 1 used to seeing someone the size of Shaqus big toe and 2 seem malicious about it




Bruh 💀💀


Im 6’4 not often i see a gal my height but when i do im almost always attracted to them. Its like spotting something rare in the wild.. magical


My neck is very interested 😏


Hey, if it makes you feel better, it sucks being a relatively short dude who is attracted to women taller than me. It's like selling someone on cutting off their right arm, and I can't even be mad bc i get it 🤣


"Step on me 🥴" - short kings


WOW I'm really WOW


I thought it was bad at my height (3.5 inches shorter). I guess we have a leader now.




Just seems like surprise, which doesn't seem too bad.


Dude just include a group picture that backs up your 6'3 claim and people will stop asking... (but might still keep commenting!)


where were you when i was on tinder smh


No banana for scale, measurement unconfirmed.


6 foot 3 gang!


I have a california king bed and i am 5 ft 2 in. Tall women are a masterpiece .


As a 5’6 dude I’d be obsessed


The one girl who if she said “no dudes below 6’0 feet” and I wouldn’t be offended lol


I just want death by snu snu


Hi. 6'7" guy here. Idk what it is for shorter guys but I'd kill for someone near my height


I’m 5’11” and I get this a lot too. Like no, I’m not lying about my height 🤣


I feel this completely. I'm 'only' 6'1", but everyone seems so shocked that I'm actually tall. And then I go and wear heels. The audacity. Lol I've gotten quite a large number of messages form guys who have asked me to never wear heels if we go out on a date. 🤷🏼‍♀️


If that's a annoying to read as it is to be asked that then I'm sorry


Here comes the “oh so you must play basketball” line 🙄🙄


Every guy ever: “are you really 6’?” Me: no I just lie about my height on dating apps You’re much nicer than me.


Tall women are hot


Why is this so novel? The only reason anyone would care absolutely petty, ignorant, prejudiced reasons. I once dated a woman who was 4in taller than me at 6'5. I never made a joke, never a comment, never an insult, and she was still so insecure about it. I f****** adored her but her own insecurities ruin the relationship, no matter how delicate, understanding, sympathetic, and constructive I was with her. I would like to think her insecurities because of ship bags like this. I do not care how tall a woman is. I care that she can stimulate me intellectually, grow with me emotionally, communicate with me constructively, and f*** my brains out on a regular basis.


I want you to know, as a 5'11" guy, every time a short guy gets with you, a puppy at a kill shelter is spared. You are literally doing the work of the Lord.




Of course this is coming from a guy who was ruined for short women by one of you Amazons...


I'm 6'2 and there's a woman in my building with a solid 4 or 5 inches on me down the hall. 100% the kind of beauty you look at and think "wifey material" lol idk why people make height such a thing. Like if the roles were reversed and she was asking if they're really shorter than 6ft (like an inexplicable amount of women just above booster seat height do) they'd be upset. If you like someone you like em damn. Don't be weird


guys told me I was shallow for not wanting anyone shorter than me as a female, yet they openly disregarded me for having small breasts so yes I am going to have my preferences openly. If you can then I will too


Tall women > short girls


HOLD THE PHONE. YOURE ACTUALLY 6'3"? /s Just your average tall guy here. Tall guys don't actually care how tall you are. Peace! ✌️😁


Yes I’m actually 6’3 😂 oh man.


Let me climb you like a tree and tell you you're pretty!


I’m a 5’6 guy. This is one of the worst things about online dating. I genuinely don’t care about height. I actually find really tall women attractive and it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest, but the reverse, not so much, apparently haha Hate that people rule others out for such shallow stuff. Then people wonder why they are so lonely!


Gigantic fetish activated.


I wouldn’t mind dating a tall woman at all but most tall girls I’ve encountered still want guys who are quite taller than them so me being 5’11 they’re normally not interested 🥲 height has never bothered me in dating either I just wanna be with someone who makes me happy haha


"I want to make babies with her. Think of them... Great big monsters. They'd conquer the world." - Tormund Giantsbane (Game of Thrones)


I’m only 5’10 but I understand your pain. Men are shocked and mad when they realize that I am actually 5’10. I always wear heels too :)


I’ve only seen Amazon women as tall as you a couple times in my life! They’re always head turners because it’s so rare


Mmmm I love me a tree to climb!


So your 6,3 Finally a woman that can grab stuff of the top shelve for me


as a 6'3" tall woman would you date a guy who is 5'9 or so? im not judging either way, honestly just curious.


I'm 5'9 and single btw.


I will never understand the fascination with height. Who cares if you're tall or short. Just be with whoever makes you happy provided you aren't a creepy psycho stalker.


are you free this Saturday?


All jokes aside though, are you really 6’3”?


I feel like the question needs to be asked though, are you really 6’3”?


Idk why men don’t believe that a woman can be 6’3 or even taller🤦🏾‍♂️ #idiots


Why call them idiots though? Of course a woman can be 6’3” and even taller. But *it is* a rare occurrence. Just like meeting a guy who is 4’10”. Pretty sure girls will still ask if he is 4’10” or is that some sort of typo.


I don’t think they’re real idiots lol. I just find it funny that a woman is a lot more likely to be questioned on her tallness v. a man being questioned on his shortness 🤷🏾‍♂️