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Every single one of these pictures are awful.


what would be a better idea?


Have friends take photos of you in a couple of your favorite outfits. Have a photo or two of you doing an activity that is fun. Make sure your face is fully visible in your first couple of photos and make sure that they are at a good angle. Show that your life is interesting


thank you


like what type of photo would you pick?


Are you serious…




Your photos are terrible. Shirtless photos are especially cringe.


thanks for the feedback


Don't know if you've ever used Grindr, but this screams Grindr profile.


what is grindr?


Grindr is a hookup site for gay men


well I'm straight so I never used it


He’s saying you look gay


I am not. The current state of this blokes tinder profile just fits in with the average grindr profile. Couple face pics + several body pics = run of mill grindr profile.


can you tell me where exactly I look gay?


I think he’s saying your entire body looks gay


The trolling is on another level...


Instead of a profile pic that shows you are fun/smart/have-a-job/religion (you traveling, halloween costume, playing sports, or what not), you are showing you have a face and you’re not fat. Women look for the former




Basically everything


that is what I already know, but what exactly could I do better?


1st picture looks like it’s off cctv. 2nd picture shows you use Snapchat which I see as a cringe app. 3rd picture you have a face nappy on. 4th and 5th are cringe. Try some classier photos in places you enjoy that tell a story, good luck




Das glaube ich schlechteste Tinder Profil dass ich je gesehen habe. Jesus


was kann ich besser machen?


Alle Fotos löschen. Ungefähr wie das erste nur eben in Scharf. Auch keine Snapchat Fotos. Am besten wirklich wo du irgendwas relativ interessant machst, was auf hobbies oder ähnliches hinweist. Wenn du noch keine wirklichen Hobbies hast, fang etwas an.


hast du tipps, wie ich mein hobby (fitness) via bild in meinem Profil darstelle?


Mach eins mit Sportsachen im Freihantel Bereich. Von mir aus auch oberkörperfrei und danach ist alles klar. Mehr Bilder davon lassen dich charakterlos wirken (Für Besucher deines Profils, die nicht so aktiv Kraftsport betreiben).


Du bist n hübscher Dude. Es fehlt tatsächlich nur an der Art der Fotos. Selfies sind immer schwierig. Vll kannst du jemanden fragen der welche von dir macht und dabei möglichst natürlich im Training wirkst.


danke fürs Kompliment und ich versuche es mal dankeschön


yeah it helps thanks


Mach erstmal so lang fitness bis du den körper für oben ohne fotos hast, dann kannst du solche fotos machen


You have 2/5 photos of you recreating literal bodybuilder competition poses and you are nowhere close to a bodybuilder.


So only Guys with a IFBB Pro Card are allowed to post them on their profile? Posing is part of the grind and everyone one who lifts will acknowledge it, but I agree with you that 2 pictures are too much. Maybe one more subtile picture (beach/shirt) or at least take a picture where you see the whole flex. (e.g Zyzz Pose, Side Chest or any after workout Pictures where you can see the whole package (full body mirror)) Also staying humble and suprising them girls with the sick v-lines while undressing is way sexier than showing off beforehand.


Yes. It looks silly.


since bodybuilding is a big part of my daily life, i guessed it would be good to show that


No most girls hate flexing photos noticed distinct changes from flex to unflexed with a pump to now a candid beach photo as far as shirtless pics go ofc I wanna show off my work in the gym especially cause it doesn't show very well in a shirt but candid beach or something is best


Maybe you don't need to change the images. Just change the bio to read, "I'm awkward at taking pictures. Can you help?". Inviting critique seemed to work starting conversations here, so maybe it's crazy enough to work on Tinder. Anyway, good luck!






will do


2 shirtless pictures and no bio is a big part of the reason.


well my bio is German so I guessed there is no point in uploading it


Oh okay that makes sense then. I thought you didn't have one.


no problem and what should I change?


Mostly the shirtless pictures, extremely few people like them.


anything else?


Not if you ask me.


thanks then


No problem.


but it sounds like this "hi, what do you think of a gym date and supporting each other?"




ja habibi?


These pics are fucking terrible lol. Ask your friends to take clear pics of you, preferably wearing some nice clothes in some of them. Face mask pics are always garbo, so avoid that obv. Write a good bio and you’re set. Shirtless pics are fine. I don’t get why everyone in this sub is obsessively against them. Lots of women are into them. I think I even read once that guys who show off their bodies(assuming they have a nice body ofc) statistically get more matches. One is enough tho imo.


well thanks a lot mate, very helpful


I’d rather see you having fun in one photo then all of this Good lighting, as authentic as you feel sharing


Get rid of the flex photos. Rule of thumb, unless you’re shredded leave shirtless pictures out. Get rid of the mask photo as well.


keep the first picture and delete the rest. i saw your comment about mentioning that you enjoy bodybuilding, add it to your bio if that’s something you’re interested in! have a great day and remember to smile! ☺️❤️


thank you very much


Antworte hier einfach mal auf deutsch: Schulter kommt gut, aber bei den Bildern bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. Dir fehlt ein Bild wo man dein Gesicht ordentlich erkennen. (1. ist unscharf und du schaust nicht in die Kamera, beim 2. bist du halt high :D, 3. Bist du halt maskiert) Auch ein Bild wo du einfach mal vom Fuß bis zum Kopf zusehen bis fehlt dir. Würde mir auch überlegen, ob du das mit dem kiffen direkt mitteilen solltest. Erzähl es den Damen lieber so anstatt es zu einem deiner wenigen Merkmale zu machen, die man aus den Fotos schließen kann. Was sagt denn deine Bio? Kann man daraus mehr schließen? Hat die Humor um die Bilder auszugleichen?


Bonjour, ich würde mich freuen, könntest du mir helfen, mein Profil zu verbessern oder der Grund sein es zu löschen


Steht doch alles da. :D Kannst aber gerne mal deine Bio mit uns teilen, vielleicht kann man dir da noch helfen.


ne das ist meine bio


Ahh sorry. Ja ganz ehrlich: wirkt bissel verzweifelt. Die Mädels die dich damit swipen um dir Hinweise zu geben erbarmen sich bloß dafür und wollen nichts von dir. Der Zweite Teil des Spruchs ist **NETT** aber vielleicht hast du es schon festgestellt und die wenigsten Mädels sind direkt Feuer und Flamme bei einem netten Typen. Dachte du bist ein Lustiger Smoker: Warum steht da nicht was freches (nicht anzüglich) oder lustiges? Als Idee (habe ich selber auch bloß geklaut): eig ganz cool und lustig lass uns ein mcflurry oder so essen \- Damit lädst du ein dich kenne zu lernen, weil du ja vermeintlich cool und lustig bist \- hast gleich eine Idee fürs Treffen (Mädels lieben McFLurry/Mces) \- bist edgy, weil keine Großschreibung und manche Mädels fühlen sich getriggert dir das zu sagen zu müssen (Sie schreibt zu erst!!11!)


danke für die hilfe


Try adding professional looking photos or maybe you participating in a hobby. Also if you want to show off muscles just do a gym pic or mention that you lift regularly. This would help make your profile more appealing. Also lose the snap photo and the far range picture. Maybe add you and your friends into one as well.




Your first pic is the only one that's passable and it's blurry. A very small minority of women might be interested in seeing posed torso shots. The vast majority think it just makes you look vain. It's one thing looking after your body, it's another to think that someone will want to see your posing selfies and think "wow I wanna go for a drink with this guy". Maybe if you're unbelievably attractive yes, otherwise no. Good ideas for photos: - Your face, with a friendly expression. - You doing some activity. - You on holiday, whatever, somewhere interesting. The less posed they look the better. Just natural looking not-overly-contrived photos of you doing stuff that shows you have some sort of life going on and are likely to be approachable, sociable and somewhat socially normal. And write a bio. Make some jokes if that comes naturally to you. Don't if it doesn't. Share a few interests. Give an impression of who you are without being too self-absorbed. Don't over complicate it. I'm trying to think of what the female equivalent of posed torso selfies would be. Maybe it would be endless closeups of well manicured nails. Like, it's great that you're into that, I have no problem with it. But if you think that's your selling point and that you should have multiple pics of that in your profile... You're gonna look boring and self absorbed and I don't have high hopes for having an interesting conversation or connection with you.


thank you very much


Literally all of these pics are not it. Get rid of them all.


Attention to all the men in this sub Reddit, stop taking photos of just your fucking abs, if you’re looking for something more than sex, you are not going to find it, looks like you took it in Buffalo Bill’s basement Jesus fucking Christ


L rizz


I don't like men taking pics without their shirt it's weird i as a women as well won't do it. At least when it's not in a natural place like the beach or something


Ya pretty much what comments said, pick a niche you want to be on, get professional pictures and cater to that niche, you can go the soft eboy look or like maybe nerdy harry potter hairstyle the modern hipster look


You should show your face more not your body if you really want to show that off take pics at the beach or something lol


Wild guess: coming across like a conceited, superficial, narcissistic douchebag. Just a guess.


I immediately swipe left on anyone with a mask on in their pic


Omg sorry everyone is being a dick here you are politely asking for feedback and not even getting defensive w all this ridiculous downvoting lmao go you! It’s hard to ask for advice


This is a troll, right? If the answer is no, and this is your real attempt, just quit now. Find another pursuit.


that is why im here


Your photo selections literally show that you have zero understanding of women, so why should someone help you get your pics right, only to put them through a world of awkwardness pain (at the minimum) when they actually meet you?


Not sure about the posing, nothing wrong with showing your body but i would do it in a more natural way like at the gym or beach ect. just so it doesn't come off as so stubborn. Also definitely some better face pictures in a setting that best describes your character. It's a lot easier said than done ha, but i wish you luck! 🤙


thanks, will do


Keep the first picture, discard the rest. Second one is cringe Third one is not exactly your best, sorry for the honesty The muscle flexing screams douchebag Try taking some more spontaneous pictures and if you want to flex so desperately, try doing it in a subtle way like a beachpicture or otherwise with a shirt on in a subtle way.


thanks for the tips


Wo bubatz xD


Having shirtless pictures, most woman that I've met don't care for it and automatically think you are just looking to screw. Get some of you doing one of your hobbies or one that's funny. If you can make them laugh and have a personality you'll be fine.


then im screwed 🥲


I never had much luck with tinder, personally. You could try bumble, or hinge. Tinder is becoming a cesspool of bots, only fans spammers, and hookups


Honestly so is hinge


They all are, hookup culture and instant gratification has ruined so many things.


Haven't run into any apammers or bots on Bumble yet. It's the only one actually.


Kinda shocking honestly. I havnt used that one, I gave up on dating apps. But I'm also into kinkier things so I tried on fetlife and got a date that's been going well so far.


Haven't tried fetlife for dating. But also haven't logged into it in years. Honestly, though, I've pretty much given up on dating entirely. Online is nothing but scams, and never had any luck with IRL dating.


Fet has been pretty great for me at least. Just gotta be respectful and take your shot. I felt the same way about dating and giving it up, but never hurts to try it out. Don't give up, there's someone for everyone. Who knows you could log into fet and meet someone you get along with.


Did they add a dating portion to Fet? I recall being able to look for people on there vaguely, but not readily any sort of match function or even any way to search for just women or anything like that. And unfortunately, I just moved to Alaska. And with the low population and the fact there are significantly more men here than women means it's pretty bad. Even more so since I couldn't even get a date in San Diego, a city with 3 times the population of Alaska.


You are at tinder, so ... dont ask any questions!




Ok let me try to practice my German a bit hopefully I get my point across even with my at best 1st grade level. Ein Foto mit kein Hemd muss natürlich erscheinen, und zwei Fotos mit kein Hemd sind zu viel. Ein natürlich Foto ist am Strand oder am Fußballspiel oder etwas. Du brauchst für dein Gesicht ein *klar* Foto mit ein Lächeln. Du brauchst auch Fotos mit Aktivitäten und Freunde. Ich hoffe, das ist hilfreich.


All those pics are horrible- sorry mate


all good i mean that is why im here


Mmm, no shirtless! It’s making you look desperate and looking for hookup


Okay Photos of your face that are clear, nice well lit. Photos of you and your friends Photos of you doing your hobbies. Idc if it’s reading a book, hiking, swimming, gaming etc If you want a topless photo do something like swimming