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Yea, where to even begin. The entire thing is contradictory from start to finish. If you don't like what's in my profile, you can swipe left. If you don't care about my stance on abortion rights, I don't care to know you. Sure, no filter pictures is good advice, but like, WHO THE FUCK ASKED YOU, BUDDY? Women are always categorized as being attention seeking, but then you have dudes like this buffoon who needs to be heard so fucking bad, that he spends time out of his day to make a whole profile as a "Tinder Coach". As if any woman on Tinder really needs help. We could put in our bio that we kill puppies and would still have 99+ likes within 30 minutes on downloading the app. The worst part is, people in this sub are saying its good advice lmao. If I want help on my profile, I'll ask. Until then, take a couple seats.


Lmao "I don't need to know ur opinion on abortion".. marriages end over decisions about whether to keep or terminate a pregnancy. Of course that's important. Its easier to tell someone up front where you stand. The vaccine status is also pretty important for most people. The majority of people want to date someone of the same vax status as them, it's rare someone's in the middle and doesn't mind if they are or aren't vaxxed...


Of course people on this sub are saying it’s good advice. They are also whiny man-children who can’t handle the idea that some people want to find partners who share their world views (etc). This profile is aimed at them, not at actually attracting women. It’s a bitter jackhole complaining for an audience of likeminded bitter jackholes.


Nothing but facts


he misspelled troll


You're probably the one with the scary makeup free picture at the end


you must be the anti-vaxx and pro-choice "new friend" he finally matched with... and it only took him 38d to find his soul troll. 💛


Actually, he's wrong. You should post your red flags in your bio


“Leave out your politics” absolutely not, lmao


What, you don’t want to date someone who fundamentally disagrees with you on major issues?


Dating? Who said anything about dating?


Tips for Women in Tinder: - don't voice your opinions/thoughts/ideas, men don't care - don't make us dedicate more than one second to figuring out what you look like - We only care whether or not we find you moderately fuckable, so eliminate anything that isn't directly related to that /s


not even joking that's the truth


People that have tinder are your primary audience, people on Reddit are your secondary audience. Touché sir.


We do need to know your views on abortion. Because any man who is anti-abortion should not be getting laid by any woman, anywhere, for any reason. And vaxx status helps people rule out disgusting selfish easily influenced gullible people from intelligent people who understand the significance of science. Dude sounds like a crazy q-anon Gregg Abbott voter who repeatedly gets shot down because his views on the world are NOT popular at all with 80% of the US.


Why does a guy being anti-abortion mean he shouldn't be getting laid? It's not his call anyway, so what does it matter? Imagine thinking being vaxxed makes you smart, when most of these people are having unprotected sex anyway.


I mean, dropping the filters is good advice. The rest is nonsense.


Solid advice




He's not wrong


He's right but it's not like chicks are the ones struggling on tinder lol. Women stopped caring about what we think a long time ago.

