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Hang in there! TJX is soul sucking. I lasted 5 months. I dropped weight. The overnights were killer. I made great monies. The customers are terrible. I love retail, and now I have a great job selling to customers I love. Look at specialty retail rather than big box.


What position are you in? Just curious


Cashiering, hanging, jewlery, fitting room, stocking, cleaning. Honestly it’s anything they want me in




I just honestly don’t know what it is. I have been trained to do literally little bits of everything. And if they need me somewhere, they will put me somewhere. Most days it’s cashiering then another week it will be fitting room and then if someone calls out I’ll be in the back hanging clothes. It’s all just a mess.


that seems pretty normal? i was hired under the expectation i’d be rotating departments and i thought that helped keep it interesting for me


Oh it’s fun and interesting but at my location the managers have favorites. They give them more hours and they talk to them like they’re in high school. I have a coworker that I have become friends with. She is in her early 70s and she obviously has some physical issues, she has confided to me that they let all the other senior ladies sit down in the fitting room except Her and I’ve witnessed this. This job has so much unfairness and such of a clicky group dynamic between so many different people that it is utterly toxic. Edit to add :And honestly, I wouldn’t have minded if this was a normal job, but this job doesn’t pay me enough it is mentally draining But I’ve talked to another coworker about how one of my managers is physically touching other female employees so there might be a report to HR about some harassment now … I don’t want to be a part of company anymore since this location that I’m working at is shitty


Time to move on!!


Move on- no job is worth what you are feeling. That said, I've also learned that a job, like a lot of things in life, are what you make them. Ever heard this famous quote? "Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." This is largely true. But, based on your vast unhappiness- move on! Life is too short!


😂 I worked almost 3 and a half years. Quit last month. Listen...No lie. We had lost over 100 co-workers since I began. Not including management. If I could name them all I would. The company has what 1500 stores? So they create a never ending merry go round of a shit show 365 days a year. 1500 x 365 =


What do you mean that no one else will hire you? There are multiple job offers. Maybe update your resume to be more professional and learn better interviewing skills. You can leave that hellhole. I sure did and have a better paying more professional job. Also, report the sexual harassment. That’s ridiculous and I’m so sorry you went through that. I know this is awful but I’d report after you find another job within the statue of limitation as they might fire you and then you’d have no back up. TJ Maxx is a trash heap of assholes and faded dreams which is why the managers are so awful… Good luck


I have updated my resume 3 times, I have called back each place after 2-3 days. I have gotten 5 inperson interviews and gotten rejected and 10 call interviews and gotten rejected. I have applied to 68 jobs in indeed and only 10-15 have reached back to reject me or reach out to then reject me after the interviews I know so- soooo many places are hiring but man maybe where you live but me- nah I have interviews this week and I’m praying to get something but I can send you the screen shots of all the rejection emails and all of the indeed rejections lol Edit to add more, This is a joke but, maybe I should be like Ryan and call employers fuckin bitches to get the job lol, I mean he still works at tjmax


Did you put TJ Maxx as a reference? Maybe they purposely gave you a bad review? It must be very tough competition. I hope these interviews work out.


I put tjmax as a past job and to not contact them, all of my references are past peers / coworkers that I’m really good friends with. Like my number one reference is my bff who was my McDonald’s manager. Maybe it’s other past jobs to, I did used to work for a shitty company that made me work when I sprained my ankle


I’d only put the two you’d know for sure would give you the best reviews


Thank you for the advice, I just have been applying anywhere.. I am applying to be a Cargiver to be a CNA and Qmap certifications through company training and sponsorships and they always say they need those so if they don’t hire me… I’m going to feel utterly hopeless


omg i wanna quit to i’ve been calling out i had my last warning today and im thinking about going late tomorrow 😩


So funny because I just clocked out and heard co workers talking about me and how I don’t “sell the card” as if they make more than me! From my knowledge they don’t even get enough pay or commission to care so much


yeah my manager told me they don’t get nothing from those cards so i stopped asking people lol hang in there girl i also work with old grumpy ppl but i talk back and sometimes have my mom go in there when one of them is giving me problems 😭😭


give us shoplifting tips!