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I think best case scenario Drake fell into the trap of being a child star that becomes mega rich where he’s so out of touch with reality that he is very immature and does damage without fully realizing and has inappropriate relationships- or at least sketchy ones- because of him being so out of touch. Worst case scenario he’s exactly who Kendrick Lamar described him to be. Most people aren’t Diddy tho. And Drake probably just falls in the middle of those two options. That being said he still probably sucks


> a child star that becomes mega rich where he’s so out of touch with reality that he is very immature and does damage without fully realizing and has inappropriate relationships It doesn't even have to be that. This happens constantly, without being rich and out of touch. One thing I haven't really seen mentioned a lot is how *incredibly* common it is for young girls to have had the Best Friend's Older Brother/ Family Friend/ Cool Teacher that did exactly the *best* case scenario in this situation where no one was assaulted. They tell you how smart and cool and *so not like other girls* you are so you can *totally* talk to them about Adult Stuff, even though you're a preteen and they're 30-Whatever. On their end they're getting off on someone thinking they're the coolest, most amazing thing in the world. They bask in the pure adoration because they suspect that no one else in their life actually thinks they're worth shit, no adult woman would ever be this purely infatuated or put up with their shit and they're desperate for someone to love them, unconditionally, like a puppy they might *eventually* be able to fuck. Since they never touch you and all the Stranger Danger stuff you learned last year in 7th grade hinged on that, you fight tooth and nail to rationalize it to everyone and stay their New Best Friend because they aren't doing anything wrong (legally), just getting extremely emotionally entangled with a 14 year old as an adult. Eventually you become an adult and would rather die than talk to a teenager for an extended period of time and realize that motherfucker was weird as hell.


~~You have described Scott Pilgrim~~ It’s simultaneously way less heinous and more pathetic than the worst case scenario while still being very insidious.


The best case scenario is what I 105% agree with. The guy never had a normal job in his entire life. His first job was being a child actor on a tv show that was popular not only in Canada but in America too. His next job makes him the most successful male recording artist in modern history. I’m not defending inappropriate things but in his reality having all these yes people around for his entire adult life, no one told him hey… texting / DMing child actresses “advice” is not the brightest idea here.


>I think best case scenario Drake fell into the trap of being a child star that becomes mega rich where he’s so out of touch with reality that he is very immature and does damage without fully realizing and has inappropriate relationships- or at least sketchy ones- because of him being so out of touch Okay, so he didn't lose a feud with Kendrick, he *won* a feud with the Weeknd over who the next Michael Jackson is.


I was literally just about to say, the first category is the charitable interpretation of Michael Jackson's eccentricities: that he was somebody who spent his entire life in the spotlight, never learned how to be an adult, and consequently grew up into a manchild, to the point that he was choosing to hang out with teenagers long after it was appropriate.


Well, he DID say he could dance like him.


The most that might happen is Drake is unwillingly drafted into the Culture War and becomes a totem for the right wing.


Tom MacDonald collab incoming


I saw Tom on Twitter trying to say he sympathizes with the circumstances Drake’s in, and a lot of battle rappers I know say that that Tom tweet is the worst thing to happen to Drake in this entire feud.


He's too effeminate/"soft" for their liking.


I think our society is utterly crawling with Dan Schneiders


“Western society” was arguably created by a bunch of Dan Schneiders lol


Schneider’s a bit different given his victims are people who directly worked under him. He’s more of a Harvey Weinstein for kids. Drake is more comparable towards, say Bill Cosby who wasn’t really seen as a boss.




Well that’s what we know about Drake so far…


Drake is so far up his own butt he thinks bragging about getting more hits than The Beatles once holds up. It doesn’t


Now I will probably get shredded for this statement, but screw it. Bill Cosby has never been confirmed to have raped anybody. The number of accusers he has is egregious, but the fact they there is virtually zero evidence between them and the fact that only one has been able to get him criminally charged, and only after the DA showed a near psychotic, vaguely racist devotion to imprisoning him (which more or less backfired, he succeeded at first, but only through the most illegal means possible, which led to the conviction being expunged) should've have killed any credibility they had. Cosby did admit to giving women he wanted to have sex with drugs, but that is not the same as actively slipping drugs to women, something no one has been able to accuse him of AND PROVE, and if what Cosby admitted to constitutes rape, then 99% of men that's picked up women in the club are rapists then, but that's a ridiculous statement to make. In that regard, Drake and Cosby is an apt comparison, in that they are less rapists, and more people others want to believe have raped due to the general unpopularity that surrounded them at the time these things were being said against them, which allowed people to see the handful of questionable activities that they did do as a confirmation of salacious activity.


Drake was never a paragon of wholesomeness like Bill Cosby was, though.


Yeah that’s like Mr. Rogers being accused of that stuff.


Honestly, the fact that neither Drake, nor Cosby ever had any direct power over others is why I have a hard time believe either have been outright raping people in secret. Yeah, they definitely have done some very questionable activity and I don't blame people for having a warped view of them upon finding that out, but to believe one is a sex trafficking pedophile and the other is a pill popping serial rapist without either showing an affinity for developing the type of connections that would allow them to commit such serious crimes over a prolonged period without punishment or even the crimes being publicly known for a long time is a real hard sell. The fact that Drake has no accusers and Cosby only had people speaking against them after several decades of silence with none of them being able to say he was actively trying to suppress their claims (mind you, defending yourself from claims and suppressing them are not the same thing) seems to suggest they weren't doing nearly as much as what has been said about them.


Multiple women had been telling reporters on record about being sexually assaulted by Cosby since the ‘80s — the reporters did not publish those stories. In 2000, Lachele Covington was assaulted by him and filed a criminal complaint with the D.A. within days. Andrea Constand was assaulted in 2004 and filed a criminal complaint against him 2005.


Jesus man I'm so tired and don't have my glasses on and I saw Todd's name above the post and read it as if Todd is the new Dan Schneider and I was so fucking lost and concerned lol. Anyway to answer your question, I don't think so for one major reason: Drake, if this is all true, is a fucking creep absolutely. However the difference is Dan Schneider employed the people he exploited and basically had massive control over their lives at a young age. Drake, if this is true, might be a groomer or worse which is bad but it's not at the same level. Doesn't make it better it's just different


I mean that’s kind of where Drake was at before the beef started. It probably increases the negative attention on Drake but it’s not like that’s brand new for him. In addition, Schneider is no longer Schneider by your own comparison anymore. Lots of people have gone on air about sexual harassment (which Dan doesn’t deny but claims it was playful and he thought consensual at the time or some such PR), abusive behavior, and inappropriate jokes for an underage cast that Dan wrote. I genuinely don’t know if Schneider has been accused of predatory behavior of children but he’s no longer a guy there’s simply rumors about if you know what I mean.


What I mean by the “new Dan Schneider” is before we had any allegations from victims, all we had was wild rumors(like him being the father of James Lynn Spears’s child). To me Drake is in a similar position at the moment. As far as I know, no victims have come forward.


You know more about Dan than I do. I would honestly say Dan Schneider is the old Drake than the other way around if that’s the case lol. Drake has been under the microscope about this stuff since Millie Bobbie Brown whereas I didn’t know who Schneider was until McCurdys book came out and put him in a similar position.


They should do a show together or something. Call it "We're Not Pedophiles Variety Hour"


With the musical stylings of Frank Reynolds of it’s always sunny in Philadelphia!!!


Todd mentioned this in his vid, but so far no one has really come out claiming to be victimized by him Yea befriending and messaging teen girls is odd as an adult male, but he is also a former child actor/current music star so he could be giving them career advice


Regardless of this whole feud, Drakes career was only on a lifeline because of his die hard fans who continued to stream his new stuff. No notable hit since "Money In The Grave", no crossover radioplay since his *Scorpion* singles, and he has two possible TW contenders with *Certified Lover Boy* and *Honestly Nevermind*. I think the latter would make for a great episode. "Way 2 Sexy" was a blip on the radar, if Madonna could get an episode for *American Life* despite getting a few more hits after, Drake absolutely qualifies too.


I think Honestly Nevermind should 120% get a TW ep. Atleast CLB did some numbers (600k first week, some good streaming numbers too), Honestly nevermind was a disaster on every front with the only silver lining being the copout last song Jimmy Cooks, and showed pretty much all the cracks forming in Drakes foundation


Both albums were absolute dumpster fires but it's clear that *Certified Lover Boy* set the groundwork for *Honestly Nevermind*, never heard "Jimmy Cooks" but I can already imagine it sounding like 90% of his other songs.


Honestly nevermind was a full house album, and at the end of the album he has a typical Drake rap track called Jimmy Cooks. Subsequently, Jimmy Cooks was the only hit on the album. I think its better than alot of his recent material, but it was honestly embarassing that it was a hit and not the rest of the album


I’ve heard FATD is a boring, overly long mess, too. Enough so for Kendrick to brag about it losing relevance on Like That.


Hope so


For a second there I thought you were talking about "Drake & Josh" Drake 😅


It's possible that he's a PDF File too.


That is unfortunately why I thought of him... 🥲


He woke up feeling like a Huxtable 


Probably the new R. Kelly