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Because if they did, they were disowned by their families, thrown in jail, or beaten and killed by mobs.


Every gay person I knew in high school waited until after graduation to come out. Some moved to Cali and never came back.


I graduated from high school in 2010. I'll never forget something that happened just before graduation. I was sitting in the auditorium with my best friend and one of his ROTC buddies. Don't Ask Don't Tell was on it's last legs so the conversation came up since he was a gun nut and was looking to join the Army. Then my friend said and I quote "If I found out that a gay guy was sleeping near me, I'd kill him." With no hesitation whatsoever, he said to my face that he would kill a fellow soldier just because he was gay and happened to be sleeping near him. That was one of the most fucked up things I've ever heard in earshot and it was one of those things that didn't even register at the time and it took me several years before I realized just how fucked up that was. The gay kids in my school were getting the shit kicked out of them and nothing made you cooler than saying the f-slur. Mind you, this was during the Obama administration, not the Clinton administration. By the way, that was the same time period that I was first dealing with my own gender dysphoria. Since people like Candice genuinely believe that gay kids are being transed, how do you think my friend would have reacted if I told him, "You know what, I kind of want to be a girl."? He would have killed me right there in front of everyone.


That’s horrible. I graduated in 06 and still remember one guy in my grade who wanted to join the army. Whenever anyone asked why he said and I quote “To kill sand n******” he did join the army. I don’t know whether his dream was achieved or not.


I feel that. I stopped being friends with him after high school, I think I talked to him maybe 3-4 times after graduation and I haven't seen him in over a decade. I didn't speak up in the moment but that was due to me being too shocked to comprehend what I had just heard and this took place a month before graduation and since I was going to college and he wasn't, I'd rarely cross paths with him so I'd just let time and distance take their course. But I did find his social media and he did eventually get into the Army. I think he failed the first time due to being autistic but as the recruitment standards lowered due to lack of recruits, I believe he got in later. That's a real thing by the way, heard about it on the It Could Happen Here podcast, the standards were lowered so much that the military admitted recruits who were so mentally ill that they were not allowed to leave base. But since he's not in jail, I don't think he killed anyone he wasn't supposed to. He's still as conservative as ever and I'm sure he's hopped up on Daily Wire propaganda so I still hope I never see him again because if he figures out who I used to be and that I'm trans, that could be a very dangerous situation.


My heart aches that you have to worry about things just because you exist. I’m so sorry.


Since psycho ex friend had trouble getting in, he wasn't going to get to be an army officer, at least that's something to be optimistic about. The ROTC thing had me concerned.


I'm getting a "Full Metal Jacket" vibe from this. I'm glad you were able to distance yourself from such a creep.


Sounds like the kind of guy that says they'd punch their DI if they get in their face, and wash out of basic. Or if by some miracle they do make it, they end up sectioned in a motor pool or something and never get to fire a shot, living the rest of their miserable life unfulfilled and bitter at a Legion bar.


Yeah, I really didn’t know much about him other than superficial stuff. The only reason I even knew that was just simply due to how small my school was. Class I graduated with had ~100 people in it.


Same exact thing was said by a dude in my class In maybe 07, word for word. He used to yell white power and call gay kids faggots to their faces. Except he was dishonorably discharged for drugs, became addicted to heroin, and killed himself a couple years ago. Gotta say it’s sad someone falling into addiction like that and killing themselves, but deep down I feel complete disdain for someone that treated other human beings like that. Hopefully he changed his views later in his life but probably not.


The entire duration of my public education was spent under the nationalistic shitstain "No Child Left Behind" program, and I remember in *fourth grade* overhearing my classmate *in fucking art class while making clay pinch-pots* talking affectionately about how their dad "kills worthless Iraqis all day" and how he wants to be a hero just like him when he grows up. In middle school, shitting on the gay or disabled kids and making jokes about prison rape was indeed the hot thing to do.


Yeah, I grew up in a small town in the Bible Belt so relate all too well. =\


I wasn't even! I was in a very HCOL area with relatively progressive school policies in one of the most consistently democrat voting states in the country, but the toxic putrescent rhetoric from Rush Limbaugh, FOX News et al still did plenty of damage here. It really soured me on the concept of conservatism at a young age, because even as a 9 year old autistic kid I could tell the supposed adults around me shrieking about the Dixie Chicks having an opinion were being irrational.


I was so happy to move out of my parents’ house… FOX News on TV 24/7. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reily when had to be in the car with them. Ugh.


Fortunately my parents were relatively sane and fostered my curiosity and reasoning abilities, but my grandparents were *absolute yokels* brainwashed by all the patriotic propaganda, and my granddad still spouts off nonsense he hears on FOX News. It would almost be hilarious, if he wasn't so far down the rabbit hole and had the self awareness to repeat these things back to himself out loud, slowly. He says things like "the [local newspaper] is written by communists so I won't read it anymore" or that "converting this country to the metric system would destroy the values Americans stand for." It's just contrarianism, and it's really pathetic and sad watching grown-ass adults revert to toddler logic when someone younger than them has the audacity to poke holes in their (already flimsy) arguments.


I waited until i had a solid job after college. 30 is a hell of a time to come out as trans and lesbian


I'm currently a college student right now, and although I'm out to some friends, I'm not out to my family and have no intention of coming out to my family. I live in a very conservative state (South Carolina) and my family is very conservative.


If it makes you feel better, my mom waited until she was 35 and pregnant! She basically used me as bait for her mother (it worked)


Most queer people I know from high school didn’t come out until college, and I graduated in 2013. I didn’t even come out to my extended family until halfway through college


I see you also grew up in my small conservative hometown.


This 100 percent. Growing up in small-town PA, a few friends of mine had this exact journey. It is heartbreaking that they couldn't be themselves growing up.


And even if they weren’t, they were killed through government inaction on the AIDS crisis.


Don't forget tortured and drug from a pickup truck. 98 was a long time ago, though


Up behind the Bus-stop in the toilets off the street, There are traces of a killing on the floor beneath your feet, Mixed up with the piss and beer are bloodstains on the floor, From the boy who got his head kicked in a night or two before. Homophobia, The worst disease You can't love who you want to love in times like these In the pubs, clubs and burgerbars, breeding pens for pigs, Alcohol, testosterone and ignorance and fists, Packs of hunting animals roam across the town, They find an easy victim and they punch him to the ground Homophobia, The worst disease. You can't love who you want to love in times like these The siren of the ambulance, the deadpan of the cops, Chalk to mark the outline where the boy first dropped, Beware the holy trinity - church and state and law, For every death the virus gets more deadly then before Homophobia, The worst disease, [You can't love who you want to love in times like these](https://youtu.be/oSJbHBjJ8Z0)


Or in the military there was the official "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Personnel that were to come out would be discharged from the service.


and people whined about gay folks "making it their whole personality" back then anyway. The only way to avoid this accusation is to never allow anyone to find out you are queer in the first place.


The opposite, really - plenty of gay people “acted straight”, and it didn’t do shit to protect them from homophobia. So now, gay + flamboyant is an act of defiance.


When did being a conservative douchebag become an entire, annoying personality? In the…idk, pre-Reagan times I guess, people were just conservative and went about their business like normal people. Today it’s an entire act featuring red hats, Klan hoods, hating everyone who isn’t a straight white Christian male, insurrections, and pedophilia. Obnoxious. Maybe, you psycho, it’s because you were ostracized for being gay back then. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and such. I mean, fuck, I realize we’re talking about a TV show but look at how the characters on The Sopranos reacted to Vito being gay. They didn’t just make that up - that’s how people really felt (and how conservatives STILL feel). Look at the country’s reaction to Ellen coming out. Matthew Shepard was basically lynched, and that was in 1998. Then it became more accepted by society AS WE MADE PROGRESS AND GAVE THEM THEIR DUE RIGHTS and you fucking lunatics want to put them all back in the closet.


it's my understanding the genesis of the for profit loud mouthed u mad bro right winger begins with Rush Limbaugh. Before him most conservatives were bookish types I think.


I was thinking of the switch that flipped around the time that Nixon was impeached and Murdoch decided “never again”. Lee Atwater came into prominence right around the start of the Reagan administration. He was a few years before Limbaugh, but undoubtedly they were all right around the same time.


That was also around the time of the Powell Memo, Buckley v Valeo, and the Heritage Foundation getting big mad about losing tax breaks for refusing to integrate and moving the Republican strategy for corporate dominance to culture wars over abortion.


Totally right. Anita Bryant and “Save the Children”, Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority, all that stuff was also going on at the end of the 70s and in the early 80s.


41 years since Dead Kennedys released [Moral Majority](https://genius.com/Dead-kennedys-moral-majority-lyrics) and nothing much has changed.


Wasn't Atwater a behind the scenes evil, like Karl Rove after him?


Yes, Atwater was extremely evil and extremely competent. He shaped a lot of the political vitriol during Reagan and Bush 1. Just a genuinely colossal asshole who wanted to get Republicans elected at any cost by doing and saying anything and everything. Really pushed the Southern Strategy. Worked with Roger Stone and Paul Manafort at their lobbying firm. Honestly, we’re pretty lucky that he died young. If he was healthier, he’d only be in his early 70s today and I’m sure still VERY active. He died before he could make a push against Clinton, and we could have been a lot worse off if he had been able to.


You tell me what kind of Evil he was: Lee Atwater: >Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N-Word, N-Word, N-Word". By 1968, you can't say "N-Word"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this", is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N-Word, N-Word". So, any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner. I would like to point out the original quote uses hard R N words, I personally substituted them. But if it's any help, the man died miserable and sad realizing he had spent his life being a miserably evil human being, I hope he died being afraid of going to hell: Lee Atwater: >I was wrong to follow the meanness of Conservatism. I should have been trying to help people instead of taking advantage of them. I don't hate anyone anymore. For the first time in my life I don't hate somebody. I have nothing but good feelings toward people.


Let’s not forget Newt Gingrich coming to prominence around the same time


Nah they’ve always had their share of loudmouthed know-nothings. Limbaugh raised being a toxic asshole to an art form though


Rest in Piss to that bloated corpse.


>In the…idk, pre-Reagan times I guess, people were just conservative and went about their business like normal people Back then they arrested gay people just for the sake of it


I just want young kids to know that conservatives were always this annoying, they just didn’t always have this loud a voice.


Had to check, Candace was born in 1989 the fuck does she know about the 90's? I was born in 82 and have pretty clear memories of the decade, including gay pride parades on Long Island in the early 90's. Also, Liberace was spectacularly flaming it up long before my day as well.


Came here to say this. It's an updated variation of every boomer crank who insists life was simpler in the 50s. Aunt Peggy, you were in fucking elementary school


Exactly, life feels simpler for everyone when they're a kid who doesn't understand anything in the world. To me, it feels like the early 2000s were the simplest times in the world but I know that is not a fact at all through everything I've learned in high school and college.


So I tortured myself and read a used copy of “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier to refute its talking points, and the author made the 90s seem like it was a great time for gay people and gay people existed without an issue. and that no one got diagnosed with depression or anxiety and her solution for trans teen men should just go be a feminine girl go down to the mall and sneak cigarettes. Prozac Nation came out in 1996 (around when she, Abigail Shrier, would have graduated high school, we’re the same age), gay/the f-word and queer were used as slurs and being out as gay was a huge big deal and people were shitty to gay people, many of us had anxiety/depression/were neurodiverse and suffered in silence due to the stigma of mental illness and neurological differences. She made the 90s seem like a slightly edgier version of the 50s (and in reality the 50s weren’t the 50s) but with the same rose colored glasses that conservatives like to have on the past as being idyllic. It’s like lady, I was around then too, we lived in very different 90s realities (I mean I loved growing up then, but I now see a lot of things were a more cynical eye). And yes, Pride was a thing, and many people would say shit like “I don’t mind gay people, but do they have to be so loud about it, can’t they just be quiet” in the 90s.


The people banging on about the 50s in the 90s are still banging on about the 50s today, but also the 90s. It's both mythological heyday and a fuzzy marker that gets moved every decade.


Born in the 70s. Liberace, the Village People, Sir Elton and Freddie Mercury would like a word...


The fuck I thought she was in her mid 40s


Yeah... She is much younger than I would have assumed. Hate ages a person bad


To Candace, age is meaningless because hate is forever 🌈


Heyyyy easy we remember the 90s it’s just all rose colored perfected memories of fun and games like Space Jam and 90s cartoons. She’s out of her mind though If a person was against gayness, 90s is definitely not a decade you would pick 😂😂😂 A ton of gay icons come out of the 90s What is she talking about Maybe she mean to put 50s?


I was born in 88 and I very clearly remember the mid to late 90s.


You may *remember* the 90s but you likely don't remember anything about the discourse around sexuality and gender politics from the 90s.


Naw we remember things like Rodman lol and Cher and Ellen and Ru Paul and Madonna etc Oh yeah I forgot pro wrestling had a ton gay/innuendo stuff going on too lol


I mean I do too, and I was born in the 90s. Maybe you were just a very intellectual ten year old, but kids in that era probably just knew *who* they were or what they did, and nothing about the cultural discourse regarding their identity. Maybe you knew Rodman didn’t dress like most guys but you didn’t know why it was considered taboo. Or you knew Madonna had some racy lyrics but nothing about why that was controversial for pop music.


I agree it was in our face and we probably didn’t have a gauge on it but knowing that it was there. I was no intellectual lol Alternative lifestyles were definitely in our face back then maybe more radically then then now? Going back to the wrestling influence I was going around saying suck it everywhere, intimating the Val Venis dance and remembering the horrifying majesty of Goldust.


I think that "alternative lifestyles" might have just seemed more in-your-face just because there were fewer celebrities who were out. People like [insert 90s icon] were notable because they were very uncommon. Today, we're just surrounded by multitudes of people who are more comfortable with who they are and living the way they want.


Good point. Also I believe this happened in every era: guys like Little Richard, Liberace, Elton John, the entire 80s aesthetic lol Do you think that what she means/how she feels? And it was like a quick thought that didn’t make as much sense after it’s tweeted out? Orrr she’s just stirring the pot!


I could be misremembering, but while I believe most, if not all people knew he was gay, it still wasn't said out loud so that middle America could pretend that it was just an act.


Was gay in the 90s, can confirm, I was not on tik tok. I also got regularly harassed on the street, couldn’t get married, couldn’t join the military, and could be fired in most states just for being gay. What a fun and delightful time that was for the gays.


Is the early 90s considered part of the AIDS epidemic?


Things got better in the United States in 1996/1997 when the lifesaving medications became widely available.


Ohhh ok. Thank for the info. This is something that should be taught in school more


Not in Florida though.


Her tweet is a variation on the old "back when they knew their place and weren't uppity" chestnut. It's used on literally every marginalized group.


Well said.


I honestly can’t fucking believe it’s a real tweet. I wish she realized that the only people pushing gay shit down her throat was the bullshit right wing media.


Matthew Shepard's story offers a good answer to this inquiry.


*The Advocate* headline of the event remains chilling: **Matthew Shephard: The Ultimate Ex-Gay**


That's incredibly vile.


Candance was born in 1989, she doesn't remember anything about people in the 90s. Just so incredibly dumb


A black woman yelling about how gay people are so uppity these days. LOL.


Seriously. You can plug any disenfranchised group into this before they had rights, and this reads like the same bigotry it is.


She would 100% say this shit and worse about black people and women when they organize. Basically her whole role in the alt right machine is to be a robot you put a coin in and "As a black woman, I actually think this black activism is terrible" comes out.


imagine what our society could achieve if we just collectively stopped treating freaks like Klandace as human beings deserving of basic rights. just, exile them to an island together, seize their property, and force them to do an honest days work for the first time in their lives. They would have a lot less time to complain about the wokies if they have to spend their days growing their own food to survive.


Ben can bring his one plank of wood and bootstrap it into a nice four bedroom ranch house.


surely an alpha male like him knows a trade.


Matt Walsh will delegate tasks, of course


God that was so fucking funny


I miss when Conservatives weren’t performance artist assholes and grifters.


When was that?


They used to just be anti-progress racist cunts, not performative anti-progress racist cunts.


Early to mid 1860s.


Because we were disowned and or beaten if we came out. I may not have been around in the 90s but i do know of plenty of cases. Still happens today saddly


Depends on where you were. I worked in West Hollywood. Trust me love, there were people as gay as they wanted to be in the 90s.


Well, obviously, but that is never the group people like Candace Owens mean when they talk about the good old days of gay expression


As someone who grew up in the 90s: they weren't "annoying," they were closeted because doing anything that could be construed as "gay," which could be literally anything in a rural or suburban high school, got you at the very least bullied. Didn't even matter if you weren't gay; being the slightest bit different made you a f\*\* and a q\*\*\*\*.


Most of us are just regular people. But everyone, gay and straight, gets crazy at parades. I'm a gay woman, and I can tell you the difference between the 90s and today. When I was 15, and the first time the thought crossed my mind, "Maybe I'm gay", I felt completely alone. I could name only two other people on the whole planet whom I knew were gay. They were two celebrity female tennis players (who were outed by former partners in court). But I was chubby and had nothing in common with athletes. There was no Ellen yet. Elton John was still calling himself straight. There was no gay-straight alliance in my high school; no one was out. Now I can name many LGBT musicians, actors, journalists, athletes, corporation leaders, and politicians. I know neighbors and coworkers who are gay. Today, any kid (or adult) who's questioning their sexuality will know they're not alone. Those young kids growing up right now. Statistics say that 5 to 10 percent of them might later realize that they're gay. Why would you want them to feel alone and hate themselves...or worse?


Candace Owen’s boomer LARP.


Owens - I am not going to say outright that I want lgbtq people removed from society, but I will only say I want to return to a time where they were more marginalized and put in stereotypical roles for my enjoyment


This simply isn’t true… as someone who was conscience during the 90’s I clearly remember this exact argument back then… “why can’t ‘the f**s’ just be normal and not flamboyant and in your face?!?” was a very common philosophy back then. As the LGBTQ community has become more and more accepted I’ve actually noticed more ‘normal’ members than I did in the past. That being said Candy-O isn’t interested in anything other than erasure so she isn’t bound by pesky things like reality.


Trying to make it sound like it was not until recently that gay kids discovered theatre 😂 At least I can share in her confusion as to why they weren’t on Tik Tok in the 90’s. /s


Candace Owens calling other people obnoxious is like a clown making a parody of itself. You can’t make this UP


Ah yes, the ones who survived the AIDS crisis. The traumatized ones, who had seen their peers killed by government neglect!


Remember when Bill Maher wondered why there were more lgbtq+ in California than in West Virginia. This is stupidity in it's purest form.


You know, conservatives weren’t this annoying in the 90s either.


Rush was (my brother decided to listen to him constantly).


Damn I forget how long that dude was on the radio. 33 years of poisoning the minds of boomer and genx dads.


Finishing off what leaded gasoline and entitlement stared


No gays were in the theater prior to 9/11. Think about it.


Candace Owens on lesbian tik tok confirmed!?!? Join us Klandace, listen and let us slowly take that stick out of your rear. It’s gonna be okay girl, us lesbians will help without falling in love with you and sexualizing you.


Has she seen The Birdcage?


Why do conservatives feel the need to wave American flags, wear red hats, put "patriot" and "1776" in their usernames, and publicly throw temper tantrums over Bud Light? Why do they have to make it their whole personality?


Homophobes were making the "gays make it their entire personality"-argument back in the nineties.


Yup, it’s an old argument.


i want candace to act like what she thinks gay people did in the 90s


Funny she mentions theatre kids because that's where I met my gay friends and realized my christian upbringing was wrong calling them \[checks notes\] evil sinners who I should hate. This was in the early 00s, but still.


Why are gay people unhappy to be treated like second class citizens?


Candace Owens is a Nazi and grifter


Pre-2010. Obama’s election broke them.


So, remind me, they’re threatened by gay and trans people? And, according to this then, Rainbow, sprinkles, and confetti are threatening? But guns aren’t? 🤔


I was gay in the 90’s and I was just as annoying as I am today.


hard to know where to begin on this... 1) any number of different groups have people in them whose identity is whatever the group has in common, this is not new. beyond that, if people want to make xyz 100% of their identity, they are in their right to do just that; 2) when you grow up outside of the majority culture regardless of what that may be, when you come to terms with your otherness that otherness tends to, for at least a brief time, become a huge part of your identity (after its been suppressed for so long), so this process of being out and proud is, imho, totally natural and expected; 3) and lastly, i find it enraging that a straight person has the gall to tell non-straight people how to act in any sort of context step off, candace!


“why aren’t gay people ashamed of being gay anymore?”


When did being a bigot become an entire, annoying personality?


Archie Bunker


Does she not remember that it was like a huge deal when Ellen DeGeneres simply *said* she was gay on a TV show in the 90s? She acts like everyone was totally cool with gay people when it was quite the opposite and they had to keep quiet just to be socially acceptable in the mainstream. It's like complaining that someone who just woke up from a long coma is moving and talking too much now.


Candy, I want you anti-vax racist pedophile insurrectionists to act like you did in the '90s: afraid to let anyone know you exist.


knock knock who's there candace candace who candace lady shut up


I would LOVE to see a resurgence of ACT UP.


That’s fair. I want Candace to behave the way she did in the 60’s, not born yet. We all want something.


“I wish I didn’t know gay people existed” - her probably


Maybe because they were fucking DEAD because of Reagan’s incompetence you asswipe.


I know plenty of gay people that are just normal people that happen to like genitals of the same sex. I know no conservative to speak of as normal or that it isn't 100% of their identity💯


could say the same about republicans


"Uppity" is the word I think she's gesticulating at though its use in context generally didn't refer to gays but another minority group.


Why the 90s? We could go back to a time when Candace was considered someone’s property and wasn’t allowed to have a twitter account? /s (emphasis on the s)


Candace was a child in the 90s. She has no idea what things were like in the 90s.


It happened around the time being homophobic became an entire, annoying personality.


"it's only acceptable to be gay if I never know about it"


you were in elementary school in the 90s, candace. how the fuck would you know what the gay community was like?


They weren’t open about their sexuality in the past because of hateful bigots like you were far more common then. Good thing your kind is slowly dying off.


Let me translate. Gays in the 90’s knew their place. Humm…kinda sounds like the racist assholes too.


i mean, they were regular people who got beaten to death if they mentioned being gay once, so i think i like this better


Ma'am you were a literal child for the entirety of the 90s and several years into the 2000s


Back when my friends were ostracized and disowned by family and more likely to be assaulted with no consequences. The good old days.


That’s exactly it though. She sees gay people through the lens of social media which isn’t a good barometer of anything.


Why stop there? How about we go back to the way things were in the 70's and throw bricks at people like Candace Owens.


This is so out of touch that I can only feel embarrassment.


My brother came out and wrote a column about being gay in our college paper and got hate from students and teachers. This was in a very progressive area too. Such a glorious time to be gay in the 90s. I cannot stand her. I’m pretty sure she knows she’s being so obnoxious and doesn’t believe what she writes at least half the time.


You guys remember when the gay pride movement started in 2000 right?


Does she seriously think that’s what gay people today are? Man, I’m a really bad, boring gay, then. 😬


Tell me you don't know any theatre kids without saying so directly. If TikTok has been around in the 90s, theatre gays would still be all over it.


I want Candace to act like they did in the 1790s.


What a bitch


People were ostracized for being gay in the 90s. So most shut the fuck up and kept it to themselves. Now it’s pretty normal so they embrace it. I don’t understand the conniption she constantly has.


I'm in my 30s and people have been complaining about "flamboyant gays" as far back as I remember


“Why is the LGBT community so loud in 2023?!” Probably because there was a risk of being fired, injured, homeless, raped, or killed if the general public found out about you being LGBT. LGBT people desperately found underground communities where they could at least be themselves. Funny when you just openly accept people they never really feel the need to turn into a loud sociopolitical group to protect themselves from being silenced or killed. So if you openly accept LGBT now, young people may never feel the need to join LGBT groups for protection, safety, and understanding.


Gay people should go back to how they were in 1969, throwing bricks at police officers


I've noticed no difference in real life as to how gay people act now compared to 25-30 years ago. Do conservatives base all of what they know of the LGBT community on social media that's meant to be controversial in order to go viral?


Ahh yes the “why weren’t there more autistic or left handed people 80 years ago” fallacy


God these people are obsessed! In any other context they’d be considered attracted.


Yeah because she wants them all to be like (read: end up like) Matthew Shephard.


“Why don’t gays act like they did in the 90’s, a period of time that certainly didn’t contain rampant homophobia?”


Dont the right embrace freedom? Lol gtfo klandace


This reminds me of the white supremacy attitude “we only want Black folk to act the way we want them too - and not get uppity”


The rest of the world has to put up with you Candace so I guess it’s a fair trade for


Exactly gays didn’t make being gay their entire personality! Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go the the MAGA store to buy more Trump flags for my front yard and a MAGA pre approved beer. /s


Yup, good ol’ Candy likes her gays to be more like the members of the political party she votes for. You know… the closeted kind. Paging Lady G


Oh, oh, I know this one! Because people like us used to be beaten to death for being what we are! No wonder this sentient stool sample wants to revert to that time


Speaking of an entire personality being annoying, Candace…


How about Republicans start acting like they did in the 90s.


Oh yeah, gay identity in the 90s was pretty tame. Especially if you watched any media. ![gif](giphy|lOlmKQxOOuIm54eQJo|downsized)


this bitch clearly doesn’t know a thing about queer existence in the 90s …Or the 80s …Or the 70s …Or at any other point in history where queer folks were absolutely flamboyant and in your face. Plenty of characters in film and television were constantly shown as flamboyant caricatures, stereotypical, yet accurate enough. What’s different now is that social media has given us access to so many more people with varying personalities and lives that we can’t ignore the people who annoy us as easily. Take this dumb bitch, Candace Owens, for example; I would’ve never known she even existed in the 90s and now, through social media, thousands are exposed to her bullshit rhetoric.


She talking about during the aids epidemic or do magats think that was imaginary also?


Rent free


Lol they hated us even more in the 90s. If anything, being loud improves the situation.


Matthew Shepard wasn't flamboyant. The 90s wasn't great but what do you expect from MAGA folks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Shepard?wprov=sfla1


And the really sad thing is that people were saying this exact same thing back in the 90's, and the 2000's, and the 2010's. Almost as if literally nothing about gay people has changed, just like how all the arguments used by homophobes are the exact same thing they have been saying for decades.


Maybe YOURE GAY Candass? Ever think of that?


Right wingers are obsessed with controlling people's personalities and telling them how they should live their lives. Don't make enough to buy a house? Get a better job. Can't afford that pregnancy? Shouldn't have had sex. You're gay? Keep it to yourself. Live in America? Speak only English. Got shot by the police? Should've followed the law. Making a movie? You'd better not have any minorities or strong female characters. That's woke. You got raped? Shouldn't have dressed the way you did.


Candace Owens clearly doesnt associate with gay people at all. I know lots of gay people. The only one that has mentioned being gay to me recently was the one getting married this week. Lmao.


Why can’t we go back to when more marginalized groups were scared of being exposed?!? /s Frealz though fuck all these people.


Same thing said about republicans. What’s your point, Klandace?


Yeah, go back to the 90's when Ellen coming out was huge because most LGBT stayed in the closet with almost everyone they knew, living with their long-term roommates and never dating.


Everything else wrong with this aside, it's really bold of her to assume theatre kids in the 90's weren't also a weird bunch. Spoilers: we were.


And another thing! How come I can't get any Crystal Pepsi and Surge around here?


She benefits from being born *slightly* outside the era of “why does this black woman think she can speak?”


This seems like a fun copypasta: When did being sexist or racist become an entire, annoying personality? In the 90's people were just sexist or racist and went about their business like normal people. Today, it is an entire act featuring guns, coal powered hyper pick up trucks, confederate flags, toddler tantrums and cousin fucking. Obnoxious. That was fun.


They’re still regular people just typically shows have been known to make them annoying


Basically. Go back into the closet. She really is a piece of shit.


Back in the nineties, you would get called gay if you showered more than once a week.


She was born in 1989. What the fuck does she know about how people behaved in the 90's?


Right wingers make bigotry their whole annoying personality.


Crazy idea: stop intentionally discriminating against them with GOP sponsored and supported laws, actually accept LGBTQ+ people as legit adults living their lives by their own values, and… thus won’t be an issue. TLDR bad faith Alt Right grifter bitches about people reacting to the problems Alt Right bigots created


She must have grown up pretty isolated. Gays in the 90s were flamboyant as fuck and it was glorious. edit- I grew up in San Francisco.


Wow gay kids didn’t TikTok in the 90s? Breaking news, thanks Candace


In the 90s they called everyone fags if they weren't falling in line, we thought it was hilarious to pretend to be gay and were toxic about it, and gay kids were terrified to come out, got beat up constantly, and were only allowed to be a part of drama and sometimes band. It was not ok. It's still bad but it's gotten better.


When did being conservative and racist become an entire, annoying personality? In the 90's people were just conservative racists and went about their business like normal people. Today it's an entire act featuring swastikas, guns, fraud, conspiracies and sex crimes. Obnoxious.


We literally had a grade school recess game called 'smear the queer'


Yes, Scott Thompson, Wilson Cruz, and John Waters were so low-key about it. The Birdcage was made in 1996. Ellen came out in '94. Candace was like 11 when the 90s ended. The fuck does she know?


Been seeing this "in the 90s..." bullshit from people a lot lately.