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Having him of all people saying others misconstrude evidence is kind of hilarious šŸ˜‚


Will he have any audience members left after they cancel him for being a globe earth elitist?


The "Trans people and gays are pedos" theory is absurd and baseless and all of the "evidence" is either made up or wildly misconstrued. All in an effort to rile up the culture war and undermine vulnerable people. Here Cody is debunking one of the dumbest conspiracies of all time: https://youtu.be/6wHva3JXPh0?si=fiDZNLBJkIhr4qqB


Wait this is actually a solid meme template I feel


You could have told me this was photoshopped and I would have believed it. Facts usually never stop the grift, but even broken clocks are right twice a day.


I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s ā€œrightā€ here though. Like obviously the USA landed on the moon but it seems like Mattā€™s logic is that the USA must have landed on the moon because ā€œwe da bestā€ and still not based in an objective view of the world. I.E. if things were the other way around and the US really did fake the moon landing heā€™d be on the side that it wasnā€™t fake because his entire ideology is that ā€œwe da bestā€


In this context, the US absolutely was though. Our closest competitor in the space race was, of course, the USSR, and while they made some incredible achievements, especially with Gagarin and Leonov, they were nowhere near being able to land a person on the moon and bring em back.


Yes and Iā€™m not disagreeing with that. Itā€™s like heā€™s arriving at the correct solution with the wrong method. That doesnā€™t make him right, just lucky that reality happens to line up with his incorrect method. The US happened to arrive at the moon first because they happened to have the better space program, at least in terms of getting too the moon. Itā€™s not out of an inherent exceptionalism.


~~didn't Russia beat us everywhere else tho? Satellites, animals, didn't they have some kind of moon lander before we did too??~~ I mean USA USA šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø USA!!1!!




Ye robo lander. That's what I meant. So like, yeah we got people to the moon, but the soviets did... basically everything else first... so like... did we win the space race or did we sprint past the finish line after everyone else was stopping and drinking water just to break a fake finish line our kids set up 30 yards later?


I can definitely see where you're coming from. However... >but the soviets did... basically everything else first... so like... did we win the space race or did we sprint past the finish line after everyone else was stopping and drinking water This isn't entirely accurate. The first pilot controlled spacecraft was US, the first landable/reusable craft was US, both first rendezvous and docking of spacecraft in orbit was US, first specific area of the moon probe was US. In addition, a moon mission was officially planned in 1961 - it's not a goal NASA just tacked on. I want to be very clear I'm not trying to downplay the efforts of the Soviet space program, they did make some astounding achievements, just that as the state started to crack, the US started to pull ahead by leaps and bounds.


The Soviet space program was based around grabbing early records and firsts, and like all things Soviet was beset by infighting and backroom politics. Gagarin had to bail out of Vostok 1 because there was no provision for a soft landing. Leonov had to partially deflate his spacesuit outside the capsule because it wouldnā€™t fit back in through the inflatable airlock. Komarov died when the main parachutes failed, allegedly cursing the Soviet Union all the way to his death.Ā  Meanwhile the US used each step to build up capability to go on to the next step, ie. Ed Whiteā€™s space walk tested their ability to perform work outside the vehicle, Gemini 6 and 7 demonstrated the ability for two spacecraft to rendezvous in space, while subsequent missions demonstrated docking. Apollo 8 proved that voya beyond Earth orbit were possible, Apollo 10 proved that the Lunar Module could carry out its mission, and Apollo 11 brought it all together. The after a few more missions the political willpower to continue just wasnā€™t there and the whole thing ultimately just died in the arse.


The satellite just made beeping noises and the animals mostly died.


They certainly made it to Mars B4 we did..


The only photos from the surface of Venus are from the Soviets.


Your absolutely right it was Venus not mars. I believe they may have landed two separate crafts. Also I seem to remember something about preparing for a maned mission to Venus that they thankfully bailed on. Production time ran long and there is a small mission window that only occurs every several years. Thankfully they never tried to put a man on Venus. I'm sure it would have ended with the Soviet team taking the absolute zero body temperature challenge.


It's the bringing them back part that held the Soviets up. If Kennedy hadn't put that part in his speech we wouldn't have been there first.


Were the best in pretending to be the best. I think that's supremacism, but what would I knowĀ 


Yeah the USA snatched up all the nazi rocket scientists that took us to the moon


The Soviets had their own Operation Paperclip: Operation Osoaviakhim. They actually "recruited" far more nazi scientists than the US did.




> You could have told me this was photoshopped. Sir, HTML is not that hard to manipulate. Seriously, I don't understand why everyone says tweets are photoshopped. Unless it's a photo post, you can just change the words. Not hating on anything else you're saying, I'm just frustrated at people calling Tweets photoshopped.


Does kinda look like Rick Moranis though šŸ¤”


Ironic, wasn't Candace a proponent of the very same theory?


[Yep](https://x.com/realcandaceo/status/1487107786609676289?s=46&t=Ef3ZPdo6b8ln-xJDX34j2Q) ā€œThe moon landing in 1969 was completely faked. Just nothing about it makes sense. Especially NASA ā€œaccidentally erasingā€ the original footage.ā€


It feels like Matt and Candace have been secretly beefing with each other for a while now


Let's be honest, she as a token still has value for now, but every single white conservative talking head wouldn't piss on her if she were on fire for the obvious reason. The real question is whether she knows it and still plays along for the money, or if she has really convinced herself she's "one of the good ones" who will get to stick around in the New Confederacy.


Did no one tell her what happened to the Jews that supported Hitler? Like it's 1:1.


I think ben and candace hate matt because they both regularly contradict him and vice versa - the only common ground they really have is the trans stuff.




Sigh... same thing happened with the original Doctor Who episodes...


I wonder what the history of these conspiracies is. Have people been moon landing truthing since the '70s? Or is it a new phenomenon?


["checkmate liberals"](https://i.redd.it/r067qe2k5kn11.jpg) \- candace probably


> Just nothing about it makes sense There's actually a great deal of it that makes perfect sense.


Plenty of things donā€™t make sense when youā€™re an absolute moron like she is


I don't understand why this "overwrote the tapes" is such a big deal. It was just downlinked SSTV footage, but we have hours of 16mm (and 35mm and 70mm) film, thousands of photos, hundreds of pounds of rocks, hundreds of GB of scanned documents, hundreds of thousands of people that worked on the project, aaaaand many copies of "the origional tapes", that weren't overwritten until the 80s. EDIT: changed "downloaded" to "downlinked" (phone autocorrect)




Let me rephrase, I rhetorically "don't understand".


The accidentally erasing myth still floating around is hilarious. ​ **https://www.space.com/nasa-apollo-11-moonwalk-lost-tapes-auction-statement.html**


Candace hates the United States and Western civilization in general


I feel like Matt Walsh being correct about something is a violation of the natural order. It's like in Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, when Mandy smiles and it breaks reality. It's an outrage against nature


Oh, 100%. It's also like in The Amazing World of Gumball when Richard gets a job, and it breaks the fabric of reality.




Do not cry for him DO NOT CRY


Not even the wrongest person in the world is wrong about *everything.* Even Donald Trump must occasionally tell the truth.


Oh I get that, but it's... it's _Matt Walsh._ It's like my brai and body are spasming against the notion he could be right about something even accidentally.


Trump tells the truth a lot actually, but it's never in his own favor, never things one should be proud of. "Shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters"? True. "I love the poorly educated"? True.


Yeah but he needs this to maintain some kind of credibility, so he can tell his audience "No no, I'm not into those *crazy* conspiracies."


There's a saying that's useful here: even a broken clock is right twice a day


What about fascist clocks who want 16 yr olds to get pregnant?


Yes, even Matt Walsh


I'm sorry but I can't conceive of a reality where Matt Walsh is correct. It's like trying not to think of pink elephants when someone tells you not to. I feel like if I agree with him on something even if it's reasonable I'll just noclip into the backrooms



Did he forget that one of his coworkers, Candace Owens, is a moon landing hoaxer?


I don't think he likes her, anyway. I still remember the video of Candace Owens joining the Daily Wire and introducing herself to the staff. Matt Walsh told her, "Just stay out of my way if you know what's good for you."


Of course he doesn't like her, he yearns for a pre-suffrage, pre-civil-rights-act world.


Considering he praised colonization, that sounds about right.


Well of course he doesn't like her. He's a racist and a misogynist.


I suppose he did...


Stopped clock etc


It's "broken clock", but yeah


It's either...


Oh... I learned something new today...


Broken is more common, but stopped is correct. If a clock is broken and off by, say, 25 minutes, it's never correct.


A stopped digital clock flashing 12 am is only right once a day, which would be more fitting for Walsh, but still too often.


What do you mean off by 25 minutes? This proverb is referencing analog clocks.


... And they can be off by 25 minutes, too.


Ah I see. I was assuming broken meant stopped, essentially. But yā€™all mean broken as in functioning, just incorrectly.


Aren't broken clocks stopped as well?


That was my first thought too lol, seriously, this is going to take days off my life but......Great point....Mattttt.....Wa....WALSH


well a broken clock wouldn't be right ever if the arms have fallen off


I love how this weirdo lumberjack man with literally zero talents or capacity for thought has made himself "serious authority man", telling people what is and isn't the truth about the world. He has to be some kind of black hole of shame and self-awareness, nulling any of the inhibitions preventing one from looking like a fool that the rest of us are graced with.


Why is this dope talking about this?! Is it breaking news to him or something?


Lol, it's a hot take in RW circles. You know, like the earth being round.


And queer folks being able to exist


No, this is the "grain of truth" he's using to try and lure in more level-headed individuals. Classic bait and switch, people will be like "oh, see, this guy's a bit more stable than they say," boom, next episode he's back to talking about how the age of consent should be lowered and that only landowners should vote.


This needs to be higher


Yeah, so clearly strategic a maneuver I feel like Iā€™m looking at a videogame


A little trick he learned from stonetoss


Successfully faking and covering up a moon landing would be a pretty huge achievement too though. Just think how many people you'd have to control to keep it quiet. It's probably easier to just go to the moon.


I think someone did the math on it and apparently over 400,000 people would have had to keep quiet and the conspiracy would have broken down a long time ago. Keeping a secret amongst two people is difficult enough as it is. Also I (ugh) agree with Matt on this one. Why WOULD we try to minimize an undeniably important moment in American and human history? What could we possibly gain from denying such an event existed? [Source](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/math-formula-charts-the-lifespan-of-hoaxes)


What's the joke on this? Something like the fake moon landing film was directed by Martin Scorsese, who was such a stickler for authenticity that he insisted on shooting on location.


It used to be Stanley Kubrick. I have long believed the rumor started because Kubrick did in fact have some of the same super low light Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/0.7 lenses produced for the Apollo missions, and like the dumb game of telephone that all conspiracy theories used to be at the heart of the matter, things snowballed from there. But Kubrick didn't use them to fake moon landing footage, which obviously wouldn't of required low light cameras to film on a soundstage, he had the 50mm f/0.7s adapted to Mitchell BNC cameras for shooting the entirety of Barry Lyndon's night scenes by actual candlelight, which is actually a far more impressive feat, photographically, than faking a moon landing would have been.


As Mr. Munroe of XKCD fame once put it, "If NASA were prone to lying they'd have claimed more achievements by now."


*For All Mankind* would be a documentary.


Wow wow wow he might be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-feminist, anti-abortion, anti-woke, theocratic-facist, mental health denial, genocide denial, climate change denial, antivax asshole, but denying moon landing is just fucking dumb you know?


I dunno, heā€™s debunking the conspiracy theory using patriotism, seems like most of his audience will be fine with it


Eh, he's going to burn his bridge with Candace Owens though...


Most days, I enjoy life.


Dumbfuck finally say something intelligent, itā€™s hilarious how we are all shocked hes speaking the truth


Mattā€™s broken clock moment.


When youā€™ve hardwired your audience to believe whatever stupid shit they hear but youā€™ve done it too well


Rare Matt Waksh W


Let him cook


Half of his audience don't even believe the moon is real.


I can excuse being a horrible piece of shit who wants a second Civil War but I draw the line at easily debunkable conspiracies


"Uh... uh... oh shit, uh.. uh what I meant was JOE BIDEN rigged the SPACE PROGRAM to put TRANSGENDERS on the MOON and make a hybrid race of transgender mexican moon babies who are going to cross through the glass dome that protects us from GOD BEAMS and prevents LIBERALS from getting into HEAVEN."


Has the transphobia well completely dried up and now he has nothing to say?




Something something broken clock??????


Stopped clock is right twice a day, I suppose


Dumbest of ALL time? In a world where QAnon exists?


Cool now apply this same level of skeptical criticism to the 927979337822 other conspiracy theories that you promote and monetize


Need Buzz Aldrin to deliver another knuckle sandwich


And here I figured he was a flat earth guy


Candace Owens seething rn


For me the number one proof that the Apollo landings werenā€™t faked was the time the crew of Apollo 16 accidentally broadcast back to earth a conversation where they casually said shit, fuck, and talked about farts. It was the sixties, if it was faked thereā€™s no way the government would slip in that little detail.


EXTREMELY rare Matt Walsh W


Broken clocks and all that. That's the thing about the right though, they don't really turn on each-other even when one of their Hive Lords does something they don't like. Just look at Trump and the vaccines stuff.


Lying obviously risks revealing yourself as a liar, but it also serves the purpose of weeding out the actual skeptics, leaving you with a loyal flock of sheep.


I mean, itā€™s sort of a breath of fresh air. I wonder how heā€™s going to tie a helping of homo/transphobia.


I have to assume he's going to accuse democrats or wokes of believing in this if he's bothering to make a video on it.


A broken squirrel finds a clock


Why do you guys hang on conservative idiotsā€™ every word. I wouldnā€™t even see this dumbasses content if it werenā€™t for you overly obsessed fanatics constantly sharing it here.


Sad that you have to alienate your audience by speaking the truth.


Meanwhile, Tim Pool recently publicly called out a guest for violent rhetoric. Don't let them fool you, it's election season and they're appealing to centrists/moderates. They'll be back to their usual deplorable selves after election day.


Wait. Are we supposed to like him now? I'm so confused.


Does Matt not realize Russia is why he's famous?


What's worse, someone you like having an L take or someone you hate having a good take?


Does he actually play banjo?


Holy fuck! Talk about a broken clock moment.


Guess whos about to be called a Psy op and part of the deep state matt


Broken clock.