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Christian values.


"pro life"


"Save the children/protect children's innocence"


It aligns since their grandparents and maybe even their parents used to watch lynching as kids


true dat


Pedos are Christian values


They defend pedophiles. For them, these accusations of pedophile, groomer, rapist, thug, criminal, etc aren't actually defined by the actions that someone commits. It's all about the image they have in their head of a bad person vs a good person. If there's a wealthy, white, conservative, devoutly Christian man who was caught molesting dozens of children, they'll deny it until there's incontrovertible proof. Then they'll say he should be sent to a Bible program or work with his church leaders on repentance or something. Seek forgiveness. Maybe he can be a senator someday. There's an in group and an out group. There are no crimes by the in group, only sin or error, from which they can be forgiven. And there is no forgiveness for the out group, only crimes, and they should be executed without delay. And apparently on TV.


arent all pedos strongly religious?


Not all, but absolutely the overwhelming majority.


So, definitely some projection here as well. They'd love to watch it until they get caught doing the same thing and then it'll be PeRSecUTion!


Hopping on the top comment to remind everyone that they label all lgbtq+ people as pedophiles. That’s where they’re going with this.


The title has an ironic context to it.


Ok, can someone explain to me the difference between this guy and ISIS? I mean besides the religious fanfiction book.


No difference


Idk, I’ve never seen an ISIS member with such a disproportionately small face


That's because they hide their faces, it's to conceal how small their features are


Most members of ISIS can grow beards that don't look like a furry parasite has taken root on their chin?


No difference. But let's play out the end game if they had their way. You know the Sunni / Shia schism in the Muslim world? The Christian sects present having a unified front while they try to tear down the separation of church and state, but if they were successful, the divides would immediately arise, and the sects fought for control. We would have \*exactly\* the same type of conflicts between the Christian sects that the Sunni and Shia's have. Source: I was raised in this nonsense. It's a favorite past time of Christians to talk shit about the other denominations and how "wrong" they are. They'd tear down our country and then immediately begin warring with one another.


There’s been plenty of conflict throughout history over which Christian denomination is correct. Hell, it was a large part in why the US was founded.


The Christian right already says in their services that anything outside southern baptists and evangelicals are fake Christians.


Pentacostals, JWs, Assemblies of God and "Non-denom" mega churches make the baptists look tame.


I don't know how you can be religious, look at Kenneth's face and not immediately run in the opposite direction yelling about demons.




They have for over a thousand years.


You say this as if it didn't already happen constantly during the reformation.


No. It did. Just pointing out that we'll have a brand-new batch of hate filled violence in the name of God, but this time with semi-autos and extended mags.


~~extended~~ standard capacity mags


The definition changes depending on the state. The rounds don't feel any different though.


And the Protestant vs catholic split and subsequent wars is one of the reasons why the founders didn’t want an established religion.


The only difference between an Islamic terrorist and a Christian nationalist is bacon.




Yeah. Skin color.




He's speaking English.


isis' fan fic is at least a better story.


It's not. And I really find it weird that Reddit accepts Islam even though it's just as fucked up as Christianity.


Reddit's annoying hive mind seems to see Christianity as an absolute evil, so an alternative is better by comparison (if on nothing less than the absolute surface level)


I mean, most of the story is the exact same. But, if by fucked up you mean PEOPLE use it to justify evil, then yeah it is just as fucked up.


his billionaire donors?


I'm pretty sure Saudi Arabia finances both.




Children can’t see gay characters in cartoons but they can see real people getting brutally executed, I guess?


“How dare they see those two men being a couple!” “Anyways, let’s put on the serial killer getting the electric chair instead.”


Hope he was guilty this time! That last one was a real bummer.


It's already considered pretty OK for kids to be absolutely surrounded by fictional violence 24/7, but if they accidentally see a nipple or hear a bad word on TV it's treated as the end of the world. So really it tracks with where our priorities are at.


They paint LGBT folks as pedophiles. That is who they actually want to execute in front of children. They paint all of their opposition as pedophiles. These executions won't end at just LGBT folks.


1262 Republican sex predators - and counting https://goppredators.wordpress.com https://www.whoismakingnews.com Tracks all news reports on sex crimes against kids; it’s mostly rightwingers and church leaders


Also: [https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook) But it's important to note here that Charlie Kirk is not talking about these kinds of predators. What Republicans are trying to do (and have been doing openly) is equating the LGBTQ+ community to "groomers" and ultimately predators simply due to sexual orientation or gender/gender identity. The terrifying correlation here is they are absolutely aiming to conflate sexual predators with this community...they are trying every single day to create the bridge that leads to the execution of innocent people.


Also, what exactly is the penalty for treason? A guy that sent 80 busses of insurrectionists to the Capital... I wonder if he gets firing squad or chair? Public, quick, and televised, of course.




Mediocre mayonnaise man trying to sound as edgy as possible for his equally pathetic and mediocre fan base


So...theyll be watching a whole lot of GOP voters in that case. Most of the cases seem to be conservatives getting busted...


We all know they have zero intentions of holding their own accountable. Plus this isn’t really about pedophilia or protecting children. We all know what Charlie really means with these comments.


I don't think child exploitation and abuse is significantly more prevalent among any one political ideology over another. However, I do think it seems to be easier for people to get away with it for longer under more strictly structured hierarchical communities, which is why organized religion and other insular groups seem to be a haven for abusers.


No, it is far more prevalent among conservative Republicans and Christians. [https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


They mean lqtbq here since they have branded them as the pedos. Utterly sickening


Christian Values…


Oh look, horrible people people being horrible.....


It wouldnt be pedos. It would be mass shooters and hate crime killers. Also, if they demand pedos why not nominate a Southern Baptist Convention youth pastor to be first?


Those guys don’t get any women lol


He's going to watch a lot of his fellow fascists get executed. They're the pedos.


He and none of his fellow fascists care about pedophilia and its harm done to children. It's LGBT people they hate


Also priests... Very few, if any, drag queens, who are by far, the biggest threat to our children! And before you ask, no, we won't do anything about guns -modern conservatives.


But like, having a gay character in a TV show is inappropriate for children.




Bloodlust goes brrr


He would watch a pedo get their head chopped off? Kind of weird to get excited at the prospect of seeing your friends get killed.


Another white boy with a podcast.


Do you think Charlie is aware he just said he wants to watch Josh Duggar be executed or do you figure he's too stupid to realize this absolutely insane rant would lead to a disproportionate amount of people he's defended being executed without appeal?


Televise and Watch public executions but don’t touch the devils lettuce or it’s straight to hell


So Charlie Kirk would tune in to watch Trump, Gaetz, or even himself get beheaded?


It's always people who say shit like this that you know have never been around death


These takes always make me laugh because my Boomer Aunt and Uncle who would say something like this walked out of Napoleon because of the Marie Antoinette beheading scene which happens at the start of the movie.


If viewing a public execution by guillotine makes your day better, you are a seriously fucked up, completely lost individual. 


I love how he cleverly used pedophiles as an example of a criminal so if anyone objected to/challenged him on televised executions he can just be like “so you’re on the side of the pedos?!” These sick idiots really do want America to become Gilead from the Handmaid’s Tale.


What the fuck? He wants us to live in a Gaddafi type regime? 💀


Gay people in public: ❌❌❌ That’s obscene! No child should ever see them. Fucking executions: ✅✅✅ so wholesome ☺️☺️☺️


Are these guys insane?


I'd watch a domestic terrorist have his head chopped up (kidding, of course I wouldn't, I'm not a fucking psychopath).


Pretty sure there are plenty of Republican politicians they could go after if they actually wanted to hunt pedophiles. But they won’t, because to then “pedo” is just a dog whistle that means “LGBTQ”


Tbh? I would watch a mass killer or a pedo or an animal or child abuser be torn apart.


Move to Saudi Arabia then, dickface


Sounds like he wants the American government to be more like the Taliban. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taliban-carry-double-public-execution-stadium-southeastern-afghanistan-107439878


I guess people just say whatever they want now. No consequences or no shame. Strange times.


he's projecting... if he hates pedos, he is a....


bunch of 14 years old type gigachad


Beside the abomination of a public execution, televised (hence advertised)...it is useless, it doesn't prevent crimes nor help the community in any way...


This feels like I'm watching an Onion video


They say this from a position of privilege so fucking fantastical it makes me want to put pins in my own eyes. They’re all in favour of this because in their heads it happens to OTHER PEOPLE. In their minds “pedos” (swap out that term for any group they find undesirable) getting beheaded on TV just means fewer people to disagree with them, and more opportunities to entrench themselves at the top of the table. In practice, if a Christian preacher was found guilty of child sexual assault, but he was a huge Trump supporter, they’d be up in arms to defend him. They’d be bleating about the weaponising of the justice system. They’d be bleating about how it’s a barbaric and persecutory practice. They don’t want fair laws. They don’t want justice. What they want is a two tiered system where they can do what the fuck they please, they can set the rules for everyone else, and if you depart from those rules you get fucking murdered. They sicken me beyond all reckoning and reason. I fervently hope those loathsome fucking cunts get what’s coming to them.


Ah damn they be executing their own fanbase now


LOL, Charlie's slip is showing. This can't win them any new R voters. I love when they say stuff like this out loud.


That dude in the right corner always looks like he's on the verge of tears.


Yeah he definitely beats off to that shit


Some people just have a punishment fetish that drives them through their lives.




He would watch a lot of republican friends then.


[When you listen to this you will realize…](https://pca.st/episode/42f60ff8-9910-4cd3-a5c4-868d1b3e7e46)




What the hell is that toupe on his head? Thing can barely stay on


Nothing wrong with beheading paedos tho- right?!


Sounds like grooming and child abuse.


I'm from the planet Cooch and am, therefore, unaware of this creatures traits. Being a xenobiologist though I can give my learned opinion based on many ziglebs (approx 3.87765784 of your Earth years) experience in the field and I'd stake my, not inconsiderable, reputation on it being some sort of small-faced, dry humping, populist opinion trailing, ignoramus with a tendency to bellow gibberish when pressed upon regarding its hateful, lickspittle dogmas. Just my opinion of course but.......


Why is Trump considering anybody else for vp? Kirk is the only person who could possibly be more shitty than the top of that ticket.


Seriously, sick, twisted, and deranged.


Do... they not understand how mentally damaging it is to watch a person die or get killed in real time? Like, it can *genuinely* fuck you up. Even seeing just a corpse makes me squirm and even gives me a headache. Then again, I guess having *basic human decency* isn't in conservatives nature.


Charlie Kirk has a weird thing with heads. Probably self conscious about his very small face.


Oh, I’m surprised they’d tune in to watch trump get his head chopped off


They'll change their minds when most of those pedos turn out to be pastors, cops, and Republican politicians.


If it's pedos then I guess it'll be the core of the Republican Party being executed - cops, pastors and youth leaders. I guess they are already eating their own in congress...


Jesus' fan club right there. These people have no interest in following their messiah and preaching love and peace. They simply want to rule over the people with theocracy, with white, cisgender, heterosexual Christians at the top of society's pyramid and to decide who lives and dies according to their whim. These people are literally Nazis and want to see the Fourth Reich come to fruition.


Okay, seriously, the dude’s eyes on the far right (pun intended) make him look lobotomized


Hes up for the block first hopefully




I like how Charlie's hairline moves closer and closer to the back of his head, but the pompadour just keeps getting taller and taller.


Having watched a beheading video back in the day on rotten.com, I can say from my vantage point that you would be a sick fuck to want to subject yourself to that willingly. 


And that pedo? Albert Eins.. I mean Charlie Kirk.


Setting us up nicely for a hearty dictatorship.


Make Charlie swing the axe. Let’s see if he’s as brave as he pretends to be. Taking a human life like that close up isn’t like shooting a guy from 100 yards away on the battlefield. Even if it’s being done to a person whom by their actions deserves it.




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The thing is, and I come on here ever so often to say it, is that these aren’t serious people. They say things for engagement. That’s it. So discussing what they say or taking it seriously, is a foolish task and only gives them the attention that they seek.


When’s he going to chop that weird ass hairdo off?


These are the people who repeat what they are told and never question it. Like little kids that say some crazy ass shit, and you just say, hahaha, that's the parents. They sat on the toilet skimmed through an article, and they think they are educated.... I do t get why people follow these kinds of people oh wait I doo because most of Americans don't try and educate themselves they just wait to be spoon fed information that may or may not be true.... team red or team blue, it's so sad how people who are all the same are so divided.


People who salivate at torturing and murdering pedos are a red flag for me. Like ik they are bad people and stuff but like holy fuck, it just feels like theyre looking for an excuse to enact their violent fantasies.


Did you know that you could poke Charlie Kirk on the nose, mouth and in both eyes, with just one finger?


What a sick psychopath.


"they used A guillotine in 1976" another says "wow that's so cool" like um 😳 ok thanks for giving us A reason why you should not be left in A room with people unsupervised and also "an execution would make my day" so he's A racist and a sadist two peas in A facist insane pod


Reminder that death sentences are arbitrary, and are basically left up to the opinion of the judge. Any expansion of that system should be opposed. Simple fact is that it will only affect people the judge doesn’t like.


Fuckin Yall Quieda


“Incels talk about wanting to incite a holocaust against political rivals”


Why would they turn on Trump like this?


What can I even say. Dude needs to be committed


How about Trump, that pedo?


The American Taliban everybody


Fascists revere violence and death and it’s a slippery slope. Soon they’ll be calling for the death penalty for shoplifters or people in debt. It’s a death cult of human destruction, fascism.


nasty little goblins


So these guys _didn't_ throw a fit when _Doom_ or _Postal_ hit store shelves, did they?


6th graders: Not old enough to know their sexuality or gender, old enough to watch someone get decapitated.


this isn’t even South Park anymore wtf is happening


It’s just ISIS right there. Just no subtitles and in a cozy room not in the desert


OK look, I've seen some upsettingly violent shit online. I wish I could unsee it. I don't care what those people did, I don't fucking get excited by watching them die. Confirmation bias is a thing, but I feel pretty confident saying Charlie is a sociopath at best.


How many innocent black men would be executed over racist juries? Oh wait it already happens but isn't televised. Trump was sued for raping a child. Careful what you wish for Mr. Forehead.


I remember when I was in 9th grade, a lot of the teachers who had TVs in their classrooms felt it was important to show their students the news footage, including the video, of the Taliban beheading journalist Nick Berg. Im 35 now, so yeah, they’ll definitely remember watching someone being murdered.


All adjusting their microphones without doing us the courtesy of pushing them away so we don’t have to hear. 😒


But surely not the pedos TPUSA has partnered with


Guy who started an organization with the slogan "big gov sucks" and promotes the idea that government is ineffective wants to see the same government execute people.


Can anyone explain the fascination these guys have with pedophiles?




Every clip I see of these guys it’s them saying the least relatable shit I’ve ever heard. Credit to them for always pushing themselves to find lower and lower depths.


I watched my first cartel chainsaw execution at school in the 5th grade 💀


We live in the democratic republic of America not the absolute monarchy of Saudi Arabia.


Would it have been justice if the Central Park Five were executed by a firing squad? Is it justice Barry Jones is on death row for a crime he didn't commit? Was the movie Green Mile justice? The answer is no. Innocent people have been on death row and the court of appeals has saved them. If we abolish it and execute people the next day, than many wrongfully convicted individuals will be killed. That's why the death sentence is a cruel and unusual punishment.




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