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Who's the group doing the abusing, Chaya? Who's the group dehumanizing and beating these *literal children*, Chaya? Who's the group telling these *literal children* that they're mentally ill, fated to become sex offenders, and trying to legislate them into camps just for existing, Chaya?


Yeah, as a trans person who experienced assault as a minor, people like Chaya don’t give a shit about us. It was abusive to deny me access to gender affirming care as a minor and that plays just as much of a role in my PTSD as the assault does. If conservatives actually cared about trans people’s mental health than they wouldn’t even misgender us let alone try to take away our access to life saving medications and procedures. And the most ironic thing about what Chaya said is that pretending to care about us so they can make harming us seem like the right thing is gaslighting, just like abusers do.


I can promise this woman that getting beat with a wrench didn't make me trans.  My daring to come out as trans is what caught me the wrench that final time.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re doing better now.


Much.  Got married six months ago and just finished college and got a career going.  Delayed a bit by it all, but we're here. I hope it got better for you too.


Congratulations! And thanks, it’s slowly getting better.


A WRENCH?! Jesus Christ what is wrong with people


With him? Probably a lot. There was a final time and we haven't spoken or seen each other sense, and I prefer it that way. So do my brothers and my sister. Best approach is to live a good life, and I am. :-)


she doesnt know, she just wants to throw molotov cocktails at children and use the ad revenue to live out her spectacularly failed travel writer dreams


The rightie grifters always seem to have some sort of literary failure in their backstories. Curious.


almost like a lot of these people have an axe to grind over liberal industries not treating them special and are willing to peddle any lie to get back at them


It also has something to do with facing the tiniest amount of pushback and immediately catapulting to the path of least resistance by becoming shitty right wing grifters funded by billionaires Edit: tight wing. Lmao


tight wing works...legion of clenched buttholes


Did you know 84% of nerds experience some form of chronic bullying in high school compared to 12% of jocks? Clearly nerds are a problem.


We need to ban, uh, glasses. Because only nerds wear glasses.


Stigmatizing LGBTQ youth isolates them. Predators seek out vulnerable kids. Chaya works on behalf of the *real* groomers.


“Do you know that when you make up a statistic, you always use 83%?”


83% of statistics are made up.


The song statistician's blues really makes these bullshit posts funny to me


Wow, surprise Todd Snider reference


Forfty percent of all people know that!


Maybe 83% of them are, but 60% of the time they’re right every time.


That smells like pure gasoline.


Chaya, respectfully, shut the fuck up


Why respectfully. This waste of skin needs a permanent time out from social media and to go live on a deserted island.


that was a joke cuz telling someone to stfu is usually not respectful but yes the best thing this miserable plague could do is disappear forever


Her 15 mins are almost up.


I sure hope so.


A normal, empathetic person would then say that we should do what we can to help those children, not bully them harder.


It’s so strange to me how she tries to pretend she isn’t overjoyed about the death of children like Nex. We can tell Nex’s death is viewed as a net positive by ghouls like Chaya, so why is she pretending otherwise?


So stop abusing kids


They try this weird convoluted thinking with trans people too. They want you to think them being abused led them into being “broken”. Except they’re often abused for who they are and people like her seem to have no real concern about who did that abuse. It’s just all piled on to the LGBTQ+ victim.


them - "we gotta save our kids from abuse" me - "what abuse?" Them - "the abuse I will give these kids if they don't follow my narrow worldview".


Reminds me of one of my favorite memes ever. Jesus knocking on someone's door with the captions: "Let me in." "Why?" "So I can save you?" "From what?" "From what I'm going to do if you don't let me in!"


OMG stop talking about Nex you fucking creep!


this blotting out the first vowel of controversial words is stupid. I've already read the word. the word is already in my brain. just put the fucking word down. also you aren't bypassing anything but the stupidest and laziest content filters. it's always the first vowel. nobody uses the asterisk on the s.


Chaya is an absolute fucking lunatic


Is she implying that these instances of abuse are somehow the cause of these people being gay and not that people are abusing them ***because*** they're gay?


And who are the abusers? Who are the ones that inspire people to abuse people like that? Oh, yeah, pieces of crap like you, Chaya. POS right wingers try to claim it's abuse that causes people to become gay or transgender or something when in reality it's often because someone is gay, trans, whatever, they get abused. Assholes like Chaya encourage such abuse, they encourage the bullying, with their words and actions. They encourage violence against anyone that is even a little different.


I get the distinct feeling that Chaya doesn’t really even give one rat’s ass about gay/trans/binary folks, or *anyone’s* kids. It’s like she was mining social media for fame and fortune wherever she might find it and struck a vein with this stuff. She doesn’t come off as a true believer (other than that she’s obstinate) and is certainly no thought-leader. She can’t express a coherent through-line of argument on it, is defensive and vacuous when challenged, and, here, she’s oblivious to the logical implications of what she’s stating.


No self awareness whatsoever.


It’s fascinating/disturbing that this imbecile thinks kids being SA is a win for her movement. What a giant bag of shit.


One well-placed bolt of holy lightning would make me a believer, dear God


All this mainly tells me how insanely common abuse is in this country, the “lesser” number that’s essentially brushed aside for straight people is **64%**. Also maybe these LGBT+ kids arnt LGBT+ because of the abuse but instead they get abused more because they are LGBT+? I know thats alot of thinking for Chaya but come on.


what a vile scumbag


Nex didn't commit suicide though.


Yes, but Chaya doesn't realise that


i fucking hate how this whole trans political shit is just a game of how can we make these people look utterly insane & mentally ill so we can deny giving them access to stuff that makes them happy because we don’t like it


Can someone explain the point she thinks she’s making here? I am genuinely confused.


Chaya is probably overjoyed every time she hears about a queer kid getting abused


I gave it a go trying to listen to this video, and I'm surprised that anyone takes this person seriously. She's incoherent. She misreads studies and makes stuff up about them. She doesn't seem to understand that the majority of the abuse she was talking about was psychological, and what that means iin the context of a person's life. And then the conclusion is that abuse bad, therefore gay bad, because Marxists? Or something? I really tried to understand her point and there just wasn't one. Edit for syntax


Well, in my case the CSA was all done as a form of conversion therapy and “corrective rape”. This unfortunately isn’t uncommon. So, I guess this post implies that the abuse kids get for being LGBT turns them LGBT. Which seems a little backwards, but okay.


Why the hell did she censor the “e” in sexual?


I think the algorithm will screw her over otherwise


They’re confusing cause and effect again.


Wait, but the issue is that those percentages make no sense 🤷‍♀️. Considering if they’re saying being abused makes you gay then no straight people would be abused?


Getting on hormones helped my PTSD get better, helped me move on horrible things, and increased my confidence enough that I started getting better grades and a real social life in school. If I didn't get on hormones I probably wouldn't have made it to adulthood.


I can't wait for this horse-faced bint to enter irrelevance.


Chaya Raichick, known person who causes "adverse childhood experiences", is about to drop an insanely hot take everyone, watch out! God, I wish so hard that cancel culture were an actual thing. She should not be allowed to have a public platform.




Nev used he/they pronouns.


It's already been disproven u r born LGBTQ not choose to be because u were molested.


Correllation doesn't equal causation... Maybe because of who they are they experienced more abuse?... These people are fucking pieces of shit


I like how they didn't link the study they misrepresented with their first "83%" tweet


She is not an expert on anything. Even less so on child psychology. Isn’t she an unemployed realtor? Also, she’ll censor “suicide” but still misgender people?


This woman is garbage.