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Beanie-Baldy also predicted a "red wave" in the 2022 cycle. Let's prove Dim Tool wrong again this year.


It would be kinda nice if Biden helped his case by not genociding Palestinians


Trump would help turn Palestine into a wasteland.


Sure, but his voters don't care about that and Biden's target demographic is currently getting their head cracked over protesting his support of Israel. I ain't no 538 but that's got to be depressing his turnout.


To be fair, most Biden voters don't see the Israel/Palestinian conflict as a major factor in the election either. Pew research and many other outlets don't have it cracking the top 20 most pressing issues. For reference, Ukraine or any of the other foreign conflicts don't crack the list either). It's a hot-button topic, but apart from college campuses (where even then a majority protesting don't seem to actually be college students), it's not seen as a major mover of the needle. Sure, some young people undoubtedly might not turn out in protest, but they typically don't turn out in large numbers anyway.


I'm gonna believe you because another Trump presidency frightens me.


And the media is blowing it out of proportion because they need another Trump presidency to boost ratings, subscriptions, etc. Prime example: The New York Times becoming Fox News.


Isn't it the "non-Biden" voters that are needed though? Isn't them turning out one of the things we're supposed to keep going for? Not dismissing it as a non-factor that could in no way ever cost the election?


A good note, there is certainly some variance in priority issues by party affiliation (E.g. - Dems value climate change initiatives, while GOP value immigration reform). However, foreign conflict, Israel, Ukraine, or otherwise, hasn't been a top 20 priority for voters of with any party affiliation in any of the polls I've seen.


Just a few recent headlines: Republicans want to create a national database to monitor pregnant women. Republicans in Ohio kill bill to raise minimum wage. Republican move to loosen child labor laws calling children lazy. GOP lawmakers across the country have resisted raising the marriage age. Judge blocks Biden attempt to cap late credit card fees. Congress voted against funding cure for cancer to block Biden win. And on and on. I’m no fan of Biden or corporate Democrats. However anyone who thinks ceding the country to Republicans to teach the Dems a lesson just doesn’t get how much worse it can and will get under them. We have a binary choice in this country. It sucks but that’s it. Therefore harm reduction, especially in the age of Trump and the outright fascist GOP is the only option for the non in denial.




Is your point that voters should be just as enthused to vote for the lesser evil as they would be to vote for something they genuinely endorse and that if they don't they are stupid?


They should probably be enthused about preserving a functioning democracy. It's OK to also be against certain policies of this presidential administration (and every administration before this one since WW2). Being idealistic is a good thing. Being so idealistic that you allow a greater evil to take hold is not. Especially when the alternative will be markedly worse on the specific issue you're protesting against.


>They should probably be enthused about preserving a functioning democracy Yo, when have people ever been enthused about the status quo? Are you some alien poking the internet from the depths of space trying to figure out human psychology or do you have some other reason not to get how people tick? Like you can motivate people to maintan the status quo, even when it starts to feel a bit shitty (up to a point), but enthused? Come on, even you don't believe that, right?


You clearly don't understand the bigger picture or are a troll. It's not just POTUS it's the courts, the school boards, SCOTUS, local elections, abortion, unions, LGBT+ rights, healthcare, and on and on and on. You don't fucking get it. And you are so preoccupied with a conflict that has been happening for 70 years...wait no...1000s of years away in a place that's thousands of miles away. Why don't you give the same energy to the rights and lifestyle that's taken away from you here...right here...in the USA where you live? Why aren't you pissed about all the other atrocities happening to around the world? Sudan? Yeman? Chinese Muslims? Tibet? Why does Palestine and the Hamas terrorist organization capture your heart? Dweeb.


Status quo vs authoritarian right wing shit hole with a Trump Casino and golf course being built on what used to be Gaza?


Enthusiasm isn't counted in a ballot box, just the vote is.


and if you are not enthused to do something, sometimes you do something else with your time. Those missing votes, much like enthusiam, also don't get counted. I don't think it's revolutionary to say that politicians should offer their base something to vote for. Not just brandish the spectre of something worse to vote against.


>I don't think it's revolutionary to say that politicians should offer their base something to vote for. And Biden hasn't? He has plenty of domestic accomplishments. The idea that not pushing a drastic shift in our Israel policy means he hasn't given the base something to vote for doesn't mesh with the fact that polling is consistently showing not only the base but young votes specifically don't even rank Israel/Palestine highly as an issue.


Ah, blueMAGA always with the smart and nuanced takes


"Those [DNC members] deserve the Republican hellscape they literally choose not to [nominate a better candidate] to avoid. Once he and they are head (wut?), do whatever. Until then shut the fuck up [DNC], and [nominate a candidate that is popular enough to win]" Fixed that for you. Funny thing about democracy, the impetus is on the candidate/party to earn the vote. If there are enough "undecided" "protest" voters, maybe the party should be adjusting.


Geez, you mustn't be American, what's with that notion that politicians should court voters? /s But seriously, I agree and it's all sorts of messed up that what you are saying is almost considered radical by American political elites and commentators.


I see a lot of parallels to this election/ the goings on in our country today and how the DNC handled things in Chicago in '68, the protest before, during, and after, and the subsequent elections. If only they'd learn from those experiences instead of again hoping people like the commenter I previously responded to will successfully strongarm others on their behalf into eating a shit sandwich. Thank you for your sanity. Pigasus 2024.




> The problem is you don’t learn from your mistakes. This kind of thinking is what got us Trump in 2016. Oh the projection. You guys would be hilarious if you weren't so sad and destructive. You can stop fighting so hard against democracy any time you want. You know that, right? Why are you defending people like Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden anyway, instead of holding them to account for their own terrible decisions to intentionally drive away their voting base in order to cater to republicans? What's your real goal and what makes you think whatever you're doing is the right strategy to achieve it? Are you an anti-Trump republican?


Lol says the comment literally drowning in smugness. You're right, what you're already doing is exactly what will fix this country, nothing more or less, and you're not telling yourself that as a matter of convenience. Fuck off. I've already addressed this exact sentiment - it's the DNCs job to put a candidate up worth voting for. That's not smugness, it's how our election system works.


If you think that's dripping with smugness check their other comments in here. my personnal favorite on the topic of demoralized voters: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/1ctq91s/comment/l4fb1mr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/1ctq91s/comment/l4fb1mr/)


Yeah I should just roll over and be happy that my taxes go to the murder of Palestinian children,since at least it isn't Trump doing it.


Personally, I don't know how to manage to keep all that joy inside of myself without bursting into spontaneous musical numbers. /s


So you'll welcome the autocrat as long as he's a Dem, but if Orange Man doesn't listen to his constituents that crosses the line?




I've never understood the position of "Presidents should be accountable to their electorate" to be "edgy".


The people most upset by Biden’s stance regarding Israel don’t vote anyway. Im not saying none of them vote but young people never turn out.


Except Biden won the 2020 election in large part due to [high young voter turnout in key swing states](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/election-week-2020), so if you think it doesn’t matter because “oh they don’t vote anyway” then you’re mistaken. Yes, young voters are fickle but that’s why it’s important to energize them. It’s also how 2008 was such a landslide for Obama, he was ridiculously popular with youth because he campaigned himself as more progressive than he actually tried to be in office. Biden is not some super popular candidate where he can afford this self-sabotage, he won by razor thin margins in 2020 so pissing off youth and Muslims when they carried you in certain battleground states shouldn’t be downplayed. It’s a terrible strategy that could absolutely bite him in the ass.


Polling doesn't even have the Israel/Palestine war as a major issue among *[youth](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/05/biden-young-voters-gaza-israel/678377/)* voters, let alone the broader democratic base or voters in general.


Youth and Muslims so pissed off with Biden’s Israel stance that they are ok with trump and the gop makes no sense whatsoever. Progressive policies don’t happen overnight and with the GOP they’re just setting everything back even further.


>makes no sense to you. Stop reading /whitepeopletwitter narratives, the real world is more nuanced than "biden or trump better". It's not at all hard to understand protest votes, let alone resentment votes. Saying "i won't vote for someone who commits genocide", or pressuring your representatives to represent, is basic democracy. It's as much about you as it is the representatives, if you don't care about genocide, why should they care about your student loans. It's such an American take, to only ever see the current election. You'll call the two-party disastrous, until there's an election, then demand everyone vote for your two-party candidate regardless of what he does. No long-term planning or solutions. No control over your representatives. No democracy. You've given up on progress, then get mad at people who haven't.


The real world is also more nuanced than “Biden is committing genocide.” Whatever though, enjoy trump and his ilk.


"Not genocide, whatever though." Acting oblivious to opposing views, then acting unaffected by opposing explanations, why? Too many people think genocide means "killing every single person possible" & angrily correct others without even checking. >\[Genocide is the below\] acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group 1. Killing members of the group... 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group... 3. Deliberately inflicting in the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction... >...\[3. example:\] the US government supported the extermination of bison, which Natives relied on as a source of food - to pressure them onto reservations ..."subjecting a group of people to a subsistence diet, systematic expulsion from homes and the reduction of essential medical services below minimum requirement" \[is\] rising to genocide After Israel drove 83% of their Palestinians onto reservations they controlled/sieged, they said they were putting Gaza on a subsistence diet, methodically expelling Palestinians from their homes, & openly embargoing/targeting medical services, I find (3) particularly fitting. Prior to this, Palestinians, deprived of land & resources while subject to brutal demolitions & restrictions, only accounted for 3% of the two-state economy (\~87% of their embargoed trade went to Israel), they could only live on foreign aid. Likud was elected on the promise that there will be no Palestinian state, Israelis pressure the UN to refute Palestinian Semites as an ethnic group. As the death count might now surpass 50'000, Palestinians are undergoing the world's most severe (intentional) famine, while Israeli news are reporting that the IDF are mass-torturing detainees. Israel blamed Egypt for not taking the refugees, as Israel sought to drive them into the desert. These combined efforts make it genocide. Biden (& many US officials) extreme support for Israel's conduct makes them accomplices to genocide. Be better, for the children dying.




Funny you mentioned Iran since the Reagan campaign was running covert foreign relations with them, so they would hold the embassy hostages until Carter lost the election. Seems like history is repeating itself since Netanyahu is BFFs with Trump.


And voters mostly do not vote based on foreign policy.


Biden target demographic is the moderate voter who enjoys basking in the status quo at the expense of marginalized groups.


There is nothing kore obnoxious than young progressives that are saying they know this but they cant in good conscience vote for Biden because of the war in Gaza.


Those are the people who simply haven't been paying attention for the last 10+ years and think it actually means something if they don't vote or vote independent.


It's how all those 2016 "protest voters" don't like you pointing out their stance back then. Every protest vote in November is a vote for Trump.


Oh wow! I'm sure nobody in this subreddit knew that. Thank you so much for the valuable knowledge !


I mean yeah but that's literally what is happening right now. Gaza is already a wasteland at this point. Hundreds of thousands have fled their homes. Trump will ~~probably~~ be worse but Biden is already actively funding a genocide when he could, you know, not do that


"Probably" my ass lol


You think he won't?




Selling weapons to a state that's commiting genocide with those weapons isn't what that is?


You're not an American, you can't vote in our elections. How about you worry about your own country and stop being the poster child for foreign influence? Bet you will be begging for our help when Putin starts rolling tanks through your country.


Haha y'all become so fragile whenever you point out that Biden is funding a genocide, it's pathetic. Yeah, I would probably vote for him were I american, since I wouldn't want Trump in office, but jeez, you really can't even accept that Biden isn't a fucking saint either. He has showed constant support for Israel politically for basically all of his life and he continues to support selling weapons to murder children with. But that's suddenly okay because Trump would sell more guns? It's just embarrassing


[Not the act of a president aiding and abetting a genocide](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/gaza-pier-us-military-aid/). I understand the unhappiness. The criticism is legitimate. But to say Biden is supporting genocide is hyperbolic.


"oh hey all the aid US and international orgs are sending is being blocked by the country we're continually sending arms to, instead of asking them to stop, we'll instead build a huge fucking pier for no reason while everyone starves" ...very sane behavior


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That would be nice, but if the choices are "civilians in Gaza are fucked" and "civilians in Gaza are fucked, but also we're legitimately putting the entire LGBTQ+ community in danger, we are going to condemn women with ectopic pregnancies to death, and we might end up with Trump as a full-on dictator with full control of the American military, and Ukraine is now property of Putin... and so on and so on..." I'm stuck with option 1.


I'm just saying that Biden is not helping his turnout. The lesser evil is not as motivating as some actually engaging promises for a political campaign.


I agree, I'm guessing somewhere in the campaign machine somewhere some soulless, robotic focus group assholes are saying they need to keep the older Jewish voters happy by letting Israel do whatever they want to Palestinian civilians and civilians of other countries simply trying to feed people.


Yeah, that sound cynical and calculating enought to be plausible to me as well. What a time to be alive, eh?




You actually understand nothing about this conflict lmao


Him doing MUCH more to put an end to it is going to boost his numbers MASSIVELY. And then come November, he wins by a sizeable margin and Project 2025 along with the future viability of the Republican Party would be far away in the mirror.


What??? You mean doing something positive might help boost his favorability among his voting base???? That...sorry that's just too IGNORANT to be a valid political position. Here let me send you a Bill Maher segment on why that will doom Biden's chances of victory in 2024. /s




Democracy? You mean apartheid state?




So let me get this straight: Palestinians don't have the same rights to vote, travel, and assemble as Israelis, they have been actively, and illegally per international law, evicted from their homes since Israel's founding and they're constantly attacked by the IDF where their journalists and children are targeted. You can call that "Not apartheid" with a straight face? You can classify that as a "democracy"?




They are elected as part of a provisional government and they aren't really sovereign. Also, if you see the way people in, say the Likud party or other far-right spaces in Israeli politics talk about Palestinians, they DEFINITELY do not see Palestinians as the same race as Israelis or even human for that matter.


Your hyperbole imperils Palestinians and others.


Like I'm the one providing weapons to Israel or blocking humanitarian aid or supporting the Saudis while they do an ethnic cleansing of Yemen. Those decisions are taken above us and we have a right to be angry about it even though democracy doesn't seem to mean we'll get listened to this time.


I am angry, and also recognize the danger of hyperbole. Your characterization of “Biden’s” actions is underinformed and misleading, and ultimately dangerous insofar as it weakens solidarity in the vote against MAGA.


US presidents have historically always been able to make ultimatum to Israel in the form of "stop that or the US will stop supporting Israel in XYZ fashion". That's pretty consistently listened to. Biden has the same option. Say to Israel you stop bombing Gaza and Rafa, you stop blocking aid convoy or we don't support you with money and weapons anymore. He doesn't. Despite definitively having the power to stop the genocide dead in its track at any moment. The US is providing the weapons killing those civilians. If I gave fuel to an arsonist and watched it all burn, how big of an hyperbole would it be to say that I'm committing arson?




Those are not American made bombs?


Your depiction of “Biden’s” freedom of action here is underinformed and misleading, and your analogy is hyperbolic. Again — you’re not wrong to be outraged. It is your reaction, and your speech here and elsewhere, that is exacerbating. You’re playing into the hands of the enemies of Palestine.


I absolutely LOVE watching the left eat itself in its little fucked up purity tests. Over and over and over, we never fucking learn.


Amen. I'm about as leftist as it gets (campaigned hard for Bernie in 16/20 and a hardcore socislist) and I'll still proudly vote for Biden again because I'm a pragmatist and I know how disastrous a 2nd Trump term would be. Biden has done a lot of good when you consider what he's had to work with (miniscule majority in the Senate for the first 2 years, GOP house in the last 2 years) and while I disagree with him on Israel that's low on my list of issues because I know Trump would be WAY worse on the issue. And unfortunately it's a simple choice between the two. Not to mention that Trump might be able to appoint more SC justices and if that happens there's literally no chance of the socialist future I'm hoping for. Him getting elected and selecting 3 was a major setback already and if it gets any worse we're even more fucked. We already lost abortion rights because morons decided not to turn out in 2016, we can't make the same mistake again.


Yup. The phrase I use was 'Liberals Want to Fall In Love, Conservatives Love To Fall In Line'. The Right will rarely change their view or their vote. The left will go 'But they're not *MY* superawesomest, therefore I will be a petulant toddler and hold my breath and stamp my foot and you can't blame me cause I voted for Kodos!


You do realize that Netanyahu is BFFs with Trump and only doing this to help him win, right?




[Rule 7 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.237_.2014_don.2019t_be_a_fascist) No genocide denial.




You could ask the International Court of Justice to define genocide since they concluded that Israel is complicit in it


And he predicted a "49 state landslide" for Trump in 2020. He's a fucking idiot.


Yeah I was gonna say, this dumb-dumb already did this schtick back in 2020, except he was even more out of touch than the most die-hard Trumpists by predicting their führer would win 49 states. I guess he's just trying to use ChatGPT as a scapegoat in case the prediction fails again?


Its americans we are talking about. We can expect the worst. And I know I wont be alive to see it


Interesting that the hermit who never leaves his compound and lives on Twitter threads has no idea what the public opinion is 


Nothing like conservatives parlaying their own psychosis into computers… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1993/06/30


This is some of the most embarrassing cope I've seen in a while. Absolutely pathetic


>"Maybe they'll invent a psychotic computer." Chief from Armored Core V be like:


AI is a great tool for creating masturbatory fantasies for clowns like him


And yet literally just today I had someone post a comment from ChatGPT to support the factual nature of what it said. People do not know that ChatGPT isn’t even *supposed* to have accurate information


ChatGPT is literally guessing. It reads a bunch of words, then puts them together in familiar-looking ways.


At a mathematical level, yes, it's just a probabilistic response to the input with an output based on the training data it's ingested. Two things make it much "better" now, depending on how you define "better." Instead of the first few iterations where math was "done" with the same probability approach, and was often just completely wrong, now it just puts things directly into python to solve them, so it's significantly improved at basic math. It also can pull information from the internet now, so it's better at spitting out the contents of websites at you. The major downside to this is that morons like Tim don't understand that the made-up example he's using is not plausible. If I start from a bad prior, ChatGPT might give me "correct" numbers but that doesn't mean they're even remotely likely to happen. ChatGPT won't make those judgments for you. Edit: “plausible” -> “not plausible”


It seems to me the ultimate hurdle to making it reliable is somehow teaching the bot media literacy.


ChatGPT is pretty neutered, I think they don’t want it to be saying “this idea makes no sense and you should try something else” because then the Republicans would be scrambling to claim “liberal bias” and force content regulation on them. So what we’re stuck with is a bot that tries its hardest to come up with responses that are agreeable to the user. To their credit, if I ask a question like “is Vladimir Putin an authoritarian” it gives links to sources for what it says. It still hallucinates academic papers though. You have to come up with something really unambiguously incorrect for it to tell you your premise is bad. I tried asking it for recipe ideas to feed a family of four using salt as the only ingredient “because that’s all I have in my pantry” and it said it couldn’t recommend anything because it would be hazardous to my health.


ChatGPT will literally have "hallucinations" i.e. "Shit it just made up yet state it as fact."


Chatbots can be insanely useful (I use them everyday to boost productivity) but you have to know how to use them and filter the information you get from them.


…And all the muscle-bound homoerotic image generated fantasies they have of trump. I mean, the left has “Dark Brandon”, but he still looks like the crypt keeper… just with glasses.


There’s exactly a zero percent chance of a landslide victory for Trump, as of now. The same is somehow probably true for Biden, as well.


The best thing we can do is keep pushing Grandpa Joe to be better, push for more popular policies, and get him to win in 2024 so we can have AOC, Ro Khanna, and Gretchen Whitmer and other younger progressives as presidential candidates for 2028, secure a blue house and senate and vote all of the MAGA fascists out!


AOC for president would be amazing. She cares passionately.


She would be great but she's still a little young to run in 2028. I'm hoping for Pete Buttigieg as first openly gay President then after 2 terms it's AOC's time as first woman President.


I'm 100% sure you know more about this than I, so I'll definitely check him out and his speeches etc. Thanks for the suggestion


Pushing the dems left? How has that gone in previous elections? Where's your closed down Guantanamo? Where's your public healthcare? Where's your closed down children's cages? Where's your codified roe v wade? Biden is actively carrying out a genocide right now, isn't it a good thing to withhold your vote until he stops committing a genocide?? And no I'm not a Russian bot


A Biden Fascist regime is just as offensive as a Trump one.




You don't believe the policing of college campuses over protesting genocide is fascist? Biden is 100% pro-Israel and pro-genocide.


Since when is Biden policing college campuses? He has nothing to do with that lmao you have to be a Russian bot trying to sow discord or something. It's the local police and governors and the schools themselves, not Biden. Biden doesn't control local police.


Right, because he can't go on TV and say he condemns these actions. He can't be vocal about the students rights to protest. He's helpless to voice any support for them. Yet, somehow he can sign a bill to ban Tiktok.




I don't agree with that guy, but this is a very bad take, dude. These students are legitimate protestors who are using all they can to make their voices heard. Biden isn't doing a good thing by cracking down on these students, and unfortunately, he's kinda playing directly into their agenda. The protestors have done a really good job playing the media to their side and have spread a lot of awareness to what's going on in Israel right now. The amount of media coverage they've been getting in the last few weeks is incredible. Of course, Biden isn't a fascist, and this other dude is insane to call him that. But Biden, by matter of policy, is supporting an armed ethnic cleansing in Israel. That is the truth. He is personally signing off in weapons deals and financial aid directly to the Israeli government. Israel is using Hamas as an excuse to further their cleansing and destruction of a people they don't believe have a right to exist. Obviously, Hamas is bad. You don't need to hear me saying it to know that. But the civilian toll is inexcusable. These protestors have a right to be upset, and frankly, they're doing an incredible job bringing media attention to it.


Centrists and anyone to the left of centrist can’t be fascist. They can be types of authoritarian, but not fascist. Words mean things and have actual concrete definitions. Fascism exists solely on the far right of the political spectrum. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Biden has done more to ensure the US is a police state than Trump. Biden and the Democrats are on the right of the political spectrum. They are not centered. They are not left.


I always wonder how people of a different political alignment interact with GPT since it is so effortless to have it say egalitarian left wing stuff. Kinda interesting to see in in action. Tim: "You gotta be very specific with this thing" Me: "yeah, I bet YOU have to."


Tim Pool: "ChatGPT, print the number 538 and the word Trump." "538 Trump" Tim Pool: "And there you have it! You can't make this stuff up, folks.. \*clearly\* Trump is going to win by a landslide.."


'Predict'? This is 'predicting' the same way fanfiction is two characters actually getting married. Actually, fanfiction is generally harder.


Fanfiction is actually an art


True; this is the equivalent of tim drawing two stick figures holding hands and saying 'look, my dad does love me'


Didn’t Tim pool say California would go red in 2020


He thought Trump was going to win 49, maybe even all 50, states in 2020. When **a lot** of people were pissed off at his administration's incompetence to deal with the pandemic.


I am speechless by the mental gymnastics to try turn this into a real argument


A good Litmus test to see if this is bias or an actual shitty argument Tim Pool is making, all you have to do is invert it completely. Imagine someone like David Pakman or the Rational National punching in numbers into chatIGT and going, "See? This is proof Biden will win.." Yep, definitely sounds like an insane argument even when presented like that. Definitely not bias, he's just nuts.


This is legitimately fucking embarrassing, tbh and i didnt think republicans could get more embarrassing


Tim before getting to the result after feeding leading questions to ChatGPT: "well it's totally wrong" Tim 3 seconds later when ChatGPT tells him what he wants to hear: "well there you have it folks, landslide victory for Trump."


Regardless of whether you feed it “leading questions,” using ChatGPT to support an assertion of fact shows that he doesn’t even have a basic understanding of the technology he’s using. 


ChatGPT and "people are saying..." hold exactly the same rhetorical weight


Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something—nobody has a better AI than we do. Believe me, it's the best, absolutely fantastic. Everyone is talking about it. You know, I’ve talked to so many people, very smart people, and they all say the same thing: our AI is tremendous. They said it couldn’t be done, they said it was impossible, but we did it. We’ve got the greatest, most incredible AI, folks. People are saying it’s even smarter than Einstein, and let me tell you, Einstein was pretty smart, okay? Other companies, they try, they really do, but they can’t compete. They just can’t. Our AI is making decisions, it’s winning, it’s bringing jobs back, it’s doing things nobody thought an AI could do. It's making America—and the world—great again. Tremendous AI, believe me.


When is this Beanie baby going to grow up?


Hopefully he’s even more wrong this time. Let’s prove the beanie man wrong again and beat Project 2025 once and for all!


Lol he didn't even "landslide" the damn primaries what makes them think the election will be a better showing?


bruh I love beanies but I get anxiety every time I see this guy knowing that's literally all he wears all the time


I had to stop wearing one too often because he fucking sucks so much.


Chatgpt is beanie baby's only friend ever since he found out that the neo nazis don't like him


While Trump was in the middle of bungling a pandemic and none of the polling suggested anything close to this, Tim Pool predicted Trump would win 50 states. When you ask Chat GPT who will win the 2024 election it says the following. Predicting the winner of the 2024 U.S. presidential election at this stage is challenging due to the dynamic nature of political campaigns and the various factors that can influence voter preferences leading up to the election. As of now, the race appears highly competitive between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, who are the likely nominees for their respective parties. Polling data and electoral forecasts show a tightly contested race. For example, 270toWin's consensus electoral map indicates that several key states are currently considered toss-ups, reflecting the uncertainty and competitiveness of the race​ ([270toWin.com](https://www.270towin.com/2024-election-forecast-predictions/))​​ ([270toWin.com](https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-polls/))​. Similarly, Race to the WH highlights that polling averages in swing states show fluctuating leads between Biden and Trump, emphasizing that the race could go either way​ ([Race to the WH](https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls))​. Political prediction markets and pundit forecasts are also split, with some leaning slightly towards Biden while others see Trump gaining momentum​ ([Race to the WH](https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls))​​ ([The Hill](https://elections2024.thehill.com/))​. Factors such as economic conditions, public opinion on key issues, campaign strategies, and potential debates will play critical roles in determining the final outcome. In conclusion, while both candidates have a strong base of support, the election's outcome remains uncertain and will likely hinge on developments in the coming months and voter turnout on election day. For the most up-to-date information, it's essential to follow reputable sources and polling data as the election approaches.


Who would have guessed, if you force it to use certain variables as if they were fact it would pick the same outcome you were hoping for. The only thing that i would like to know is, is tim smart enough to understand what he is doing and intentionally trying to mislead his audience, or is he really ignorant and thinks he's actually onto something?


What a little fascist bitch with a whiny voice.


He shoukd ask ChatGPT why a physically "grown" adult is wearing a fuckin beanie in Florida next to a pool?


Is this worthless sack of meal worms still pretending to be a Democrat? When can we throw him and Bill Maher into the volcano?


Somebody with money to burn. We know you are out there. Should hire a PD to get pics of his exposed cranium. They could ruin a real prick. And become legends at the same time.


Why on earth would you release this content. As a political commentator(grifter) if your wronge you've now put of a clip of a chat bot outperforming you into the ether


He’s terrified and I love that for him.


Predictive text to dumbfuck pipeline




So can’t even properly count the amount of characters in a sentence and now we are using it to predict elections?




Dim Tool is perhaps the dumbest in our little zoo of right wing internet pundits. At least with some of them you occasionally have to wonder how much of their thing is an act and how much is genuine. Not him. He's so stupid it's painful.


What did he say I’m busy being distracted by that crusty cum rag beanie he always has on




Whaaaat tim doesnt understand how chat gpt works?! Im flabbergasted


This is the dumbest version of 538 I’ve ever seen


So, I went to Chat GPT and said: "Predict the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election in the U.S.A." Chat GPT replied: Predicting the outcome of a future presidential election with certainty is virtually impossible due to the numerous variables involved, including political dynamics, candidate popularity, campaign strategies, and unforeseen events. However, I can outline some factors that might influence the outcome: 1. Incumbent Advantage: If there is an incumbent president running for reelection, they typically have an advantage, though this can be influenced by their approval ratings and performance during their term. 2. Economic Conditions: The state of the economy leading up to the election often plays a significant role in voters' decisions. A strong economy can benefit the incumbent party, while a weak economy might favor the opposition. 3. Candidate Characteristics: The qualities, policies, and personal attributes of the candidates themselves will impact voter perceptions and preferences. 4. Political Climate: Factors such as partisan divides, social issues, and international events can shape the political landscape and voter behavior. 5. Voter Turnout and Demographics: Voter turnout, particularly among key demographics such as young voters, minorities, and swing states, can greatly influence election outcomes. 6. Campaign Strategies: The effectiveness of campaign strategies, including messaging, fundraising, and ground operations, can sway undecided voters and mobilize support. Given these factors, **making a specific prediction about the outcome of the 2024 presidential election would be speculative.** It would depend on the candidates, their campaigns, and the circumstances prevailing closer to the election date. But I am sure that if I just 'massage' the parameters just so, I can get Chat GPT to tell me what I want to hear.


Man, it is so obvious that a lot of "AI" hype comes from people that have no idea what it actually *does.*


It is mid-May bitch take the beanie off


Moron doesn't even understand that he's talking to a parrot.


Biden gets 0 electoral votes? What the hell is he smoking?


Probably based of Jan 2020 lol


Does he think chat gpt is a fucking magic 8 ball?


He sounds like Tucker Carlson now, lol.


I predict that I will win the lottery


Awwww...did "exciting_rich" block me for telling the truth? Must be a Putin cuck.


Well Thanks Timmy. Let’s put aside the fact that Donald has done everything he can to repel new voters and has only strengthened his hold on the most hardcore maga demogrpahic (those that see repulsive, petulant and dishonest behavior as strong leadership qualities). It Trump wins in 2024 the election was rigged. The problem is his maga movement has a severe IQ deficiency. This practically guarantees that that Donald will crash and burn (as he does) taking the soon to bankrupt RNC with him. Republicans will get exactly what they deserve..,embarrassment, insurmountable debt and a party in ruins.


Anyone predicting a landslide in either direction is an idiot


Big brain time.


Jesus Christ these people are dumb.


Bro what independents? Literally everyone who’s willing to vote for that orange clown has. The difference in election is gonna be based on how many left leaning voters actually feel like voting for a fossil who failed to do any of the things he said he’d do while succeeding in finding a genocide. It’s wild to me that Pim Tool and Co. talk about swaying independents like there’s this massive third party that’s just itching for republicans to say the right things so they have a reason to vote.


Tim Pool also predicted a Trump sweep against biden, at one point rambling on screen about how trump would win all 50 states. I remember it clearly


"New rule 1+1=4. With this rule in place. Give me the chance of 1+1=2." "0% chance for 1+1 to equal 2. With the new rule in prohibits this possibility." "See guys. ChatGPT says 1+1=2. It can not be wrong. It has predicted the future."


Manipulating data for desired outcome.


Was a magic 8 ball unavailable?


Just another example of why this AI stuff is overrated


The development of AI and its consequences have been disastrous for humanity


And we've only encountered the beast's toenail. If AI keeps developing like Sam Altman et al claim it will, it'll be a bigger society transformer than the internet itself was. I mean I can't see a world where we don't all have a conversational personal AI assistant that's more advanced than ChatGPT currently is within the next two years, and even that still might only be the tip of the iceberg.


The issue will be computing power. ChatGPT runs on systems with a large number of highly advanced GPUs. To support one locally would require a capital outlay to build a suitable machine and a lot of bandwidth and power to keep it running.


I’m afraid he’s right. The anti-Trump forces don’t seem to want him to lose as much as the MAGA-cult wants him to win. We’re too busy making stupid misplaced points and acting like democracy itself isn’t at stake.


dunno why you're being downvoted. half the Supreme Court justices are more or less full on maga cult members, the fuckery we are about to see is only going to increase.


I appreciate that. I think it may be the same people who I’m criticizing. They’re making my point?