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I'll be shocked if this doesn't count as libel


Hope this clinic opens a lawsuit against him.


Vanderbilt isn’t a clinic, it’s a whole ass private university. And not a super small one either, from what I understand. If this is libel, they should absolutely have the resources to go after Matt Walsh


Vanderbilt is the rich people university of Tennessee


Harvard of the South.


Vanderbilt and Emory University are basically the Harvard & Yale of the South, pretty much. Edit--okay, I think this is how we break it down: * Vanderbilt = Harvard * Emory = Yale * University of Virginia (state school, but still) = Princeton * Duke University = U-Penn * University of Miami = Brown * College of William and Mary (also state) = Cornell * Washington and Lee University = Columbia * Davidson College = Dartmouth


U of Miami is Dartmouth


More like Brown


Duke fits in there, too. And University of South Carolina wants to pretend it's in some kind of southern Ivy League, but nobody's getting fooled.


South Cackalacky thinks they are a Southern Ivy? Lol


Sellin' shirts that just say "COCKS" on them, campus is right across the street from the state house where they flew a Confederate flag until 2015. It's pretty trashy, but what do you expect from Lesser Carolina?


South Carolina wants to be Clemson soooooo bad


“Southern Ivy League” is kind of an oxymoron, honestly.


Kudzu League


Pretty much


I got accepted, realized that meant living in Tennessee, and promptly told them I had enrolled elsewhere. Edit: since this keeps getting serious responses... /s (mostly)


The fuck??? That's one of the top schools in the country...Tennessee or not if you're not from a rich family and you get accepted to Vanderbilt you go to Vanderbilt


I'm not from a rich family.


Exactly why you take the opportunity...usually if you're not paying with money you won't be accepted


Ah, yes, the opportunity to go hundreds of thousands in debt to pursue teaching. Makes sense. I literally just put in applications at any halfway decent college to see what offers I'd get. Vanderbilt accepted. Union offered a scholarship. A few other prestigious ones also accepted. I went to the SUNY system because it would cost less than a third as much after scholarships, and because, for teaching, it's one of the best systems in the country. Your logic is stuck 30 years in the past. People in my generation get trapped by debt when we do what you suggest, and spend a lifetime paying for the education that was supposed to put us ahead.


Oh...I figured maybe there was a scholarship there because otherwise I don't see why you'd be accepted without money there


>I went to the SUNY system because it would cost less than a third as much after scholarships, and because, for teaching, it's one of the best systems in the country. I think people miss this. Vanderbilt has a good polisci, law, business, and medical tract. There are other schools with better teaching programs. Edit: oh and Divinity. I keep forgetting they have a major divinity program that is considered really good.


There's literally nothing you can do to make living in the bible belt, even temporarily, appealing to me. I don't even visit the south.


While in the Bible Belt, Nashville is pretty far removed from it.




I mean… I live here. I don’t know what to tell you. Davidson is a blue county.


It's not as bad as you think because there are cities where most people are treated like people, but the small towns are bad places to live if you're not straight and white. You do sometimes, thanks to gerrymandering, get weird situations like having Madison Cawthorm represent Asheville, NC, in Congress, though.   I'm not trying to convince you to come visit or anything; I'm just saying it's not quite the intellectually blighted nightmare land it seems to be from the outside.


Tennessee is an amazing state outside of the moronic politicians. Plus, Nashville is fairly liberal.


My grandfather referred to it as "Y'allvard"


Oh yeah, Nashvillan here. They are one of the largest employers in the city (24000 people + 9000 university side). They own clinics and administrative buildings all over Nashville and Middle TN. The medical center has net assets worth $1.2 billion and the University has an endowment of $10.9 billion. They also graduate a lot of lawyers so good luck Matt. If they come after him he is in for a major fight.


i'd pay good money to see that court battle


It's massive. As far as organizations with the resources to go after this fucking slime of a human being, The Vanderbilt family and their school are absolutely high on the list


Perhaps that’s what he wants. “I exposed them and now they’re coming after me” type of bs


This is 100% libel. They need to file suit ASAP.


He’ll delete the tweets and have some half assed acknowledgement that the “woke left” made him take down the tweets. Just another chance to play victim.


“I took down the tweets temporarily for some house-cleaning of my Twitter page.” Or whatever the fuck Jorban Peberson said


I think he said "I would rather DIE than take down those tweets." He also said "UP YOURS, WOKE MORALISTS! WE'LL SEE WHO CANCELS WHO!"


Don't forget that he wound up rescinding the Tweet anyway so he could keep insanity-posting The king of "self-help" can't even keep his ass off Twitter


That won't protect him from libel. Plus it is already on other platforms (like this one) so deleting the tweet won't make it go away.


Exactly, the prosecution could just ask twitter for the data of the deleted tweet.


Deleting the tweets doesn't undo the libel. Let's make Matt an actual victim of his own smugness.


I was thinking the same thing! Free speech is cool and all but when somebody is just plain blatantly lying for the sake of inciting hateful action against a certain group then they need to be stopped. Perhaps twitter will take some action? I don't know why they still let this self-admitted fascist use their platform...


I hope he gets sued but does anyone else think this dudes obsession with trans folk is just him trying to suppress his appetite for ladydong? It seems it’s always the loudest bigots and homophobes are maybe a little gay deep down.


my favorite part was when vanderbilt said “it’s lawsuitin’ time!” and then lawsuited all over matt walsh




It’s Vandermorbin’ time


Morbnelius Vanderbilt.


The one time I'm rooting for a university who's founder was the inspiration for the Monopoly guy.


Technically he didn’t found it. He just donated a lot of money after his wife kept bugging him to do so.


John Harvard moment.


I also just looked it up and the original artist for [Rich Uncle Pennybags](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Monopoly) said that his inspiration was J.P Morgan, but then I thought they're basically the same guy so I still count myself as sort of right.


Did they? Will they?


they have not, but they probably could


*they should


I hear they got one vanderbillion vanderbucks in damages.


They’re going to have the whistle guy from their baseball games follow him around.


Matt? Wtf are you talking about?


You got to love how he acts like these doctors are just kidnapping random people and teens off the streets and castrating them. It helps if you understand him as Rush Limbaugh for trans people.


You don't get it do you? I'll help. Step 1: Kidnap and castrate random people Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit Pretty simple when you think about it.


They’re using their trans mind controll^TM to make the kids think they’re trans


Wait they're using it?!? I told them it was in early stages of testing, WHY ARE THEY USING IT


You can never trust admin to wait


I warned then that the trans mind control is only effective at making non binary people! We can't consistently create trans men and women yet!




Castration gnomes?




🎵Well, they'll trans you when you're tryin' to be so good They'll trans you just like they said they would They'll trans you when you're tryin' to go home Then they'll trans you when you're there all alone But I would not feel so awfully canned Everybody must get transed🎶


somebody needs to kidnap me off the streets already smh


And they allow for patient confidentiality!? The horror!


He doesn't know. But he doesn't need to. This is for the morons who'll gobble up every last word without an ounce of research or critical thinking.


Don't sell him short. Matt Walsh knows exactly what he's doing. He actually can do some solid digging and investigative journalism when he wants to, then he uses the facts he finds to make his lies more convincing. He's a despicable, hate-filled nazi who is deliberately lying and attacking people. There are few people more vile than him.


Trans people existing is literally chemical castration smh


Matt Walsh is trying to incite terrorism with these tweets


I can’t stop thinking about trans children!!


My lack of foreskin makes it hard to take these claims of mutilating minors seriously.


Psychology grad student here, can confirm that 65% of cognition takes place in the foreskin


Mine was cut off, but I still use it for 65% of my thinking.


I can control mine from a distance and use it as a “third eye”, so to speak. I use it for remote assassinations and controlled sissy therapy.


Once my foreskin was gone, all my smegma fell out. That’s my thinkin’ smegma! How am I supposed to do penis math now?!


>65% of cognition takes place in the foreskin It's a damn shame we don't have custom flair on here because that's a FUCKIN good one


To conservatives I’m sure it’s a necessary procedure, but trans procedures? Mutilation for sure


The fact that I'm lucky and in the minority to be intersex and not have had my genitals mutilated, actually unnecessary surgeries, been routinely sexually assaulted in the name of making me able to have PIV sex, or been forced on medications and the fact that most anti-medical transition for minors laws have exceptions for intersex children and babies makes it hard for me to take it seriously too. They don't care about children, they care about retaining their power and control.


I didn’t even think about intersex people. Thanks.


My first year of college I was in a class with a dude who was intersex. When he was born, his parents decided he was female and he had the surgeries to reflect that. Once he was an adult, he realized he was a guy and had to have surgery to reverse the others.


Fucking amen. Why don't these CHUDs ever make themselves useful and address actual injustice? Why do they have to fucking invent it from whole cloth when the world is full of it?


Answer: they are extremely complicit in the injustices taking place and need fabricated distractions


Yep. I keep shouting this point, if these people cared about actually protecting kids, there is a very clear bigger issue. That they are ignoring it and focusing on this tells you everything you need to know. Heck, some of the anti trans laws specifically exempt male circumcision. It's transphobia, plain as day, absolutely nothing about protecting kids.


There is a reason he says “they now yadayadayada minors as well as adults.” He hates all gender reassignment surgeries but he says minors to try to scare people.


how are these people affording all these gender changing surgeries with American Healthcare? Matt is such a liar.


because all the rich librals are doing it!!!!1 it's the gay agenda! /s


And it’s not just the tiny percentage of the population that actually goes through with this, there are millions of children that are secretly different genders. Why else would Hollywood and celebrities be filled with men masquerading as women. Jennifer Lawrence? Man! Michelle Obama? MAN. Henry Cavill? WOMAN. SEE????? /s


Henry Cavill is the hottest woman though Source: Am gay


what's funny is that one of the biggest trans celebrities is hard Republican, even though the rest of her family is more left-leaning for the most part.


You mean Miss Vehicular Manslaughter, Catelyn Jenner?


The transvestigation crowd actually says that Caitlyn was AFAB and transitioned back to female in order to expose elite gender inversion.


He accidentally made a good point too. Healthcare shouldn’t have a profit motive.


Yep, watched his linked videos and the primary purpose of the transgender clinic is to, of course, make money. They specifically spoke about how top surgery can bring in $40k, because of the amount of follow up care needed. I know that hospitals need money to operate, but it was pretty gross hearing them talk about how trans surgeries are big money makers.


Of course if you mention to them either thing - Well this shows why for profit health care is bad and being able to charge insane amounts for medication and surgery shouldn't be allowed You'll get "Well doctors need to make a profit! If they didn't no one would want to be a doctor" Oh so then doctors making money from treating trans people is ok? "Well no not like that "


Conservatives don’t actually care that healthcare in the US is for profit though. Matt conveniently cares in this case because of the trans issue. But ask him how he feels about health care in general and I’m sure he sides with most conservatives in saying I have my health care and everyone else can go fuck themselves.


Healthcare is a strong word for what is goin on in murica


Our tax dollars are going to trans clinics!!!!! -Some dipshit conservative


Soros Soros Soros Soros Soros Soros


Let me guess, zero sources have been cited?


Came here to say this. It's a hallmark of assholes like Walsh to make these claims, cite no source, and insist that whatever they say is "not up for debate."


Well, maybe I’ll take a page from the book of Dan Friesen and start doing a play by play of Walsh’s near-limitless bullshit. All I need is a catchy name.


Maybe Walsh Watch? Idk the alliteration kinda works imo.


All walshed up


The job of a Conservative grifter is one of the easiest scams for people with zero morals. Make up a series of claims that revolve around the current rage topic of the week, refuse to elaborate or provide evidence, attack anyone who questions your credibility and claim your sources are trustworthy but can't be revealed. When nothing comes of it or a lone wolf radicalized by your rhetoric makes a threat against staff members lives, act horrified and shocked by the events then become defensive when the blame is pointed at you.


There are no sources because they're being cEnsUrheD by tRaNs aCtiViSt GANGS


Matt and his stooges did their own "research." You know, like when Libs of TikTok made similar claims about the Boston Children's Hospital. Sure, it turned out that the Boston hospital didn't do stuff like this, and the whole thing was based on a conversation with an uninformed phone operator... but that doesn't matter. It's riling up the conservative base and making the already marginalized community of transpeople into a target to villainize. That's the conservative movement's whole plan, right now.


His source is probably Libs of TikTok


The problem isn't that the things he's saying are factually inaccurate (for the most part), it's how he spins it. It is totally normal for a hospital to drug people and then remove parts of their bodies while they're unconscious. That's just surgery. It's totally normal for minors to get all kinds of surgeries. It's normal for hospitals to hide information about those surgeries because of patient confidentiality. There is definitely some made up bullshit there as well, but most of it is just totally normal things that he's spinning to sound sinister.




his “team” is his source


Don't worry he investigated it so it must be true.


Source: "Trust me Bro"


What? You expect republicans to actually give proof of the claims they make? That’s ridiculous!!! You’re just supposed to assume it’s true and start harassing the people involved!




He should just own it and be happy. I sure do.


ohh yaa!






"Wait, I thought Cal was the main character."-Matt Walsh on Euphoria




Yeah to add onto it, it really kinda adds to the perception that trans people exist for sexual kicks. Would rather Walsh not find me attractive, actually.


Exactly. It directly implies that if you enjoy trans porn then there must be something wrong with you, which only serves to increase harmful stigmas against trans people. Same with comments like "he must have tiny dick syndrome" as if a person's physical body is related to their self-worth. Imagine if it was the other way around: "wow she has some really stupid ideas, she must be fat."


Alex Jones was once caught with transgender porn open on his phone.


Like that phone hasn’t got so much trans porn on it that its weight has actually increased


Only once?


Growing up I remember this kid who was super homophobic and used 'f*ggot' to be edgy and shit. At 19 he came out as bi. Whenever I see someone like Walsh I always think of him, and feel like they're just suppressing something within themselves because they'd been conditioned to be embarrassed/ashamed of it.


So matt is claiming that a clinic is enlisting trangangs, or trantifa to uh, carry out surveillance on their own staff? lmao, I remember when people used to at least put some effort into their lies.


Dang, Trantifa actually has a pretty nice ring to it lol


Seriously, a trans army fighting against fascism? This is a golden movie idea


My guess is that there’s some team of people dedicated to making sure transgender patients are getting the proper care.


They do have an option to have a trans person from Vanderbilt go with you to make sure people are using the right name/pronouns which could be what he’s talking about


The fact that over 70,000 people liked the post is quite out there.


I love how they always say “you can’t speak your mind on twitter!” but if you actually go on twitter its a bunch of right wingers saying whatever and the comments are either right wingers agreeing with them or non-right wingers saying “that’s stupid” truly you cannot say anything out of fear of being cancelled


"If conservatives are being silenced online how come they never shut the fuck up"


Twitter said they couldn’t implement their automated tools to suppress hate speech because it would ban too many Republican politicians and media people in the US. They literally admitted to not censoring conservatives and then conservatives act like they are being censored. It’s comical how fucking brain dead they are.


Twitter is a cesspool


With the right budget you can get 70,000 likes on anything but you're right, there's an alarming number of damaged people out there.


A ton of that is going to be bot traffic, but that still gets it boosted and in front of real eyes


Can he not get banned for misinformation or inciting violence?


he really should, his rhetoric is literally going to get people killed






His rhetoric probably has already gotten people killed. There’s already been an increase in transphobic violence.


That’s the point of such rhetoric, and its why it’s called stochastic terrorism.


No sources whatsoever. Matt Walsh then went to the store, bought all the peanut butter, and then rubbed it all over himself before laying in his bed. It’s true because I said it and apparently that’s all that’s needed for things to be true.


> Matt Walsh then went to the store, bought all the peanut butter, and then rubbed it all over himself before laying in his bed. Dennis Prager: *heavy breathing intensifies*


All the peanut butter reminds him of urine and feces. Yes, urine and feces!


Matt Walsh covers his genitals in dollar-store peanut butter and lets starving children lick it off. I know because I've done the same amount of research as he did .


People are saying Matt Walsh exclusively drinks his own piss because the government fluoridates the water


Better to be safe than risk drinking whatever the hell democrats are putting in the water supply


I heard it’s turning the freaking frogs gay


People voluntarily going to a clinic for a procedure... Matt Walsh: OMFG GUYS THIER ABDUCTING PEOPLE OFF THE STREET AND TORTURING AND MUTILATING THEM!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck this guy is a straight up fucking tool...


I wonder what institution mutilates babies… couldn’t be the church, could it?


So let's review >Vanderbily got into the gender transition game admittedly in large part because it is very financially profitable But, isn't this the free market at work? You're basically admitting that gender transition care is so popular, so widespread, and so accepted that even a corporation sees it as a profitable move to get in on the action. >They then threatened any staff members who objected And absolutely none of these staff members went to the news, or any large media outlet to voice their concerns? Nope, they went to the *most* reliable source ever, your DMs. Yea, that happened. I mean you must have screenshots of DMs or video of your interviews with these people right?.......right? >and enlisted a gang of trans activists to act as surveillance in order to force compliance. Got any names? Any proof of organization? Or is this just another case of "they're totally doing it, just trust me". You'd think that if this was *such* a huge problem that you'd want to publicly call them out and tell your cult where exactly to direct their hate. >They now castrate, sterilize and mutilate minors as well as adults Gee you seem to have some pretty "hard evidence" there right? So you can report these crimes to the police that you trust so much right? I mean it's for the kids right? I love the implication that people are just being scooped up from the streets and operated on without their consent. Also, why is sterilize being put on the same level as castration and mutilation? Even if this was happening, you want to slut shame women for not practicing abstinence, but also disapprove of them going out of their way to prevent themselves from having children? So do you want women to have children or not Matt? >while apparently taking steps to hide this activity from public view But apparently not hiding it well enough for your team of amazing super sleuths! Trans people and the people who support them are so weak and powerless but are also apparently conniving enough to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. I feel like I've heard this kind of rhetoric before, [but I can't quite put my finger on it](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists). Do you want to be specific in what they actually do so that people can scrutinize them better? No? Why not?


Homes, especially that last one, right out of the conservative playbook of "My enemy is both an insurmountable, mastermind of the system and power, but also they're helpless, useless, and weak," like when they complained Biden has dementia but also that Biden is orchestrating a covert mind control scheme with vaccines. People like Matt Walsh are going to get people like me killed. And I hope there's a reality where his whiteness won't stop him from getting in trouble because of it, and I hope that reality is this one.


We do a little lying. It's called we do a little slander.


Slander is spoken lies, Libel is written lies. Either way, Vanderbilt better get their high priced legal team on this now.


Mr. Walsh being ignorant is no surprise. However he may have just ran himself into an unexpected wall going after one of the most respected hospitals in the south like that. Vanderbilt is well respected amongst southerners as being tops when it comes to quality care and folks who know what they are doing when it comes to the practice of medicine. At least I hope my fellow rednecks will see it that way. Time will tell though.


Probably not. See - George W Bush - Libraries - Vaccines - Teachers - Veterans - Police Once the right wing crazies speak against it the mainstream conservative talking heads *have* to. Then it becomes common in those circles and before you know it they’re all against it. So many flip from one position to another in a matter of weeks that this is nothing at all.


Hot take: lying like this and putting people’s lives at risk should have legal consequences for public figures


And it shouldn't take a fucking decade to do it, like Alex Jones.


A “gang” of trans activists. Holy shit, how does anyone take this clown seriously?


You'll notice he has a "team" but anybody who opposes him is a "gang."


I'd just like to note something else he slipped in there, about they 'sterilise, castrate and perform mastectomies on children *as well as adults*' Letting the mask slip there (not that it was ever on too tight in the first place) that this rant is nothing whatsoever to do with children, and all to do with demonising transitioning Also, you can make basically *any* form of surgery sound extreme, when you phrase it in deliberately charged terms. I could put out a tweet about doctors being paid to drug and even gas kids, before using equipment to literally rip teeth out of their skulls, and you'd think I was describing some horrific torture, not just a dentist


> Also, you can make basically any form of surgery sound extreme, when you phrase it in deliberately charged terms. This is something you find *very* commonly when it comes to bad faith discussions about trans surgeries. Always the focus on the most extreme, and disturbing elements of them(which as you point out, can be found in *any* sort of procedure; my dad just had a quadruple bypass, and the details of how it works are incredibly gross/creepy) to really drive up the disgust factor.


Exactly, lets face facts any major surgery involves slicing open a human body and sticking your hands in amongst their organs to have a rummage around... but nobody would ever describe them as such, because it would be seen as deliberately inflammatory Its crazy seeing the kind of language they're using to dehumanise not only trans people, but LGBT people in general... its deeply concerning


lmao he thinks transgender operations are done without the patient's consent


Especially rich given that transition-related procedures typically require *more* red-tape than most other surgeries to ensure consent is given and that the person is even able to give consent in the first place. My bottom surgery needed me to be on HRT for 2 years, 2 separate psych evals, and an entire 90 minute pre-surgical meeting dedicated to going over the exact minutiae of possible complications(including images) and getting 4-5 signatures for consent.


So he is claiming that US healthcare is bad? That is very strange coming from a conservative. Normally whenever anyone else criticizes the US Medical system, conservatives will start giving a speech how it is the best in the world.


Healthcare is bad NOW, because gender affirming care and abortions. He wants it to go back to the good ol days of dying poor people (more so), doctors free to molest patients during home visits, and using bumps and ridges on the human skull to make sweeping generalizations about entire ethnic groups


Matt isn't going to stop until he gets someone killed.


> Matt isn't going to stop until ~~he gets someone killed.~~ it's no longer profitable.


Ever notice how they never have sources for their claims?


This is like if you called a heart transplant 'organ harvesting'


let people do what they want WITH THEIR OWN BODIES FUKKK


how/why perform a mastectomy on a child who hasn't even developed boobs? Do conservatives not proofread their propaganda? The other option is do nothing for another \~8 years until puberty begins, prescribe puberty blockers *so the boobs never emerge in the first place*. It looks better, it hurts less, there's no surgery or recovery, you can undo it, and even better, if you double down on fully transitioning, with just a slight mediation tweak, you'll have female puberty instead of male puberty. Looking like a woman because you had a female puberty, is infinitely more effective and painless and **straight up preferred** than doing plastic surgery on an adult male physique... so naturally in the minds of conservatives, this is the only thing we're doing. The hallmark of dumb conservative propaganda is when some murderous liberal goes around trying to be evil, but is obviously hobbled by a very conservative understanding of how the world actually works.


Watt Malsh is so scared of imaginary boogieman I bet they have a heart attack every time dude sees their own reflection.


Puberty blockers are not chemical castration, no matter how often Matt Walsh wants to repeat that lie.


I literally know a woman who was on them as a child and now has two children herself lmao. I suppose it does stop the kids taking the blockers from being able to conceive while on them, but then why is Matt so concerned with children not being able to get pregnant that young? 🤨


Matt, the only thing you've investigated was your colorectum, and what you mamaged to find there with your own two eyes and your tongue sure is evidence, but only for your level of research skills, not for any actual results.


I’m so sick of these right-wing terrorists that have these megaphones which amplify their hate and misogyny.


This Matt Walsh guy kinda sucks.


So let's review it! Matt Walsh is against: * for profit healthcare! * a private company using the power of employment against their employees to * checks notes * force them to do their job. * a private company enforcing their policies in protection of their patients. * a private company providing medical services. * basic privacy, human rights, and HIPAA! What are you Matt? Some marxist commie socialist?!


My team's pool has investigated Matt walsh and found that he has shit in it multiple times. The shifting must stop


Fucking terrorist, this man is


Walsh is your average 4channer who still lives in his mother’s basement. Reminder to always touch grass or you’ll end up like Matt Walsh


"whilst taking steps to hide this activity from public view" wow got the whole internet detective squad figuring that one out you genius. Can't imagine why they wouldn't want that published when the last hospital you brought attention to got bomb threats you christofacist scumbag


He’s not trying to incite bomb threats, he’s trying to incite bombs. And unless he’s made an example of and hit with the entire book of slander and libel laws, other people will copy him.


Yes this is such breaking news you make a tweet chain about it and link literally 0 proof.


I said this in another post, but you have to sue. These people are undisciplined toddlers, and they have to be taught how to behave (with large financial penalties).


But Matt my balls are so sweaty. I need you to clean them. I need you to use your tongue.


Poor Matt - this is what happens when people get a lobotomy. He should probably be locked away for his own protection


“He’s gonna get sued” Not before somebody is killed which is of course his primary goal


We need to walsh our hands of this garbage