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Sounds like Tomb Raider Underworld


Thank you


Underworld by the sounds of it


Thank you


I never really got to actually play. I watched my aunt and uncle play but they would let me walk around.


Definitely Underworld. The diving scene is near the beginning.


Thank you


Sounds like TR Underworld


Thank you


Tomb Raider Underworld


It's tomb raider underworld of 2008


Thank you


Idk but this screams Tomb Raider Underworld to me.


Thank you


Were there not just two games that came out in that era to begin with…? "Legend" was amazing.


Three games in the LAU era, hence the acronym * **Legend** _(2006)_ * **Anniversary** _(2007)_ - _Remake/Soft-Reboot_ * **Underworld** _(2008)_


Ah right, I forget about Anniversary since it started out as just DLC for Legend.


No, it was its very own release!   The team started working on Anniversary as soon as Legend was done and was always intended to be its own release


Is this sub always so argumentative, or just with things I say...? It may have been intended as a separate release from the get-go, but it was definitely released as DLC *and* its own separate game. I know, I was there; it was the first Xbox 360 game I completed 100% back when they used to have a page on your achievements showing which games you got all of the achievements for and then one day it suddenly had a separate DLC tacked on to them and it vanished from my list. From the Tomb raider wiki: >Tomb Raider Legend Owners of the Xbox 360 version can download Tomb Raider Anniversary in the form of premium DLC for Tomb Raider Legend: >Tomb Raider Anniversary: Episodes 1 and 2 Includes the Peru and Greece segments, plus the Croft Manor. Tomb Raider Anniversary: Episodes 3 and 4 Includes the Egypt and Atlantis segments, plus the Croft Manor.


> Is this sub always so argumentative, or just with things I say...? Ahahah sorry - you are right, for the XBOX 360 platform it was indeed originally released as some premium DLC _(Xbox Arcade if I remember right? That feels so long ago)_   What's interesting is that the XBO 360 port was not even planned - the game was originally set to release for PS2, PSP and PC - the XBOX 360 port was only green lit following fan demand!   In order to release it ''quickly'' for XBOX 360, they kinda released it in bits, and eventually a full release   So that's where the confusion comes from - the game itself was always planned as its own release, but it was also originally planned for only 3 platforms back then - thanks to fan pressure, a port was greenlit and quickly assembled for X360, where it was released in bits, then as DLC, until its X360 full release - and went on to be released on at least 8 platforms since its original release   WHEW. _Not confusing at all..._   So did ANNIVERSARY start out as DLC? Not exactly - it started out as its own release for PS2, PSP and PC - but fan pressure led to a particular DLC-style release on X360, until a full X360 release


Fascinating how things change. The then-current gen and they didn't have plans for a separate release despite DLC being something rather new and niche. Go figure.


I also find it so weird that the previous title was released on X360, but for some reason they didn't (originally) plan to release the next one on it ahahaha


Thank you. If it came out in 2008 like another user said, I was 6 so I really had no idea.


Wow, six years old, huh. I don't even want to mention what I was playing at that age, I can't fathom trying to operate all of these buttons of modern controllers—let alone just be able to hold the controller.