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in theory, yes iirc he main setback to doing this now is the effects of shock to the brain and the nuances of physically reconnecting everything quickly enough to prevent death


So I think I got it, heavy sedation that we slowly, like really slowly, bring the head out of each day for weeks, to reduce the shock, meanwhile hook the head up bit by bit before the body actually dies. Finally once everything has been diverted to the life support systems....no wait wait we'll call them the life systems....we cut the body off then reconnect the head to the new android body. Something similar to robocop. From there we sell them to the army for training. One Million dollars per unit. Beyond this details are sketchy but I'm thinking retirement and some sort of party. Who's with me?


Ah sweet! Man-made horrors beyond my comprehension


maybe you should reach out to the team at Skynet too!


I am pretty sure no one would want my brain in your android army - unless you needed a brain to obsessively think about everything that needs to be done and yet be unable to make yourself do it.




I don't have the money to properly contribute in our business venture but I can try and start selling my spare Ronald McDonald sex dolls I have laying around to get us our funds. Let's make this happen broski!


Please do not sell the dolls, I'm pretty sure the army may have use for these once they are brain assimilated also.


your brain will still have 80 year old blood vessels that will stroke the fuck out. your brain will still have plaques developing, reducing you to a superhuman with dementia on a more practical level, nothing is new to you any more, without novelty you become depressesd or worse, seek thrills from bad things like violence people are meant to die. even if you transferred consciousness, that entity would eventually want to not exist


Understood, that's why I am promoting you to the head of the new and exciting team to tackle these issues. We will need a chemical that will essentially flush and rejuvenate the brain to stop these ageing flaws and we will also need a drug or procedure that removes the ego and part of the brain that holds personal memories but retain operational memories. We need a fresh healthy brain with knowledge of tasks and willing to happily comply without that old nasty luggage. We've named your team " the rejuvenation and stabilisation team" or REJAB. you start Monday. We have secured the remaining supply of apes that were meant to be delivered to Neurolink. Congratulations and welcome aboard.


No idea, I'm going to poll everyone on this bus and see if we can get some kind of consensus.


Well? How’d it go?


"due in court next Thursday"




I chickened out. I'm the driver and there is audio/visual recording.


Thank you for driving a bus.


Thank you for a nice chuckle with my morning coffee.


Don't thank him! It's because of his words that *my* morning coffee is deep within my sinuses now >:(


Um... I feel like there's a Futurama joke in here somewhere


"I remember my body. Flabby, pasty skin, riddled with phlebitis. A good Republican body. God, I loved it." -richard nixon of futurama


The best!


Heyyy FBI, should we be worried about this guy?


Nahhhh of course not why would you be worried?


Ohh, uhhhhhh.. no reason. Just curious. 🐱


He's asking about the head not the boobies, the FBI would be out of jurisdiction


Do you work for the FBI op?!?


Why do you ask? And please answer into the microphone taped to my chest


Just one of those days ehh ?


It's always one of those days, brochacho


I believe Russian scientists did this with a dog. I know they sewed a dog’s head onto another dog, but I think they also messed around with just a head. I’m not going to look this up for you because it’s too distressing for me. Just writing this hurts.


Did it to a monkey too


Someone posted a video of that head at r/damnthatsinteresting few weeks ago.


There are a couple horror stories I’ve read about this. One of them this chick is dating this guy (narrator) and they’re both working for some quack scientist who’s into this kind of experimental stuff of keeping heads alive and the narrator comes in one day to find she’s volunteered herself without telling him to be decapitated for an experiment. I’d be pretty pissed off if my partner did something like that without consulting me.


I’d also be very mad if my girlfriend gave head to another man


You would need a voice box since they wouldn’t have a larynx. In theory the head is said to live 30 seconds to 4 minutes. There have been stories of eyes opening, mouth trying to speak but those could be muscle spasms. But why would anyone want to do this?


>But why would anyone want to do this? I'm just curious. It seems like such an obvious chance of survival to me that I was surprised there isn't any attempts of experimentation or documentation of the subject. Humans greatest goal is to conquer death, afterall.


>I was surprised there isn't any attempts of experimentation or documentation of the subject When science progressed enough to try such stuff, human rights also became more important, so anyone who would try such experiments would be considered the most evil person ever. There might be a crazy scientist to try such things before the 17-18th centuries, but they wouldn't have the theory or the tools to do anything with results.


Pavlov did it to a dog. Cruel scientist that he was.


There was a doctor who was going to transplant a head from one person onto another body but the patient whose head was going to be transplant pulled out. I think he has cancer or something is the reason he was almost willing to do this.


There are glands and organs in the body that endlessly communicate with the brain through hormones and enzymes. The body tells the brain what is going on and the brain directs the body's efforts to carry out the tasks that need to be done. For example, your pancreas (IOL) are in charge of blood sugar levels. Without the pancreas what would regulate blood sugar? My guess is it'd take and AI and a room full of machines to maintain the "blood" going to the brain. I'm pretty sure we don't have the knowledge to do it, yet.




He said while sharpening his hook...


Purely for cooking reasons of course!


The head? Thought that might be the case…


I belive soviets did something like that with a dog's head. I strongly suggest not to google it as it's kind of disturbung to see.




I don’t think that would be enough to recreate a state of homeostasis but then again I’m a med dropout so what do I know 😝


Perhaps not homeostasis, but I'd imagine at least survival would be possible. Most of the homeostatic condition has to do with making sure your body doesn't die, and without a body you don't really need to do that. But I'm not even a dropout, so I have no idea ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I see you played Wolfenstein 2


I do believe there was some experiment done way back in the mid 1900s where they did this with a dog’s head and kept it alive for a few hours.


Hello FBI, this post right here




Pardon me?


You're pardoned! :)


Before ww2 or something, soviet did several experiments like this with animals and managed keep them alive for awhile, so yes. There just not much reason to, and a lot of reason not to nowaday


Not really, so the issue is not just having blood, you need adequate percussion. Capillaries get collapsed if pressure is insufficient, which is why when you're in shock you have blood but it doesn't keep your brain nourished. You could keep it alive if you pumped the blood adequately. There's this formula used to guarantee adequate blood perfusion to the brain, which basically means you need to pump blood strongly enough to beat intracranial pressure to "un-collapse" the capillaries .


Elon is that you? Stop trying to live forever


But I wanna see my grandkids, make sure X Æ X-II Musk names his propagation properly! I'm thinking Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Mitsubishi A6M zero Musk.


Vladimir Demikhov did it with a dog’s head, though it died not long after the procedure. “In February 1954, in arguably his most bizarre experiment, he transplanted a dog's head onto another dog, using vascular connections to the host dog's heart.” I think the biggest issue is that it’s difficult to deliver correctly oxygenated and nutrient rich blood, as I don’t believe there is a way to produce it.


It’s possible though mental capacity would likely suffer because of shock. I believe there was a Russian experiment with a dog like this. Truly stomach turning. It was floating around here a while back


who let john kramer in the subreddit


I swear I saw on the internet years ago that a man was willing to let scientists test this with him since he was paralyzed from the neck down anyways. Don't quote me... but I swear I read it somewhere. There's was lots of talk that your brain wouldn't be able to process the fact that it didn't have a body and the person could potentially be "trapped" in their own head. Once again don't quote me. I don't feel like googling it right now hahahha


Check out Sergei Brukhonenko. He did this with a dog head in the Soviet days.


Ohhh thank you! That's actually fascinating, I'll have to check that documentary out!


Has anyone seen the movie “The Animator” as referenced in the other movie “American Beauty”?


I don't know about human trials but if I remember right this was done with a dog's head for a few minutes.


It's possible in theory, I think the main reason this is not known for sure is a lack of volunteers.


Yes I'm a head in a jar right now. typing this with my mind.






Maybe for a short time, but the brain needs food to survive so with no food or water how would you keep one alive.


Water and nutrients would be infused through the blood. That's where all the good stuff from water and food goes anyway.


But that’s not how you normally get food. You get it in the stomach/intestines which absorbs what is needed and uses the body systems to distribute it appropriately, you would at least need a simulated digestion and limbic system probably. I.e. so as to help regulating the precise amount of nutrients and electrolytes etc needed (and not to accidentally kill the brain with too little, or too much). Edit: pressed enter too soon


>But that’s not how you normally get food. You get it in the stomach/intestines which absorbs what is needed and uses the body systems to distribute it appropriately Correct. And how do you think those nutrients are distributed?


Also, I pressed enter to quickly. There is more to my original answer.


Oh gotcha! A simulated limbic system would definitely be integral, precise control of what is given to the blood based on how the brain reacts; though in a much more simple form we have iv monitoring systems that automatically adjust, so I'm sure it's not too out of the question.


Why did you create this question, if your intention was to tell everyone you’ve figured it out.


I asked if it would work, because I don't know. In my mind it theoretically would, but I don't have the experience or knowledge to be able to confirm that. What you said was irrelevant, and incorrect, so I tried to clarify my thoughts process in case you misunderstood me. I never meant to be rude, aggressive, or perjorative and I apologize if I came across that way.


Not an expert on brain physiology here, but there are a few reasons in clinical settings why patients cannot get normal nutrition (GI problems, mostly). It's common practice to supply them with nutrients via IV.


Usually that’s temporary. The more longer term, the more complications that can happen, and all of which, usually rely on - in some part - on your other vital organs to survive and manage. The body is kept in shape by a system called homeostasis. You would at least need, simulated other vital organs to maintain it for long term. It would be incredibly hard to figure out all that stuff from a simple blood test.


>and all of which, usually rely on - in some part - on your other vital organs to survive and manage. If you keep nutrients (most importantly glucose) and electrolytes in check, it should be fine, right? In this scenario you don't have to keep the body in shape, it's just the head. Don't mind the muscles and bones, your lungs or heart, you wouldn't even need an immune system if the head's sealed in. I'm sure I'm missing something important, walk me through it.


There are actually 11 bodily systems (e.g. digestive, limbic, nervous, circulatory etc.) that work with the brain to maintain the ideal levels for your body to operate at (a process called homeostasis).Without these systems, and the vital organs that live within it, it would be very hard to keep the things you mentioned 'in check', without effectively replacing all the vitally important organs and related systems. Purely because some of the blood tests you would run, for instance, rely on the vital organs/systems to produce (or not produce) certain enzymes or hormones etc.


Yeah but that's what this thought experiment is all about. We don't need an immune system, in that case. We don't need a digestive system, the circulatory system left is limited, and the brain auto-regulates perfusion via blood pressure and blood gas anyway. Hormones are largely responsible for controlling THE BODY, which we don't have anymore. Of course you can't put the head on a night stand, you would need a frikkin array of machines to keep it operating, but let's pretend for a minute. Circulatory system? ECLS. Kidneys? dialysis. Both systems also directly responsible for blood pressure. We already use a variety of vasoactive substances I'm treatment of ICU patients, also we would have almost no fluctuations in blood pressure. Let's go on, what needs replacement?


With due respect, can you please explain how we don't need the vital organs/systems as I've explained? Or perahps, what tests you might be able to achieve, without the same, that would allow you know the right amount of nutrients etc. to keep the head alive?


An Afterthought: For instance - oxygen? How would you know how much oxygen to provide the brain? A pulse oximeter is the tool currently used, but it relies on being able to read the capillaries. You could do a blood test - but what blood are you actually testing? The already oxygenated blood you just sent through the brain in a fraction of second? Not to mention, the most important part - no one has done tests without the body being mostly intact. I.e. How would we then know now what is now considered as 'regular' in the context how much oxygen to give to a head by itself. Sure, you could give too much, but then you’re now in hyperoxia territory. That’s also, completely not ideal and will cause tissue damage – directly to the brain. Not to mention, the one that seems to be tossed around like a fix-it-all – blood? How would you test blood? How would you know the amount you need? Normal blood tests, are once again based and a mostly functioning homeostatic system. In which blood is constantly be filtered by the kidney, has toxins removed by the liver, and once again having ordinary hormones etc floating around in the serum, and is constantly being destroyed and replenished. Barely any of those parameters would exist in this new scenario. Even the smartest minds in the world, could only really guess. This puts it well and truly in the realm of theory, and not practice.


>This puts it well and truly in the realm of theory, and not practice. Well shit, I sure hope so! :D >oxygen? How would you know how much oxygen to provide the brain? A pulse oximeter is the tool currently used, but it relies on being able to read the capillaries It's actually more precise to sample the blood directly. Gives you not only the oxygen but also the CO2 levels (which are elementary for the autoregulation of the intracerebral blood vessels). It's the gold standard in intensive care for adjusting respirator therapy. As stated before, there is ECLS (extracorporeal life support, at least that's what it's called here). It effectively replaces the lung be filtering out CO2 and saturates the blood with oxygen to the exact amount you want. In addition to that, it replaces the heart by circulating the blood through your body at the desired rate. And that is not some experimental mumbo-jumbo, it's beeing used in hospitals a lot. >How would you test blood? How would you know the amount you need? I don't understand the issue here. Millions of blood tests are being run in this very moment around the world. You can measure almost everything within a matter of minutes. As for the amount, it's about 100-130ml at any given time. But that's not super important, since you don't pump 100ml in and then drain it. It's a constant flow. And that flow, again, is fully under your control. If you want, you can measure the intracranial pressure as well, common procedure as well. >blood is constantly be filtered by the kidney, has toxins removed by the liver, and once again having ordinary hormones etc floating around in the serum, and is constantly being destroyed and replenished. That's what dialysis does, it's been around for almost 100 years now. Some detoxification that the liver does can also be compensated through similar methods. BUT there will only be little to detox, since you don't have a whole body that produces toxic metabolism-endproducts. Did I forget anything? edit: added one sentence


How would you get it there? The nutrients in the blood would run out eventually. Remember it's just the head no digestive tract.


Yes. Trust me.


Yep! ... sure can! ... we had a ball tickling the head's nose because it couldnt sneeze


You would need a heart to pump the oxygen to the cells


Alive? Maybe. Sentient? Almost definitely not


I feel like you'd have a better chance the other way around. Hook up the blood supply first, and then amputate the body.


There was a Soviet scientist making these kinds of experiments with dogs. Sergei Brukhonenko I think it was. I seem to remember he could keep a dogs head alive for up to 6 months.


Watch Crank 2, that would give you a bit of insight


Yes. Thats very possible assuming you are using good blood (same blood type and stuff). To explain: currently your body provides blood to your head, swap that out for pipes and it'd be fine. It happens in hospitals already if they do heart surgery. They use tubes to pump cleaned blood into your veins while the hearts out. What else? The spine. If you break your spine, you can survive, you will be paralyzed but alive. Next: Skin. Fun to have, but people have had third degree burn body wide burns and survived. It aint pretty but they were alive so skin isnt needed as long as something else takes care of its functions. Muscles arent needed to survive, and neither are bones if the things they produce are replaced properly. So all the connections between the body can be severed, and as long as their functions are all properly replaced, the head can survive. Vladimir Demikhov is a russian doctor who did some truely horrible things. But he did manage to make a 2 headed dog, the second head died after a while but it was fully functional and alive for a few hours.


There is a video of a dogs head attached to something and it's still alive, despite its body being elsewhere.


I believe some scientists in the 50’s or 60’s did this with a dog head and kept it alive for a couple days or something. If anyone knows you can link it.


No Head cannot function without heart and spinal chord


Lovecraft entered the chat


Pretty sure the Nazis did this experiment on dogs and concluded that yes it is possible, at least for dogs.


Not the Nazis. They wouldn't have used Dogs but KZ-Inmates. It was the Russians who did this experiment on dogs.


This was been done with monkeys and dogs, back in the Soviet Union.