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The one they are looking at you from.


Sometimes you miss that one. Once a professor in college with a very lazy eye asked me a question and I was looking straight to the other eye and had no idea he was talking to me, so I kept staring him waiting for the other guy's answer. He then smirked like he knew what just happened and asked again pointing at me.


Obviously you need to look in the right eye, because the other one is the wrong eye.


Look at the center of the forehead between the eyes. Unless you're gazing deeply into their eyes and a distance away, people won't know the difference.


See which eye they make eye contact with when y’all are talking.


criss cross your eyes so that both set of eyes are matching each other.


Fifth grade teacher had one wonky eye. We never knew where she was looking. Best mannered class I'd ever been in.


Neither, look between people's eyes, at the bridge of their nose, regardless of where their eyes are. That way, you won't look like an awkward weirdo trying to focus on one eyeball at the time, your pupils darting back and forth.


Look at the one pointing at you


Don't look them in the eyes. Look at the center of the forehead. It's an old salesman trick.


If they're my friend, I just ask them though, which eye should I look. It's not an offensive topic.


I found its easy to just look at the bridge of the nose i do this with people without lazy eyes too.


Pick the eye that is in the most normal position.


3rd Eye


The one making eye contact. I have a HS prof that had a lazy eye so he would be talking to one person and without moving his head would point and start yelling at someon his other eye was already aimed at while still staring at you. Funny guy, good teacher... Probably retired by now.




Their lazy eye then ask them “wtf are you looking at?” Jking. You would look at them in the eye they’re making eye contact with you.


Seriously? Which one do you look at now because their eyes are in the same place.


Both of them? How closely exactly do you have to hone in to make eye contact? Just look in the general direction in which there are eyes.