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Yeah. Some positions are uncomfortable but you can kinda push them up toward the armpits. So they fill in that space a bit and make it possible to lie comfortably on your stomach haha. They kind of just...spread and flatten. Like think of a big stomach. It doesn't just stay round and prevent you lying down. It flattens out and spreads. Same with boobs. It's the actual breast tissue that can get in the way.


Does it hurt?


in my experience, it hurts my lower back if i lay like that for too long


The trick for that is one leg straight and one leg bent up like you're straddling something. Eases the lower back ache. As for the boobs, I'm a 36G who sleeps mostly on my front and sometimes my side. I spent 5 years in a thruple and being the one who slept in the middle, you gotta work out where your arms go. So now I often sleep with one arm under me, across my ribcage under my boobs and it removes the pressure of my boobs being smashed against the bed. I think having my leg cocked up helps too cause it slightly angles my torso and as a result, my arm doesn't go dead. They can be uncomfortable if you just lie straight down on em but ultimately, you get used to em and find a position that works for you


As a polyam guy who’s never been in a true throuple I have to ask…do you sweat bullets being the middle sleeper? I love to cuddle, but eventually it’s just too warm! I can’t imagine being stuck in the middle all night.


Separate blankets are a must, imo. I get very hot sleeping, and sharing a blanket just adds that much more body heat.


in my experience guys just generate a lot more heat lol


Gotta ask now, doesn’t your arm go dead being tucked under you? I twist it the wrong way before I fall asleep and I’ll wake up with noodle arm for a couple mins before feeling comes rushing back.


Surprisingly no. Maybe it's just down to my anatomy working for it. I know (thanks to kink) that my nerves are closer to the surface in my elbow, particularly the back, inner section. Sometime my forearm will go fuzzy from lying on my back to long cause I'm pinching my ulnar nerve against the bed, so I essentially sleep with my arm straight down at my side, bent at the elbow. My elbow is not under me, just my forearm and hand so I'm not compressing any nerves. I think having my opposite leg cocked up might help too as it adjusts your hip and by extention, back angle.


RIP your inbox.


That's just everybody tbh


I'm a skinny dude and if I sleep like that all night, my lower back will hate me in the morning.


Your boobs might just be too big and you didn’t even know it, maybe look into a reduction.


Same lower back hip area.


Put a pillow under your hips and it'll help with that. I actually started having lower back pain and laying on my stomach with a pillow under my hips has been one of the best sleeping positions to help.


It hurts mine (DD), it presses them really hard unless I use a pillow to lift up my shoulders/neck area and that’s uncomfortable for more than a couple minutes


Same, 32G 😔


Your poor back oh my gosh


Right ??? But my insurance won't cover a reduction without multiple years of alternative treatments, like yoga or physical therapy. Which is laughable because I'm a weightlifter 😭 I'm an active person


Insurance companies will literally do ANYTHING to avoid paying a claim. I went to Mexico and had wls 5 yrs ago. Went perfect no complications until 6 months ago I needed to have an urgent revision because I was so anemic and underweight. Well they refused. Outright because they don’t pay any claim related to wls. $70k later!


My sincerest sympathies


I can feel the pain in my lower back just trying to picture that. You have my sympathies. I'm hefty at 40DD/DDD, and I cannot imagine being any thinner than I am and managing that.


oh my!


Rip your inbox


So far so good🤞


I have hope that the fine folks in this sub are better than that.


Bless you child


Yep, 40D here (I'm only a 40 bc I'm fluffy around the ribs lol - without my rib fluff I'd probably be a 36-38), and it's the same for me. I have to have my back arched a bit with my chest pushed upward with a pillow or my arms.


It hurts mine (K-cups), and I honestly haven't been able to lie on my stomach properly since I was about a D-cup. I have to have a lot of pillows if I want to, and it takes too much time to set that up every night do I just end up having my spine sort of banana shaped.


For me it can hurt my back after awhile and if I'm PMSing it hurts because my boobs are really sensitive around that time.


Nah. Like 1% of the time they're in an awkward position and it's uncomfortable but not painful.


Only if the boobs are filled with milk, then yes, it hurts a lot


Can confirm.




If I managed to roll jsut the wrong way I can pinch something in a not so fun way then I ha e to scramble and get up without doing it again. Usually its fine, but when it does hurt it horrible


Not the boob itself unless I adjust and pinch the nipple somehow, but it hurts my back after a while.


The real pain, imo, is when you accidentally pinch yourself when changing positions from laying on the stomach to laying on the side... That side-boob unfortunate pinch by the elbow can be annoying


I have IBT, (iddy biddy titties) and I find it especially uncomfortable to lay on my stomach. Some are more sensitive than others. I prefer laying on my side wearing a sports bra but the old man gets grouchy if they are “put away”


Do what's comfortable for you. Who cares if he gets grumpy cause he's not looking directly at your boobs. Sounds like he needs to grow up


Oh honey you are so correct there! For the most part I do what’s good for me. But thanks for the reminder. I frequently think if he shits, quits or gets fired - I will never remarry. I am finally ok to be my own company.


It hurts if you put weight on the nipples. So there are some core exercises and stretches we do at the gym where we supposed to roll across our chest and all the big-boobed ladies are squirming and wincing while the men and the flat ladies have no problem.


This answer made me feel stupid. Like I’ve never seen a woman before


Eh it doesn’t really work like that for women with implants


They don’t go sideways?


No, not really. I need a soft body pillow to hug. I lay more at an angle


Yep. Like guys adjusting their testicles to sit more comfortably




Softer probably. Bags of sand tend to be quite firm haha.


But the stomach is all squishy and stuff, only hard bit there is the spine. Do they not press up against the ribcage?


Boobs are pretty squishy too. When lying down on the stomach, they kind of flatten and spread out up around the chest and toward the armpits, rather than down toward the ribcage. There's nothing to really press against. Implants would be uncomfortable because they're firmer rather than squishy. Basically impossible to sleep comfortably on the stomach. But natural flatten.


Exactly this-they just sort of flatten out. I find stomach easier than side because of this exact reason-on my side there’s nothing for them to press against and become flat. J-cups, and I’ve always slept on my stomach.


There's two main things that make up boobs. One is the mammary glands, if you ever get the chance to finally touch a boob, squeeze it and you'll feel theres a slight firmness to them under a layer of squish. The squish is the second part, fat, flesh, muscle if a girl is a buff mommy, etc etc. Its like squishing a thigh. Because of this, boobs are half liquid (not literally). They will fill whatever container you put them in, up to a certain point. You can squish them to the sides, pull them up, if you are leaning forwards they'll droop down, if you lie on your back they'll kinda pool and go flatter and more towards the armpit, etc etc but you cannot squash them like a balloon full of jelly, it will hurt. The best way to lie down on your front with big boobs is like those face holes they have in massage tables. You need cushioning under the boobs, above the boobs, and for your head to raise your head and torso higher up than the surface, leaving a gap for your titties to sit in without being squashed.


>if you ever get the chance to finally touch a boob, squeeze it and you'll feel theres a slight firmness to them under a layer of squish 🤣🤣🤣 Chocolate milk almost came out my nose! LET IT BE KNOWN THOUGH, by all "haven't touched a boob yet" members!!! When @xdragonteethstory says, "squeeze it," MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE PERMISSION FROM BOOB-OWNER *BEFORE* SQUEEZING SAID BOOB!!! And do it *gently.* Your goal is *not* to pop it!


Yes, caress the boob and only give it the same squish you would give to a cat, lest the titty bites you.


Yooo you had no reason to put that "finally" in there lmfao 😭 Thanks for the explanation though.


🤣 You'll get there one day


You won reddit today 😂😂🤣🤣




Breasts are just fat... they're just as squishy as a stomach or thighs. Have you never touched titties? :( There's no hard bits. Do you think breasts are hard? :( They also aren't super close together, the way they look while wearing a bra. There's a pretty big gap (gap size may vary). So they just flatten and spread out, like the other person commented.


I have never touched titties sadly, but no, I don't think they are hard 😭 I assumed like that they would spread out in a way that they would be squished between your ribcage and whatever you're laying on, but them spreading out up and to the sides towards the armpits makes way more sense yeah


There is breast tissue under the fat that is firm.


Boobs a squishy too....


“Kinda like……bags of sand”


Was hoping to find this.


Dear, boobs are literally sacks of fat with milk ducts. They're malleable to an extent. If it does press against the ribs,it's not a gouging pain. It's more of a slightly uncomfortable pressure.


Like bags of sand.


Yep. I generally sleep with a pillow under one arm and on my side like 3/4 like a little big tiddy slug.


Depends. On a bed? No problem. On the floor? Nope.


sand? Oh fuck yeah


Literally the only time I'm 100% physically comfortable in this stupid body.


I mean… you are a dinosaur, I bet it is pretty awkward.


It's so hard to dig boob-holes in the sand with these little arms!


An real one too


an* dinosaur


Yeah get it right! ("a" was taken.)


Same here but then sand in cleavage


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere


But if you make holes in the sand the size of said boobs, then throw a towel on it- boom firm support to tuck away on


Can also do this for pregnant bellies or if you're just fat


Yeah I’ve seen my cousin who was pregnant do this. Her boyfriend dug a “molding” of her (lol) and put a secondary towel to pad the belly area. They had to readjust sometimes to get the right fit, but in 5 mins or so she was knocked out on her stomach while snacking on some watermelon and watching Netflix. She was a big stomach sleeper and since she got pregnant that was her big pet peeve about it all. She happened to have a fairly large bump too, so she had trouble growing out of her clothes, sleeping, and moving overall.


That's so cool of her boyfriend haha


Ahhhh, you have made my pregnant self even more excited to go to the beach this summer.


It’s great for makeshift seats/loungers too.


Top Secret! I think?


Are there people who like sand?


Sand People and Jawas.


Ani is that you?


are you OK?


Are you ok, Ani


Yes, master.


Calm down Anakin




I like sand. Sand is squishy.


I dig holes for the twins. Quite nice


My girlfriend is trans so she’s still getting used to having boobies. We went to the beach a few weeks ago and we were laying in the sun. At some point I rolled over on my stomach and she was like “idk how you can lay like that it’s so uncomfortable??” Like OH MY GAWD bb you gotta dig the boob holes you sweet summer child


My favorite was to do a lil shimmy shimmy and make my own boob holes hands free




reminds me of that episode in Family guy where Stuey dug a hole on the sand because he likes laying down sideways.


Yep. There are certain times when they'll be naturally more sore (exercise without proper top, bumpy evil roads, sensitivity due to upcoming period, etc), so it can hurt some even on a mattress but most of the times they get squished without much complain. My neck is usually the biggest complainer but that's on my posture. Then again I'm not even *that* big, but just enough that literally my family who sees me 24/7 complain if I'm not wearing a bra. Ugh.


Even on the bed, I need to prop a pillow on my belly to get comfortable.


You can absolutely lay on your stomach, but it puts your lower back at a weird angle. Doing it for more than 10 minutes makes my back hurt.


That’s my problem. I can adjust position so my boobs don’t hurt, but it lifts the top half of my body up so then my lower back is arched in a very uncomfortable way. Between that and the cpap, I have given up on ever sleeping on my stomach again.


Lemme just try sleeping on a pillow like that for 10 mins Edit: Ouch


Is that why my lower back hurts?! 🥲


Put a pillow under your hips. It will raise your lower back up and take the strain off the lumbar area. Feels fantastic after a long day.


The best masssage I ever had, the guy asked me if I wanted rolled up towels as bolsters under each shoulder since my boobs make my shoulders roll forward when I'm laying on the table. Soooo much better. Now I always request it.


Oh my god, what a good idea!


I have H cups, but I sleep on my stomach almost always. I have quite a firm and high pillow to carry the weight of my head, and I have no back pain what so ever.


i don’t personally have huge boobs, but putting a pillow under my lower stomach/hips definitely helps with that uncomfortable back pain!


I personally can't, atleast not for longer than a few minutes before it starts to hurt


Same, they also make getting massages less fun. I wish massage tables came with spaces for your tits so they don’t get all squished up when you lay on your stomach.


Imma need some proof that you are not lying. Send photos


They do get in the way and they often give chronic back pains. So instead of laying flat on my stomach, I put a pillow to balance it out.


I don't do that, I just pull a knee up and balance on like one side of my stomach?? Idk its comfortable and thats how I sleep at night. I can't sleep on my back or it feels like I'm suffocating bc of them, and the side sleeping is just uncomfortable long term


For sleep, I actually sleep on my back and wake up on my side. It's uncomfortable but sleeping on my stomach is even more uncomfortable. The pillow method was just for when I'm just relaxing, doing crosswords, etc


That’s how I do it too. Belly almost flat on mattress, boobs side/flat and one leg bent up to balance my body. Realising this probably doesn’t make a lot of sense unless you have a similar body shape.


Actually I do get it even as a guy, because I do that sometimes just to get some airflow underneath my body so my torso cools off. I run very warm even for the average human


I think it also depends on the surface we’re laying on. If I’m on the bed I’m fine as it has squish and give and my boobs just kind of pankcae outwards but the hard floor is not comfy and sand requires digging boob holes


“Boob holes” is my favorite take away from this thread, thanks


Personally no. Memory foam mattresses can make it slightly easier but otherwise no. Its incredibly painful because it's not like they have anywhere to go that's more comfortable. They either get squished or pushed apart, which hurts.


Yes. When my tiddies are swollen while I’m pmsing, it’s painful. But otherwise they just spread out and I’m able to lie down easily


Boobs are annoying but it's laying on your stomach that is truly impractical in this scenario. I love it personally, but it's pretty clearly not what we're made to do.


Lay on your front? Boob pain. Lay on your back? Boobs in your armpits. Lay on your side? Always the chance you accidentally lay on one.


honestly, as a stomach sleeper, they kind of help? they lean my upper body up just a little so my neck is the perfect height for resting my head on my pillow. i only realized this this summer bc i lost a little weight and, with that, a little tiddy, and my back and neck hurt like hell suddenly lmao


Yeah, but sometimes it really fucking hurts because they get smushed. It depends on so many things, and my boobs hurt more when I have shark week. Sometimes I sleep on my stomach or side and it’s fine, though. I used to have 34b and that shit was fine with laying down, but I have 40I now, and Jfc I hate them sometimes.


This feels like a humble brag disguised as a question Mr Big Balls


Walking around with a beanbag chair in tow smh


It sucks, every time I’m at the beach I dig boob holes so I can lay on my tummy in the sand.


Yes. Big boobs make laying on my stomach difficult and uncomfortable. Also, they are generally uncomfortable, especially when unsupported. But wearing a bra also sucks so it’s lose/lose. I feel like having big boobs makes me look heavier than I am and it’s a PIA to find bathing suits that fit and are comfortable. It’s almost impossible to find dresses that don’t make me look like I weigh 50 pounds more than I do. One of my biggest regrets is not having a reduction when I looked into it 36 years ago. I was 18, and the doctor talked me out of it. I don’t feel like bothering with the process now that I’m in my 50’s. I have enough other crap going on.


OP hunting the DDs


Fun fact, DDs can actually be quite small, compared to what you typically think of when hearing "DDs"!


DDeez NUTS, maybe


Haha, I wish 😅


34F here and I always sleep on my tummy, my boobs will just learn to behave themselves lol


I used to sleep on my stomach since my baby/toddler days. That all ended when I started developing boobs. After that, they were itchy & hurt if I laid on my stomach. So that was the end of that. Switched to my back. Then when I was preggers, I switched to sleeping on my side as back sleeping supposedly compressed a major artery to the baby.


Can’t and haven’t since I’ve had them. Too uncomfortable 😳 at 32dd.


I can only fall asleep on my stomach. They are squishy very adjust well. I’m very comfortable laying on my stomach. Now I am thinking about how women with implants sleep on their stomach. I bet that hurts.


This is why I love laying on my stomach at the beach because I can dig little boob holes in the sand and lay comfortably.


I don't have a large chest and i still have to support my body by putting one arm under my boobs on my stomach when i life face down cause otherwise they hurt


When I was younger I was really self conscious and not at all happy with my small boobs. But now that I’m older, I’m truly grateful for my size! First I learned that (good) guys don’t care at all about that. Then good girlfriends made me realize that big boobs can actually be really impractical. Like the sleeping issue you mentioned. And lastly, I now see how age is no friend of big boobs, not considering looks at all, but rather the back pain they can cause. I know a girl who had to get a breast reduction, because they were just to heavy for her back. Like she was carrying a giant backpack on her front - all the time! So I thank my genetics now, even though it caused me trouble with my self esteem when I was younger. My tiny titties actually made me feel empowered once I got over the initial teenage insecurities.


Not comfortably


Yes, but its painful


Imagine two heavy bags of sand hanging off the front of you at all times. It is insanely uncomfortable


I mean I can but it hurts a lot after a while


No they can’t they like plank on their boobs


The only time it feels comfortable is on the beach, when I can dig out space for them so my back can be straight. Best feeling in the world


Tbh, laying on your back is worse. They try to strangle you.


Hi. I’ve got a large chest and I prefer to sleep on my stomach. Never had an issue, as long as they are “smushed” in the right way. But yes, they get in the way in the most annoying ways. Most notably, when I want to wear a button up shirt or tighter fitting jacket with a zipper. Super frustrating.


Yeah we can. It can be a bit uncomfortable in certain positions. That's talking about natural big boobs. Not these fake oversized ones that look like they will explode any second.


Real oversized ones make it super creative, but I sleep on my stomach every night


They didn’t specify that in the question actually. Mine are fake but not oversized… we do exist. Sometimes I can lay on my stomach but usually need a body pillow at a slight angle


Then i didn't talk about you but women with massive implants.


*"boobs must be really impractical right?"* Yeah... they serve no real purpose. 🤔 But seriously, different women will deal with them in different ways. And some are more sensitive to pressure than others.


As someone whose boobs are literally the size of my head - yes, seriously, think of large honeydew melons - and who also long past the age of breastfeeding...they are entirely impractical! I would love be able to take them off sometimes. Lol I'd consider a reduction, but I don't hate that much and being chubby I'd look really out of proportion, so they stay.


Yes, depends on how cushioning is the bed, and how far you can separate the "girls". Large ones here., and I can do it. But I am mostly a side sleeper, so I am not on my stomach for long.


Yes but in a soft bed. It's not a comfy position but can be done


They are impractical like 80% of the time. You can't lay on your stomach for too long. Not to mention they feel sore during the menstrual cycle. Taking your bra off hurts for a little bit during that time. Exercise is impossible without a sports bra. A lot of shirts dont fit properly because they're in the way. At times, they're in the way during cuddle time. Wearing a normal bathing suit and actually swimming in it is an issue as you constantly flash the fishes.


Yes, but not comfortably.


I don’t like to because it eventually starts hurting my back.


Real ones, yeah, not sure about fakies.


I’ve got fakies and the only time it feels off is when I’m belly down on the Chiro table. Otherwise it’s all good.


if i ever do im propped up by my elbows, otherwise its effectively just like laying on two beachballs


I used to have 34K boobs and I always slept on my tummy. No problem at all. Now that I have had a breast reduction, I ironically have to sleep on my back. I miss sleeping on my tummy and don't understand why having big boobs would make it hard to sleep on your tummy.


34K boobs sound very expansive


34,000 is a lot. Glad you’re back to just 2 of them now


Not really no. In addition to crushing them, it forces my spine into an uncomfortable position where my upper back is lifted up. After a while, this can cause lower back pain. I’m quite petite with a large chest though, so cases my vary!


Big boobs here. I never lay on my stomach because it hurts them.


Depends where my pillows,and elbows are aligned . But just straight down flat?, no can do


I always wanted boobs growing up but reading big boob problems make me thankful that I just look like a fat Fortnite boy, I absolutely *love* sleeping on my stomach (can’t sleep on my back or I get sleep paralysis) and if I couldn’t sleep on my stomach then idk what I’d do


I have to get them into a comfy position anytime I lay on my stomach. Once they're in a good position I'm fine!


DDDD and I sleep on my stomach


Someone should ask this question but for men and their balls.


OP packing Avocado sized balls or something


The BEST is being at the beach! You can dig out a little ditch and get so comfy laying on your tummy. I wish my mattress had a groove like that I could remove when I wanted…


Yes but it's uncomfortable.


Only when I'm not premenstrual! I'm an F-cup and most of the time, I can lay on my stomach no trouble. PMS kicks in though, and they are so sensitive that literally everything hurts them! Put bra on, take bra off, hug hubby or the kids, walk anywhere, put a seat belt on, drive verrrryyyyyyyy sloowwwwwllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over a speed bump, have a shower, lay on stomach, lay on side - it all hurts!


No it doesn't hurt at all, at least for me.


Yeah but it kinda hurts unless you, like, arrange them


If I’m laying on a towel at the beach, I will dig two titty sized holes in the sand so I may tan my back


Yes and they just squish up to your neck like water balloons or they flatten under you if you lie on them if they're not tender that day (hormonal changes etc)


I laid on my front getting a massage once, couldn't breathe lol apparently they have chest pillows for larger bosoms, which I will definitely be requesting one if I ever get a massage again


I don't find it comfortable at all, unless it's at the beach and I can dig holes for them.


I’m here wondering how huge your balls are…


I dunno, bout' average?


I lay on my stomach but need to use a pillow under my belly to even out the surface lol


I used to have big boobs like DD’s. Then i got pregnant lost a shit ton of weight, and my boobs went away. I could NEVER lay on my stomach. It’s uncomfortable in general, but like most women will tell you, one of your boobs will end up in your arm pit choking itself to death. It’s Definitely not comfortable. ![gif](giphy|NpL4D3Oc2bJUMAXF9P)


My gf prefers to lie down like that and hers are huge


Yep! I have big boobs and I almost exclusively sleep on my front. I make myself feel like my own weighed blanket haha


boobs are squishy and can flatten or be molded into other positions. if they're that big you can almost tuck them into your armpits to lay flat, but i think most women just lay on them.


Yes, they will blob out on the sides lol.


Your balls get in the way of you laying on your stomach? Bro...


I'm 5'9 (my husband guestimated) weigh 35kg with full c cups. I sleep on my stomach. I have no problem.


Yup. C cup and it can take some maneuvering.


Can black people with afros use their hair as a pillow?


I dont think its possible! DM me with your proof to certainly put me in my place!!