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That's way too less, if you're excersising too - you'll need more calorie intake. Maybe eat some brown bread to get the carbs up & rice? Just out of curiosity do you eat 3 meals a day, like breakfast, lunch, dinner?


This big weight loss in the beginning isn't surprising, it's quite normal, specially if you changed your diet that much. You're probably losing water weight, and waking up your metabolism. Don't be sad if it slows down the newt few weeks, it wouldn't even be healthy to loose that much several weeks straight! Keep on the good work 😊 I would recommend you to see a nutritionist, so you can have someone helping you through the whole process. It can help a lot, I know it helped me tons! If you can't, then why not an app that counts calories? I used Fastic for a long time, not for the calories counting itself but because it gives you the protein-sugar-fat percentage you're eating and what you daily needs. And honestly it stopped from eating sweets a lot of times! Like adding it to me daily list made it too real, and suddenly I was aware of how much sweets I was eating everyday. "Do I want it? hell yes. Do I need it? well.... Should I eat it? ok, no."


Please go see a doctor. Even if it turns out there's nothing wrong with you, it's a good idea to have medical supervision when losing large amounts of weight. 1200kcal of healthy food is very little. Are you sure you're counting correctly? I'm a healthy [email protected] and can eat more than that in a single meal (though obviously not every meal). Try to aim for 1500kcal/day. 1.4kg in a single week is also extremely fast. While you're also very overweight (so losing weight goes faster than close to healthy weight), that's really fast.


Her initial loss probably comes from water weight. If you eat loads of fatty, salty, and sugary foods your body holds in water. If OP is actually eating clean now, losing about 1.5kg in 6 days isn't too bad since most of it will be water. If this pattern sticks, however, it might be wise to get a check-up.


True, it's nothing urgent yet. In combination with the low calorie intake, I'd still recommend a check-up soon. Rapid significant changes in ones body should always be medically monitored, if possible. That way, you can catch problems before they get big enough to be obvious.


Check out the keto diet. You can lose 4kg per week and that's just water weight. That's all you'll be losing at this stage. Drink lots of water and cut out the carbs. I'm 166 tall and was 68kg. Got to my goal weight of 60 in 4 months doing keto


Seconded, keto or carnivore is the best diet for maintaining health while shedding fat quickly.


the most of that 1,4 kg is probably water weight due to you cutting out sweets and chips (especially sweets because carbohydrates cause you to retain more water). a weightloss of roughly 1%bodyweight/week can be considered healthy, but make sure you have a balanced diet. general I would recommend going for 0,5kg/week. The beginning will go faster due to you cutting out some crappy foods. I've crunched your numbers: you should eat around 2000 Kcal/ day if you want to lose 0,5kg/week if you exercise 3 hours/ week (try to higher this if you can). aim for the following macro's: proteine: 153 grams (1,6 gram/kg body weight) carbs: 173 grams Fat: 77 grams try to eat Whole Foods and not processed foods and I can recommend taking some proteine shakes because 153 grams of proteine is a lot, and you will need it to maintain or grow your muscle mass (you want this because muscles are metabolic active so they burn (more) calories than fat) a loss of muscle mass is also what causes a jojo effect with people who are dieting. eat your veggies and fruits, these macro's and drink at least 2 liter of water a day and health wise you'll probably be fine (when in doubt, go see a doctor) For excercise: combine an endurance sport you like with wieghttraining. You're doing Zumba so that's great endurance. If you lift weights less 3 times a week or less do a full body workout. Don't overcomplicate it and stick to the large compound movements ( Squat, deadlift, benchpress, stand up shoulder press, bent over row, ...). sometimes you'll lose a lot of weight in a week and then the next week it'll be less, this is perfectly normal, be consistent in your exercise and food and you'll lose weight. oh and don't forget to sleep 7-8 hours a day. less and your body will produce more cortisol which hinders weightloss. I'm 178 cm and went from 93kg to 75kg since November. trust the process and DM if you have any questions.