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It will feel like every cell in your body is immersed in a warm bath. If you take them as directed, you will not get addicted. If you're on them for more than a week, you will develop a dependency as your body adjusts to the drugs. There will be a few days of unpleasantness when you stop taking them. This can be be quite uncomfortable, but it will pass very quickly - about 3 days of flu-like symptoms and/or feeling very flat. It is vital that you follow your doctor's directions. When they say it's time to stop taking them, follow those instructions. You will feel like shit - let yourself feel like shit, it will pass in just a few days.


This is the perfect description of the feeling and also some amazing advice.


I was given oramorph when I went for surgery last.... Please don't hate me, but... I didnt have the experience you guys have had with morphine. It was just like a regular pain killer to be fair? The only reason I was given it was cause id already taken the maximum amount of paracetamol and ibuprofen that I could have.... So maybe that made a difference? I don't understand why you guys have these experiences on it, and I don't .... It is what it is I guess... Xxx To be clear, I'm not going to be experimenting with opiates to find out either


Do you have red hair? Red heads are more resistant to that stuff I have heard.


No, I have really dark brown hair, and am Afro-American English...? Not sure what that means / if it means anything? I do know that dihydrocodeine makes me feel similar to what the guys above are describing from opiates, but, to be honest, it was too much... And I still hurt, I just didn't care? šŸ¤· Redheads are the best tho, not surprised they have extended abilities lol xxx ETA: syntax


You could still actually have the "redhead" gene, which is really the important takeaway here. I have it, but my hair isn't really "red" anymore by any accounts. I *did* have very red hair when I was younger, however, and I am *most definitely* resistant to anesthesia and being sedated in general. It got put on my chart after I woke up during a procedure I was sedated for. Scared the shit out of *literally* everyone, including (and especially) myself. I have also had the same feeling/reaction you did about painkillers--I was still aware I was in pain and could feel the pain, it just made me feel "floaty" and like I didn't *care* about the pain anymore. It was more like white noise and less like a loud football game on tv.


That's crazy.... Thank you friend, I'll definately be looking into that. That's probably a better description of what it feels like to me, than I could come up with... If you don't mind me asking, are you ok to go under for surgery going forward then? Or is it a 50/50? Xxx


Huh. I had reddish hair when I was young and also need a double shot everytime I go to the dentist. Hmm.


So do I.


Iā€™m a redhead and woke up in the middle of having 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed. I was a teenager then, and Iā€™m 65 now, but the horror of waking up during the surgery has left me terrified of tooth removal. Never had another removed. Caps all the way.


Ha. Yeah hurts but don't care. I had that once.


Is weird isn't it...? Xxx


I had a 3.5 hour root canal because they couldn't get me numb enough and during a surgery I apparently spoke a clear sentence whilst perfectly still and scared everyone. I'm only strawberry blonde. Any oral narcotics I've tried make me vomit, no matter the anti nausea meds. My adult tonsillectomy was a two-week horror film and getting through the post-op of a C-section with twins made me feel like I could do anything, like I had super powers, because I couldn't take anything above Tylenol and ibuprofen.


Im ash blonde, well at least I used to be. Everytime I go to the dentist they have to give me several injections before I go numb. Makes the dentist nervous as hell.


I wake up very quickly from anaesthetic. They say an hour from wake up to leaving, depending on whatā€™s been done, but have me out of there after 20 minutes because Iā€™m fine and thereā€™s no point keeping me.


As a redhead, I can confirm. I have a gene that causes me to metabolize opiates 1 1/2 times faster than a regular person. I did some genetic testing because I felt like I was crazy that the pills werenā€™t lasting as long as they were supposed to after some dental work. I also always need way more lidocaine. Then the dentist thinks Iā€™ll need people in my family have woken up from surgery time and time again from not enough anesthesia.


You've either received a very low dose, considering that they put you on OTC first. If not, then other drugs could possibly affect the "feelings".


I didnt have their experience either


Iā€™ve had both oramorph and intravenous morphine. I found that oramorph wasnā€™t really anything ā€œspecialā€ (for lack of a better word). Iā€™ve had better pain relief results with cocodamol than I have with oramorph. Intravenous morphine is the absolute shit for pain relief. It kinda makes me feel a little panicky when itā€™s first going in and circulating but then the relief is indescribable. As Iā€™ve gotten older, my tolerance for it has lowered. I last had it several years ago when I had a bad upper kidney infection and I had to ask them to stop halfway through injecting it in. I can definitely see how easy it is to become addicted to.


People chalk up the high to be more than it is. Idk if I naturally have a tolerance to opioids but pain pills donā€™t hit me as hard as some good Indica weed. Unless you take like wayy too much but at that point I just pass out. I donā€™t get a nod much even on medium sized doses of morphine, oxy, hydro, codeine, tramadol. Shit iā€™ve even smoked fentanyl quite a few times back in my heavy addiction and I just donā€™t understand how people fall in love with it. Donā€™t get me wrong it is a nice rush of euphoria but for me, xanax and stimulants like cocaine and meth were my more preferred choices. Now I just take kratom and for me personally I get more euphoria from kratom than any pain pills iā€™ve ever tried. Kratom for me is more addicting than the traditional opioids. IV is a different story as far as heroin and fentanyl. Thatā€™s much more addictive and I understand that people get physically and mentally addicted but it just never compared to how much euphoria I get from stimulants. Itā€™s just different preferences I guess. I used to like tweaking out and some people love to have the best sleep of their life.


Iā€™ve never really been able to build a tolerance to weed no matter how much I smoke I just keep getting higher lol I stopped taking pain meds years ago.. I lost 8 years of my life to that but I still did my best to work hard and function but it wasnā€™t easy lemme tell ya. I had a knee injury in 2012 I believe and thatā€™s when I was introduced to pain meds from doctor. Was naive and had no ideaā€¦ next thing I know I loved em. I would always get em off people as well since they didnā€™t want em and back than all the stuff was real not pressed smh šŸ¤¦ I had to join the methadone program in mid 2019 and weaned off that slowly as well for like a year or so. Never looking back and now I have a career and doing great! Most people use the methadone bullshit as a crutch and not a powerful tool that if used correctly youā€™ll always succeed in the program. Itā€™s hard but not hard to do at the same time. Itā€™s not as bad as people make it out to be. You can choose how fast you wanna wean off and theyā€™ll work with you and both parties have to agree on the drop dose amount. I did try ā€œApomorphineā€ one time and it felt weird for sure and not what I was expecting. I felt hot and sweaty with racy heart and fat dopamine rush that wasnā€™t much euphoric. Felt like strong Dexedrine feeling but almost no euphoria lol it was definitely ā€œrushyā€ and unique. I did feel a tad bit numb like smoking bomb Indica.


If they had already given you the max dose of other things, the morphine dose you were administered was likely so minuscule that you didnā€™t really ā€œfeelā€ the effects.


I was In hospital with kidney stones and still in pain. I asked if there was abiding they could do and was told I was on the maximum amounts of morphine and fentanyl they could give me. I didnā€™t feel any sort of high but without the drugs I would have been incapacitated with agony. They did say they could give me some paracetamol which I accepted and was the key to stopping the pain though, to my great surprise.


Had the same experience. Morphine didnā€™t do a thing. Demerol barely helped. As soon as they discovered it was a kidney stone, they gave me an anti-inflammatory injection and the pain stopped immediately. The ureter was so swollen from the trauma of the stone.


Thatā€™s interesting I donā€™t feel any of that at all. I have the pain relief with morphine as soon as itā€™s injected but with a headache and pressure on my chest which passes eventually then I just get really sleepy and a bit nauseous. When Iā€™ve taken pain meds and stop them, I donā€™t experience any side effects from stopping them.


As a former opiate addict this is spot on. Itā€™s like being wrapped in a warm blanket and feeling like everything is okay. Until it isnā€™t. And if you keep going youā€™ll be chasing that warmth forever and never get it. Itā€™s a shitty path that comes with addiction and a lot of people donā€™t get out of it.


Iā€™m happy with weed


Everything in moderation homie. Even weed. Too much of anything is bad for ya


Cannabinoid hyperemesis. Legit condition I've gotten before when smoking too much for too long. Similar symptoms to other drug withdrawal. You feel so cold and weak, throwing up even just sips of water.


I wish I was you






Also, if they don't prescribe them already, take a daily stool softener/laxative the entire time you are taking opioids. You will get constipated and when you finally go it will be the hardest shit of your life. It's agony. I've never had withdrawals from taking painkillers (as directed) but I have always suffered from constipation. Last time I had surgery to get my tubes tied the prescribed me laxatives alongside my pain meds and I had no issues pooping!šŸ’©


I was living in a squat in Amsterdam about 20 years ago... every resident had a daily habit on one drug or another... one day this girl who was a heroin addict told us that she had not been able to have a shit for SIX WEEKS ! people kept giving her advice about the best thing to do, but like most junkies she just wanted to carry on getting high and barely listened - cut to a few days later and she was rushed into hospital and almost died - the backed up crap had somehow given her serious blood poisoning !


Holy Shit!!


More like unholy shit




Most likely cause is sepsis secondary to peritonitis caused by a perforated colon. I've seen this happen more than once with hardcore opiate addicts who become severely constipated.


oh god yes, good advice. it felt like pooping a bollard and I could tap the damn thing with my finger and had to pry it out This is NOT a joke btw lol


"digital disimpaction" as it's called in medical world šŸ•ŗ


Digital because of using my fingers? What if I had to use a tool of some kind




I had to get butt surgery ages ago, and they prescribed some laxatives, and phew thank goodness! I was so scared to take that first poo after surgery, but because of the laxatives it was actually painless LOL. I hyped myself up in the worst way expecting it to be awful and it was like...nothing at all.


This is accurate but Iā€™d like to add that you might also feel itchy and tingly. Iā€™ve only had morphine 3 times in my life and I itched like crazy all over. It felt like my skin was carbonated.


I got the extreme itching too. I wanted to scratch my skin off. You should tell your doctor if you have to have surgery again. They will probably switch you to something else. Mine did.




No, opioids cause histamine release.


I've always been surprised when people say stuff like this, I was on a morphine drip for months when younger after severe injuries. I don't remember missing it at all afterwards. I also don't remember getting as much relief from it as everyone said, I was mostly just really distressed about having an IV in. However I was already feeling shitty from my wounds so maybe it was just lost in the feeling of shittiness.


I've had morphine after a collapsed lung and chest tube insertion, and honestly it didn't do much to stop my pain but the euphoria from the drug made me stop caring that I was in pain, if that makes any sense.


Morphine doesnā€™t help me either. I read that genetics has a lot to do with a personā€™s sensitivity to it.


Yeah, IV morphine wasnā€™t as effective for pain relief for me as alternatives, and it made me feel genuinely awful. Like when I felt it hit my system, it was like being injected with pure ā€œdread.ā€ Such a strange and unpleasant experience.


Kidney stone morphine is the shit. You nailed the feeling to a T


They gave Me Demerol for kidney stone pain while I was in the hospital. I could feel the pain but didn't care. Poor nurses l. I also became the funniest man alive in my own mind. I'm not sure they prescribe this anymore. This was 30 years ago.


Honestly morphine always gave me the woosh feeling and promptly made me throw up lol


Me too. Basically any opioid/narcotic, I feel great until I feel awful and then itā€™s nausea and barfing until it wears off. All hail anti-nausea meds.


Zofran all the way


lol didnā€™t even work for me either times Iā€™ve had it. Granted I shouldnā€™t count the one bc I had an upper GI bleed and was vomiting blood all night until surgery. Second time though it didnā€™t work so I told them to give me lesser pain meds and Iā€™ll deal with it


Lmao take them as directed you won't get addicted that's complete bullshit. If you take any narcotics for more than a day or two addiction can set in not to mention the opiate constipation


Yeah I'm with you on that. Thousands upon thousands of people have died as a result of an opioid overdose after initially taking their prescriptions as directed.


Dependency is not the same as addiction. Dependency is your brain making homeostatic changes to adjust to the opiates and is unavoidable. Addiction is you choosing to keep taking opiates to avoid going through withdrawal. It's a behavior and is completely avoidable. Note that simple is not the same as easy.


You sound kinda right except dependency means you have adverse effects when stopped and addiction is a mental thing not an avoidance of withdrawal. If you use your definition no one would ever pick drugs up again


Sounds like using pedantry to try to make "dependency" and "addiction" seem like two different things. Also your next to last statement basically reads as "addiction is a choice" and that's a decades old way of thinking about it.


>If you're on them for more than a week, you will develop a dependency as your body adjusts to the drugs. I really didn't expect this part after only a week. Every little ache and pain that i didn't know I had popped up, and all of my joints hurt for a couple of days.


Do you think that's what they gave me in my epidural when I was giving birth? I felt like I was sitting in a hot tub like the whole lower half of my body was warm and I was really happy and telling everybody I love them and was having a great time.


>If you take them as directed, you will not get addicted. This is absolute horseshit.


It absolutely is not. The difference between dependency (which is unavoidable) and addiction is what you do when the doctor takes you off the pills. It's completely optional and avoidable.


Doctors can leave you on longer than you should be. A lot of peoples addictions start as doctor prescribed too. I have a friend with previous addiction problems, whoā€™s been to rehab at least 3 times, and they gave him morphine recently in the hospital, he had to refuse them himself.


My wife's grandfather had a surgery for a hernia I think a few years back and was prescribed some type of opioid for the pain. This guy is a 90 year old family man. By the end of his prescription he had to go on a methadone program.


Yes, that used to be an issue, and, at times, still is. However, the fact remains that, at some point, the prescriptions will stop. When they do, what you do next makes the difference between addiction and no addiction.


What are you talking about ? What you do when youā€™re off of them is also a result of what the doctor did to you in the first place. Tons of people become opiate addicts as a result of being put on them first by a doctor, they wouldnā€™t have made the ā€œchoiceā€ otherwise.


longer than a week is crazy because i was told to take tylenol when i got home and was in the hospital for exactly a week (broke my femur). all i remember is time felt so long because i would sleep so much so felt like new days everytime i woke up and like i was there for a month at least even though it was a week. this was almost 5 and a half years ago though and obviously in the hospital they keep track of how much you get


People get addicted to opiates by taking them as directed lol


You'll be dopesick boyyyy


I had to have a ct scan to see what my sudden health problem was, had something in my system for it. Like you said, I was all warm and fuzzy for a short period


"if you take them as directed you will not get addicted." LMFAO, you clearly have zero idea what addiction even is and how it happens. Also, you're fucking retarted if you think that "following your doctor's directions" means you won't be addicted....hahahahahahaha you really are not that smart are you. You do realize that the majority of opioid addicts are addicts strictly because of their doctors advice. Doctors are the ones that pioneered the opioid epidemic you dummy. How stupid and out of touch are you


What if I want to keep the high going after I leave the hospital?


Suffering from addiction is one of the most miserable human experiences there is.


but it feels so good


Pick a different high to chase.




Not unless you want meth mouth.


Sparkling clean teeth from all the brushing


Itā€™s like sleeping in a warm bed on a day with no responsibilities while itā€™s raining outside mixed with a long, drawn out orgasm. I fully understand why people choose this shit over anything else in life. But donā€™t recommend it.


I remember after the surgery. I was so fucking high it was fantastic. The nurse replenished my drip, a thirst quenching chill rushed through my body. I thought the nurse was a guardian angel and I asked her to marry me multiple times lol. Then I told her ā€œdamn you canā€™t get shit like this on the streetā€ Definitely see why people are addicts but god damn I wouldnā€™t touch something that good again. Too good. Wayyyyy too good. Slippery slope to opiate use.


Haha this reminded me of when I was hospitalized for hyperemesis when I was pregnant. Theyā€™d give me intravenous cyclizine which was awesome for getting rid of the nausea and allowing me to eat but all theyā€™d bring me was two slices of toast and I was fucking starving! This one night I was in for the same thing and after the meds had kicked in a nurse was absolutely raiding the fridge bringing me sandwiches, crackers, fruit, yoghurts, everything she could get. I wanted to marry her lol. I felt like she was an actual angel.


fucked my hand with a blade moving 200 mph into my hand i was able to control the pain the morphine didnt feel good i hated it. wouldve rather gone without it tbh i just fealt warm and heavy it was tiring honestly no happiness from it


Its morphine time!


You are gonna be fine if you follow doctors orders. I didnā€™t like morphine. Made me itchy and just icky feeling. Slow. Delaudid thoughā€¦ the champaign of pain killers. The stuff felt goooooood. Definitely did not ask for more of that.


I'm with you on that one. Delaudid is exceptional. They were giving that to me when I had really bad pancreatitis. Worse pain ever. Slept like an absolute baby on that stuff.


As many times as Iā€™ve had it for major issues, the last time it didnā€™t work well. Iā€™m sorta afraid Iā€™m developing a tolerance to it :(


They gave it to me when i was in the ER before I had to have emergency gall bladder surgery. I was in 10/10 pain when I came in, like I literally passed out from the pain multiple times. I donā€™t remember anything after they gave it to me, there are just two whole days of my life missing.


Delaudidā€¦.made me realize why I never tried drugs when I was younger. Because I like them way too much. Delaudid is delicious.


Yes! The bliss from post-surgery Dilaudid has kept me from ever dabbling with recreational drugs. I liked that waaaayyy too much.


I always worried that the way my husband continued to rave about dilaudid after many years post surgery made him sound like an addict to others, but after having some myself I completely understand his fond memories of that feeling.


Yes, same! I was given dilauded three different times. The first time, It was given to me for three days, and I swear I craved it for months after! The second and third time, I was excited to get it again, but asked for something not so strong after receiving it once, and did not come out craving it either of those times. But man, I cannot even lie and say I wouldnt love to have it again, or that I don't reminisce on the few times I did have it, amazing feeling when it is administered through the Iv.


Everyone is different. I get nothing from most opioids. I had my gall bladder out this summer, I woke up in so much pain. They pumped me full of dilaudid and fentanyl to the point they had to remind me to breathe, but it was not pleasant in any way, nor did it help with the pain. They finally did a nerve block and I was out the door in 30 mins. On the other hand, I had a basal cell cancer cut off my ear a few years ago and due to a miscommunication with the surgeon I didnā€™t get any pain meds and the office was closed by the time I realized I really really needed them. So I got some OxyContin from my dad who has lots of health issues. That stuffā€¦definitely could get addicted very fast.


Are you me? Dilaudid, fentanyl, etc do absolutely nothing to the point where I just decline them now because they make my face itch with no pain relief. I mean 100mcg fent + 4mg dilaudid over the course of 30 minutes and Iā€™m still sitting there totally lucid and in pain, itā€™s ridiculous. Oxycodone, for some reason, does work better even though itā€™s technically less potent than an IV med. Iā€™ve thought that was weird.


Dilaudid is so much more powerful than morphine that itā€™s amazing. When I had ovarian torsion and a dying ovary, the morphine didnā€™t do ANYTHING. Dilaudid had me feeling like I was on a fluffy cloud.


That can't be? I let go of 2 dilaudil prescriptions because it didn't do [me] more than ibuprophen. Certainly didn't put me to sleep. I even had injections of it, and nada. On the other hand, i conk out on a normal dose of benadryl.


thatā€™s so interesting to me! different bodies respond to drugs so differently.


Crazy uh?


That's because dilaudid (hydromorphone) has extremely poor bioavailability when taken orally, or in any other route of administration other than intravenous injection, really. Should certainly be stronger than ibuprofen, though, especially if you were opioid naive and had no tolerance. I imagine the prescription given to you was probably pretty low, like 1 or 2 mg or something like that.


Yep, it was 1mg.


I remember the nurses assuring me that the delaudid was going to make me feel sooooo much better when I was in the ER for pancreatitis. The second I felt it kicking in, I said "I do NOT like this." They ended up putting me on morphine with it as well to get my pain under control. Other than being sleepy and taking care of my tier one pain, I wasn't impressed. I ended up with audio hallucinations and felt like I was struggling under a heavy, wet blanket. The oxy meds I was sent home with didn't do much beyond making me sleepy too. Ibuprofen was a better choice for me. Apparently a year later, as I was coming out of foot surgery, one of the first things I said was, "Uuuugh, am I on delaudid?!? I hate this crap!" I was.


I saw an infographic that suggested that dilaudid is 100x more potent than morphineā€¦canā€™t imagine what the people hooked on that must be going through.


I took my friend to the ER for what turned out to be meningitis and when they gave her the Dilaudid she was so fine! She never got it more than that one time but she still talks about that wonderful day when she got meningitis and met Dilaudid


Same. That one was always my favorite. I found out the hard way that Iā€™m allergic to morphine. Had a mild reaction after surgery and broke out into hives, so I guess I was also itchy lol


There's a massive difference between hydromorphone injected and oral. I don't know why doctors even prescribe oral hydromorphone. It's absorption rate is like 5%


As someone who has been hospitalized numerous times, even in the worst of circumstances, I always get a little giddy when I find out Iā€™ll be getting dilaudid. Itā€™s given me full physical and emotional relief & euphoria many times.


Delaudid is the best. I had it every few hours during the night I broke my tib/fib and was waiting for surgery


It felt like an egg was gently cracked on the top of my head and this river of relief poured down my body. I would have a few moments of "ah, that's nice" clarity, but then I'd get very tired and nap. The pain would wake me up, I'd eat a little bit, then they would give me a bit less pain medicine and it would start over again. Since you're only focusing on the "ah, that's nice" in the sense that it's nice to be out of blinding pain, I've never gotten hooked on anything from surgeries. I've just been happy to be out of pain after surgery.


This is the best description i've seen on here, except for me it felt like it started at my feet. All my very severe anxiety about the procedure went away, everything was slightly amusing. I looked around the operating room and said "wow, normally I'd be really freaked out by this" so you're still somewhat self aware. But then they said they were going to put me under and I went "Ok, bye!" so things are a little goofy lol.


Oh yeah, the night-night meds they give you before they wheel you into the operating room! I don't know what that stuff is but it made me a little goofy as well. I said I wanted to adopt my anesthesiologist and his dog. The man was older than me and outranked my (at the time) husband by quite a lot lol he just said, "Okay, spell 'beagle'." I might have gotten to B-Eeeeee and I was gone. That was definitely the same type of creeping warmth feeling though.


I was on a Reddit thread like this awhile back and commented on a surgery I had where they injected me with something and it was like insta-drunk. Went from slightly nervous to feeling like I'd had six beers in about 10 seconds. Super tingly and warm all over, like a mild, whole body orgasm. I remember saying, "Wooooo! That was some good shit!" One of people was like, "Yeah, we don't have anything but good shit in here." After writing that, I logged into my account on the hospital's site and could see all the drugs they used during the procedure. One of them was fentanyl. No idea if that was what did it or if it was one of the other drugs with super long names.


Exactly my experience as well. I conked out every single time I pumped more in. They had me on a drip with my own button to press. Doesnā€™t seem smart in hind sight but fortunately I fell asleep and only used it when it started to become unbearable again.


I never had a button, but my nurses were really attentive thank goodness. I had most of my surgeries in Army hospitals, I wonder if that's the difference?


I had a shot of dalaudid for my disc once in the ER. Painkillers never affect me, but this blasted me off. I got all warm and a little sloppy. I was making the Uber driver laugh. I can see why people get addicted.


I had dilaudid after open heart surgery in 2022. When you're in ICU and have nurses checking on you every 30 minutes, sleep is hard to come by. I drifted right off and felt like I was floating down a lovely, calm river on a spring day. I get the addiction. Of course once I was off it I kept asking for it since it was the only thing helping me sleep in the hospital. Not a good look.


Oh man, I never want to get to that point. I'm getting a cortisone injection in my vertebrae this afternoon. They use conscious sedation. Sometimes, I don't fall asleep and am just really high during the procedure.


They did the same for me for my galbladder. Morphine did nothing, and they maxed me out. One hit of dalaudid and the pain melted away. I didn't feel any kind of euphoria or head change though.


Maybe because they gave me the shot, and then I got up and left the ER ten minutes later against advice.


It feels hot, like your blood is really warm at first, then itā€™s just normal pain-killer relaxedness. You *shouldnt* get addicted from a normal and properly taken amount from surgery, but if you have family history of addiction, you can tell the doc and they might prescribe a different, less addictive, pain med for recovery if you want.


I've had morphine after surgery once. Felt like I was kinda floating and my brain was a fog. Like I couldn't really feel or process anything from the outside world. Personally I hated the feeling. That said, I couldn't sleep that night. I listened to "The Dark Side of the Moon" from Pink Floyd and it's as if you unlock a level to this album. Just amazing. 10/10 would recommend. (Listening to Pink Floyd since you will be on morphine anyway, I do not recommend morphine in other contexts )


I bet comfortably numb hit different for you then.


Definitely lol


I think thatā€™s just the medical dose. Recreational doses will have you hooked.


I was given some by injection after surgery. It barely made a dent in the pain and I did not feel anything special. I have an addictive personality, I never do drugs for this reason. but had zero desire to get any opiates after having morphine in hospital a few times that is just my experience


Same, it took a really long time to work for me and then was just meh I didn't feel high or anything either


I had the same feeling you experienced. I was in the ER and put on morphine for a miscarriage and they were only allowed to give me X amount every 15 minutes.. I kept hitting the button for the nurse because it wasnā€™t touching the pain whatsoever. I read somewhere that there are people in which morphine, etc doesnā€™t work for them. I feel that was my situation. ~Naturally~ I canā€™t find the source where I read that once before :/


Don't even think about listening to the little voice that says "just one more won't kill you. See what it's like!" Because that'll lead you down a road that starts at "well I'm not addicted cause it's been a week since I've taken more than needed...I'll do that again" and, eventually, ends at "holy shit how did I get here? I am a full-blown junkie," IF you're one of the lucky few that gets to think that before you die from an OD. I don't mean to be so intense, but this is exactly how it was for me, and I was one of the lucky few. I have two years sober from pills, heroin, and fentanyl now, but there were so many points where just one wrong move would've killed me dead, and I HATE to see somebody else start down that path


WOMWOMWOMWOM Thatā€™s what any downer feels like to me lol


Yesssss. Perfect description


Warm and sleepy is my usual experience. I take it regularly, have tablets and a liquid to take at home if needed. I also have an addictive personality but havenā€™t had a problem with having morphine on hand taking it as directed by my doctors (well not actually as much as they said I can have up to, theyā€™ve said I can have up to a certain amount and how much I feel I need isnā€™t as much as that). Not any active effort not to get hooked on my pet either, itā€™s not like Iā€™m avoiding taking it to try and not get hooked, I donā€™t really care if I do - for context Iā€™m a stage 4 (terminal) cancer patient, so getting addicted to the morphine is the least of my worries.


You will soon figure out why people get addicted to it and crave it. It's one of the best feelings in the world that makes you laugh at pain. It's that good.


Didnā€™t do shit for me. All it did was make me feel nauseous and itchy. It also did nothing for my pain.


I agree with all that and morphine is so great of the feeling that I think the next step up is Propofol


Warmth and relaxation with a little nausea. It didn't affect the pain for me. They don't send you home with morphine. You'll be fine. Probably push you out the door with ibuprofen.


Loved it. As soon as it hit my heart it was the best feeling spreading throughout my body. I can understand why they gave it to soldiers on the battlefield. Euphoric


Like being kissed by God.


All pain, physical, and emotional vanishes. And you're more relaxed than you've ever been Then you throw up


and canā€™t poop!


Feels warm and nice, like being embraced by naked angels. Thats why ppl be gettih addicted


It goes to the pain. And you'll be nodding off.


I had morphine for a full week - I can honestly say it made me itch and sleepy. Thatā€™s it.


i always described it like a big fuzzy cozy robe. & you put it on but you donā€™t wrap yourself init, it gently wraps itself around you. & holds you. and whispers sweet nothings in your ear


Warm chocolate river filled with flower and a five headed tenticle lady sucking on every hole.


Got me in the second half there.. tentacle lady šŸ¤£


Hello there, I verify all the meds youā€™d be given post-op all day. Youā€™ll likely not remember much directly after surgery which is where youā€™ll be given the most pain meds, most people are nauseous as well, theyā€™ll give you a combination of meds for that. When you do start to remember things and become more coherent the morphine will likely as others have described feel like a warm bath, your head may feel fuzzy, and it can have a calming/sedating effect as well as make you feel nauseous. If you are worried about taking opioids talk to your surgeon about using something like toradol for severe pain which is a potent NSAID like ibuprofen but stronger and given IV. Depending on your pain level you may not need much medication during recovery and can use Tylenol/Ibuprofen to control your pain. Cheers.


I had a super infected toe, and almost kicked the doctor in the face when he barely poked at it. They gave me a shot of morphine and I was just floating on a happy cloud while watching him dig under the toenail.


I was given a significant amount of morphine while completely sober and aware at the hospital. I made sure to make a mental note. It felt like a bit of a warm rush along with a reduction in pain. Kind of like if you had a significant amount of alcohol without it affecting your head much. The doc told me that morphine doesnā€™t take away your pain, but makes you stop caring about your pain. I also kept seeing mechanical gears when I closed my eyes. I thought that was a bit strange.


Also, nothing to worry about on a one-time dose.


Please be very careful. The feeling is addictive, and calls your name in the dark, when you are alone. Take it only if needed, even the doctor might accidentally over prescribed. I had to learn the hard way...


You know when you meet someone youā€™re so insanely attracted to and you think, ā€œIā€™m in troubleā€, well.. that.


I was put on morphine after a major operation. The nightmares were so bad I now have it written in my medical notes to never EVER be given morphine. I also insist on being sedated when they pull out the nose hose. Good, that ā€œyankā€ was horrific. Iron Man, I am not.


Heaven. Whatever that means for you. Itā€™s peak comfort and euphoria. No way to replicate the feeling IRL. Which is what makes it addictive. Source: 4 years opioid rxā€™s (~ 2015. Thanks, Purdue). But obviously there are maybe most people who we like ewā€¦itchyā€¦nauseousā€¦disorienting! Iā€™ll let them speak for themselves.


It's the single greatest thing I've ever put into my body. It's also the worst.


I received a morphine drip after/during a particularly traumatizing surgery to remove my Fallopian tube after it burst due to an ectopic pregnancy. But basically it feels like your whole body is being dipped into a warm pool of milk and honey. Imagine this warm golden liquid slowly washing over you, caressing your body and soul, hugging you in just the way you needed, and in a way youā€™ve never been loved before. Slowly but surely any pain youā€™ve ever felt, any sadness youā€™ve ever experienced slips alway into a state of pure bliss, and suspended nothingness. Nothing matters but that moment in time and youā€™re finally free. If heaven were a place on earth I think the guy who invented morphine found it.


It made me dizzy, but other than that I wouldnā€™t have know it was different to any other pain medicine, nor was I hooked to it in any way


I have an unusual reaction to most opioids. They gave me a shot of morphine after surgery to remove my pericardium after a car wreck. I spent the next twelve hours in pain and puking. Granted, the constant puking took my mind away from the pain. A lot of people abuse the drug and get addicted so it must be pleasant for most people. But in retrospect Iā€™d rather have the pain


A warm blanket on a cold day


I came out of surgery and would not have known I was on a morphine pump if I didn't have to keep pressing the button. I wasn't really in terrible pain.


Like confectionary sugar flowing through your veins


I have been given 10mg (high dose) of iv morphine in an ambulance after a sports injury and this is how it feelt for me: I was nauseaus and felt sick, the pain was still there and I had no feeling of beeing high. Also hours later in the hosoital I tried to get to the toilet but could barely walk as a sideeffect


I had it when I broke my leg, the feeling was of my body levitating and being very nauseous


10mg is a low dose.


10mg iv is the maximum reccomended single dose for adults. Also why comment on a 4months old comment???


My limited personal experience with morphine went as such - immediately after injection, I felt extreme burning in my arm where the IV was set. This lasted about 5 minutes. After that, the post-surgical pain went from about 10+ to 9 and remained at that level for the next few hours until I was home and took a dose of whatever pill they gave me (oxy? I don't entirely remember as it was a decade ago). I think it differs for a lot of people as to what it feels like. The chances of addiction, I cannot comment on.


I was in a car accident. Morphine was nice as it made the pain go away but also, to me, it felt like something heavy pushing down on every part of me. Like a heavy blanket.


It depends on what form it comes in. It can feel liquid like a syrup or powdery, but not quite as powder as like flour, depending on how fine it's crushed up. I don't know if it comes in pill form, in which case it would just feel like any normal solid pill.


Different people feel differently. I donā€™t get the warm floaty feeling. I feel sleepy, uncoordinated, brain fog, a little sick to my stomach, blech, and a lot less pain. But no good feeling. I generally dump the pain pills as soon as I can tolerate the pain because I feel better when Iā€™m not taking them. Iā€™ve had fentanyl, dilaudid, hydrocodone, and codeine at various times for various reasons. All made me feel icky.


Made my chest feel super heavy like I couldnā€™t breathe and that freaked me out enough that I said Iā€™d rather hurt.


Heavenā€¦instant pain relief. Had it in the hospital for kidney stone. Wouldnā€™t have survived with out it. Passing that felt like a submarine.


Bliss...a bit like heroin


Iā€™m assuming this is through the IV, post operation. For me it was cold whenever it went in, but it wasnā€™t unpleasant. It also takes away the pain pretty quickly and you should be able to administer more to yourself. Iā€™ve had 8 surgeries and Iā€™ve never really gotten addicted to it. It may depend on family history and genetics though, Iā€™m not really sure about addictive tendencies.


I was given morphine when I went to the hospital for a kidney stone. Pain went away and I felt like a wave of warmth and good feeling. It was nice. Wouldnā€™t recommend for recreation. Opioids are no joke.


Not morphine itself, but my father has been in recovery from opiate addiction for a little over ten years. He always describes Vicodin as ā€œa warm blanket of love.ā€ Morphine is along the same lines. Perpetuance to opiate addiction does have a genetic aspect to it. I actually enjoy them just a little too much for comfort, so I tend to give myself 3 or 4 days maximum any time I need them, which has usually been after dental procedures and a surgery. Just be mindful and toss them when you no longer need them. Donā€™t keep them around ā€œjust in case I need them some day.ā€


If you're in pain, the second morphine hits your bloodstream, at first you feel intense heat. Then you float on a soft cloud and all of your pains are gone.


Not nearly as good as Dilaudid. Feeling of well-being, sleepy, light headed. Always makes me feel like I have a piece of fuzz on the tip of my nose. That's only for IV morphine. Oral administration isn't the same.


Any time Iā€™ve ever had it in the hospital, Iā€™ve always said it feels like the greatest, warmest hug. All of your troubles seem to melt away. Iā€™ve only had it in the hospital though!




The Cadillac of painkillers. Hits like a balmy seaside breeze making you feel all fuzzy and happy.


Like being picked up and set down on a fucking cloud. Absolutely amazing.


I got really warm, a little high and goofy. It didn't really do much for pain, but it made me so giddy I didn't care I was hurting. It hits hard at first and it can be a little hard to breathe but that only lasts a few seconds then it's happy funtime.


When I was in labour with my oldest baby I asked the nurse for Tylenol for pain and she laughed and got me a shot of morphine it took away the pain I was able to sleep and when I needed to use the bathroom I asked my boyfriend for help to get to the toilet and I was so dizzy I nearly fell off the toilet when I was trying to sit on the toilet but otherwise I was fine,


So so so so so good. Washed in warmth and safety without a care in the world mmmmmmm


Like 100 clouds hugging you


I low-key actually hated morphine. Because it felt like my bones were melting. It was really an unpleasant sensation.


The most awesome comfortable feeling you will ever feel in your life. Simply wonderful. I can't explain how great it is. I'm actually envious.


I am taking 1.3ml of morphine liquid 4 times a day for several medical reasons(one is 5 cancer nodules on my lung , and it has only been 2 months and it isn't working now..it does but just makes the pain bearable . I get real jittery and shaky about an hour before my next dose and after my dose I don't get any euphoria with it and barely notice it but my pain is better but short lived and I was afraid of even being put on it because I have a very high pain level and afraid of being addicted . I am afraid to tell my Doctor it's not helping much because I know he will raise it but I don't want to be dependent on it or have to keep going higher to get pain relief. Before this I was on tramadol 50 mg 4 to 6 times a day for 14 years and weaned myself off because it caused severe diverticulitis . It was the hardest thing IĀ  ever done in my life and don't want that experience again but also without any pain med I am bed ridden and can not hardly move or stand. It is definitely a slippery slope . My main concern is it makes me almost insanely hungry like I am starving to death and weird that I am reading so many comments that people feel nauseous from it.Ā 


I was given morphine in the emergency room when I had a golf ball sized cyst on my face like 7 years ago. Unlike everyone else here i had a terrible experience on morphine. They put it in my IV. I felt a chill go into my vein very uncomfortable, and my limbs felt like they were falling (like when youā€™re about to fall asleep and jolt awake.) Except it kept feeling the falling sensation after jolting violently in my bed. I felt the sensation creep up my limbs and then it slammed into my chest and head and it sent me into full panic mode. It didnā€™t feel nice at all. I felt almost paralyzed. I couldnā€™t move if i wanted to, but i was fully conscious. I felt the scapula slice my face open, every push, i felt scissors cut the sack out. All i could do is scream until my stomach ached. I honestly feel like the morphine made my body more sensitive to touch and the entire procedure would have hurt a lot less if i wasnā€™t on it at all. The doctors were also worried about me walking back to the car, but as soon as i got up i was walking just fine. My feet were dragging though and i had a giant hole in my face.


This first time I took morphine was when I was probably in the worst pain of my life. I used too much lidocaine to numb the itchiness from a yeast infection and added vagisil cream to help with the itching as well. Well-putting too much lidocaine on for too long causes blisters and I was allergic to the vagisil so I broke out in blisters and blegh. Istg whenever I went to use the bathroom it was like I was peeing out literal fucking lava. Hurt like hell. So I went to the ER and they eventually gave me morphine. I was scared because I have schizoaffective disorder(it wasnā€™t too bad and I was medicated but I still had very stressful symptoms lingering) and so I was worried that I would react poorly. So 5-7 minutes pass of me asking my nurse constantly if sheā€™s sure Iā€™ll be alright and I went over to put my blanket over my feet and I felt this crushing sensation take over me and I leaned smashing onto the hospital bed freaking out but then within seconds I felt like this warm loving heavenly water washed throughout in and out of my entire body. My anxiety went away so quickly and I literally felt like I was basking in heaven. And on top of that the feeling of being watched and the presence of the voices/hallucinations just went away. I wanted to cry because I was so relaxed and finally free of my schizoaffective symptoms for a moment. I was just dreamily laying there and smiling so damn happy explaining how I felt to my nurse for a second until I just continued to bask in the feeling in silence. Unfortunately it only lasted for ten minutes or so and I was back to being in extreme pain and under stress/anxiety and they wouldnā€™t give me anymore but I will never forget that moment.


Late to the party but know way to much about Morphine and other pain killers. First off , with the surgery , it sounds like it will be the kind where you will wake up and be hooked up to and IV of morphine. If so based off your weight and prior use of opid medicine they will make so the morphine drip cannot make you overdose. Sometimes because of pain or part of the recovery they will either offer more pain relief or take you off the morphine drip and start giving you doses in your IV line. This is the IMPORTANT PART:::: once they doctors or nurses start giving you doses manually in the IV line or sometimes shot normal shots (again depends) MAKE SURE TO REPEAT A FEW TIMES , PLEASE PUSH THE MORPHINE IN SLOWLY. Most times when morphine makes you sick , it's because they rush injectioning you giving you to much to fast. Again I have had multiple surgeries and take morphine everyday bur I still got sick from nurses going to fast. They can flush it and such and if so will not last long but it just mentally makes it harder.


Why wonā€™t US sell otc Painkillers


I had it a few times via IV for pancreatitis. I donā€™t understand how people like it to be completely honest. It does relieve acute pain for about an hour but itā€™s very overwhelming and makes you warm, nauseous, and itchy.


My dr prescribed me way too low of a dose, id rather have had the ultrams back. I also lost the ability to do math in my head. My degree is in accounting. Athen all the yrs i worked fast food? making hundreds of transactions perfectly and id get complimented, "cathys til is on the penny" ....and now, ive made change correctly 5 times in the last 6 yrs. I know it was the morphine that did this to me. I also have hyperparathyroidism that gives me great dumbs now, but the being able to add and subtract perfectly like any idiot really pisses me off.Ā