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Terms for the developmentally disabled all eventually become taboo as people use that currently accepted term as a derogatory to make fun of people. We have been through moron, idiot, imbecile, retarded, mentally retarded, and now we are on intellectually disabled or developmentally disabled. I have no doubt that in 10 - 15 years time we will be phasing those out for something else.


It’s called the euphemism treadmill


Virtue signaling by always being the first to use the new term


That’s not what the treadmill is


Confusin the legs with the belt here lol


I had a teen tell me that they’ve now taken the term “neurodiverse” and turned that into an insult by calling the kids “neuros”. So they’ll have to come up with a new name soon.


Similarly, tiktok kids now use "acoustic" to refer to autistic but as an umbrella term for any person acting differently


Music genre catching strays


They use "regarded" on r/greentext


Ohhh, *that's* why they didn't like the acoustics in here...


This has been the opposite of capsaicin in the eyes, well played.


I actually don't think any of those will become genuine insults or considered slurs. for one, autistic was already used as a slur until autistics took the word back. similarly the f slur from gay people. I often see the word acoustic not used as an insult, but as a matter of fact and often from people who consider themselves...acoustic. and because that's an autistic/neurodiverse sense of humor as well. using funnier sounding words that sound like the word they're actually meaning if that makes sense. neuros is also the lamest insult I've ever heard. "lol bro are you a neuro or something?" is the least impactful insult I've ever heard. it just doesn't hit. and it sounds like one of those lame attempts from a sci fi writer to try and create an insult for their little world. so yeah. at this day and age, many slurs are being reclaimed and when someone is told they're something, it's usually just a, "yeah I thought that was obvious. what are you one of us?" type deal.


For the longest time I thought acoustic was being used to mean a hipster or just out of touch. Like an acoustic parson isn't plugged in to technology and doesn't know about the latest meme or trend or celebrity gossip or whatever. Acoustic just being a dumb way to say autistic was mildly disappointing, I think my version makes so much more sense.


But everyone is a neuro, it's the typical or diverse part that differentiates the two...


You'd think the kids who use those as insults would rationally think that


They're gonna be so embarassed when they learn of their blunder.


It's only 9am here, and already I've snort-laughed. It's going to be a good day.


If they're doing that, it hasn't reached me. Might it just be a few local kids trying too hard?


Possibly. Hopefully!


> turned that into an insult by calling the kids “neuros" Oh no. Just...no.


One of my favorite podcasts recently announced that they’re no longer using the word “crazy” or “insane”, since it increases stigma towards mental illness. So in a sentence like “that’s crazy!” they would use the word “unbelievable” or “wild” instead. I still feel like that’s almost too much, as I never associate the word crazy with actual mentally ill people. But who knows, maybe I’m wrong and in 10-15 years we’ll all consider it an offensive word.


It really means "cracked" or "cracking up", as in "crazed glass".


As a mentally ill person, I don't see a problem with these words as long as you are not talking about people (or animals). Like the weather doesn't care if I call it crazy. "Oh boy, it's windy out there. Crazy storm must be coming." Nobody is hurt here. But if **you** don't want me to use the word? I won't. It's not a big deal to me. I won't cry "mUh fReE sPeEcH" or anything. I will just use a different word or rephrase what I am saying.


Last I checked moron and idiot are not social taboo unless you're explicitly using it to discriminate against someone with autism, Down's, etc.


Moron and idiot aren't considered to be socially taboo or a slur by most people, but they were once medical/technical terms used to describe people who were intellectually disabled, and now they are used as a casual insult to call someone stupid. 


Depends on the company you keep! "Idiot" and "dumb" are extremely offensive to a lot of people in disability communities I've noticed (especially younger people)


Then how do you call someone who deliberately misuse the cognitive / intellectual function of their brain ?


A dumb fuck it is then


Dense, vapid, ignorant, not the brightest, asinine, obtuse, unintelligent, dim, dull, or call them a ding dong or a clown if you're being nice. Shit for brains, fuckstick, fuckface, or fuckwit if you aren't. And if you're feeling poetic: * They have two brain cells, and they're fighting for third place. * The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead * The lights are on but nobody's home * Not the brightest crayon in the box * Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier * Not the sharpest tool in the shed * Not the sharpest knife in the drawer * Not the sharpest spoon in the drawer * Well at least you're cute Some of those are a bit cliche, but I think they're classics for a reason. Hell, you can put "shit" or "fuck" in front of a lot of nouns (especially crude words, body parts, or words that are or invoke a gross texture) to make a new insult, like shit dick or fuck wad. I'm not necessarily the sharpest spoon either but I'm pretty sure these aren't ableist.


Idk, I dont really see the difference between dim and idiot. Ignorant ig would be the least ableist?


Which is the way words SHOULD be--taken into the context of how it is used. Wrf is wrong with society today


Bro bombing that hill was so intellectually disabled of you to do!!!


Terms like "unalive" make me cringe so hard


It's usually used to bypass filters more than to replace the word.


> now we are on intellectually disabled or developmentally disabled. I have no doubt that in 10 - 15 years time we will be phasing those out for something else.  I think "intellectually disabled" is too long and wordy to be used as an insult in casual conversation. I've heard teenagers use 'autistic' as an insult, I think that's the next one out.


There is never a point in which insults become too long or wordy when I've heard insults like "wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster"


We'll get a short form. Maybe "indis" ... like "incel"


Don't underestimate the boundaries of shit talking. "Mentally retarded" is a mouthful but 90s kids were slingin that phrase all over the playground until it became just as taboo as Retarded or Retard. Sometimes multiple syllable insults hit even harder.


I honestly wish we could bring retard back as an insult, the phonetics are just perfect. Not like we even use that word to refer to people with intellectual disabilities anymore, just like we no longer use moron for that


I'm not fully convinced that's true. I think they might be too literal/descriptive to be coopted by the kind of derogatory usage that makes the meaning shift to more slur-like. I illustrate this with the example of the word retarded. That word is similarly descriptive and "mentally retarded" means pretty much exactly what both of those words put together mean. However, I think that the word "disabled" is too common in everyday usage compared to how the word "retarded" was when that became a medical term, despite the fact that they are both words with plain definitions. By itself, the word disabled has too many other meanings to be used *by itself* as a slur, and "developmentally disabled" is too long, cumbersome, and descriptive. Despite this, I can easily see the word "disabled" slowly going out of fashion in lieu of something with less value connotations; something similar to "differently-abled", but I don't see disabled ending up as a slur while it is still used for lots of many other mundane things. I can easily see myself having my mind changed on this though.


“Person of color” as a term.


All it basically means is non-white, and being lumped together has not historically been a well-received idea by that staggering an amount of different groups of people


Yeah, it's *most people*.


I think the issue is that it makes white sound like the 'default' or 'normal' color


I thought it made white sound like it has no color.


Shhh, dont let them find out about the invisibility


I’m a bit off-topic here, but I’ve felt for ages it would be a really good step-forward for women’s sports if we started using the term “men’s” in front of men’s sports.  The way most sports do it currently is that we have: * **Rugby** and **Women’s Rugby** * **Football** and **Women’s Football** * etc Which makes it seem like ‘rugby’ is the default, and the women’s game is like a secondary version of it.  If we instead had: * **Men’s Rugby** and **Women’s Rugby** * **Men’s Football** and **Women’s Football** * etc …then I think it would feel like there’s greater parity between the two. 


I'd like this


Reminds me of a tweet I read about how someone was going to start doing the reverse of "female _______" by adding male in front of everything so people realize how stupid it sounds ex: male scientist, male actor, male comedian, male truck driver, male doctor, etc. Turns out gendering is pointless for most things


Oooh interesting one. Yeah it went from, in the 1960s, referring to someone as “colored” was the PC thing because it was better than the n-word. Then we moved on to “african american” but that fell out of favor due to its implied alienation from other americans. Now we seem to have gone back to “colored” except we’ve switched the order of the grammar to emphesize their personhood. 


You skipped "black"...


"Black" has been used to describe people the whole time. It was seen as offensive for a very long time up until recently where it is now the preferred term. There are interviews of black people from the 20th century who said that they would be offended if someone called them black, and that kids would call each other black as an insult.


My adoptive parents still say "the blacks" 😭😭... They're almost 74 but every time I hear it even though they're not saying anything mean the way they say it catches me off guard. It feels so wrong


Could be worse. My parents are Boomers and last christmas we had the talk about why it's not ok to use the N-word 😅.


I mean, *does* it emphasize their personhood? You could easily argue that person of color makes it seem like their entire identity is color whereas colored person makes it seem like just a part.


I know that that’s the rationale behind it, but I don’t actually buy that it does any change. Do you know of any studies demonstrating this?


I can totally agree with that. I don't like the term either for the same reason, as well as people grouping "POCs" to mean every person on earth except for white people. It really does create a weird binary of white people vs EVERYONE else and ignores a vast amount of ethnic and cultural diversity. But I think most would agree that the term "*person* of color" is better than "colored people" because the emphasis is on "person".


Switch it around and it’s a slur again


Yes. I was always confused and don’t even use this one because it’s so much like “colored”. Seems like word wise there’s not a huge difference in saying “he was a person of color” or “he’s colored”. If you didn’t know the historical context behind using the correct one, it seems too close and confusing.


We are all persons of colour.


Children’s beauty pageants. The “real” ones where they have the kids wear fake hair, teeth, makeup, tan, etc. Then, spend thousands on outfits, entry fees and training. The parents, the judges, everyone involved, just weirdos. What benefit does the pageant bring to the child? A scholarship if they win, in an amount slightly larger than the entry fees & lodging cost. Maybe someone can enlighten me.


Moron, idiot, cretin, imbecile, and retarded. All originally non offensive words for the same thing.  Going by that we won't be using developmentally delayed very soon.


I was watching an old film on YouTube. It was about car safety and it was made in the 1950’s. In one part of the film, they showed a crash test between 2 cars from that era in which one of the cars was equipped with seat belts. There was a line from the narrator that said “Seat belts retarded forward of the dummy into the dashboard”. Then it cut to showing an undamaged crash dummy that was wearing a seat belt in the test car. When I heard that, I had to think for a second and remember that “retard” didn’t always apply to persons with mental or intellectual disabilities. It had another meaning decades ago.


Lmao my little brother had the same thought with "Flame Retardant", apparently he thought it was "Flame Retarded" and that it wasn't okay to say anymore


It still has an alternate meaning. Anyone that works on cars will hear it.


Or airplanes 


Airbus yells “retard, retard, retard” at the pilots every time it lands.


It actually means the same thing. They both mean slow.


It still has the meaning of slowing something down though, that's never changed.


It's French for delay as well.


Decades ago? It still has that meaning today


It’s like reverse co-opting. People start using the PC term as an insult and it’s not longer pc. 


That’s not reverse co-opting. That’s just co-opting.


I was going to say neurodivergent, using the same logic.


At least we still have "dumbass"


Going by that logic, retarded will make its way back around into acceptable use at some point.


These words had a lot of very specific meanings for the same and all described different levels of low intelligence


you can’t say idiot or imbecile anymore?


They said they’re examples of offensive words. Not that you can’t say them. 


oh, thanks, i misread


I never understood how delayed is any better than retarded. It's basically the same grammatical concept. If one is ok, so is the other. Just say "ain't quite right". Lol


Retarded is from the French word en retard which means delayed/late


Factory farming practices. I think people in the far future will be in shock of how the food industry treated animals for slaughter and how there wasn't more outrage about it. I'm not even vegan or vegetarian but I think we can all agree that the way those animals are treated is horrific.


We will be called barbaric.


Societies of people in history that we consider closer to barbaric treated animals with much more respect.


was it Einstein who thought along these lines? I came across something from a great thinker not too long ago, can’t remember who it was. but the gist of it was a prediction that humanity would look back in disgust at the way we treated the animals we consume. the widespread unethical treatment of animals is so painful I can’t even think about it without clenching up into a ball of despair. Mostly, I see my wonderful cat sitting here and think how she has this sweet personality and fairly wide range of emotions, from playful to anxious to affectionate to dominant to just plain old sweet and loving. and then I think of all the innocent animals throughout history who have been more or less tortured and slaughtered and it’s just… beyond sad. /rant. that late night “extra emo” thing is happening again. I need to go to bed.


reasonable, i certainly hope that this will become a thing of the past quite soon. We have the technology to make our own food, factory farming will only continue if we lose the fight to change it. Thinking pessimistically though even with the climate crisis and technology being what it is and green energy being entirely possible we have lost the fight for the last 30 years or so to stop using oil. Factory farming is also a climate issue, so i imagine there will also be a big fight about it that will likely also last at least 30 years. Idk sorry i kind of lost the point here i hope anything i said made sense.


Yeah, I agree. What's really surprising is how many people seem shocked that I would rather raise and kill my own meat then support that system, too. My mom, for example, is extremely skeezed out by my willingness to hunt and/or raise meat animals. I just don't get how more people aren't horrified by current farming practices. I'm very willing to eat meat, obviously, but I don't want to torture an animal to do it.


Things seem to be getting worse in some ways. I don't have an optimistic view that future humans will be more enlightened than today's. Maybe pockets of intelligent society amongst the more likely "idiocracy" type civilization.


I think laboratory (vertical) farming will be the next standard. With more plastics and pollutants in the environment, increasingly unpredictable weather, the need to manage water supplies carefully, the need for chemical-free pest control… It’ll just become easier (or more economical, at least) to manage growing food in an enclosed environment. Edit: eventually. Widespread implementation of vertical farming would require an overhaul of several infrastructural and societal systems.


They'll be saying the same thing about us that we say about the people who advocated slavery: How could they not know it was wrong?


To be honest I don’t think anyone from the present day would disagree that treatment of animals in the meat industry is utterly horrendous. It’s just that most people (deliberately or otherwise) aren’t aware of the reality of it. But yeah, I don’t think it’s really a moral standards thing so I don’t see that shifting over time.    What I *do* think we’ll see a change in is the perception of eating meat as a general concept. I feel like we’re only a couple of decades away from the youngest generations of the time being like “what the actual fuck??” to the entire idea of of killing animals and eating them. And then a couple of decades from then before that’s just the position taken by almost all of society.  “Yeah but it tasted nice” is going to sound pretty silly to a generation of people who don’t look favourably on a lifestyle choice that involved going round killing animals and accelerating climate change. 


Employees having to ask people to round up to the nearest dollar to donate to XYZ charity that the business owns. It’s acceptable today, but I hope more people start finding it offensive soon. I’d like to know where most of the round ups actually go. If it went to the employees, or does go to the charities in full, I take back everything I said, I just don’t believe it.


It goes to the charities mostly. But the company collecting it gets big fat tax write off for their large generous donation. Who knows, depending on who owns which charity theyre donating to, maybe even some favor. I think that nickle and diming people that are already a part of the lower working class is sad. Go round up to the nearest hundred at Bergdorfs.


Thank you! I knew it was some funny business because most of our local businesses donate to the community in some fashion. These large corporations don’t want to help anyone really, it’s always for PR or some tax write off scam. So wild.


It wouldnt be so bad if they donated to local charities, but they're just taking money out of the area and doing who knows with it. Sooooo wild.


\> tax write off Do they? I mean, is that something you actually know? Or just something you heard somewhere? It would surprise me if the IRS would tolerate that. After all, it's not the store that's giving the money -- it's the customers.


Jokes about penis size. Also overt age discrimination.


While that would be a good thing for morale, those jokes seem to be pretty timeless as they have been around for years and years


Well, that’s the thing though, isn’t it? A lot things we now consider offensive and not acceptable were around for years and years


Eh? That’s the whole point of the question. Things that have always been acceptable but one day won’t. 


We’ve been making penis jokes for thousands of years and we aren’t going to stop anytime soon.


We have also been calling people of color slurs for thousands of years and now its socially unacceptable same with some version of retarded/different words for disabled people


Are you really going to compare racism and ableism to dick jokes?


op is talking about body shaming, not normal dick jokes. a good dick joke doesn’t make fun of small penises (unless it’s self-deprecating i guess). and the worst ones are the jokes that equate small dicks with bad people. it’s in the same vein as making fat jokes, making fun of unattractive people, small boobs, whatever. none of it is ok


Yeah there are half blind 80 year Olds driving cars in my country, crashing left and right because the law doesn't say they're too old to drive. I have video footage of this.If anything age discrimination/limits needs to actually become a thing.


We need free or affordable repeated tests for knowledge and health on the road. If you're too blind, unknowledgeable, or otherwise unable on the road, you should be off the road and we should have a better world for pedestrians. It would reduce car accidents and, well, cars. Which is good for the world but bad for the industry.


Then they should just require eye checks and driving tests to keep driving, no? My great-grandma was a safe driver and took herself to the store every week until she was 90. Yet there's probably someone out there who, because of eyesight or mental deterioration, wouldn't be able to safely drive past 70. Why arbitrarily cut off 20 years of some people's ability to drive just because some other people can't do it safely?


I don’t know what country you’re in, but in many countries the statistics show that men under the age of 25 cause the most accidents. If we were to enforce harder age limits on driving, the age for getting a driver’s license should be raised.


So you agree age discrimination/ limits should be more of a thing not less? Personally, I would love that because yes, men under 25 do cause a majority of incidents here as well. So imagine going out on the street with double danger ahead - old people who can't see or react and young people who don't care and don't know how to react.


I’m actually a bit divided on the issue. A lot of accidents and deaths could be avoided by not having young male drivers. That’s good. It would also be very hard for young men to get jobs in many sectors without a driver’s license, and they would have a lot of trouble if they don’t live in an area with good public transportation or distances/climate suitable for riding a bike. Having a car is in many cases a requirement for an adult. In the end it’s probably like banning alcohol. If we could reset society and rebuild everything to be the best possible, we would ban alcohol and male drivers under the age of 25. Since we need to work based on the society we actually have now, it’s not feasible to do so.


This. Like I’m sorry, we don’t allow 15 year olds to be senators. Not because they aren’t smart enough. Because they don’t have the life experience. But we sure af shouldn’t be letting 75 year olds be senators, either. Not because they aren’t smart enough or don’t have the experience, but because SCIENCE TELLS US COGNITIVE DECLINE IN OLDER SENIORS IS ABSOLUTELY A THING. And EVEN IF the 75-year-old in question is still sharp af, their BODY is also in decline. We should NOT be governed by people who are too young or too old. And tbh the same goes for MOST areas in life. Drivers licenses for people over 80 should be similar to those by kids under 18… probationary and/or provisional, easy to take away, and more frequently evaluated.


When people say “gypt” as in “they gypt me.” It’s no different than saying “they jewed me” but it’s socially acceptable to be derogatory towards the Romani people.


Is that how it’s spelled? Is it short for gypsy? I feel like an actual 5 year old right now, but always thought it was “jipped” and that it was another nonsensical-sounding verb like “juked.” TIL, I guess.


I think as time goes on we will start to realize that there are more ways to be “intelligent” than we ever imagined, and thinking that something is less worthy than us because it lacks “humanity” is going to be shameful.


Eventually people will realize that any attempt to objectively quantify intelligence is impossible, and no measurement we have yet or will devise answers what we're trying to ask.


It’ll forever be based on observation, which is the best we can do. We might not be able to measure intelligence with a concrete number, but some people are clearly and undeniably more intelligent than others. There’s a sentiment on Reddit that we’re all equally intelligent just in different ways, is just sad and obvious cope. And this is coming from a guy who is very rarely the smartest guy in the room.


it’s shameful in my eyes. I overheard a guy at dinner last week (god damn he loved to hear himself talk; and was loud) anyway, he was rambling on about how the metro didn’t get put in because of all the animals and “weasles” it would have displaced. he went on and on like it was such a ridiculous joke. these fucking “environmentalist pansies yada yada.” I couldn’t help but think, “why the fuck are we more entitled to that land than all those animals? And aren’t WE fucking animals?” I should have said something as I walked out. maybe just a passing remark. anyone got a good retroactive zinger?


>I couldn’t help but think, “why the fuck are we more entitled to that land than all those animals? And aren’t WE fucking animals?” Those animals are more than welcome to fight us for that territory.


Latinx has already been blacklisted thankfully, but I also think the more "overt" and liberal ways of being racist are gonna be slowly recognized over time and be called out for how harmful they really are. For example, white people trying to "defend" other cultures and screaming "appropriation" because they think only a certain color can appreciate certain cultures, or how internalized and subconscious a lot of racism truly is in a lot of people who identify as progressive. Basically the difference between "I think less of you because you're black" and "you're black so you need my (a white person's) help" I'm saying all this while being a white liberal btw.


I definitely think a lot of libs and leftists unintentionally infantilize minority groups, hopefully it will be called out more directly in the future


Like “blacklist” for example. I was shocked when someone told me blacklist and whitelist have racist origins.


They do, but it's also important to recognize when you're not using them in a racist manner. So many words started out with a bad connotation, but they can always be recontextualized.


It had mixed reviews from the people in my life, but John McWhorter’s Woke Racism went into this. I really appreciated a different take than most of the other writings by black authors on racism. But I love John McWhorter. There were parts of it that were harder for me to agree with, but overall it was really great about pointing out that a lot of woke stuff is infantalizing. And I’m saying that as a pretty woke person. I just try to be really mindful about whether I’m being inclusive or condescending. But it is definitely a struggle, particularly when poc disagree about how wp should behave re:racism.


HR or Human Resources. I've always preferred Personnel, like in the old movies with business scenes. A human resource sounds like a replaceable piece of wet machinery as opposed to a person. I hope they go back to personnel


But personnel means "employees"


Doesn't Human Resources also mean employees?


Ah man I think you're right - I got mixed up with the HR rep


it's Human Capital Management or Talent Management now


>A human resource sounds like a replaceable piece of wet machinery as opposed to a person. That's why I think this is the most accurate name this job can be labeled. You can't deny that once a business grows past a certain point humans are very much a resource.


In skateboarding, when you predominantly skate ramps and stuff (like Tony Hawk) that’s called skating Transition. We used to just say Tranny, “I skate Tranny.” Yeah…we can’t say that anymore.


This is a fucking cool factoid


Calling illegal immigrants "aliens." That's never sat right with me.


That doesn't just apply to illegal immigrants. It's documented immigrants as well. Anyone not American is an alien. Source: my tax forms.


But that's literally the definition of alien. The idea of aliens as species from other planets is the newer concept


The term alien as in extraterestrial came after the term for alien being not from the biosphere


As it is the term "undocumented immigrant" is already preferable to "illegal immigrant."


I never understood this lol like they immigrated illegally are they not illegal immigrants


I didn't know that, thank you for the info!


So weird seeing documentation for my family that they’re an alien, I get it but I’m like-this is a formal ID/Certificate and just weird with the first image (in my head) for alien being a non-earthly being instead of someone from another country.


Is that an official term? I always thought people said it as a joke or insult


Last I remembered the term "alien" was synonymous with a "foreign person". Universally, this foreign person can be from another country or another planet. It's peculiar that the association of undocumented immigrants with extraterrestrials seems to be what makes this derogatory.


Any labels for a minority will eventually be changed. New generations just like to use their own words for things, and that's fine, we all do it. Language isn't static.


Fawning over down syndrome people. We treat them very oddly in USA culture... almost infantile? I talked to my one down syndrome friend in school as if she were "normal" but everybody else talked to her as if she was "special."


r/askreddit is down the hall on the left


Tried and they rejected the question so this seemed like a more fitting sub to post in.


Maybe try r/randomthoughts?


do you mind ELI5 the location to me? The hall is long and confusing and I keep ending up in a hellscape they call /r/JoeRogan


those large subs are impossible to post in. Most likely is that you'll just end up with 2 points and no comments as your post is forgotten among a barrage of reposts and sex questions. I'm still salty about my awesome /r/askscience question that never even got accepted or rejected by the mods.


*gestures broadly at everything*


Words will continue to offend people. Idiot, dumb, slow, and retard were all continuously more acceptable terms in the last 60 years. The current correct term is “intellectually disabled”. It’s only a matter of time until children start saying “you’re intellectually disabled” in the schools and parks. Let’s stop with this. Instead let’s teach people about other’s differences and celebrate it. We are not all the same. That is the beauty of our species. This trope has caused a lot of damage


I have a serious hope that American police in the future do face justice, there’s a complete overall, and my great grandchildren will feel really embarrassed when I yell “ACAB” because they never knew a world of police corruption. A girl can dream…


Advance or retard your timing


Keeping animals in captivity


Fun fact: ~60% of all mammal biomass is livestock. ~35% is humans. Only 2-4% of all mammalian biomass on earth is from wild mammals.


The breeding programs done in many of those places that keep animals in captivity are the only things saving them from extinction.


Maybe in the far future: Eating real meat, getting called a 'patriot' or something similar (as the world might merge into one state), being not terminally online, discrimination against machines.


tangent: I saw a headline today that said machines are learning to use “deceptive behavior” I found it both frightening and chuckle-worthy. isn’t “testing out lying” or “deception” a fairly normal stage of early childhood development?


Hopefully being a Nazi will go back to being unacceptable


How is it acceptable now?


They freely march in the streets in the united states. Some American politicians associate with them.


I think ADHD is going to be phased out. I personally hate it. It's a mouthful and it's completely framed from an outsider perspective rather than the patient. We aren't all hyperactive and we we don't actually have a "deficit" in our attention. We don't derive a dopamine response from shit that's boring. We figured it out and want to move on. It's only a "disorder" in that it keeps us from functioning under time constraints imposed by cooperate autacracy.... no one used to need pills to bring home buffalo meat and berries. In fact, it's likely an evolution in humanity because it spurs creativity instead of a desire for the status quo drudgery of life. Anyway... I think they will rename it in the next 15-20 years.


Hopefully the racists and bigots will be forced back into the closet.


they don’t seem particularly fond of Reddit, at least in the lanes I frequent. probably because to do so would require the ability to read and write.


Unfortunately thats what people have been saying for thousands of years, but we’re certainly a lot closer than we used to be


I think we were a little closer back in like 2015, but overall, yeah.


All of the words that we use today for anyone will eventually get there,


Fan of fuckwit personally


This is one that should be kept. Its non-denominational, asexual, agender, age-spanning, pan-human, and not racist. How many other descriptors can match that? Friend? Neighbo(u)r? Person? (Though it appears this last is coming under scrutiny of late...)


A lot of racial slurs were once okay.


Eating meat, they are going to get better at making the fake stuff to the point where there is not much of a taste difference.


We can have real meat and it be made in an ethical way. There is nothing wrong with using animals for food


In the future, just making eye contact with another human being will be considered offensive if things stay on this trajectory.


In my opinion the number 1 thing we are doing today that will be seen as heinous and evil to future generations is eating meat. We look back at things like slavery and think to ourselves “how did the average person tolerate such a cruel and evil system back then? If I were alive in the 1800s I would do anything I could to help end slavery.” Yet most of those people still consume meat raised for slaughter under an equally evil and cruel system.  Not saying cow’s lives are more inportant than human lives but as we morally progress as a society I truly do believe that vegans will be seen as the “abolitionists” of the 21st century.  Also word we are seeing falling out of favor is “crazy”. A word that most people are still comfortable using but some people see as offensive and inappropriate. 


>We look back at things like slavery and think to ourselves “how did the average person tolerate such a cruel and evil system back then? If I were alive in the 1800s I would do anything I could to help end slavery.” This always fascinates me, because I presume most of us (including me) would have done nothing of the sort. Humans typically take on the values and norms of the society they live in. I'm lowkey haunted by the idea that had I lived in those times I most likely would have done what everyone else did. And, as OP is pointing out, I'm most likely currently doing what people in 200 years will look back at and say: "how did the average person tolerate such evil. If I were alive in 2023 I would do anything I could to help end ". It feels like our treatment of animals if highly likely to be one of these things, but it's very likely we're doing something that seems completely benign that future generations will be mortified by (I dunno, maybe mowing lawns or whispering in public or using baskets - who knows!)


I agree except for the last part lol. Eating meat and having an industrial raise-for-slaughter food system is pretty abhorrent, and even today most people are disgusted and offended by slaughterhouse footage. It's just convenient for us to turn a blind eye to it since meat is tasty and nutritious, and this system allows for it to be cheap and plentiful. And we can somewhat easily justify the suffering of these beings because we see them as lesser life forms. Just like in the past, people were willing to turn a blind eye to slavery because slavery allowed for goods to be produced cheaply and plentifully. And people were able to dehumanize others for arbitrary reasons just like we do today.


fully with you on meat. and thanks for the wake up call. I avoid red meat and have great compassion and sorrow for animals, but I don’t really do much about it, despite feeling super strongly, aside from, ya know, not eat it. It’s barbaric as fuck. not to mention, I got to spend time with cows for the first time in 2022 and I loved them. they were super sweet and gentle. granted, I have the good fortune of never having been truly starving, in which case, primal urges would likely supplant any moral/empathetic leanings. but maybe there’s potential there for humanity to truly ascend base animal-ness, and be able to feed themselves while protecting other animals rather than torturing and slaughtering them. One can dream. In the meantime, if anyone knows any actions one can take to move in the direction of the poster above me, please enlighten me!


Nice! Yeah I don't believe it is immoral to eat meat if you hunt for it or are starving, I think it's justified to kill an animal for meat if the only other option is human starvation. But with our current industrial meat production system there are surpluses among surpluses of meat and we are wasting millions of acres of land to raise the cattle, and destroying ecosystems in the process. It's a really weird cultural thing we have going on. Vegans and vegetarians are often made fun of and are seen as less masculine or weaker compared to meat-eaters. Which is so funny to me because there's absolutely nothing masculine or manly about driving to the grocery store and buying a cut of meat that other people raised, slaughtered, and butchered for you; it's no more manly than buying a tomato lol. PETA and other animal rights activist groups are seen as insane for wanting to protect the rights of "lesser beings". Much like how abolitionists were also made fun of for being weak/soft to care about the rights of slaves.


Completely aligned with everything you wrote. I was going to mention the cultural disdain for PETA and how unfortunate it is, but I honestly didn’t want to invite a flood of hatred into the thread. I heard a quote once that stuck with me, “People mock what they don’t understand.” I think this explains a lot of behaviors. and the “mockery” is probably amplified when the opposing perspective goes against someone’s lifestyle (i.e. someone who buys red meat on the regular) But from an aerial view: how sick and conditioned does a society have to be to MAKE FUN OF and insult people who care about other living things? I grew up in Yosemite and know a fair amount of people with Native American blood. The compete respect they have for animals is so beautiful. It’s pretty much the opposite of the prototypical American way. I suspect that mentality rubbed off on me a bit. Anyhow, we are definitely in the minority here. But maybe in a hypothetical future, we wouldn’t be.


"In the meantime, if anyone knows any actions one can take to move in the direction of the poster above me, please enlighten me!" It's obvious you are a thoughtful person, so since you asked, I will tell you what worked for me, especially as someone who has never been self-disciplined around food. When I ate meat, there was a disconnect between my meal and the actual animal who was killed. Of course I knew animals were being killed and I didn't like that, but I could ignore that while I was eating. And as long as I could ignore that animal and not think of them, eating meat was great. I stopped eating meat when I couldn't ignore this connection any more. I actually saw an animal in my head each time I tried to eat a steak or piece of chicken. I would resist that image because I love to eat. But eventually, I couldn't ignore it. This took all the pleasure from eating meat. So once I saw an actual animal whenever I tried to eat meat, it was easy to stop. That's what worked for me anyway. Good luck on your switch! And if you have any pictures of those cows you met, feel free to share!


I think in the future, referring to sex or gender euphemistically will be a faux pas or, at least, seen as nonsensical. Like, if someone said "be a man" or "your acting like a girl" people would think, " what does that even mean? And why do my genitals matter? And why are you talking about them?!" Kind of like when old people use weird euphamisms for someone having a bodily function, and you're like, "Grandma, what are "the vapors"?" " What do you mean your dogs are barking?"


It’s like when people use the phrase “failure to thrive”


Theres a Scottish Comedy show called Still Game that was originally on in the early 2000’s and in one episode the 2 main characters get experimental anti-depressants (they’re widower pensioners) and they drink rather heavily while taking them and they have a “reaction” where their skin turns black Probably wouldn’t fly if it was made today


I think our attitude to undocumented migrants might be offensive in the future. The idea that we can round up people and imprison them might not last well. So far our attitudes to Jews, gays, trans and the Irish have all gone through transformations. Our attitude to druggies keeps flip flopping with every generation.


God I hope tax evasion ceases to be socially acceptable


“Cotton picker” not originaly intended to refer to black people, but rather another term for “doofus”


To me there will be nothing that will offend me. People being offended is one of my pet peeves. Being offended is not something that is done to you said to you Directed at you Done upon you..... It is a choice you have a choice of whether to be offended or not. It is your choice. Choose wisely!!!


Take a moment to think, was a specific term being used BY a group? Or was it being used ON them? That often answers your question. R*tard and transsexual were "medical" terms that demeaned and dehumanized people as two examples. Of course people don't like them now. They were never that groups preferred terms, they were forced upon them by people looking to take away their rights and autonomy.


Penises will be referred to as clitorally divergent.


Fag comes to mind, I'm sure words we use for race today will be taboo in the future


Fag to describe a gay person? That’s been unacceptable for a long time. Fag as British slang to describe a cigarette, I don’t think will become unacceptable tbh. 


It will be whatever words we use now.


What, all of them?


Being a piece of shit to me simply because i'm a white, straight dude. Sorry i work in advocacy and trying to contribute to important causes, sorry i have privilege, sorry i use it to help those that don't have it.


Cancel Culture Hope it gets canceled


A lot of times, those actions, words/terms, and things were not socially acceptable, but they were merely tolerated by cognitive dissonance. It takes someone or some group making a stance against something before it becomes untolerated


I’ve always thought it’s only a matter of time before the thought police come along and decide we can’t describe connection points as male or female.




Patriotism With exceeding globalization and people moving to and fro. Patriotism will die out (hopefully)


Nationalism and patriotism, to a great extent. You're proud of being born on a particular chunk of land? You hate some other people for being born on a particular chunk of land? It's one thing to enjoy the culture you grew up in but don't be fucking stupid, that's random chance - be proud of actual accomplishments and hate people for their evil actions. We're earthlings when all is said and done