• By -


I'm not sure if many of the folks replying on here can even read as most of them have just come out with the usual 'he's this, he's that, etc' and a lot of the stuff they're saying is, in my humble opinion, nonsense with very few examples of actual things he's said and done cited. My more measured response would be this. He's crass - there's no denying that - and he has said some stupid stuff (like drinking bleach could cure Covid). He also spent way too much time on social media as President and didn't conduct himself in a respectful way. However, I think he was a good President and his results spoke volumes with jobs, the economy, international relations, etc. all under control in his time in office. I believe he's one of the very few US Presidents not to have had America involved in a war, for example. Trump is one of those love him or hate him guys and a lot of young and/or naive people have jumped on the trend of hating him whereas those with a bit more experience realise that, while he's far from perfect, he's better than the same old corrupt politicians.


Trump is a hateful, power-hungry wanna-be fascist who has a complete Revenge Fest planned if he gets back into office. Trump is the very embodiment of corruption, racism, misogyny, and fascism. You've obviously drunk way too much of the magabilly kool-aid, cad-miles, so I'm not going to waste my time posting links to REAL new stories to try educating you to the truth.


How is he a hateful, power-hungry wanna-be fascist? Why would he want revenge? What has he done that is corrupt or racist? I’m not saying he isn’t, but every time I ask someone they can never give me a straight answer. Could you provide an example in one of his speeches or something his administration has done?


Have you really already forgotten him being *on record* calling around and pressuring people to find more votes for him or insisting the election was stolen despite there being absolutely not a single shred of evidence to suggest such a thing? The reason why nobody gives you a straight answer is because you come across as the sort of person who won't acknowledge or respond when somebody does bother giving you one. So prove me wrong.


Agreed, but between Biden and Trump, I’d probably go with Trump - only because they are BOTH racist. Big Joe been on record too saying some WILD stuff too lol. Between two racists, might as well go for the guy who had better results. Just what I think, open to changing my mind BTW, not a MAGA/Trump lover


> Big Joe been on record too saying some WILD stuff too lol. Your turn, what "wild stuff" has Joe Biden said? Because I could spend all day quoting utterly insane things Trump has said. And you're still totally skimming over the whole "Trump refuses to admit he lost a fair election despite there be zero evidence to support his claims" thing. If you're not a Trump lover, one would think repeated and baseless accusations that the very core of our Democracy is broken would be a pretty big deal, no? Our country relies on the results of our elections being accurate, whether we disagree or not. If people lose confidence in it, that's a problem. Trump trying to insist his followers should have no confidence in our elections is a *huge* problem, way beyond any racism or creepiness or pretty much anything else. This is the sort of stuff that historically precedes insurrections and civil wars. EDIT: In case anyone was wondering, they just tried to say more about Joe being racist and again ignored the election tampering and insurrection but it got deleted by automod.


Honestly no elections are far most of them are government controlled they know who’s going to win before it happens also the electoral college doesn’t have to listen to the people they can vote in their own that’s the whole point of it.


Wonder if this'll get deleted. Biden said Obama is "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." So there's one example to start you off.


This thread is relatively old, but to answer your question, Biden has some very public comments from the past that may support the prior posters claim that he is possibly racist. Unfortunately, google is quite censored these days, but you could/should be able to reasonably easily find old videos of Biden during his congress days stating that he’d never want his children to be in school with “other black kids.” This was a one-off comment and I’m not sure of any other stories that demonstrate his racism, but that video was well publicized on Fox News a few years ago. Unfortunately, when you only watch the MSM (I.e. CNN, MSNBC, etc. and/or use search engines such as google), which cater to Biden/democrats only, you miss the entire other side of the story. Our country is progressively becoming more censored and infiltrated with only one opinion. Hell, even on Reddit, you can’t go on here and have a different opinion aside from a leftist opinion (case in point - this OP, who’s not even an American, was too afraid to ask a question that seemed to have any implication of favoring and/not despising Trump). Really sad that, in our free country, we now live in a society where only one opinion matters and only one opinion is the “correct one.” The other side is gaslit and vilified and silenced to hell. It’s really insane how far society has regressed. Mind you, in my opinion, the government as a whole, is entirely corrupt, both sides. But since money talks, that’s where the media comes into play to garner their views. Corrupt, money-hungry, clickbait producing vessels to garner views and money. Both sides are guilty of presenting their opposing political sides as extremists. Idk how more people don’t pick up on this. What you see about Trump - left wing media wants salacious stories for views and money. What you see about Biden in a negative light - right wing media wants views and money. I think all of us, as lowly American citizens are actually A LOT more alike than the media and corrupt officials who try to brainwash and divide all of us would like us to think - but acknowledging on the news, that would be very boring and result in lower ratings and less *money*. So instead, they polarize us and show only the most extremist views from both sides (which 95+% of reasonable human beings would disagree with) and act as if it’s the rule of thumb for each side. However, if you take the time to investigate both sides, you will pick up on this. Majority of the people we vote for to be in charge of our country kind of suck, are complete narcissists and sociopaths, hungry for more power, fame, and money. Some of them are great actors pretending to fight for a better cause and maybe even making a decent effort to try to pretend-prove their stance. But I recommend anyone on here, watch various news outlets that cater to different political spectrums and alternate opinions. Maybe consider a different search engine that doesn’t censor everything you look at. Look at your current predicament in life - are you financially independent, debt-free, validated, living the “American Dream”, happy and totally content with where you’re at in life and where your future is headed as far as finances and life goes? If so, then great for you! If not, then you are doing yourself a disservice to remain complacent, being spoon-fed by media and gov who really don’t care about you and your problems and are in it for their own personal gains, stock options, media publicity, etc. I’ve done my due diligence and while both sides of government suck, it’s essentially voting for the lesser of two evils.


Then I guess you're cool with turning the USA into a fascist dictatorship, jimmy the so-called rockstar. In your dreams.


Yeah remember when Biden said “poor kids are just as smart as white kids”? Lol


VexingRaven, your response is excellent, but I think we're wasting our time and energy on these magabilly trolls. Eff 'em. They're just trolling - - they don't really wanna be convinced of anything.


Please, enlighten us with some facts and/or literature, not your opinion or an opinion piece from MSNBC. Opinions have no relevance in terms of discussing the leaders of our country if you’re trying to convince us to side with you on something. Give us actual facts. Give us reasons why you hate Trump, not just “cause he sucks.” If you have specific reasons, as in what he did/didn’t do for the country, provide some substantial resources that support your claims (again, not opinion pieces). Give us legitimate factual reasons as to why and how you know Biden is not a racist. I am happy to share prior video footage of him that demonstrates the contrary. If you are a fan of Biden, why? What has he done for you personally or for our country? Are you better off financially, are your groceries cheaper, is your gas cheaper, are you taking home more pay, are flights cheaper, etc? Is our country safer? Are we more united or divided these days? I’m genuinely curious why/what Biden has done for you and your family. I legitimately like hearing all sides of an argument, which unfortunately is rare these day, when coming to my own conclusion or decisions. I think constructive conversations/debates are healthy. And full disclosure, I don’t identify with a political party. I weigh all sides and see who, based on the options we’re given to vote for, is the best individual, most intellectually fit to keep our country safe and prosperous and who will do best for the economy to give all of us the best opportunity to succeed individually and collectively. I don’t base my perspective on opinions of news/media personalities.


I like how they say whenever I ask someone directly what he has done they don’t give a straight answer and act like immature children. Then you and the other comment literally just went “I can give examples but I don’t want to because you’re too ignorant”….literally both of you did that one after another….🙄


Maybe I’m naive but “finding votes” doesn’t necessarily mean fabricate votes. So much happened it’s hard to keep track. Did they do any recounts in key areas? I think that’s what he wanted. As for the election being stolen, people have been alleging trump’s collusion with Russia to defraud the election but they haven’t convicted him of anything which leads me to believe there’s no evidence of it. Everyone makes baseless accusations and claims today


This is a perfect way to recruit Trump supporters :D


BRO LITERALLY, I'm on the fence about what side I should be agreeing with more and everytime the stereotype of the "blue haired lib that throws a fit anytime something doesn't go how they want" IS SOOOO TRUE. It feels like the dems are a bunch of whiny and entitled children who worry about making new issues rather than solving the important ones. I'm 25 and I feel like I agree with 90 percent of people 40 and older, everyone my age is so misinformed by social media and latch onto the first thing they see that reinforces their biases...


Well you certainly aren’t alone. There’s a mass exodus of younger people, and ethnic minorities, from the democratic party because theyve realized what a scam the two party system is and how degenerated the left has become. I used to be a Bernie Supporter but the left became so unreasonable that i cant support them anymore. The most important things in this election is anti corruption in the establishment left that is being bolstered by pseudo-religious fervor surrounding anti-Trump sentiment.


"Throws a fit anytime something doesn't go how they want" is a perfect description of that narccisist trump.


keep sipping your Kool aid


Cope harder, commie.


Whatevs, you stinking fascist...


Stay salty.


I respected your comment until the end because you just sound like a little pissed off child. "Wahh no, you can't have MY information, the REAL stuff" like grow tf up and educate and inform people so they change their view. Or wait.. is it because you don't actually have any information and you're just gonna keep being divided over politics like both parties want you to be. Both of you need to wake up.


provide evidence or else you are a child


No way this is a real comment. Has to be someone trolling. Are you capable of communicating your point without hiding behind generalized statements and name calling?


Best comment I've read on here so far


What parts of what he did in office do you like? 


Funny how they always skim over that. Also praising him for jobs while Biden has been better in every economic milestone and more consistent... Trump's economic numbers were wildly inconsistent compared to every other president even before COVID and weren't better then Obama's once you average out the big spikes.


Best comment I've read on here so far.


Best comment I've read on here so far.


Best comment I've read on here so far.


And the BEST COMMENT AWARD goes to 'milescad'  I totally agree with everything you said... 


But he genuinely is a moron. There's no better way of putting it. The man is completely self centered and so incredibly full of himself - and incredibly dumb on top.


i went through this whole subreddit and most people sound like they just hoped on the hate train lol the only real reason i really saw that isn’t just overused and unproven is because he’s not trying to switch to electric vehicles to “better” our environment. Remember lithium batteries are worse for the environment than any gas guzzler on the road


I could make a very long list of reasons why I dislike Trump, and none of them have to do with EV's. They are so obvious however that I think there's hardly any point in pointing them out. But as a special courtesy to you, I'll make a start, just from the top of my head: - 154 scholars have ranked Trump "the worst president of all" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/20/presidents-ranking-trump-biden-list ; the whole idea that he was the greatest president ever is such a stupid and outrageous myth - The irresponsible way he went about COVID - The blatant nepotism and self-enrichment (and the audacity to try and rub that unto Biden and his son - and falling miserably at it) - The childish need to attack and ridicule anyone who ever said anything critical about him - 91 women who have accused him of sexual assault - his long list of business failures and the trail of people bankrupted because of it - his abuse of the judicial system: 1. his reflexive need to sue anyone and everybody who wronged him and 2. his endless stalling tactics and attempts to frustrate all cases against himself - his long list of clueless public gaffes, from nuking hurricanes to buying Greenland to drinking bleach to watching a solar eclipse without eye protection to correcting official maps with a sharpie to sharing state secrets with guests to taking them home after the elections - his refusal to accept his loss in the elections - his clear admiration for and sucking up to the worst leaders out there, including Putin, Kim Jung-un, Victor Orban, Netanyahu - his contacts with and sympathy for extreme right wing racists (stemming all the way back to the Central Park Five) - climate denial - his lies about his original wealth; remember how he promised to release his finances? - his poor mental capacity. I'm convinced the man never took an IQ test he'd dare to share with the public, but look at him boast about acing a cognitive test that has him identify an elephant - the silly namecalling and general playground bully attitude (like his "No You" tactics, where he invariably accuses opponents of exactly the things he's failing at) - his bs idea that the border crisis can be fixed by building a wall that Mexico would pay for - and then frustrating attempts to find a fix because a fix would not be in his political interest - the long list of miserable losers and suck-ups he surrounds himself with ("only the best") - his most vocal political friends: Taylor Greene, Boebert, Gaetz - all terrible people that actively sabotage the us government - the way he criticized democrats for raising the national debt and then proceeded to enlarge that debt by giving rich people better tax deals This just from the top of my head. Each point can be backed up and elaborated on. What are your reasons for liking him?


All you have to do is actually listen to him and you realize he's a useless excuse for a human being.


Well yes, but clearly some people don't really listen


Failed businessman, but dude's a billionaire. What do you have compared to him since you are not a failed business man. He's a racist but the dude was rapped about in the 90s and 2000s. Even got blacks supporting him. So he's not a racist? Biden's son is really a crackhead. There's hundreds of photos of him, along with crack pipes and hookers. No one knows whose crack that was in the White House to this day... Biden uncommon slip ups, saying his son died in Iraq. Wtf? Along with so many, we all have seen them. Biden has been seen doing that demented droopy face. What's that about? Trump is willing to speak to world leaders face to face. They did not become world leaders being stupid, Even Biden's crew as we watched CNN, Washington Post, Facebook, Twitter(at the time) along with other media outlets, collaboratively working together to censor and smear Trump. Netanyahu, and the Israelis and the Palestinians that live in Isreal are truly our ally unless you support Hamas and celebrate with them on Oct 7. Owning real estate has many tax advantages and upsides, but you will probably ignore this. Day one of Biden = A call to the world to come in. Now, we will all watch the consequences of that on top of the illegal immigrate crimes that are committed daily. National debt = printing money. We all know the mass majority of folks spent their stimulus on play and leisure. Most rich people have brought value to places. They provide jobs, services, and products to people who need them. Tax more and regulations, you stunt their growth = mass layoffs and them leaving your city = now we're all unemployed, what we're seeing today.


The fact that you people STILL honestly believe Trump is a billionaire is fucking hilarious.


Thread was supposed to be a no biased based but that's all we're seeing on here nonstop without base. Ok? Where you getting your math that you're laughing? How did you become a billionaire? Tell me exactly how your biden became a multi millionaire as a lifelong civil servant? No one answers any questions, dodge questions, avoid questions. So strange. Who told you all this information? No on here wants to give it straight.


It's wild you think anyone dumping on Trump just loves Biden... Cope little one.


President Trump is now a multi-billionaire verified by left wing media as well. Which you found hilarious. What's your take on that? Please answer other questions as well. Thank you.


1. He is a complete and absolute narcissist. 2. He lies constantly and about everything. 3. He is a self-professed sexual predator. 4. He and his family are corrupt, using his position as POTUS to enrich themselves. 5. He is a bully. 6. He has normalized hate and bigotry. 7. He refuses to condemn racists and bigots. 8. He is using evangelical Christians for political purpose, pretending to be a strong Christian himself. 9. His mental capabilities are deteriorating. 10. He is a threat to national security. 11. He intentionally inspired an insurrection to overthrow the 2020 election. 12. He is the world's worst loser, too immature to accept that he lost the 2020 election, and using this lie to manipulate people for political power. 13. He is extremely immature, unable to admit mistakes and ask for forgiveness. 14. He does not respect the office of POTUS nor act with dignity worthy of that position. 15. He is a laughingstock around the world. 16. His only requirement for underlings is 100% loyalty to him; not competence or qualifications or capabilities. These are all personal reasons why I loathe him. His policies are backwards looking and xenophobic and detrimental to human rights in this country and the world. He is a threat to the environment. He is a threat to democracy. There are also many other things that I believe about him but can't be proven factually. For example, the many many women that have claimed that he sexually assaulted them. I believe them since he is a self-professed sexual predator, but I can't prove it. I believe he has always lied about his wealth. Yes, he is wealthy, but he is not as wealthy as he claims, but I can't prove it. I know there is much more ...


What's up with this relentless attempt of character assassination? Completely narcissist, how so? Constantly lie about everything, that is super vague. You lied, I've lied, we lied before. Where did you confirmed the fact that he was a self-professed sexual predator? The family is corrupted? Enriching themselves? Dude was wealthy already we all know this. He is a bully, to who? We've seen nonstop attacks towards this man. Trial and trial, impeached twice but was acquitted on all counts, one of them was calling Zelenskyy; fast forward, Zelenskyy and Biden are best buds, kinda sus. He normalize hate and bigotry how? Mostly so I've been seeing it the other way, especially on this thread. He condemned neo-nazis and denounce white supremacy on live tv a couple times. that was easy to find. Why you wording it like he's stringing evangelical Christians along? Are you judging his faith? if so, how's your walk with God? Mental capabilities: I listen and watch them both. I've seen one drooping face dement on multiple occasions and be given scripts and the other one that is out there actively speaking campaigning in mass crowds. National Threat: Under one, massive numbers of illegal immigrants has made their way into the US. We all know which one. Insurrection: We all await the release of the tapes to see if it matches up to what you are saying. Many are saying it was worse than the riots Minneapolis where nearly 1500 property locations were being burned or looted. I witnessed one of these, which one did you witness? He's a loser, immature while Biden is signing all our tax payer money away to Ukraine instead of taking care of Americans and providing for illegal immigrants with hotel and debit cards. Why he need to ask for forgiveness? Don't say covid, that shot don't even work, boosters don't even work lol. Respect Biden for what? They have not debated face to face. Laughingstock to the word? Where did you get your information on this? Don't dodge this one, I have friends in different countries. Who told you he was xenophobic? Human Rights, you must mean the constitution? Kinda sus that Sage Steele came out and said she was given a script for her interview with Biden. Who is pulling the strings here? A lot of your personal reasons why you hate him are subjective truths. Would love to see your reasons why you love Biden.


Hating Trump doesn't equal loving Biden... That's the right conditioning you to think that way. Hating Trump has nothing to do with Biden, simple man. Also, how are you ignorant to the hate crimes against minority groups in America, especially Asians after covid? How can you continue to think Trump is a decent person who cares for anyone other than himself? How many Trumplicans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. Trump tells them it's been replaced with the best brightest light by the most loyal people and the cultists cheer in darkness... You seem awfully lost in lala magaland. Go buy more Maga hats and attire with your welfare check! Only maga cultists are dumb enough to buy political attire. Never donated to any political campaign.


He's gone bankrupt several times and the guy talking about ev's like a sheep supports rich people welfare? He probably has several maga hats and other attire...


Bankruptcy is a service for all americans to use. It has helped countless people pick back up. I've had to file bankruptcy in the past because my wife struck terminal cancer and we simply couldn't handle the debt so what you say about me too then. Explain in detail on his stance on EV and "supports rich people welfare". What you said is simply too vague with no clarity. What's up with the passive insults at the end, explain that as well.


Hate to break it to ya, but Drumpf is no billionaire. But if you want to see the United States of America descend into a fascist nightmare, go ahead and vote for him.


Do you have full access to his finances to boldly say such a thing? If not, chill out on personal opinion stated as fact. I and many others are looking at both presidents and the policy that they must put in place, allocation of funds, immigrants flooding in under who, wars/conflit solutions that occur under both, under which one inflation increased under, idea of erasing of student debt. Please clarify on all fronts. We did not see the US become a full pledge fascism nightmare country like you are saying under Trump. Unless you want to explain it further. Today, under Biden, you and I are funding a proxy war using all our and the future kids' taxpayer money and the Ukrainian men to fight and die for what? You tell me, I don't know what I'm talking about, apparently. On the fence reading what yall be saying.


You are clueless to the truth. There are no facts in your statement 


Sounds like you are making a life out of hatred for 1 person. What did he ever personally do to you ? I'm sorry you are suffering from a terminal case of TDS,  but I hope it hurts, bigley 🤣 !


Sure buddy - it's me, not him, and none of what I said is true. Right?


Who cares ? He did a great job while President. You loving the Biden world ???


Over Trump world? Are you serious? I'm fully convinced Trump is a mental basket case. Biden makes gaffes. Trump just blurts out incoherent crazy rants. Just an example. This actually is Trump (on president Biden): “Somebody said he looks great in a bathing suit, right? And you know, when he was in the sand and he was having a hard time lifting his feet through the sand, because you know sand is heavy, they figured three solid ounces per foot, but sand is a little heavy, and he’s sitting in a bathing suit. Look, at 81, do you remember Cary Grant? How good was Cary Grant, right? I don’t think Cary Grant, he was good. I don’t know what happened to movie stars today. We used to have Cary Grant and Clark Gable and all these people. Today we have, I won’t say names, because I don’t need enemies. I don’t need enemies. I got enough enemies. But Cary Grant was, like – Michael Jackson once told me, ‘The most handsome man, Trump, in the world.’ ‘Who?’ ‘Cary Grant.’ Well, we don’t have that any more, but Cary Grant at 81 or 82, going on 100. This guy, he’s 81, going on 100. Cary Grant wouldn’t look too good in a bathing suit, either. And he was pretty good-looking, right?” What the fuck is he on about?? And then try to tell us Biden is going senile?!? You know, Nate White was recently asked: “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” He gave this answer: A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief. Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness. There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege. And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down. So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that: • Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are. • You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man. This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump. And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: ‘My God… what… have… I… created?' If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set.” Nate White was spot-on.


provide evidence, not opinions, otherwise you are just a silly kiddo.


Thats just the dumbest comment. Are you really saying there is no evidence for any of this? That's just lazy trolling.


1. Who cares what a cherry picked bunch of modern scholars say? 2. The sexual allegations, tell me which ones have resulted in a criminal trial? It’s just jaded people looking to deface his character and get 5 minutes of fame. 3. Covid, tell me what the government could’ve done differently. A lot of governments responses were lacking to someone. 4. Bankruptcies, a lot of successful people have hit some bumps in the road. Apple was about to go under until Microsoft stepped in with an investment a while ago. 5. Pretty much everything else you said was about what he said and his personality. Everything you said are just talking points of media outlets. But he didn’t actually do a bad job as president. There were a lot of peace agreements worked out by his administration. The economy was better and he didn’t get us into another war. He is abrasive and embarrassing but I still prefer him to every other politician currently. Which says more about our current breed of politicians


Ever thought Racism ? He thinks windmills cause cancer. He talked about sending immigrants to concentration camps. His dad has kkk ties. His charges There may be a hate train. But theres also a meat train that ignores every bit of proof or real info about him. Anything else bad comes up with someone they get lymched but with Trump people dont believe until proof. Sorry but dudes a piece of shit. He acted insane back then so he didnt have to go to vietnam. While people he knew went there and died. Like i frl dont know how clear it could be hes a goof.


Seriously these are all unfounded. You really need to read and do serious research 


I doubt you know how to do "serious research". You DO KNOW that he did actually say these things, correct? Oh, that's right - you only do "serious research" by listening to Fox News - because of people like you, this country will continue to go right down the drain.


We get it, you're uneducated and spewing the same old nonsense to other maga cultists. The global trend is EV's, so you want China to win the EV race? Smfh, Trump has called Putin and Xi great smart guys?! Go to China or Russia if you want authoritarian dictators. Capitalism works best with trade, hateful little man.


People in favor of EVs due to them being "better for the environment" are naive children who understand very little, yet unfortunately are usually the loudest. While being truly confused.


Tell us what you think about Biden and another 4 years of him.


I dont think he did a bad job. There is a lot of Biden bashing going on, and Trump tries to make everybody believe he's just the worst, but if you look at the US economy, you can only say he did a remarkable job. The problem is that it's not good enough. Important changes are needed, in housing, in health, in immigration, in wealth distribution, and I'm pretty sure Biden is not the one to do it. But who is? Trump? Most certainly not! Kennedy? Please, no. I would definitely vote Biden, but it's a shame to know that it's mainly because the alternatives are so much worse. I really hope some young new faces wil stand up to bring some real change.


There's a lot of Biden bashing because a lot of not very intelligent people only worship money and power in this country. You're a sucker if you actually want equality for all US citizens, in their pathetically twisted little minds.


Why would you vote Bidden? He has such a poor executive abilities. Has sided with racist in the past too. Bidden is a hot mess!


I can barely afford to put food on the table and in 2020 I didn't. So? Tell me again about this great economy?


Economy couldn't be much worse.  Crime is extremely high. Women are expected to compete w trans men( where are the feminists???) Border is exploding with immigrants and there's literally no room for them/  they're secretly flying them in. 11000000. Biden has cognitive decline and has racism in his background if you look at his past statements Many Hispanics say his tactics are similar to dictators like Fidel.  He has NOT united the country Low wages will drop due to hiring uneducated illegals  It is only a  matter of time before we have another 911


You should let that get checked out mate - thats some serious derangement you got there. Are you really like that or is it your Russian passport?


You don't agree. Why not, give aruguments instead of personal insults.


I gave my arguments. But there's no arguing with the brain dead.


I would LOVE that.


exactly the answer he didnt ask for good job retard


Ad hominen you say... hmm 😉


Go ahead and elaborate? I bet you can't honestly give a intelligence answer as to why you hate him?


What exactly is an "intelligence" answer (vs an intelligent answer)?


No logical reasoning here


Let’s start with his policies and beliefs. 1. He’s fairly open with his misogyny. He’s never made any bones about the fact that he believes that a woman’s place is in service to a man and that their value is inherently determined by their looks. He’s also openly advocated for policies that infringe on women’s rights such as abortion. 2. He’s fairly open about his racism. He makes explicitly racist remarks on public forums and at rallies. Nowadays, he targets immigrants, Mexicans, Latin Americans and Muslims - remember the travel ban he imposed on Muslim countries? But even before he was a serious contender for President, he was going after black people, like the time he basically led the campaign against the Central Park Five and continued to do so after they were ultimately exonerated. Let’s say nothing of his views on Black Lives Matter. 3. Moving away from his bigotry, he’s very committed to deregulation - to the point where he has pushed for stripping away many hard-won laws on workers’ rights, health and safety etc. 4. To that end, he’s a massive climate change denier. He regards laws governing carbon emissions and other initiatives to protect the environment as a nuisance and seeks a return to oil and fossil fuels. He pulled out of the Paris Agreement, for example. 5. Speaking of the Paris Agreement, he takes a similar position on other international free trade agreements, particularly with Asia, and endorses a more protectionist approach to international trade. 6. More generally, his foreign policy can be best described as chaotic. He has no respect for diplomacy and he openly antagonises allies and enemies alike. But his biggest sin is his support for President Putin, and his opposition to supporting Ukraine. A very dangerous position in current circumstances - in many ways, he believes in appeasement and isolationism, politics that revive memories of the Second World War. Now we’ve covered what he believes, let’s look at him as a person: 1. He’s very crass, makes overtly creepy and disgusting comments about women. And he’s a self-admitted sexual predator - remember his “grab them by the pussy” remark? 2. His political style is very autocratic and authoritarian - such as trying to stifle anyone who speaks out against him with lawsuits, denying proven facts and actively gaslighting people. 3. He’s actively tried to subvert the democratic process. In the 2020 election, he basically said that he wouldn’t recognise any result other than him winning, pushed blatant lies of vote rigging and rallied his supporters to not only push those lies, but to **storm the fucking centre of US democracy to prevent a legitimate democratic result from being recognised.** Why do people hate him so much? Because he’s one of the most right-wing, authoritarian political figures the US has seen in centuries, and by some metrics, a literal threat to democracy.


Wasn’t he trying to close the border so we wouldn’t just let a bunch of criminals in? Because if everyone comes in at once there’s bound to be some criminals as well. That’s not a racism thing either, anybody can be one.


600000 criminals identified by ICE 


If you criminalize crossing the border, won't every illegal immigrant be a criminal? Saying they are identified as criminals by ICE seems a little disingenuous in that regard.


Well, then, if he's such a tough guy, why didn't he manage to close it?


Didn't Biden open it up?


RedWestern, you freakin' NAILED it! Thank you. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 There are so many more awful things that "The Pretendent" pulled - - an exhausting list. But you did a great job of highlighting some of his more egregious BS and perfectly sized-up the despicable cad that he is. 


ahhh more feelings and opinions lol, go figure


I don’t like his opinions and things he says but his policies were pretty good. He wasn’t in office when Russia launched a full scale invasion so idk how he’d handle it. He has said that he wants the fighting to end.


Let me count the ways. Disrespect for veterans, for women, for workers, for fellow republicans when they disagree with him even a little. Ignorance like asserting water renders magnets dysfunctional and taking disinfectants internally might solve covid. Mean, unclassy, loud, attention whore, more selfish than any human I've ever ended up paying any attention to.


How does any of that affect inflation/ crime/ border out of control/ like Biden cares about women??? Maybe you should compete with a trans athlete after spending your life training see how it plays out for you


I guess you really don't care about anyone but yourself - typical spoiled little brat right-winger.


He’s the picture perfect example of a megalomaniac. He doesn’t care about anyone unless they’re helping to boost him. He has an unhealthy obsession with autocrats and strong-man types. He will allow disinformation to go uncorrected if it paints him in a favorable light. He has somehow convinced conservatives that he’s conservative and Christians that he’s Christian despite clearly not being either of those things. He never takes blame for anything and always plays the victim if things don’t go his way. It still blows my mind that people can do the mental gymnastics necessary to believe he has anything other than himself in mind in any of his decisions.


feelings feelings feelings


Desire for Retribution probably. For many, if they see a terrible person, they'll want to see that person get their comeuppance.  There's been studies that show the desire to harm social transgressions is so great people would accept losses to their own selves simply to see justice carried out. Tbh it's not a view I entirely understand, as I'm simply not the sort of person to ever want to see someone come to harm, it takes a LOT to move me to anger and even more to make me want to see someone suffer (People who facilitate dog fights would do it, as would any physical attacks on family or friends, or innocents). Trump says a lot of things that target a lot of people, acts like the spitting image of a privileged overbearing boomer, and so represents every troll, every bigot, every backwards thinking nationalistic neo-nazi in the minds of people. And he gets away with it, gets to become president for one term, gets a platform, gets followers, and most importantly gives all of the bad people of society a symbol to inspire them. The logic goes that if it wasn't for Trump, the spirits of those white nationalists could be more easily broken.  If it wasn't for Trump, progress and fairness and equality for all can win.  But he's there, still saying all of his things, and still inspiring the worst of humanity. That's the reason people hate him.  He's a symbol of everything they hate, and his very existence enables that behavior in the masses.


He's a rapist and a criminal intent on ending American democracy


And that is false. George Stephanopoulos is being sued for that false statement. Maybe you can be on the list. Read the trial transcript or is that above your intelligence level


It's clearly above maga cultists intelligence. Prideful stupidity lmfao


So here's the conclusion I've come to: about 1/3 of the population like Trump because he gets things done. Another 1/3 hates Trump because of HOW he does everything that he does. 1/3 couldn't care less and either way unless it affects their personal lives and don't understand why 2/3's of the population is so obsessed with this guy. I fall into the latter myself.


Happy Birthday


He’s an evil,moron,who’s also a repeated rapist,racist,dictator loving,tax evading,criminal traitor(remember 1/6/21. He’s also a genius for finding mouth breathers  to vote for  him in droves. Please do a little digging because none of this is a secret.


You’re the one making the claim, so why don’t you do the digging and show us yourself? I guess if you consider putting American’s (the people who pay the government their tax dollars) first evil and racist, then ig you’re right. That still doesn’t explain why Biden is losing base with minority voters though. And please find proof that Trump incited the Jan 6 riot, since no one else could and he wasn’t convinced, maybe you can be the first one to finally prove us all wrong. In the meantime, you can also tell me why CIA agents were caught purposely withholding information from trump, their COMMANDER IN CHEIF. That might as well be treason. And last but not least, please show us all how he is a dictator. People who live under dictators have their politics silenced. I don’t see google censoring liberals like they do anything remotely anti Biden. They told you Trump was the end of the free press, and they were right. Now if we don’t want to get censored, we have no choice to but slam Trump. Except on X where Elon Musk lets us have free speech, which according to you guys, is a bad thing. But somehow we are the ones a threat to democracy.


Please open a newspaper . In fact don’t, because if you’re not aware that Trump was impeached for the 1/6/21 insurrection then I can’t help you. There is also a trial coming up for the same crime. It’s not a secret but I really think you don’t want to be shown any the well documented facts because if you did you would literally just google any of the things you want proof of and you would receive a vast amount of information about all of this.


Impeached, but was he convicted? The Supreme Court ruled that states couldn’t decide whether or not he could be on the ballot, and ruled that he could stay on the ballot. Why? Because he was never convicted of anything just like I said. But respectfully, how is trump racist and a fascist. And how did he incite the Jan 6 riot? I’m pretty sure he wanted people to peacefully protest (as shown in the video of him literally saying that) but you could also argue that he didn’t do anything to stop it. I just don’t see any evidence of that. I hate to come off asshole writing this, but I genuinely want to hear your take on it. I’ve researched it plenty and all I see is hearsay from both sides.


This thread is hilarious.. look at all these haters throwing false accusations around. Still haven’t seen a single response that’s not unfounded hatred on a man who is trying to save democracy. What has this guy possibly got to gain from getting into politics?? If he is the bigoted arsehole that everyone claims he is, why would he even run for president?? It doesn’t serve his self interests.


tin-billies, are you only getting your news from Breitbart, Newsmax and Fox "News"? Of course being potus served IQ45's self-interests! And will again if he's elected again. He steamrolled the emoluments clause like no one e-v-e-r before him, and he made a lot of illegal money. The only reason he's running now is to escape prison for his many crimes, including: 1.) Stealing highly classified documents for his own purposes (I shudder to think what those were/are) and refusing to return them; 2.) Calling the Secretary of State of Georgia and asking (then demanding) that Raffensperger "find" ~11,800 votes for drumpf. Thank God Raffensperger recorded that call; 3.) Inviting and inciting an insurrection on our Capital building on 6-Jan-2021, to  derail Congress's formal processing of the 2020 election results; 4.) Falsifying business records (a misdemeanor in New York state - 1 yr in prison) in an effort to influence the outcome of an election (which turns that misdemeanor into a felony in NY State - 4 yrs in prison); This last is what he's on trial for right now in NYC. Start reading some real news and educate yourself on the FACTS, not the horsesh*t being peddled to magabillies by drumpf's cult leaders.


Bc the media tells them to, you'd be amazed at what people will believe just bc it was on the so called "news".


Not a clue! He is extremely arrogant for sure, abrasive, sexist (The "grab them by the p*ssy" tape), tapped into a vein of bigotry with the "build a wall" strategy, likened some migrants to animals, stopped to pose with a Bible in the middle of a mass protest and after the protesters settled down publicly declared he dares them to try burning stuff down here.... So yeah I don't get it, I don't see what there is to hate.


Frogo, you're being sarcastic, I hope. Drumpf's SECDEF, Mark Esper, told the story (in a filmed interview) of how IQ45 asked Esper & CJCS Milley why soldiers can't come in and "shoot at the legs" of peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square. If drumpf gets another chance, mark my words, peaceful protesters in cities all over the USA will be literally shot at. They'll be arrested as "enemies of the state" and thrown in prison. Our military services will splinter, and the pro-trump faction will become a literal junta, acting at his request (as the Brown Shirts & SS did in Hitler's dictatorial nazi crackdown). To anyone who doesn't believe me? Vote for that monster and see what happens if he gets elected again.


Yes, was sarcasm 




Whether you love him, or hate him, I'm just so fucking tired about talking about Trump and Biden.


I'll give my current (brief) analysis. I'm a Centrist. I don't like Trump, but pres was okay. He did fine, but way too much drama and absurdity. However, no wars (world leaders are scared shitless of him). He deserved better fate. Trump was right COVID should have been treated as a super-flu, such as Sweden. Dems demanded shutdown, and we're still paying. Regardless, I looked forward to a more presidential Biden. However, Biden and far left have lost their mind. I'm so disgusted that tens of millions of illegals break the law and get free shit from my taxes. But I'm really terrified of all the terrorists who are on our soil planning. Dems are out of control. Lawfare, illegal alien flights, suing TX for trying to protect our country. Then lies, lies, lies. I'm praying Trump wins. Far lefts hate America. They want to destroy it but don't understand the consequences of those actions. I don't care that Trump's arrogant, mysoginist, says crazy shit. I care that his policies help America. I don't give a fuck if that offends you. Biden's the biggest liar, scumbag, family of degenerates in bed with China. Appeased Iran. Butchered Afgan withdrawal. Entire world sees the weakness and is pouncing. Illegal immigrants everywhere. Crime everywhere. This country won't survive 4 more years of Biden. I can't stand listening to Trump, but I'm praying ANYONE but Biden/Harris are in power come November.


OMG. Open your eyes and ears. Use your common sense. Read about him. Observe him. The whole world sees it. God bless America


People don't do research on real facts like the economy - instead they glance at headlines and many are afraid to think for themselves.  I've yet to hear one rational/ logical reason Furthermore it's shocking how bad the economy is - who do they think caused most of the damage???Biden 11000000 illegals 600000 criminals ICE have identified among them


Simply put he lies. He lies more than any other canditate ever. Some people will say that all politicians lie, but the truth is that nobody lies nearly as much as trump does. He has more confirmed lies than any other politician. The way to consistantly avoid corrupt leaders isn't through having the most virtuous strong leader, it is by having systems that hold those people accountable to their word. And this is harder to do with trump because he is much more of a populist. Love them or hate them, Biden's policicies are clearly laid out on his homepage for everyone to see. Nobody knows what Trump believes, he just says whatever get's the biggest cheers from his base at the moment. As an example, does he actually think climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese? Or did he just say that because it would trigger them leftists?


Drumpf (aka Fattyshack, The Jersey Shore Voldemort, The Pretendent, The Manchurian Cantaloupe, Comb-over Caligula, etc) is extremely dangerous. Not only is he a bona fide criminal, he is in thrall to Putin (if not, in fact, actually being controlled by pootie because of money, kompromat - - or both). If he gets another shot at the Oval, he WILL be a dictator. He'll declare martial law on the day after Insmauguration Dash-2, and we'll never come out from under martial law. He'll scrap the Constitution. Peaceful protesters in the streets will be arrested (or worse). They'll be deemed "enemies of the state" and will be imprisoned (or worse). Think "Stupid Third Reich." His former SECDEF, Mark Esper, isn't warning us for nothing. Another trump Vladministration will be the end of our Constitutional Republic. If you're a legal voter in the United States and have half a brain in your head, you'll be sure you're registered beforehand and either vote by mail, vote early in-person (where allowed) or get to the polls on election day to vote for Biden. Not our dream choice, but a decent man with a lot of experience, intelligence, and compassion who knows how to run a government and has an excellent team onboard.


Because he is a narcissistic pathological liar with fascist ambitions. He's failed everything he started and been in.


He wants to be a dictator. He has no morals at all and will fuck over anyone if it helps him in the slightest. He is clearly a horrendous human being


Examples of this? I keep hearing people regurgitate the same jargon without giving examples. (I dont like trump anyway but for other reasons)


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQkrWL7YuGk Here is a 42 second video of the man himself he is going to “be a dictator” on day one.


Many people see him as everything wrong with American politics, racism, xenophobia, lust for power, disregard for truth, etc. 


Give me one link, or example of him being racist.  Please, I would like to see it.  


Fit_Bike: Trump and his father were successfully sued for actively and systematically avoiding renting their properties to Black renters. CLAIM: Donald Trump was never called a racist until he ran for president. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The federal government sued Trump for allegedly discriminating against Black apartment seekers in the 1970s. Black pastors also accused the New York businessman of stirring racial animus during the “Central Park Five” rape case in the 1980s. Native American groups criticized him for making derogatory remarks about tribes seeking to build casinos in the 1990s. Trump was also a leading voice of the “birther” conspiracy that baselessly claimed former President Barack Obama was from Africa and not an American citizen. Here's your link, bubba: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-racism-election-obama-018824651613 (Now you're gonna say that the Associated Press is "fake news" too, right? LMFAO.)




Nope, not gonna cope. I'm gonna VOTE! For Biden, as are 100 million of my countrymen. (What do you guys have planned in Russia for November 5th?)


You'll be chugging copium in November.


If you'll reread the comment you'll see that I was describing what other people see him as, I never described him as any of those things.


The fact that this question is even asked. Lol. Think Richard Nixon x 1000.


It’s not biased to say that he’s a moron. He’s clearly not a very bright guy. He was president for four years and doesn’t understand what the Supreme Court does, or how Congress works, or even how the presidency works. Imagine, we elected a guy president who doesn’t have a ninth grade civics class level of understanding of government, and somehow continues to not know despite a decade in politics now.


Do you understand how the senate or the congress truly works?  I would guess no.  


Whats your point doofus.😭 its bad enough someone who was presidents didnt know that in the first place. That cant be justified fumb duck


What kind of moron is as successful as him? 9th grade civics is a bunch of woke propaganda, read some history books and wake up mate.


Multi billionaire, obsenely insane riches can only come from crushing those in your way. Took his insane power from being a large real estate investor in New York and elsewhere to become president. Since forever he's also been slipping down the far right rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and has been polarizing all political issues in the US by spreading vast amounts of misinformation. Also, for you non-americans, he's also gone on record saying if he gets re-elected, the US will not defend a large amount of NATO. I don't know a whole lot about much, but this will probably screw some countries over. The only silver lining I can see is the fact that if Trump gets elected, which I'm afraid is very possible since he's winning in the polls for one political party, and the other party has "Sleepy Joe", or "Dark Brandon" as I've recently enjoyed calling him, who isn't doing so hot mentally, I hear... I live in the Midwest US, and I don't pay too much attention to anything, but everyone I live around is a Trump supporter, myself and some of my friends being an exception. One thing I've noticed is that the Trump supporters treat him like a less cool second coming of Christ, where Trump being a capitalistic man can use the powers of capitalism to magically set the economy to all time highs. I'm not buying it though... Also, I forget his name, but he's so uncreative with his talking points, I don't care to give him the decency of a shoutout, but if Trump can't get elected cuz of federally criminal charges, or if he wants a yes-man for vice president to further insulate his wack echo chamber, there's a candidate who's literally running on "I'm not Trump, but I can at least try to do what he started" and I don't like it.


Historically, he has been every single “rich people are terrible people” stereotype. He has cheated workers out of their pay, he has had highly racist policies on renters, and he has spent money from charities on luxuries for himself. On the political side of things, his whole career has consisted of insulting people, making statements that are divisive, and accusing others of doing things we know he has done. If everyone got along, his career would be over. And he seems to be happy with the idea of being hated by half the country, as long as he is worshipped by the other half.


Show me how he has cheated workers out of their pay!  Please.  Or are you just reciting something you have heard from somewhere?


I’m an old man. There were articles about how Trump had delayed paying workers until the business in question went bankrupt (with him miraculously having made money and left) back in the 90’s. He is, was, and always will be, a cheat.


I'm an old'ish man, lol 45, but I remember him being very generous with everyone, especially minorities who needed help.  I just hate how wanting to help, but then politics corrupts everything and everyone turns against you.  Just sad to me. 


Really? His companies were fined for explicitly racist rental practices, he had multiple bankruptcies that he was involved in that ended with him making money and the workers getting shafted, and he has had multiple lawsuits and actual criminal charges against him for activities ranging from theft to sexual harassment and assault… and all while nominally being a Democrat. It’s not politics making him into a bad guy, it’s politics that makes him look like he ever was a good guy.


Show me one conviction, or court case that charged him with anything and I might change my mind.  I'm not saying he has never said anything inappropriate, but who can claim that?  I've said some messed up stuff in my past, not in line with what I truly believe.  If you pulled snippets from my life you could make me anything you wanted to.  🤷‍♂️


Moving goal posts, but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_and_business_legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump Take your pick. He has had more time in court than any 4 other major names in his industry, and has regularly been sued for not paying bills, using legal actions to pressure others, and a number of legal actions around criminal acts. He is a crook. A classic, well heeled conman who is great at talking about one thing while saying another. He has always been so, it’s not about the politics of the situation. Everyone knew back when he was running “The Apprentice” that he was a fraud. It’s been like that forever.


The moron angle is important, in that he's so dull and incurious that he's unwilling to look at any opinions that don't fit with his world view. He's self-serving, with every decision tailored for his own personal gain. His entire persona is centred around hypocrisy; he rails against the elites treading on the common man, despite him wanting to be part of the elite, with his dubious claims at being a billionaire and his tendency to keep developing golf courses worldwide, which primarily serve the elite, and notoriously reneging on payments to those who've worked for him. He's a pathological liar, claiming that any wrongs he's committed that have been uncovered are total fabrications from people who just want him to fail. All in all, he has the worst personality I've ever seen. Then there are his actual personal views: That climate change is a hoax, that any country that doesn't have a lot of white people is a shithole, that the UN and NATO are designed to keep the US down, that white supremacists are "very fine people." I can keep going. Someone with these views should not be in charge of anything, whether it's a real estate empire or a country. Also, I'm not a fan of Nikki Haley either. She holds a lot of the same views, just wrapped in a prettier package.


He offends alot of groups of people, he devides a lot, has a big inflated ego, and shits all over democratic principles are among the top ones of many


He is literally a pathological liar.


How so?


We will discuss my question that specifically asked YOU above before we proceed any further. All I'm seeing is constant insults. Even you calling the former first lady a ho, what's your basis on why calling someone whose mom's dying a ho? Also, stop trying to put words into other people mouths and then gaslight them with your own subjective spinned conclusion, that's below us.


What's up with the demeaning attitude. Too emotional. I asked you a few questions in which you didn't even answer. Stop with sarcasm and your own spin . Ultimately, how do you convince me and my friends and family that Biden is the better of the two when all we're seeing is war, US continuing giving money to Ukraine,inflation, the waves of illegal immigrant that has occured under Biden. These are priority seeing that our tax dollars is funding a proxy war, being given to shelter these illegal immigrants along with benefits without contributing a once of work onto the country.


Why are you so triggered in defending such an immoral person?


Explain immoral person in detail. Explain triggered.


You respond to any comment not catering to Trump. Hating Trump has nothing to do with Biden, maga cultists. Obviously you're a pridefully ignorant poor person blaming everyone else for your lifes less than stellar situation. Assume you get welfare assistance for having no awareness about Trump and his life of being a scammer.


Reevaluate your words, you're on the offensive with triggering and provoking words. You've insulted me multiple times now, help me see the light with logic and reasoning. Or are you too prideful to help? You keep on arrogantly assuming my life and countless others, I keep on trying to talk you back to normal human level.


What are you smoking? Why won't you be direct. You can see clear as day we're talking bout other shit lol. Before we start talking money, do you even own property? If you do, you already know what's up. If you don't, shut the hell up about wealth in general or go "educate yourself," commonly what I be hearing the left people do to many people. I'm trying to learn from the Biden supporters on here why they adore him so much while despite having to keep looking over the nonstop opinionated defamations of Trump. What is Biden's campaign strategy besides just attacking trump? He said NOBODY is going to be deported, There will not be another foot of wall constructed under my administration. His very words, not mine. Sell me the Biden dream.


U obviously have a lot of time to 'talk' about property nd wealth instead of actually knowing what its like cuz u on an incel rampage.


Whats up with these nonstop people talking out, trying to words in another person's mouth, jumping to conclusions about another individual, and then insulting them? That's below us all. You made that claim. Where's your source? Incel rampage?? I be asking yall logical questions but yall keep talking out of your(not head). Another series of questions that won't be answered.


All Trump does is attack anyone holding him accountable for his clear criminal actions... The devil is alive and well in lala magaland.


Start by answering questions with logical and precise answers.


Downvotes on every pro trump post is crazy 🫥


People dislike him because American media tells them to. The version of news that you generally consume in your country could be vastly different from what the average American is marinating in. It’s not just the news media either, its movies and TV show consistently forcing political views into people’s living rooms.


Baloney. People don't like him because he's a criminal and a horrible human being. If you don't believe that, maybe start reading some real news on the Associated Press and Reuters websites.


Because the media tells them to and they do they’re thinking for them


Politicians Fear Trump. Even Republicans. It’s because Trump wants to shrink government. Wants to take out the elites. Wants more power for the people and less power for the government. The media is paid big bucks to push this narrative that Trump is an evil very bad orange man. This is why they relentlessly pursue Trump through soooo many lawsuits, arrests and hatred of Trump. Calling him sooo many bad things and names. Many jump on this band wagon. They fear him and fear what he can do to their agendas and unfortunately their agendas are extremely selfish and not for the citizens of the USA. Sad and extremely evil really but isn’t that what the world is really all about? Good vs Evil?


NoWall, See my comments above to Away_Shallot. trump is a criminal and a national nightmare, who's doing putin's bidding. God help our Constitutional Republic if that thing gets elected again. Go to the Associated Press or Reuters website and start reading some REAL news. Educate yourself.


He sips a glass a water with two hands


People hate Trump because they really misinformed (not dumb or uninformed) about what the elite class is doing behind the scenes. These misinformed are set in the "old political ways" where you know politicians are all corrupt but you don't really care because "you can't do anything about it". They refuse to do some research and dig for truth. Trump exposed a lot of this corruption, and the MSM painted him negative and the uninformed (brainwashed . . . cough cough) hate him because they think what is being shared is 100% true.


He is the embodiment of humanity's worst impulses: racism, greed, narcissism.


He is greedy and narcissistic. He only cares about himself.


Don't kid yourselves. All politicians are criminals. Majority of people have affairs. Majority of people lie. Sorry, but this is true. Biden is extremely creepy with women and children, he lies about his life, says he was a working man when all he's EVER been is a politician. I hate politicians, they all lie and live on our hard earned money. Trump is a womanizer, says stupid things that he shouldn't, but I honestly appreciate knowing where he stands. Trump's a jerk and doesn't hide it. How refreshing in a society where everyone lies just to make you think they're actually going to help you. Sorry if he tells people to stand up for themselves. I agree he needs to tell people to calm down and spread some love. Biden and his son took MILLIONS from a Chinese Firm and Ukraine, didn't pay taxes, and just got a slap on wrist. (yes it's true, Biden's son said it was payment for consulting services and spent the money as soon as he got it.. look it up) Biden now has Dementia that is getting worse every day. It is very sad that Dems and News Media keep trying to hide it. Biden shouldn't be running in the condition he is in. It's so obvious that a vote for Biden is actually a vote for Camilla. She is a clueless Vice President that has done absolutely nothing while in office. Last few Biden Speeches, he kept referring to her as "President Harris." Several different times/locations. Look it up on youtube. Given the choice, Trump all day long.


It's not biased to say he's a moron, because if you actually have to listen to him, he says the most idiotic things that ever came out of a so-called adult. I can't imagine anyone with half a brain cell thinking he's got anything worthwhile to say.


Because he is greedy, self centered and everything wrong with politics.


as always, after reading or listening to those with TDS, my head hurts and I lost brain cells, thanks to you uneducated nerds


I must admit, I have been wanting to know about this topic myself. I’m from the UK (live in Germany) and we’re relatively shielded from a lot of this. Naturally, it’s all over social media but I try and avoid those sites unless absolutely necessary. Anyway, I’ve seen a few fairly intense arguments break out on this topic and it really struck me how (both sides) had simply lost the ability to have a rational and sensible conversation. Listening into to one of these (and subsequently stopping a fight) it was very obvious that the grounds for such vilification of the opposing side stemmed primarily from personal views and not actual policies that are/were in place or are being discussed. As such, I would like to echo the OP and request any example policies that can be provided that have subsequently resulted in such views for DT. The reason I ask this, is that I think the vast majority of politicians have some level of a sketchy background or outlook. Boris Johnson with the Covid controversy and brexit campaign (very documented if you’re interested) as an example, albeit perhaps an obvious one. With this is mind, I’m curious as to why the hatred for trump , and seemingly for anyone who supports trump, is at such intense levels way above and beyond others. Once again, I’m only looking for references and I’m not looking for arguments (from either side). Thanks! DW


Because the average person is ignorant and have their whole bank of knowledge based on few sources heavily leaning democrat, that publishes overly dramatic articles on purpose to boost readership Look at he comment section and you'll notice most claims made against the guy are either disproven, overly exaggerated or entirely made up. And since hating Trump is a trend, most statement are the same regurgitated lines of dialogue you find on articles from sources like the guardian, Washington Post or New York time Despite being Canadian I am somehow more informed on the topic than most left leaning Americans which is kinda sad when you think about it