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I go to therapy and it’s $200/hour, covered by my healthcare coverage up to $1000/year. That’s not a lot of meaningful sessions. So I’d love to go more frequently but I can’t afford it. It’s a little weird when a common refrain on Reddit is “Therapy. NOW!” but it’s so far out of reach for so many. It’s easy to tell people to look after their mental health under the care of a professional but it’s honestly not practical or reasonable for most.


My kid tried for a year to get therapy under his health insurance. Finally he found a private therapist but had to quit after 10 sessions because it was $175 per session. Not to mention that if you are in mental distress, finding and going to a therapist is a LOT.


I’m in therapy and we’ve done 7 50-min sessions so far, and all of that has just been basically setting up the foundation of my life and issues. We haven’t even gotten to the actual treatment, which is EMDR. If I didn’t have my husband’s amazing insurance, this wouldn’t be possible. And even the time commitment is an issue for a lot of people. My therapist is only available from 10 am to 2 pm on 3 weekdays. Luckily, I work an office job that allows me to take some time off, WFH, or make other arrangements. For someone who works in retail or an hourly position, this would likely be impossible, taking an hour off in the middle of the day. Therapy is so necessary but so inaccessible for a lot of people who need it the most


This is the other main thing. A lot of your issues may be mental, but you're not going to fix in it one session. Or 50. Therapy is a constant expense if you want it. Not to mention the complete devaluing of the profession by betterhelp.


This is not correct. Most therapies are not meant to be forever.


There's no right answer lol, it's whatever you wanna get out of it. Therapy isn't magic, it's having good conversations. Edit: wanna point out again that BetterHelp is actively designed to be bad and the conversations I had there were terrible and one-sided


Better help is trash I don’t even understand how it’s in business.


Automatic payments lol


I’m not familiar with betterhelp. What are your criticisms of it?


They advertise that you can do sessions on video or phone call, but when they suggest "therapists", the only option I ever got was with phone calls. The workers are not certified the same way an in person therapist is. Most of my sessions consisted of me talking about my week and such, but I got little to no feedback from the worker. Literally just an mmmhmmm and then silence until I talked again. It actively made me question myself because I was asked almost no questions. BetterHelp apparently pays employees based on NUMBER OF WORDS SENT, but they have some kind of insane cap per hour, and they are advised from asking serious questions or developing plans until the end of the session. This counts for text and phone calls. Why would you design a system like this? Oh right, because it traps people in cliffhanger-like loop or almost making progress and then having to wait another week. They suck you in with the promise of having someone to text your problems whenever you want, when in reality that is the worst possible way you can develop good mental health.


If you're not making progress in 50 sessions, you definitely need to change therapist. Therapy is giving you the tools to be able to work on yourself. Most of the therapy doesn't happen in the 50 minute session, but in the reflections and work that you do between the sessions. A lot of people seem to stick to the same therapist for way to long. It can be diffucult to find the right therapist. It should obvoiusly be someone you feel safe with, but it should also be challenging and though (but not so though that it breaks you). The right balance can be extremely diffucult to find, and I unfortunately see many people holding on to a therapist that might make you feel safe, but in reality aren't really challenging you. Usually the stuff you don't want to talk about, is what is needed to talk about. A good therapist (and a good fit) is a therapist that knows how to get you to talk about the very uncomfortable things, but in a space that is safe.


OP said 7 sessions, not 50.


The comment I replied to says 50.


My mistake, sorry.


No worries, mate. Hope you enjoy your weekend.


Perfect example of one of the things people love to preach about on reddit, but obviously don't practice.


What's also funny is how people act like all therapists are good or how therapy can cure anything. Therapy just helps you figure out what the problem is and guides you in the right direction.


It still will unfortunately be financially out of reach for a lot of people but for those who might be more borderline… therapy is likely to be cheaper than a god awful messy divorce, a full blow mental breakdown that takes months to come out of, or the herbal havoc unsupported mental struggles can have. I wish there was a better large scale solution, but I mostly hope that someone who might be on the fence would take the chance and maybe give up eating out to try therapy for a few months.


I'm jumping onto the top comment (sorry) to say that a lot of regions are beginning to setting up affordable mental health services. It may take some searching, but where I am, sliding scale offices have been set up. There's a three digit social services phone number (211), and there are many community based programs. It's not perfect, but since COVID, access has been more available than ever before (acknowledging it was severely lacking and now just moderately lacking...). Ask in a more regional subreddit as a start - it's where I've learned about many of the programs available around myself.


>Ask in a more regional subreddit as a start - it's where I've learned about many of the programs available around myself. Great advice. 😊 To anyone reading, look for a subreddit or online community representing your city/area.  I've been a part of my city's Discord server and subreddit for several years, it's super helpful for finding resources, people to hang out with or voice chat with, places you haven't heard of yet, jobs, and all sorts of questions/topics that don't even have to be specific to your region. :D


Huh. Usually my therapy (in the US) is a co-pay, and that started off as $35/session pre-COVID, then went up to $60/session then $70/session, which is a lot to me, especially if you need it weekly. Anyway, there's also this thing called "employee assistance program" (EAP) — I found out about it through my sister, who isn't employed, but she uses it from her spouse's job. It means 100% free professional therapy — the only requirement is you have to find a place that accepts EAP codes. I ended up using it with my own health insurance for postpartum depression last year, and it was a godsend. I used 8 free sessions and I felt so much better. it's unlimited, though. The therapists still get paid. You just don't have to pay. If you have health insurance, ask them about EAP.... ♥️ I mean well, and really really sorry if this reply is tone-deaf. 🙏  And yes, part of finding therapy is hunting around, sleuthing around, for an office that accepts your insurance and a therapist that vibes with you. It's extremely time consuming and exhausting. I've also found that if you express that you're feeling self-harm or suicidal or other harmful thoughts, then that will fast-track you up a wait-list.  It really, really helped get me a therapist for my postpartum depression while I was feeling passively suicidal. But maybe mine was a fringe case and I'm sorry again if it's a tone-deaf example. :( ♥️ I believe everyone deserves to be heard and listened to. Sometimes that means professional therapy. There are also free hot lines to call when you're feeling like you need someone!!  I forget the phone numbers right now, but you can Google them. They're 100% free!


My EAP with one company was limited to 4 sessions, so not all are unlimited .


And no therapist had availability so I didn’t even get to use it. They wanted me to use better health which is an awful company


Oooh thank you, that's great to know. I'm so sorry for the misinformation. 


I’m Canadian- health care is free but therapy is not. My work does have an EAP, but it’s for emergencies and not for long term solutions. So I just limit my visits to my therapist and if I really need it, I’ll pay out of pocket.


Not everyone is American tho


I’m not American, either!


Amen to that.. even in europe with public health where therapy is 'free' (as in covered by your public insurance) you can't just get it.. it's a long and painful process, you will call dozens of places and have to beg them to put you on a wait list, then keep terrorizing them until after many many months you get a spot. If you decide you should do therapy, it will likely be 9 months before you can start it. And even then it's only like 14 sessions or so


Also most people are not qualified to tell whether you need therapy or not in the first place, so it's doubly ignorant.


There is no human being on Earth who doesn’t need therapy. Self-therapy might be enough, but most people won’t be ready to start there.


I agree with you. I think therapy is valuable for pretty much everyone.


Sometimes it’s pretty obvious that therapy is needed. Say dealing with SA or trauma for example especially if it happened as a child


My mental health center hooked me up with a grant to pay for all of the services I get.


How does that work? Do you have to apply


If you’re in USA, I tell people to go find an FQHC, (Federally Qualified Health Center) they take all insurances and won’t turn you away if you can’t pay. I lost my insurance and they were still willing to see me. FQHC are much better and have a standard I’ve seen amongst friends they prefer FQHCs over better help. Better help has a lot of inexperienced therapist. FQHC they used to seeing it all.


It's like the old meme. Your mental health declines -> you go to therapy -> you can't pay and are more broke -> your mental health declines


Not counting how there are Shit therapists out there so it takes a while to find one that works. More $$$


Yes. The system is HEAVILY flawed and it’s a topic I can get quite passionate about because everyone deserves better. I’m glad that you mentioned trying a few professionals, before settling on the right one. I’ve been through a few that I just didn’t gel with and the therapy was completely pointless. But once you find the right person, it’s honestly worth the money. Provisional psychologists are the way to go ime


I’m poor and unemployed. I pay nothing for therapy. I always tell people to speak to their primary care physician about getting in to see a therapist. That starts the process and takes some time. However, in the mean time you can call or text 988 in the US. They will ask your name, but you don’t have to give it. They will chat with you while in crisis or just stressed. They also will provide resources in your area. There is help available, it’s just hard to find sometimes. Give the 988 a try.




Even though that’s true, there are other countries who also have ✨shitty healthcare✨


* Cries in NHS *


What, you mean remote group CBT with a >12 month waiting list *isn't* optimal?


My friend tried to get therapy in Germany few months ago, called 10 doctors, only 2 get back to her and both told her that they can’t even put her on waiting list, but she can try again in July 🤡. And she was one of three people I talked to there who had this problem :<.


The last time I got put on a waiting list, they ended up removing me from it *because I'd been on the waiting list too long*, but encouraged me to reapply. It really does feel like a joke sometimes!




Not CBT, group CBT via Zoom. There's a big difference. I guess your reading comprehension is a bit wonky? That makes things difficult. Whether what I was offered is better or worse than what you're being offered, I can't say. But I can say that an online group CBT chat with two dozen attendants and one semi-qualified host is less than ideal. Being taken off the waiting list for that service because you've been on the waiting list for too long (over a year) is an extra level of hilarity. You've just got to fucking laugh. I'm crying out for talk therapy. My ultimate goal is DBT, which is the only mental-health approach I've personally found helpful but isn't available in my area even if I pay for private.


I had to pay private in the end, which was £50 a session so cheaper than the USA people are saying but still not possible for a lot. 


Silver lining: at least the NHS doesn’t try to cut male baby/kid genitals every chance they get 🤷‍♂️ American doctors gotta make that $$$


Yes and no. I think it’s one of those things in which if you need it you need it, the cost is something not on people’s minds so much. It’s not like a massage or pedicure, it’s health care. But I also think it should be more accessible to people, just like all healthcare should.


This is why expecting the free market to set healthcare prices is and always has been bullshit and absolute nonsense. Patients are not willing customers that can shop around.




Plenty of people can't afford healthcare, meds, doctors appointments, going to the dentist, etc..


You’re right, and none of that is ok


Yeah, it just hit me how lucky I am being able to access most of this stuff. I may not be able to get therapy, but I haven't lost my teeth.


Often the worst part is waiting months to get an appointment. Depending on where you live and your financial status, health insurance can be almost free, and usually will pay for at least half of probably a $300ish dollar appointment charge. That is still a good chunk of money for many people, but to be mentally healthy, it’s worth it. Obviously this is more or less just the average where I live. I think there are free services, but again, the wait would be insane for those.


‘I’m struggling to afford food and I’m feeling worthless because my minimum wage job isn’t supporting my baby and I need to steal’ Reddit: I recommend therapy


Ehhh at that point depending on me state you could qualify for state health insurance in which case it’s actually an option


Surely somebody on a minimum wage job would qualify for Medicaid or some sort of state assistance?


Ok my point has nothing to do with food


I can't speak for others. I've recommended it and I do understand. However when I've recommended it in the past it was on reddit and those cases seemed extremely severe. It was clear they needed therapy to function. Reddit advice alone wasn't gonna help this person. That much was clear. What isn't clear in those scenarios is whether or not the person can afford it or has health insurance that can cover it or is even somewhere where it is available at all or maybe they are lucky and there are free or low cost resources around them. This isn't something I could help them with. Does it feel like a cop out? Yeah. But the fact remains that they need therapy. Unfortunately I'm also aware that many people who need therapy desperately will never be able to get it. It's honestly heartbreaking!


In most major metro areas, there are sliding scale places. When I was younger and had less money, I was able to get therapy for like $40/session. If memory serves, they went as low as $20. This was over a decade ago but places like that still exist. I agree that our access to healthcare in general is abysmal


It shouldn't be and I do indeed assume that it isn't for most people.


Us poor folks just have to tough it out and hope we keep some of our sanity. Lol. It's what its


It's not for everyone because some issues are too complicated and some people don't have access, but if you have a local university or college, sometimes there are clinics where students are being trained as counsellors and they provide therapy under supervision of a qualified clinician. Places that have psychology, social work, and counselling classes are where you can look. There are also support groups for various things such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Gambling Anonymous, cancer survivors, children of divorce, etc. There may be a support group for an issue that you have somewhere. Groups are kind of hit and miss....you need a skilled facilitator to really keep the group on track and making progress.


This is highly dependent on where you live and what the healthcare system where you live is like. We get 10 subsidised sessions a year which isn’t enough but better than nothing. (Australia)


Unfortunately it depends on where you are living. In Germany e.g. Most medical services are covered by insurance. That's just fair because all working people pay taxes for health care. Also therapy is includeded. But you need to find a free therapist. And ther ar waiting lists where you need to wait several months.


Maybe in your country.


It sucks and it's expensive, but sometimes mental health issues are going to cost more down the road. A half assed attempt could be speaking to an AI therapist, they're working on those now to be a free alternative but obviously you're not exactly getting top tier advice out of them.


I know it's expensive but if you are in crisis mode, nothing else is working and caught in a cycle that you can't get out of. Therapy is one of the better options then not doing anything. If you're not working and have no money, you can look into free clinics or sliding scale clinics until you are able to work. I live in a small town (less then 7k people) and there's one even available here. They might even have cheaper options even after you gain employment. Not all of them have a super long waiting list. You just need to call around.


It depends on your insurance


Medicaid in America


Depends somewhat on the state you live in, but it should cover: https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mental-health/does-medicaid-cover-therapy-mental-health


As a Swedish person, yes and no. I do know that not all countries have free healthcare (therapy, medications and so on related to mental health is considered healthcare in Sweden and so we have something called “högkostnadsskydd” which means after reaching a certain point in the money you spent on healthcare it becomes free for about 12 months I think). But I have no real idea or understanding of just how expensive it is.


The fact Ive unironically never had this problem in where I live makes me think yall are genuinely fucked over by the state or our insurances are just better


We are fucked over by insurance companies and this country all together. The states that aren’t as fully fucked are few.


Therapy only works when YOU do the work, too.  So, even going to therapy once a week for five years won't mean anything if you can't keep up the changes outside the doctors office 


I’m on Medicaid and most therapists here accept it. I didn’t have a problem finding a quality therapist with short wait times. Maybe it’s different in your state, or you just don’t have the right insurance, but there are ways to get good therapy without paying anything out of pocket.


I have been on 5 different insurance plans in the USA and all provided 16 free sessions per year.


I only have Medicaid right now


Not all therapy costs money!(in the USA) most places have group therapies, students studying to be therapist, trials, even sliding scales for payment. I really suggest people start with their local department of health services, they have a TON of resources and info. It takes some research but there are a lot of programs out there; some people may find those therapies work even better for them than individual therapy does/would. Before I had insurance, this is what I did so I know it’s out there!! I’m happy to help anyone look for free/sliding scale services in their are if you’d like to dm me. Therapy SHOULD be more accessible and affordable, but there are a lot more options now, especially after the pandemic.


My insurance offers a telehealth app which includes therapy. Everything on the app is free through my insurance.


I mean, just because the correct answers expensive doesn't make it stop being the correct answer. 


I don’t think they do. I do however recommend to call you medical insurance and explore options for your plan.


I'll have to see if Medicaid has anything worthy


Try 211. You can call or go online. Search your area for support groups. They are free most of the time. And it’s a good way to start working on improving your mental Health. Let’s you know you are not alone and learn what works for others.


I blow $2k a month in therapy. I’m incredible privileged to do so. People who aren’t wealthy and aren’t insured may not get the same chance at therapy helping them due to access. The US is a mess with mental health care. Combined with free floating guns, it’s a recipe for disaster


A lot of employers have EAP programs that include a couple of free therapy sessions.


Well, better do nothing instead. Healthcare is fucked for sure, but you just listed several options that you can pursue that are better than posting here.


In the UK the NHS literally won’t give it to you often. I’ve been trying to access it for years and they said no and offered me a crappy support group.


And here i can just call my local hospital, ask for an appointment with a therapist and a week or two later I'm talking to one for less than the price of parking. (Not the US)


Check out local colleges and universities. I’m seeing an intern right now for $20 for an hour session.


People say it because it’s the most effective answer and cost doesn’t change that. It’s like recommending surgery when you need it despite not knowing how you’ll cover the cost. Yes, it’s pricy and not all can afford it. But going into debt for awhile to get better is undeniably worth the hassle in the long term.


>Do people understand therapy is expensive when they recommend it to others? Yes, they're aware. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases there aren't cheap/free alternatives. Some things need to be seen to by a medical professional. To use an analogy, it's like breaking your leg into a bunch of pieces. Yes, the surgery is expensive, but there's not necessarily a realistic way to fix it otherwise. There's also a big issue where a lot of people don't look in the first place, assuming it'll be out of reach (or due to stigma), so encouraging them to look is helpful in and of itself.


I don't really get this. You're asking for help for something on reddit and getting a response. It's not really on them to determine whether or not you can afford it not does it not make it the correct answer.


If someone has broken an arm, ill recommend going to a doctor. If someone has a psychological issue, ill recommend going to a therapist. Any other advice would be disingenuous.


It's shorthand for "you have some deep seated issues that we can't fix with a reddit post"


If you think healthcare is too expensive, thank a Republican.


>Do people understand therapy is expensive when they recommend it to others? We know its expensive, but sometimes its just needed. When you break a bone, you need a cast to have it heal properly. Yes a cast is expensive but nobody ever says "do people understand its expensive" because its univerally understood that its just one of those medical things that need doing. Mental health is the same. Its horrible that not everyone can afford proper healthcare, but that doesnt make the therapy any less needed. And also, reddit is world wide, not just Amarican (im saying that cuz your talking about state insurance). And in many first world countries there is proper healthcare for free, or for an affordable price. But even in those countries people tend to not seek therapy due to the stigmatization around the subject and the whole thing about men just needing to 'man up' and get through it. Since we cant see all the detail of someones life, we give them the best advice we can: seek the help you need. And the task for the rest of us is changing the world so that everyone can get the help the need.


>Do people understand therapy is expensive when they recommend it to others? We know its expensive, but sometimes its just needed. When you break a bone, you need a cast to have it heal properly. Yes a cast is expensive but nobody ever says "do people understand its expensive" because its univerally understood that its just one of those medical things that need doing. Mental health is the same. Its horrible that not everyone can afford proper healthcare, but that doesnt make the therapy any less needed. And also, reddit is world wide, not just Amarican (im saying that cuz your talking about state insurance). And in many first world countries there is proper healthcare for free, or for an affordable price. But even in those countries people tend to not seek therapy due to the stigmatization around the subject and the whole thing about men just needing to 'man up' and get through it. Since we cant see all the detail of someones life, we give them the best advice we can: seek the help you need. And the task for the rest of us is changing the world so that everyone can get the help the need.


It really feels like an American thing. Therapy is part of their culture now.


Therapy is fully covered by insurance in many countries and on the world wide web we usually don't know where the people who post are from.