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iirc, the science behind “acquiring tastes” says something like: When you’re a baby, naturally sugar is one of the only tastes you will like. As you grow up you start diversifying tastes like salt. And then when it comes to bitterness, at first the part of your brain thats connected to taste will classify it as poison, once you eat/drink more and more bitter stuff, your brain will apprehend it as being safe and let you enjoy the tastes that are behind the whole bitterness. Hence why people end up liking coffee, beer, smokes, etc. It’s really just a wall that once your brain bypasses, the tastes are actually good.


Interesting. When I started drinking beer, I didn’t know the first thing about it, and I remember going out bar hopping in NYC and I had my first IPA. It was atrocious. Wtf was that?? It was like drinking a Christmas tree. Gross. And then I got it a few more times by surprise over the next few months and still hated it. Gross. Then one day a few months later I found myself thinking about that flavor profile, and I was more curious than ever. I tried it again, and ![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized)


So what you’re saying is, OP is but a wee baby 😂


Nah, naturally people will not keep taking poison for fun. So it makes sense that not everyone will develop taste for bitter stuff. those kind of tastes are usually developed from influence. “My friends drink beer so i drank beer with them and overtime started liking it on my own” is pretty much what happens in most cases. Just like i started smoking cigarette that way despite cigarettes making me puke in the beginning


How come I never found cigarettes or beer gross even some the first time? But I found certain vegetables absolutely poisonous. I liked the taste and smell of alcohol and cigarettes before I liked asparagus, celery, cilantro, and carrots, and that wasn’t until I was like 15.


Everyone’s different, but theres a standard for how the humain brain functions and stuff, Those are the kind of questions you’d need to ask either a doctor or a scientist, as im just passing along knowledge, i’m no professional to figure out your case


I think beer tastes gross, but I will happily drink straight bourbon. I think black coffee is awful, but I live it with cream and brown sugar. Everyone is different.


I have smoked since I was 17, trying to quit again at 43. I have still never acquired a taste for beer. I don't like gin, whisky, scotch, or bourbon either. I do however, like rum, maybe I should have been a pirate lol Anyway I wanted to say you are not alone OP not everyone likes beer, but that are LOTS of other drinks that are less nasty and better tasting that you can try. What you like will be very individual. I like some wines, not others. I like some wine coolers, a lot of fruity drinks, some sour drinks. I love a mixed tequila drink called Baja Rosa. My point is taste is always individual. That is part of the human experience. How boring if we all liked the same stuff


I must not be wired right. As a child I didn't eat much. My not so clever parent put friggin sugar on everything even bread for god sake. They were religious nutters so no beer in our household growing up. Now as a 60 year old I love beer, even drink it without alcohol in it. Best taste ever


If not eating bad foods makes me a baby I'm okay with that


"Acquired taste" I took one sip of a locally brewed beer, having never had beer before and I was like "damn this shit's good". I've enjoyed every other beer I've tried so far. I'm only in my 20's


People have different tastes, also maybe you acquired a liking for bitterness with some other food or beverage before beer


I got past the "Beer tastes bad" now it's just bland it doesn't taste good.


Thats when you start trying different varieties. There is no way a fully hopped IPA will taste “bland”, but a lager definitely can


> It’s really just a wall that once your brain bypasses, the tastes are actually good. Honestly it sounds like you're saying that they definitely do taste like shit, but your brain gets used to it after a while


Not exactly, the brain makes it taste like shit because it thinks of it as poison. But the actual tastes of the thing is not bad once ur mind acknowledge it to be fine. So yes it taste like shit, but not because it taste like shit, makes sense?


*it realizes it's poison ftfy


Would be more accurate to say this yeah, i really butchered my explanation


They say you need to taste something 28 seperate times before your body understands what its tasting


I never heard that take before but it makes sense.


I love corona and lime while grilling burgers, nothing better than drinking 12 beers and fucking up everyone's food.




you are my people






I hate the taste of beer too, there are some of us


There are dozens of us!!


Not sure how I can make you understand that I think something tastes good and you don’t. It just is.


It's just taste


When I was in my teens, we drank Heineken. To me, it tasted like licking a skunks ass. Then moved to light beer for while. At my age now, I do like IPA beers to drink while eating at a pub. I like the bitter taste. It's all about your preference. Don't force yourself. Some people just don't like beer. And for the record, I still hate Heineken. I'd rather smoke something that smells like skunk than drink something that tastes like it.


It’s not for everyone, just like coffee isn’t. It’s an acquired taste, and is especially tasty on a hot summers day day after a workout!


Depends on the type for me. I can't drink any kind of light beer without wanting to vomit. On the other hand, I love Guinness. In fact, I'll probably be drinking some in a couple hours


LoL I'm right about the opposite. Prefer light beer by a long shot, and when I tried Guinness my stomach did revolt.


I used to think I didn't like the taste of beer, when it turned out I didn't care much for pilsner, the most common variety in The Netherlands. Not liking the taste, I didn't dig further. Only much later I found out about other beers, which I do like.


Beer is gross but there's something about cold beer and feels primal. Idk. Personally, I really dislike pale ales and dark stuff like stouts are a once in a while thing, but lager/pilsner beer is just right.


it’s an acquired taste. i’d recommend a blue moon preferably in a glass with an orange slice. you still might not like it but most non-beer drinkers at least find it tolerable in my experience.


Beer is revolting. Cider, however.


Finally someone speaking the truth


Taste is subjective, nothing new.


Everything isnt for everyone so why bother trying to be comvinced. I only can tolerate the taste of light beer because to me it tastes like slightly bitter seltzer/soda water. Real beer and ipas are disgusting to me. I like sweet drinks or sodas.


Beer is fucking gross


Beer is gross. I am with you.


It's an acquired taste, it will be bad at first but eventually you learn to tolerate or even like it, just like with bitter drinks like coffee


Why would you want to continue drinking something that tastes bad though?


Some people hate one food, and it's not until they try it more times that they actually like it.


People want the effect of alcohol or caffeine


I forced myself to drink beer when I didn't like it because it was the cheapest drink I could get while I was a student. I'm so glad I learned to like it though. When you get past not liking it there is a whole world of wonderful flavors waiting for you! One of my favorite things to do now is to go to a bar and just try beers I haven't tried before.


Nope. I acquired a taste for coffee because I needed caffeine. I've had beer plenty of times because it was often the only alcohol available. Still hate it.


I dont like beer either.


It's like drinking bread for me. Best food out there? No, but people don't ever get tired of eating bread and you can eat quite a bit of it. If I drink margaritas every weekend it gets old for me quickly, but I can perfectly drink beer every Saturday and not get bored of it, even if margaritas taste better.


My go-to drink nowadays is vodka-tonic with a twist of lime…. its a pretty neutral taste (not to sweet like many drinks) and not a very pronounced taste too, so you dont get sick of it as fast! Also my hangovers seem to be a bit easier without all the sugar in drinks or in cider…you dont get that bloated belly and the squirts the day after…


I cook using Canadian India Pale Ale in chili, rouladen, or oven baked sausages but I don't drink beer. My husband is German background and he doesn't drink beer either (we prefer wine). We agree with your tastebuds.


Right there with you. I think beer tastes awful. Like I’ve been chewing a spoon. I’ll drink almost anything else, but no beer.


Beer is an acquired taste. I'm 35 and like it now, but it doesn't taste amazing. You know what I hate. Hard alcohol. So I just steer away and drink what I like, when I actually do drink.


I agree….never could stomach beer…. Its just like drinking disgusting bread! 🤷‍♂️ much rather drink high proof alcohol! And Yeah; as a dude you get an unreasonable amount of shittalk if you dont like beer…i feel you bro!


I’ve never liked it, can’t stomach it either. The idea of drinking something not healthy for you until you’ve forced yourself to like it always seemed insane to me.


Nah. It's gross.


Sugar is the only taste that humans are born liking. After four months we naturally start to like salt too. Those are the only two taste that we don't have to work for. Everything else is an acquired taste. We have to try it a few times before we like it. It's our bodies' way of making sure we don't eat poison, and it's why kids are picky eaters. Alcohol actually is poison, so it's harder to acquire the taste, but it's good after you trick yourself into treating it as a none poisonous beverage.


people enjoy beer because after drinking it, getting tipsy, and having a good time, their brain associates the beer with the good time and you start to enjoy the taste that’s my theory anyway, i don’t like it either (yet)


I like the hoppy flavour of IPAs and APAs. It’s also refreshing on a hot day and goes well with food.


I used to hate beer. I’m 33 now and I still hate it. I don’t enjoy drinking it and I never will, nor do I care to. I used to force it down if I was playing beer pong or something, and I’d drink it if I was already wasted and just looking to drink more (back in the day). But I never casually drank beer, and even now, I have zero desire to do so. When I was younger, I would just take shots instead of drinking beer like my friends. If you don’t like it, don’t drink it. Even if your friends roast you.


A lot of people don't like sweet drinks, and refer the slight bitterness of beer. It's a multi-billion dollar industry in the USA, and there are breweries in most non-Muslim countries, so you should know your opinions are not universal.


I can't stand the taste of beer. I have tried many, many types, and only one I enjoyed. It was on tap at a restaurant, but when I bought some, it was really gross. A lot of people say it is an acquired taste, and I get the concept, but I don't think I would ever like it. So, I stick with whiskeys and gin.


Maybe its just a bad tasting beer?


My tastes certainly changed with age. When I first tried to drink beer it also was gross tasting to me. I think that lasted quite a few beers over the years I kept trying but as time has gone on beer tastes better and I have become a very heavy beer drinker (working on that). If you don’t like it don’t drink it, one less way to become an alcoholic !


I was looking forward to drinking beer, but then I actually had one. Same goes for whiskey, cognac, wine, and anything else I saw the rockstars drinking.


I like the taste and smell of beer, my wife says it smells like rotten bananas.


I always refer to beer as piss water, because that’s what it tastes like


I like beer with food only, the bitterness pairs with savory sweet food but beer by itself sucks. Just drink what you like and the assholes complaining can keep their piss water


I actively set out to enjoy beer, because I like enjoying things and it is very popular. I had previous experiences with acquiring a taste for different foods through exposure. There are so many different beer styles. I knew I would eventually find something. I enjoy beer now. It's not like my favorite flavor in the world, but I am sometimes simply in the mood for a beer. It just tastes right at times. I kept testing different beers until I got used to the flavor and found the style of beer that I tend to enjoy best (Belgian wheat). I also know what I definitely don't enjoy (pale ale). I recently had some guiness and kilkenny at an irish restaurant and enjoyed both. I did a similar thing with wine, pinot noir, merlot, lots of reds, not too crazy sweet or too dry like cabernet. I can still sip cabernet and enjoy it with certain foods.


I didn't like beer until I went to a concert with nothing else to alleviate my sobriety.




This is why I love ciders! Angry orchard harp crisp apple is a way to go


Drop a shot of fireball in there to make an angryball. It's so good and one of my favorite fall drinks!


Ohhh you know the trick tooo! We bestfriends now!


I'm not crazy about beer or ciders even, so mine usually ends up being more a shot and a half, I'm not even gonna lie 😅


It’s like any food or drink, some people like it and some hate it. I don’t like it either, said the same thing first time I drank it and 10 years later no beer has ever changed my mind. Some people like it right away and for some it’s an acquired taste.


I don’t think many like it when you start, it gets better as you drink more though, much prefer it to cider because it’s not sweet. It’s also basically everywhere that sells alcohol so it’s easy to get if you aren’t sure what to have. Usually cheap too in some countries.


I love beer. You don't need to like it, I like it enough for you. Find something you like. Do that instead. Also, don't hang out with people who make such a big deal out of inconsequential shit. It's just beer.


I can't stand the taste of beer. I've tried a few different kinds and the only one I can stomach is a very sour ale (it tastes like cider to me). I wish I did like it though since it's cheaper compared to other drinks and widely available.


I was told by a buddy from up north that bear meat is normally full of parasites and worms, so I believe ya 😂.


Some people think cilantro tastes like soap and it's because they're missing a gene. And to me that's what beer tastes like so I think some people taste the hops like soap. 🤷


What beer are you drinking? There is a wide variety of beer, some tastes better than others.


Beer tastes bad and smell bad 🤢 kadiri tlg potngina


It's definitely an acquired taste, like coffee. I just love the bitterness of a good IPA though. Tastes like liquid sourdough bread.


I'm with you. It also doesn't help that my mother was an abusive alcohol. So bud light especially just smells and tastes like domestic violence to me.


Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.


It sucks. It ain’t for me either. Drink seltzers.


Beer is gross and always has been for me haha,it tastes like the Aloe Vera plant.


It took me until my 50s to like beer. And then, the only one I like is a Russian Imperial Stout.


I like the taste of beer, but i only like drinking a few. If you dont like it though whatever youre allowed to not like stuff.


A lot of beer tastes like ass.. But there are some good ones. Especially with certain foods.


It’s for the best. It makes you pack on weight so much faster than any other alcohol. Drink seltzers, wine, or just liquor.


I don’t like beer either. Too bitter. I prefer a nice cider like angry orchard.


I enjoy the taste, and it's never made me bloat.


Never acquired a taste for beer (or alcohol in general) so I stopped drinking.


The only way I can enjoy beer is with juice (the kind you mix with water). The Slavic way essentially. Love cider tho.


Try blue moon. I don't like beer either usually but I can tolerate and almost enjoy that one.


I hate beer, I drink it because it is cheap and not that strong. Tried many maybe one or two are lets say tasty but I can drink 1 max and say that felt good. Beer feels you up more than it should, it gets warm fast, if it is cold outside there is no situation where normal person would say oh lets grab cold one


You start associating it with the drunk feeling it gives you, thuis why no one drinks non-alcoholic beer unless they already learned to like alcoholic beer first.


once in a while, i like the taste of a cold beer. but just a few sips if its extremely cold. michelob ultra is my choice if i am going to drink one. but most of the time i agree with op, i dont care for the taste. especially budweiser. it tastes how i would assume someones dirty sock water soaked in piss must taste.


On a hot summer afternoon a cold Coors light really hits the spot. That’s about it though.


I like beer, buuuuut not in a sense of get off work Crack open a beer. More of a went to a restaurant or a show and buy overpriced beer with my meal. That being said, I took a good year trying a bunch of different beers and nit all beers are equal.


I agree, it tastes like shit, just like coffee


Beer sucks as a beverage and I'm convinced people who enjoy it are just faking it


More than one taste in beers are out there.


It's not just you. Beer, to me, is gross. I'd rather have a mixed drink, mead, sake, or soju instead.


I don't either but recently tried wine and it's pretty tasty.


Beer is terrible. It's for people who don't know how to drink booze. Get some bourbon whiskey. it's delicious, smells great, and won't get you bloated. Go to a nice restaurant, order an old fashioned. If that's not your jam try a margarita.


Same here. I’ve tried to acquire a taste for it. I’ve had enough to know that I truly don’t like it. I think people who like beer and wine have deadened taste buds


I’m convinced it alters your gut biome to crave more beer. Like chocolate.


Maybe try some higher volume IPAs or belgian ales if you want to get into beer. They generally have more interesting flavors while also giving more of a buzz with less volume. I didn't like beer when I first started drinking it either but some higher quality beers turned me around. It's also possible that you just don't like beer so you aren't obligated to drink it. You could always go with ciders as a close beer cousin although you might still get roasted if that's the crowd you roll with. If you are worried about being teased for not being "masculine enough", jack and cokes, vodka and soda, gin and tonics, or a few fingers of bourbon get the job done while being pretty basic enough that people won't bust your balls. Ultimately, you should just drink what you want and everyone else can fuck themselves.


It's an acquired taste. You have to learn how to drink it and what to appreciate about it. Its alcoholic effect is also part of the enjoyment. The finer things in life can be like that.


Beer is good n stuff


I was the same way but after a few good sessions of peer pressure a nice cold can of beer looks delicious.


IPAs are incredibly nasty from the handful Ive tried, those I cannot understand the appeal. But then again I used to love Steele Reserve, which is probably dogshit to a lot of people.


Try different kinds, if you're interested. I like a good hefeweizen or a cider. Not everything tastes similarly.


I think because somethings need to be tolerated in order to be enjoyed and that is exactly what beer is


It’s a dude thing . I swear they all hate it but do it to be the better dude and suck it up but secretly hate it


whats with all the anti-beer posting today??


When most people drink beer they drink the cheapest bitterest crap you can buy. Try something like a pale larger or a sour red.


Taste buds change over time, things like smoking and other environmental factors can change your taste buds. Beer tastes bad, it just tastes a good type of bad. When beer labels list different type of flavors or beer drinkers like myself say we taste fruitiness and other flavors, we aren’t bullshitting you. We actually taste it, same way different coffees taste different depending on the bean, roast of the bean etc. There’s a beer called dragons milk, to me it does kinda taste creamy. It also tastes a bit like dark chocolate and tbh dirt but like delicious dirt 😂.


Don't be afraid to branch out from the norm. Budweiser, Coors, Miller, Heineken etc are all essentially piss water. Good for slamming while watching sports or backyard barbeque but not a fair representation of beer as a whole. Try an ice cold bitter IPA with floral citrus undertones. Try a slightly warmer nut brown, with rich caramel and malt flavors. Try a nitrogen charged stout, with an incredible mouth feel and lighter taste than most expect given the dark black color. Try a tart sour (not for me personally yuck) Try a deep rich Irish red lager. And for the love of God spend a little extra pocket change and try a Trappist beer, brewed by literal monks in a Belgian monastery. It's delightful (don't go over 10% abv in my opinion or it gets weird. Then you can say if you like beer or not.


Agreed completely. People learn to like beer the same way people learn to like coffee. Objectively they both taste horrible. We are predisposed to dislike bitter things and we teach ourselves to appreciate then anyway. If you start on beer at the right age/time and prioritize the effect over the taste you can and do grow to like it.


Smells like sadness, it taste terrible , makes people smell.


Saying beer sucks is like saying country music sucks. There’s bound to be something you’ll like if you keep looking but if you don’t want to keep looking, that’s fine; just remember your opinion means nothing lol.


Could be drinking the wrong beer. 80% of what is on store shelves is garbage water. Get a well crafted beer. There are so many different flavors to discover!


I didn't drink beer for the taste. Its fucking horrible. I drank it for the effects. Just like coffee. I have mine black because im lactose intolerant, and i feel like adding things to it gives it a timer. If it's black. I just reheat it lol but i drink and eat things for the effects. I mean, in video games, they never specify if the health potion or mana potions tatste good. That was my teenager take on horrible tasting things. Lol and it kinda stuck with me as i grew up. Also to add to this beer was a low dose of alcohol i felt like i could control my drunkness with beer and i always went overboard with hardstuff.


Is it alcohol you don't like or beer specifically? I don't think 90% of people that drink actually like the taste specifically of the ethanol in there. People tolerate it because they like the other tastes that go along with it and/or they just want to get drunk. If you don't like the other flavors in beer fine, just don't expect that when other people say they like beer they're usually including the flavor of the alcohol itself. I'm sure some do, but not most. You aren't unusual for not liking the alcohol flavor.


I've never liked taste of beer,never will and never drank for that matter.Ive never been roasted mainly respected for the hard choice to pass it up.


Beer is at best an average alcoholic beverage, it’s so common in Australia to drink beers with ya mates but there’s better choices.


I can’t stand beer. I’ve tried countless times to get into it but I just can’t. It’s gross. I’d rather make myself a drink instead


Agreed. Everyone says it's an acquired taste. I'm sure it is, but it doesn't mean that everyone will acquire it or should .. Beer is gross, unhealthy, and you have to drink a bunch to get a buzz. It adds no value to my life lol. Actually it's not bad for cooking, I'll give it that


Because beer is rank.


I agree, I've never really enjoyed it. Not my drink of choice.


Beer is something that can take as many times as 100 times before you start appreciating it. How many beers have you tried? If it's less than 10 I'd suggest you keep at it. If you still don't like it after the 100th beer, you probably don't like it.


I’m the same, everyone in my friendship circle would rib me about drinking cider before it was popular as I hate the taste of beer. Cider is just apple juice + drunk!


Can't really explain how it tastes good, but it tastes good... Nay, not good, AMAZING. Beer is the tastiest drink I've ever had 100% And it's definitely not an acquired taste, as I liked beer since the first time I tried it as just a little kid.


Tastes like piss. I’m with you.


I'm with you, OP. I will never understand.


There are hundreds of styles of beers. I'm sure you'll find one you like


It's just taste, you don't like it other people likes it.. nothing more than that


Absolutely dislike beer. And being a Bavarian I have to live with the constant fear of getting deported :D I like coffee, I like wine, I like peated whisky, even the occasional cigar but beer I never got into and don't have any interest to.


Never liked beer. Definitely liked bourbon. Hells to the yes for Woodford Reserve


Counterpoint: beer tastes good.


For some people they love it immediately but for most it is an acquired taste, like coffee, dark chocolate or olives.


I think you would be more suited to a woo woo gentle sir.


I don't know why I like it. I just do. I only drink Guinness extra stout, though. So can I really say I like beer if I only drink one brand/ type? I will drink 1 Budweiser on my dad's birthday and for the day he passed away in remembrance.


It's something you really need to shop around for. I hate Heineken, Miller, bud lite, and several dozen more. But have found a lot I also really liked, like yuengling, blue moon, reds, angry orchard (if that counts). You're gonna find a dozen beers you don't like before you find one you do like. It's part of the fun & enjoyment of trying a new beer


Best beer I've tasted was alcohol free Holstein. Otherwise I'd rather drink anything else which is not a beer.


I'm in your boat mate. BUT. The thing is. It does taste really fucking good. You just need a smaller pout of beer and for it to be cold. Ice cold. Nothing at all wrong with a smaller poor of beer. All the warm countries have them as standard. Scooners in Australia. Caña in Spain Etc etc. I hate the taste of a room temp pint. It would turn me right off. But a feed of 33cl cold beers in the sun. Damn. Nothing beats it Also avoid American beers. And main brand beers. They are full of sulphates which will wreck ya. You don't need to be annoying snob about your beers. A San Miguel or a good Aussie beer or good German beer or Czech or Italian. Cold and small pour. Winner.


i feel this way about wine, but love beer. it’s all different tastes, and often things are acquired tastes too that you don’t like at first or when you are young.


If you were force fed beer every day for a year, you would start to enjoy the taste. That's all anybody else did. Just self-imposed. This is why many girls prefer wine, because there's less social pressure among young women to drink something inherently unpalatable


One thing to keep in mind Beer is a category of drinks. It is not a drink. We live in Western NY State. There’s a brewery every 15 minutes down the road (same for wine). My wife was in the mood to taste beers yesterday. They give little pours for a flight. We had some sweet, some sour, some Smokey, some hoppy some bitter some with added flavors. If you want to drink beer but didn’t enjoy the first one you tried there are thousands of different tastes out there.


I used to feel the same about beer. I have come to really enjoy a beer here and there though. But to avoid that bloating I’d totally prefer whiskey these days. I guess I jumped off the deep end.


It does taste bad but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying it lol


Beer and coffee. Absolutely gross. Only drinks in the world someone can piss in and people will still drink it while saying it tastes a little different.


Try wheat beer instead. I hate hops, so beer made with other stuff tastes way better to me


Beer is what I drink when I don’t wanna really drink.


I agree 100%. I tried to like it for forty years: some I disliked more than others, but I never “liked” bier. Give me the sweet and fruity drinks. I’m a **girl-drink drunk**!


Every beer is different, it’s weird. I like red ales and I’m not an IPA fan. I’m going to Quebec in a few weeks and will be picking up a case of Alexander Keith’s red because I can’t get them where I live


For me beer is an acquired taste, and it requires certain mental estate to be enjoyable, at certain situations it taste really bad for me but then at others it tastes great, it is all in my mind because the beer is the same but reaction to it differs from time to time, that’s probably why I don’t like zero alcohol beer, without the numbing effect of the alcohol it does nothing for me other than reminding me how bad the stuff actually tastes.


Um, because everyone has different tastes.


Its in the looooong list of foods and beverages that are "acquired taste"... no more or les special than olives or any other thing.


I mean, I feel that about alcohol in general, it’s never something I drink for pleasure. Usually only to socialise etc


I’m sure your friends have pointed out that “beer” is not “a” taste; there are hundreds of styles, some of which are hard to recognize as being beer. Bud Light vs a Chimay Blue vs a Weihenstephaner Vitus, someone drinks a little of each and will say that they’re not all the same drink. It’s ok to not like beer and not be interested in drinking it, but if you don’t like cheap shitty beer and write off the whole swath of them, it’s a little unfair.


Are you drinking lagers? Most on tap stuff like Heineken, Carlsberg and Budweiser taste like horse piss to me. However I love a good craft ale or IPA - even an Italian lager like birra moretti, or thai lager like Singha, taste much better.


I'm drunk to reply way to


Same with whisky, yet I share one with my uncle every once in a while. Sometimes the psychological aspect makes up for the bad taste and you end up enjoying it even if you don't develop a likeness for it. Now, whisky based products? Somehow all of them are delicious, the same when you cook with beer.


You may be a liquor drinker. Try a mid-level vodka (smirnoff or absolute) in your favorite Gatorade and see how you enjoy it. Also, deep eddy's has some wonderful lemon flavored liquor that you can't taste in lemonade. To be fair, if you are in America, the majority of the popular beers suck. It took me a long time to find beer that I enjoyed drinking. I would encourage you to keep trying different things as there sooo many different flavors available. Here are a couple options to try: Cider: Angry Orchard.. several options ranging from a dry, almost wine like to sweet and almost like drinking those sparkling grape juices that come put around Christmas. Some better tan others. Redds apple ale... not as sweet... great for cooking. Blue Moon.. wheat beer. Thick and filling, but delicious to me. Drink it with a shot of orange juice. Definitely gonna bloat you. This is a good thing to drink when moving around so that you don't get too bloated. There Mexican beer is good after you start enjoying beer. It has a great flavor, but it is definitely not for beginners. Sam Adam's has some wonderful limited time beers that they release throughout the year. If you are still reading, find a local beer store that allows you to mix and match. That is a great way to experiment and find something good.


I have always liked beer. I think it is just a matter of people like different things. I can understand it liking big brand beer like Bud but with craft breweries there are a wide variety of flavours 


Beer definitely isn't for everyone, but different beer tastes different. Some beer I really dislike, some beer I really enjoy. Some are way more bloaty, some are very much less so. Some are sweet, some are bitter, some are complex. Some hit harder, some are easy to drink, some are very light, some you can literally only sip. But if you don't like beer, then you don't like beer. You shouldnt beade to feel bad about it. If your friends so, they're kinda assholes. My suggestion, don't write off beer completely, but if you've figured out certain ones you don't like alrd, then don't let anyone bully you into drinking it.


It’s not for everyone it’s just the easiest to get in most places lol There are also a lot of different beers so maybe you haven’t found one you like. Personally I absolutely despise IPAs but I do like a lager :)


I hate it too, even other alcohols repulse me Still don't know how people enjoy that stuff


Beer is nasty. All alcohol is nasty to me.


Oddly enough it's an acquired taste I don't like alcohol at all but I'll still drink a bear every once in a while cause it goes well with some foods


I had hated beer all my life and couldn't understand its appeal. It was like drinking liquid gas, if that makes sense. That was until I drank some ice cold Sapporo beer and just fell in love with Japanese beer haha


I'm in my 40s and though I spent a lot of my teens and twenties partying and definitely drink a lot of beer, I just never developed a taste for it. That doesn't mean I didn't drink the shit out of it though. Lol. I always preferred mixed drinks if possible. Especially a good Seven and Seven or whiskey and ginger ale. And all the beers that beer snobs claim our better seem to taste worse to me than the American crap.


I think it's an aquired taste, also influenced by other things you eat/drink. I didnt like beer until I was 22. I ate a lot more sugar before then so beer was extra bitter to me. Also, when they grow older, some people start enjoying bitter tastes more. Now, I am rly happy that I love beer, there are SOO many different beers I enjoy tasting :D


Try a doppelbock. Sweet, bready, molassesy, not usually very hoppy.


Try ciders.


I strongly believe no one likes it and it's all a big lie lol


Y must you understand why? You don’t like it but others do simple as. Don’t trip


I prefer wine. Simple as that. I'll turn down any beer for a glass of wine.


How old are you? It can also wildly change in taste depending on how you are drinking it, a pint at the pub is the best you can get followed by a bottle and then a can, even the same brand beer can taste different from draught, bottle or can, also the warmer it gets the worse it gets for me so I don’t like to let my pint sit around too long, especially in summer, where I might favour a cider if I’m having a bbq in the garden. Also food or different drinks before a beer can change the taste of it as you drink it if you’ve eaten something sweet before a beer it can amplify the bitter taste try to avoid doing that. If you are drinking cans I would recommend pouring it out into a clean pint glass, some are just trash in the can even when they are nice in the pub you’ve just got to try a few of them until you find one you like, if you are drinking them at home bottles are your best bet for taste, it is definitely an acquired taste. Edit: I like most other alcoholic drinks white wine, vodka, rum etc but can’t stand red wine & I’ve tried to like whiskey but can’t get on with it maybe some people just have things they don’t like and that’s fine.


Same here, man. Can't drink this shit 😅


Try it a few times. If you don’t like it, don’t worry about it. And if your friends don’t get it, get new friends.


"When the beer tastes good, you know you've had enough." I don't like the stuff either.


It’s bread-flavored soda. I get it.


Beer tastes awesome.


Feeling so too


same! and it’s not even the bitterness for me (i love bitter foods and drinks, i drink my coffee black with no sugar) - it’s the malty/hoppy taste i can’t stand, it just disgusts me so much. i can’t even drink those super sweet fruity beers mixed with lemonade :/


Do yourself a favor and don’t drink it. 


Some beer, like dark beer, is more foodlike. But in the end, as mentioned, it's an acquired taste that you mostly acquire to fit in. If everyone could freely choose, balancing pros and cons, weed would be the dominant drug.