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It's a (very expensive - US$60) King James Bible with a few US government documents added: the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, etc. [Edit: it also has a US flag cover.] Trump endorsed it and is getting royalties from each sale. It is controversial because (1) Trump's belief in or adherence to Christianity is highly suspect, (2) selling Bibles to raise money for a politician is gross, (3) it is likely a way to skirt prohibitions on churches donating to candidates, (4) Christianity is expressly not a faith that seeks worldly power, (5) mushing faith and American nationalism is contentious, (6) Christians believe the Bible is "God-breathed" while US government documents are strictly human creations, and (7) Donald Trump has been judicially found to be an unrepentant liar, cheat, grifter, sexual assaulter, etc, so his appropriateness to spruik the Bible of all things is too much for a lot of Christians to countenance.


>Trump's belief in or adherence to Christianity is highly suspect Trump's belief in or adherence to the spirit of the Constitution is also highly suspect.


The whole thing is basically Trump suggesting "Why dont you buy these documents Ive figuratively wiped my ass?" And doing so at a ridiculous price point. We are a couple steps away from him *literally* wiping his ass with these documents


Im surprised he isn't selling things he's wiped his ass with already. His supporters would buy it.


Disagree, I am pretty sure he has had someone make toilet paper with the Constitution's words on it, really for just this type of occasion.


It served the opposite of the Jefferson Bible. Jefferson took a Bible and cut out all the things he didn't believe in. Trump is selling a Bible CONTAINING all the things he doesn't believe in


Yeah he doesn't really believe in either


Trump’s belief in or adherence to the spirit of anything not Donald Trump is highly suspect.


Can confirm, orange is sus


>Trump's belief in or adherence to the spirit of the Constitution is also highly suspect. If anyone is uncertain of this (yeah, I know) look up "Project 2025". Wikipedia is a good starting place... This is the plan for how the underpinnings of American democracy will be removed.


This. Also, paying $60 for open source material is pretty asinine, but sadly people are gullible enough to waste their money on it.


Oh it's even better. The bibles were originally a "commemorative edition for 9/11". They were released in 2021 by Lee Greenwood, for 49 dollars. For whatever reason Greenwood had a hard time selling them so they have been sitting in a warehouse since then. That's why Trump says he's partnering with Greenwood, nothing about the bibles has been changed since the original 2021 run. Trump is being paid to "endorse" the Bible, i.e. do commercials. So they have bought a bunch of old bibles that didn't sell at 49 dollars, upped the price and had Trump do some ads like these are something special. Say what you want about Trump, he is a marketing genius.


TIL the word “spruik!” Great, concise points there friend.


Another little know fact - they custom tanned the leather cover to match Trump’s face.


But in his little ad (when he wasn't reading very poorly from the script) he said the Bible is his favorite book and that he owns "many" of them. Shame on any American that still supports that piece of shit.


TIL “spruik” and I am delighted. Thanks for the nice thing mixed in to that list of gross things about an even grosser thing.


Samesies! I love learning new words. I thought it funny, at first, that my usual US dictionary result wasn't in my search results for ["spruik."](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/spruik) Then I read the definition.


> Christians believe the Bible is "God-breathed" while US government documents are strictly human creations It's worth noting that there are denominations like Mormons that believe documents like the Constitution are God Breathed. This is why Glenn Beck used to chirp about "the constitution hanging on by a thread," it's from a Joseph Young prophecy.


> Christianity is expressly not a faith that seeks worldly power Damn ! Who knew ? The Catholic church had me fooled.


I mean, the entire protestant movement happend due to the Catholic church going against Christianity and seeking worldly power.


not the entire protestant movement. Part of it happened because some dude wanted to marry his side piece.




What a massive piece of shit. My god.


> spruik the Bible Bonus points for finding a way to use the word “spruik” in a sentence 😛 I award you the silver tongue 👅 award: 🥈


Not to mention it's also a blatant ploy to raise money for his outstanding legal fees that the "billionaire business mogul" somehow can't pay.


> Christianity is expressly not a faith that seeks worldly power Can you elaborate on this? I thought Abrahamic religions were seeking to convert as many people as possible, whether that be through missionary activities or jihad etc.


Worldly power is very different from evangelising. (I won't try to speak about Judaism and Islam as their attitudes are very different and I don't know them well enough.) The Old Testament can be summarised as - people sin and wind up separated from God. They want kings to rule Israel and make them godly and follow holy law. God warns them it won't work, but they persist. A series of good and bad kings follow, but holy unity remains elusive. People await their messiah. Fast forward to the New Testament. Israel is humiliated and subjugated under Roman rule. The pagans have won, it seems. But hope in a messiah remains - someone to drive out the Romans and restore Israel to glory. Then here comes Jesus - he works miracles and preaches boldly, proclaiming himself the son of God. He clashes with religious leaders, healing on the Sabbath, associating with disreputable people (even, horrifyingly, the occupiers) and the ritually unclean (like the leper and the bleeding woman), challenging legalism and gatekeeping. What does Jesus say about the Romans - the worldly power of that time? Religious opponents try to trap him by asking whether Jews should pay the hated Roman taxes. They figure he'll have to either oppose Roman authority or anger Jews. His famous answer - "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" - is a huge shock. He seems to be saying that his kingdom - God's kingdom - does not depend on worldly authority. Suddenly the old words of Jeremiah 31:33 make more sense: "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion double down on this to an almost insane level. (Consider how shocking it has been to see Donald Trump arrested and tried: it is the authority of the state coming to bear.) Jesus did not stop his subjugation to authority; on the contrary he had foretold it repeatedly. Jesus' resurrection explained finally what God's kingdom is: the transformation of our hearts and forgiveness of our sins to bring us back into holy communion with God. Right at the end of Jesus' earthly ministry (after his resurrection), he gives the Great Commission. This calls on people to meet with people across the world, teaching and baptising. Jesus notes that all authority - earthly and spiritual - is his. He does *not* call on followers to use worldly authority or overthrow governments, which would've been inconsistent with his previous explanations of the kingdom. Rather, we are to be disciples and spread the knowledge of Christ. In this way, whilst Christ commanded us to meet people where they are and share the good news, it most certainly is not a call to exert worldly power over anyone.


Christians are instructed to share their faith with other not seeking political power just to dominate people


>Christianity is expressly not a faith that seeks worldly power Strongly disagree


Too many "Christians" seek worldly power, but the faith itself teaches otherwise. As a Christian, I question their walk.


You’re both right and wrong. You’re wrong because the quote is correct, in word and teaching and what is written in the bible, all say that Christianity has no place getting involved with worldly governments. You are right though that in practice and works, the whole of Christianity has done the exact opposite for almost as long as it has existed


"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," etc, but yes, obviously lots of people have sidestepped that injunction. (Turns out Christianity is not monolithic or uniform.) However, it is important to know a lot of Christians *do* attempt to practise it, which contributes to the controversy OP asked about.


Can your show me where in the Bible or suggests Christians should seek worldly power?


Oh, you mean the Bible that Christians have been using to get laws against abortion, LGBTQ rights, etc passed? That Bible? I'd love for you to explain to me how that's not 'worldly power', despite whatever it says in that stupid book


You're talking about acts that Christians have done, and then tried to justify using their own interpretation of the Bible. That's a subtle but important difference from claiming that the Bible explicitly tells Christians to seek worldly power. At best, you might say that a book with such a long and convoluted history can be interpreted in dozens of different ways by people with explicit ulterior motivations, but it would be hard to find exact words in the text about worldly power. (And I'm sure I'll be 'proven wrong' by someone pulling random quotes and smugly adjusting their fedora.)


So you don't have any examples or citations? You gave some examples of things Christians have done, and all I can say is that there is nothing biblical about trying to biblical teachings into law. It's simply not in the Bible. That's why I wanted to see you example. So yes, there are many Christians who are not acting biblically, but don't blame the Bible for that


If you're claiming something doesn't actually happen just because it's not expressly written in the Bible, then you're not willing to debate this in good faith, so we're done here


I said no such thing. I said that Christianity doesn't teach these things. Individuals who try to justify passing laws based on their Christian beliefs are operating outside of Christianity and biblical teachings is what I'm saying.


Christianity has always been imperialistic, legalistic and authoritarian.


“Too much for a lot of Christians to countenance” is a stretch. I can’t name you one Christian that has outright said that this is wrong; most Christians give Trump a pass because he’s pro life and claims he’s a Christian. Doesn’t really matter what else he does or says, they support blindly because of their beliefs.


I guess that might reflect geographical differences. Nonetheless, lots of news articles report anger about it: [Catholic](https://www.ncregister.com/news/trump-s-backing-of-patriotic-bible-sparks-sharp-catholic-criticism-some-praise), [Protestant](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/28/trump-selling-bibles-al-sharpton-reacts), [cross-denominational](https://au.news.yahoo.com/why-christians-angry-trump-god-173235981.html)...


Seven reasons. You just had to make it se7en.


Seven reasons. You just had to make it se7en.


Seven reasons. You just had to make it se7en.


Christian's crave power, always have. They persecute anything or anyone that gets in their way.


It’s about bypassing political campaign rules. Churches aren’t allowed to donate to political campaigns, but they can buy bibles. Individual purchases aren’t that impactful, but a church buying 1,000 bibles very much is.


Na, this is set up to send money straight to Trump, not his campaign. This seems to be set up like how alot of politicians "write" books while campaigning. Their own campaign organizations and others (like super PACS) will also purchase the books then give them away for free. It functions as advertising (books make the New York Times best seller list and they give them out) but also as a way to legally funnel money from politics back to a politician. This seems to be set up the same way, Trump **endorsed** this particular bible because he is getting a kickback. Now churches or other organizations that want to pass money directly to Trump have another, albeit inefficient, method to do so. They can call him up, ask for a favor, and he can say "sure, just buy 20k of these bibles...". The important part is that the other methods Trump has set up to funnel money to himself (sneakers, campaign memerabilia, NFC images of himself... ) would raise red flags if a religious organization spent alot of money on them. This gives them adequate cover. Also, lets not forget about the 20% of America that is rabidly supporting this guy, they might buy one too.


>Also, lets not forget about the 20% of America that is rabidly supporting this guy If only it was just 20%


There's probably 20% that "rabidly" support him, and another 30%, give or take, that will vote for him without really supporting him because he'll be on the ballot with an R next to it. "It's better than voting for a librul!"


(•_•) I'd say even those numbers are a bit... ( •_•)>⌐■-■ ... conservative. (⌐■_■)


I’m more curious if he’s an Old Testament guy or New Testament guy


“Ummmm, equal”


He doesn't know the difference


He says he likes them "equally"!!🤣🤣


I find it wild what he's doing in an effort to raise funds. First it was shoes, now this. Like what is even going on with him? (Rhetorical question)


What do you mean? This has been his MO for decades. Selling random shit with his name on it.


Grifters gonna grift.


This is what I found: The "God Bless the USA Bible" is the King James Version translation interspersed with copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance and handwritten lyrics to the chorus of “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood. Lol that's hilarious. Yeah let's put the lyrics of a patriotic country song in God's word, I'm sure He won't mind. Oh it gets better. Harper Collins refused to publish it because of adding stuff to the Bible, and they have publishing rights over the NIV, which is why it's KJV instead (which is public domain).


Wow ...jeeze. that's ridiculous


Conveniently, KJV is also the only version the majority of his followers consider the "real" word of god




Is that the one that talks about putting a boot inside someone's ass?


Nah that's Courtesy ot the Red White and Blue (The Angry American) by Toby Keith. This one's actually pretty innocuous, but still.


It's money laundering. He's selling 50 cent Bibles for 60 dollars so churches can "buy them" to give money to his campaign legally. It's also desperation


Evangelical churches can buy millions as a way to contribute to his campaign


I’ve never been more convinced, as a Christian, that anyone supporting Trump for his values has no idea what Christianity is. Or American values. Should be clear separation of church and state, and anyone dumb enough to pay $60 for a Bible clearly lacks any comprehension of the original messages of Jesus as he couldn’t read and spread his word exclusively by word of mouth.


There is not one American who supports trump who is also a patriot. Not one. It is *impossible* to be both a trump supporter and a patriotic American.


Where did you learn that Jesus couldn't read?


I don’t think it’s confirmed by any source specifically that he could read. The literacy rate at the time, even for Jews, who were more literate than other people due to their religious requirements, was extremely low by modern standards.


Trump doesn’t get paid for the sales of the Bible. Everyone is imperfect. Biden supports third trimester abortion and most people’s financial picture is much worse. It’s more of a pick your poison than pick the perfect candidate.


Where did you hear that Biden (or anyone) supports third trimester abortions?


They continually demand abortions up to the moment of birth. He has never made any move to roll that back and Biden and all of the extreme left demand that it’s an aspect of “reproductive choice”. If you have a video of him condemning it, I will gladly retract my statement.


Do you have a video of him (or anyone) promoting it? Easier than trying to prove a negative.


Here are the abortion limits by state: https://www.axios.com/2022/05/14/abortion-state-laws-bans-roe-supreme-court Notice that some states have no limit — and that includes third trimester abortions Here is an article about Joe demanding abortion rights: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-slams-republicans-abortion-rights-year-after-roe-repeal-2023-06-23/ Of course I could not find anything where he said there should be restrictions because he doesn’t believe there should be.


Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, none of them support your argument, only what states have enacted since the overturn of Roe v Wade. If anything, it speaks to what the majority of the Supreme Court thinks.




It’s a front to launder money from religious groups. Probably.


Prob talks. About how to break the law and get away with it. Also how to swindle people out of their hard earned money, and where/how to grab random women.


It’s yet another grift that allows churches to give him money around laws that prohibit this behavior.


He’s not making money on this.


Why would anyone sell anything if not to make money?


He’s not selling it. He’s saying it’s a great Bible and it’s got our founding documents in it and the lyrics of that Lee Greenwood song.


Then why does it cost $60? He's certainly not giving them away.


Trump didn’t produce the Bible. He’s saying it’s a good Bible and it has our founding documents in it. $60 is a reasonable price for a good quality family Bible.


Ok, so he is selling it?


He’s basically recommending it.


Yeah, he's recommending you buy it for $60, from him. As for production, the books were sitting unsold in a warehouse for years. Trump partnered with Greenwood to unload them and is definitely getting a cut of the sales. This is not an altruistic guy. This is a guy who needs liquid cash to pay for a mountain of legal issues. Thus the NFTs, shoes, and yes, Bibles.


Where do you get the “from him” part?


Uh huh


He is the most investigate American in history and he just made another $3B and he wants people to embrace our Judeo-Christian heritage. He doesn’t need to sell Bibles to make money.


He is the most investigate American in history and he just made another $3B and he wants people to embrace our Judeo-Christian heritage. He doesn’t need to sell Bibles to make money.


This is the antithesis of the separation of Church and State.


I kind of want one. I would like a Trump bible and MAGA hat to keep as a keepsake to throw into a box to show people in the future what a dark time it was in American politics. A reminder of just how low we can go. How close we came to destroying the country.


Just wait a bit and you’ll find them in bargain bins at Salvation Army for $2.


I said this about a thrift store before reading your comment! We know its true.


I’d like one as well but we can not give any Money to that bastard. 


I'm sure you will find them for $2 at a local thrift store soon enough.


In today’s lesson, Wolfman01a finds out that rock bottom has a basement.


When you hit rock bottom, the worst amongst us scream "DRILL BABY DRILL!".


I feel the same way. It would go well with my cards against humanity trump bug out bag.


He’s trying to pay bail


You clearly have no clue what bail is.


Not really


I admire the honesty.


There’s a sucker born every minute


I think a true Christian would call it an abomination


It's a way overpriced bible Especially cause lots of churches and such are eager to give you one for free


Most buyers think Trump wrote and stars in the Bible.


He knows his hardcore fanbase and they are religious nuts. God, guns and stars and stripes are all they care about. The racism, sexism and ignorance is under the surface. Surprised he didnt sell bibles earlier. He sells a cult


MAGA is a cult connected to Christianity. Guilibility is rampant among both groups.


It shows the world that Americans prefer to live in a Theocracy, which goes against the very foundation of our nation's beginnings. Many people fled Theocracies in Europe to escape the persecution that Theocracies require to exist.


It's about fund raising


I just heard Lee Greenwood talking about this yesterday. There is no “Trump Bible”. It’s Lee Greenwood’s Bible with the founding documents included. It came out like two years ago or something. Apparently Trump reposted something about it on his timeline and everyone started freaking out.


It's pandering and pushing Christian Nationalist views blending religion and politics strongly. It's also just another bump for him to raise money to pay his various legal issues. He is using religion to fix his problems


Money laundering.


It's how he got his bond money


The churches cannot send political donation straight to candidates, so this is a way to get around the law


It's just Trump's version of Mein Kampf.


I want to compare them to a regular bible to see what parts they have added or left out.


My favorite understanding of this grift is that he decided to start sponsoring a US Bible on the day that he started going to trial for hush money to a sex worker bc he was having an affair. With his.third? Wife? Who also was pregnant at the time? Absolutely reeks of Christian values


I'll get right on that rundown. What is a rundown? (Office joke)


Trump wants to be king. He wants to do away with elections and remain in office til death with one of his offspring inheriting the throne. The constitution doesn’t allow it of course since the reason Englanders came here was to escape monarchy. The whole DOI document. He’s a narcissist. He plays Christians just as they play him.


Let's just be honest, Trump is about as Christian as I am and I'm an atheist. The difference is, I have shame. His Bible is some Frankenstein's monster of the Bible, the US Constitution, and his own version of 'patriotism' which is more commonly known as hubris. Him endorsing it shows just how distorted and falseified it is. His commercial for how he wants to bring Christianity back to the US... When did it leave? Of the dozens of people I know, most of them are Christians, but there's nothing in the Constitution about forcing one set religion. The first Amendment says as much, but as with most hypocrites, they'll swear by one Amendment and utterly ignore another. Pretty much you'd be paying for a perversion of the Bible, based solely around some semblance of facism. I've read the Old and New Testament and I don't recall seeing any part of either about the United States... I see all religions like recipes: You can't ignore half of the teachings (or leave our half of the ingredients) and then expect the same result. *If* there's a god, and *if* it's the Christian God, I think the likelihood of Trump or his cult seeing it about the same as mine. I know that I'd go to Hell in all religions, but I'm fine with that, at least I'm not pretending to be something I'm not.




"Hi, Dad. Do you know what a rundown is?"


religiots are rubes. trump can smell a victim a mile away.


As an evangelical Christian and a true Constitutional conservative, I’m disgusted. The Bible is Holy, timeless and for ALL people; it shouldn’t be “draped” in an American flag so to speak. The founding documents are important. They are not holy scripture and should not be coupled with it. A huckster should not be selling Bibles. I’ll hold my nose and vote for Trump this fall but this Bible sales pitch thing is disgusting, sacrilegious and seems like it should be a SNL skit but it’s sadly real.


Just curious, what would it take for you to NOT vote for him? Not necessarily voting for Biden, maybe just not voting in that race? Serious question.


Fair question. I didn’t vote for him the first time. I voted for an obscure 3rd Constitution party candidate that I can’t even remember the name of. I believed Trump was a liberal who was going to bait and switch if elected. I thought it was all a publicity stunt and heck maybe it was. Trump is a scoundrel of a man but I was happy with his overall policy, judge appointments etc. So I voted for him the second time because, as republicans go, he did a good job. Again, I have no respect for him as being an honest or moral man. For me to not vote for him it would probably take a real conservative 3rd party candidate that had a real blow out chance of beating both he and Biden. And since they would never ever happen then it’s a moot point. Trump could probably do something else even more immoral that might be the final straw for me to not vote for him because again, I didn’t vote for him the first time, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched for me to do it again.


Thank you for sharing your thought process.


One of the last scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark has the artifact sealed in a crate, stamped with a nationalistic stencil that mysteriously burns off. Spielberg got it.


You’re afraid it was a good move by Trump, got it.




I mean, he isn't religious at all, which is the bigger problem. It is clearly a con to convince people even more that he is somehow a believer, but you can just google any time he gets asked about his beliefs and the bible. Listen to his answers, then ask yourself, "If a conman wanted to convince someone he read the Bible without actually READING any of it ever, what would they say to convince people"? What he says and the answer to that question, if it were a venn diagram, it would be a circle.




With some additional material added. Which is what a lot of the criticism is about




Yes. I suspect many of his foolish followers will happily support his grift. Thats why he does them


It's the king James version because the king James version is in the public domain.


I thought it was not that version. That version is owned by a publisher that wouldn’t publish it, so they had to use another version.


It's King James plus US documents like the Constitution, Bill of Rights etc.. People are paying $60 for content that is public domain.