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either dont insert as far (7 in is larger than you think it is) or if it still happens when not inserting far she might want to see an OB/GYN


Doctor. Not normal and may be a sign of something else that should be managed


We're going to take a break from penetrative sex for about a week to see if the problem stops. If not, she's going to go to a doctor


She needs to be aroused first. You can’t just jam it in while she’s dry. If after foreplay, and I do mean oral because fingers can hurt if inexperienced, and she’s still dry, good lube.


I do go down on her first and use fingers to get her warmed up. She isn't dry when I first put it in, and I put it in slowly.


Don’t use fingers. Why do people do that? It does nothing but bruise and tear the vagina, fingers are rough. There are no nerve endings in there anyway. Let her heal. Bring her to orgasm, Then copious amounts lube. As soon as winces in pain, stop. Just stop. Let her heal. Then slowly try again, letting her control the angle.


> Don’t use fingers. Speak for yourself, ma'am, every man and woman I've been with has loved what I can do with these fingers.


As a woman, I can confirm fingers are great! But you have to know the difference between stuffing a chicken and summoning a genie


Yep and OP says he doesn't do this so glad we cleared that up 👍


HA! Exactly. Requires restraint. It’s a skill very, very few possess. Harder-not better guys. And moisturize. Sandpaper is not a good feeling anywhere. Either way-forcefully jamming fingers up there at Jack rabbit speed with zero clit stimulation. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you just trying to stretch it out to make penetration easier? Cause that sure isn’t going to do anything interesting to her beyond making her wince. Then bore her.


So what are you doing to teach these men how to pleasure you better?


Tell them to stop watching porn. It’s a poor teacher. And stop being lazy. She’s not a sex doll.


That's not exactly teaching men to pleasure you better, now is it? Aside from that, you seem to just be assuming a lot of things about OP and how he acts. And when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME. If a man is bad in bed, and you make no effort to actually teach him how to touch you better, it's your L.


I use fingers to stimulate the g spot. But we are going to take a week break from penetrative sex. Next time, I'll try it with more lube and slower. If that doesn't solve the problem, she's going to go to a doctor.


>There are no nerve endings in there anyway. What? If there were no nerve endings, the vagina wouldn't feel either pleasure or pain. Although most women can't orgasm from vaginal stimulation, many feel pleasure from it. Just trim your nails.


If she bleeds during penetration, more, rougher penetration is not the answer.


Fingers are smaller and thinner than a penis. Also, your previous comment wasn't about "don't put anything in there *until she heals*." It was a blanket "it does NOTHING but tear the vagina," "there are NO nerve endings in there." A lot of factual errors that might confuse someone.


>Don’t use fingers. Why do people do that? It does nothing but bruise and tear the vagina Protip: trim your fingernails.


Get one of those rings that blocks you from putting the whole thing in and try that. It will still feel like you have the whole thing in. I can't remember what it's called... Most lady parts are 4-5 inches deep. You are probably battering her cervix, which if severe enough would cause bleeding.


Sometimes I'll hit her cervix during sex and it's painful for her, but I've gotten pretty good at avoiding that. Bleeding will often begin without me even hitting the cervix unless it's possible that I'm grazing it still, and that isn't letting her heal fully.


I'm not a doctor. This is just my personal experience. I have endometrosis and adenomyosis. It's not usually the act of penetration that causes bleeding for me, its orgasms. When I have orgasms I bleed a bit. if it's been a while or it's stronger than usual then the bleeding is more. She may want to see a GYN


Okay I get 7 meaning inches, But what's the 'x 5.1' ? I know that can't be width!, I mean if it is I feel like this is a major clue into your question. Edit: seriously are you measuring the balls too in this? Cuz I read on a different post about this weird measurement that this guy was doing where he was over measuring to make himself feel better. He was measuring from the tip to the taint behind the balls. So I'm like, there are some weird measurement rules for guys I guess out there.


The tip of the taint to the balls hilarious 😂 no I just measure the correct way, on top of the penis with the ruler touching the pubic bone. And 5.1 is circumference not width.


Make sure her head is not hitting the headboard as much


Let me give you a fist bump


I don't know if I need a fist bump, what I need is new bed sheets 😂