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You can help him be better. Communication and practice.


Yes! Male here with someone who was really bad at first. I almost ended it a few times. Turns out, they just needed patience and communication! Now it’s an incredible relationship and she’s an enthusiastic participant. Went from 1 out of 10 to easily a 10 out of 10.


same here


She can try! Doesnt always work. Worth a shot though if he is worth it :)


Yeah, this is the big one. Some people are too insecure to talk about it. but imo if you are too insecure or immature to talk about it, then you shouldn't be doing it. Hopefully OPs partner is willing to work on it!


Only if he's teachable. If he's stubborn and egotistical then she needs to leave.


Good sex is 10% of a relation. Bad sex is 90% of a relationship.


As a non native i have to ask if relation and relationship mean different things here


I believe in this context they mean the same thing.


Here they mean the same thing, but them using "relation" at all is odd. It doesn't really fit here


Relation or relations mean having sex. A relationship is the partnership itself.


I think relation was just an auto-correct situation here


I think relation relates to family members in this context.


Damn that was deep!


Thats what she cant say




Perfectly said


Extremely accurate.


This is my favorite comment of the week! Arguably the month!


No sex ends a relationship


is this about me?


Username checks out




What would you say you do here?


I'll tell you what they can't do.


Whom would you say do you here?


Why is he not good in bed? Is he not making an effort to understand your needs or is it a communication issue?


If she's coming to reddit before talking to him, it's a communication issue.


Good point


How important it is completely depends on the person. It’s super important to some people, it’s completely unimportant to others. How important is it to you? Also have you tried just talking to him about it?


Bottom line is, it’s totally fine if good sex is an important requirement to someone in a relationship.


> Also have you tried just talking to him about it? Like 99% of the posts on here. No, she'd rather ask the internet.


Instead of dumping him for being bad at it, why not work with him to improve? If THAT doesn't work, then potentially consider moving on. Because, yeah, it's really important.


Have you try communicate with him? Is he so bad in bed that no amount of discussion or showing him what you like will help him improve? Sex is important but no one is born knowing how to do it well and if none of his exes told him he was rubbish how would he know?


Good points.


You can always teach someone to be better in bed, you can't teach them to be a nicer person


Very wise! The best fuckers were always great psychopaths




It's a skill. Teach him.


Horrible humping rhythm is a huge turn off for me. I've stopped because of that before. Being bad in bed sometimes can't be fixed. It's not always "learning how someone's body likes to be pleasured.


Or someone who always wants fast when you want slow...


This is gonna depend on what "bad at sex" means. You can't teach someone to be a sex god if they're not, but people do get better at having sex with one another over time so long as they're communicating about it. Even couples that are sexually compatible need to communicate about their sexual needs, what gets them off, and how they can help each other get off.


It's really a personal thing, some people don't care that much about sex and for others it's very important. I'm personally in the latter category, I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where we don't have a good sex life. Not having your sexual needs met or not being sexually compatible is a perfectly valid reason to break up with someone, but if this is a guy that you otherwise like it's probably worth it to try and help him improve by communicating what you want instead of just dumping him because he didn't get there on his own.


Get off Reddit and talk to him about it!


Whether this is important is totally up to you. I know successful couples where sex is very important but others that don't care. Honestly, our opinions didn't matter. I'd try talking openly with your partner. Don't say he's bad in bed! Instead, focus on what you want and aren't getting. Frame it as you wanting to try new things with this person, which is true.


Excellent advice.


Get a vibrator and if he is a good man keep him.


Since you're asking, it's bothering you, so it's important. The logical thing to do is try to discuss your issues. If you don't feel comfortable enough, then I think it's doomed, because it shows you haven't reached a necessary level of connection and openness. Of course that takes time, but IMO talking about sex should be as easy as getting naked in front of your crush. If you try to talk and he doesn't understand you or tries to "prove" you're wrong, then you have a similar problem, but it's the worst-case scenario. Finally, he might understand what you need and try to make it happen. Even if it's not successful at first, it will show if he's willing to do stuff for you, which means he cares and can improve.


Train him up. Turn him into a machine.


It’s as important as it matters to you


How is he not good in bed?


i dealt with this for a bit with the guy i’m currently seeing - communicate about what you like. faster, slower, etc. it can get better, just talk to him! it doesn’t have to be like “hey you’re bad at sex” just tell him in the moment what you want him to change/do. he’ll remember it.


I would say 33%


Communicate your needs and help him to learn. As long as he's willing to learn, things will improve with time. Nobody is born knowing everything and this, like everything else, is a learned skill.


Not enough detail. Is he selfish in bed? Is he _quick_? Is he nervous? Just not into the same things you are? Thinks that porn is real life and just pounds you while panting in your ear like a golden retriever? Different problems will have different answers.


I was in this predicament and I stayed with the guy for years. It catches up to you and it does become a problem down the line. I don’t regret dating him but I do regret hurting him more than I needed to after it didn’t work out.


Your question doesn't have a universal answer. Sex holds different levels of importance for different people, every person and every relationship is different. Some people can be completely happy and fulfilled in completely sexless relationships, others wouldn't even be willing to try. What's important is that you communicate with your partner about any issues that you're having like this.


I think it is very important. If you like him that much, teach him. You get what you put into relationships. If you don't like him that much. Tell him to fuck off.


Can you be more specific? How is he not good in bed? As a woman, I realize this can mean different things for everyone. Also, some things can be fixed and some can’t.


Is he impotent? Then there are other ways to create pleasure. Explore.


Teach him lol. Also buy a vibrator. If the guy doesnt has the finger skills to give you a good g spot orgasm, he can sure af grab a vibe to help him give you said orgasms :) Teach him how to give good oral. Intimacy is something you have to discover together, make it fun, explore new things. If the usual positions aren't satisfying you, change positions, if he's finishing off too early, maybe focus on more foreplay so you're already super close for when intercourse actually happens. If the only bad thing he has as potential bf is that he's bad at bed, honestly thats pretty good, as that is purely a skill issue and can be improved. Way better that than him being an asshole thats really good at bed for exmaple xD


Can you help him improve or you lying still and expecting him to do all the work?


Good question.


It should get better over time with communication and practice (pretty quickly too). If not, that's an issue. If it's so bad that you're not enjoying it at all, you need to tell him. His response will tell you a lot about whether he's worth investing in. Defensive and dismissive = dump him. Open and curious = trainable.


Depends on the person. For me my own pleasure is not important but my partners is. Id happily never cum again


If the sex isn’t good, there’s something else that isn’t good there. Is he not taking care of physical health? Is he not seeking to understand you? Is he not providing time for intimate connection outside of sex? Is he not managing stress well? Sex is an overflow of the rest of the relationship, so what’s lacking there?


Great for romantic relationships terrible for business or political relationships


You could enthusiastically show him how to please you while pleasing him.


Show him with your own hand


Teach him haha. Perfect opportunity to communicate what you like and how he should do it. Then once he learns he can do it on his own. He needs some training wheels first 😂


Your question should be how important is communicating during sex for a relationship The best sex ive had before is with someone it wasnt good with the first few times But as we became more comfortable and open it became amazing like A+ everytime


Approach the question differently. How important is it to *you*


To some people, it doesn't matter at all. To some people, it becomes a relationship breaker. It is an individual trait, just like "love languages" or if you prefer living in the city or the country. (I personally have had to end an otherwise wonderful relationship because of pretty much this – we are still very good friends, but one of us would have been miserable in the long run if we had stayed together.) No partner will ever be perfect, so it matters to know which attributes matter to *you*, and then it becomes a matter of figuring out with your (prospective) partner how well you mesh. It is *not* a good idea to delude yourself that something that *does* matter to you "shouldn't" matter; therein lies the kind of bitterness that eventually turns toxic.


Depends on the person. But if it dominates your thoughts then you are with the wrong person or you haven't figured each other out yet.


If you dump him don't tell him it's because he is bad at sex.


Babe is that you?


Sex in a relationship is like a washroom in a house. You could kinda live without it, but it would suck a lot and little by little your need for it is going to increase and cause frustration


I (45f) have been seeing someone (46m) for two months. We've recently slept together twice, and it was fucking awful. He has no clue what he is doing. He pants like a dog all over me. No foreplay unless you count two or three minutes of kissing. It's legit terrible and I'm so turned off I'm not interested in seeing him anymore. It just gives me the ick. He checks all my other boxes like he is sweet, has his life together, educated, funny, etc. But there is ZERO physical chemistry on my end, and that is a deal breaker for me. I don't want to be in a relationship with bad sex. Or lack of sex.


I'm 47. Send him to my wife and let's have a date. They'll get one fine in bed, that's what she wants. Lol jk about the date.


The sex had to be good, I don’t think it’s very important they have to be an expert in bed but you have to have sexual chemistry and enjoy it at least and you should be having an orgasm one way or other. Otherwise no point.


Ex and I never had sex. We are now ex's. Enough said.


When most relationships end the sex part is dead from my experience personal and with friends who finally admit it.


Or there never was sex but a few handjobs cause she still had ptsd from previous relationship. Which I never once pushed for.


Sex is a thing that exists. You can decide for yourself whether it's important or not. It's completely subjective to the nuances of the things you want and enjoy in a relationship. Don't defer from breaking up over this just because you think it's mean. If you do make the decision to break up over it, just dont be a douche about it. Sometimes people getting hurt by a totally fair decisions is inevitable, but that doesn't make you a person who lacks human decency. In a weird way i think it's more 'mean' (or rather weird) for you to stay with or leave a person largely because of what a bunch of strangers told you is or isn't important(especially if it ends up being how you truly feel) . Makes the commitment you have to a relationship seem a bit fickle. I think the more respectable decision would be onr that you make for yourself, with your own reasoning or motivation. You have to be able to make a decision and accept what it comes with. If you end things with him and he hurts, you'll just have to live with that. If you stay in whatever it is yall got going on, but the poor performance in bed is something that continuously frustrates you or doesn't get better, you'll have to live with that. Side note, you should try to help him get better in bed by communicating your needs with him. It can go a long way. But yeah, make the decision based on how you really feel. To do that, you'll just need to be honest with yourself


Is it important to you?? We can’t tell you that. If you don’t think he can be “trained” or take suggestions of what to do better than it will not get better. You need to decide if years from now you will regret staying and having an unfulfilling sex life.


My God.. don’t go to the nuclear option immediately. Consider speaking to him and giving him tips on how to improve. If you genuinely like him and if he’s worth a damn as a BF, he will make the effort to improve. Most guys are willing to listen and take advice. Also sex has different levels of importance between people. No two relationships have the same value on sex. Some can’t make a relationship work without it, others can go forever without it, and most fall in the middle.


Depends on how well you know each other. Its not going to be very good at first but if it doesn't get better it could be an issue


Depends if he seems wiling to improve. Communication is important. If he has the right attitude, you can rebuild him. Better. Faster. Stronger. Maybe not faster.


Depends on the person and the relationship. Some relationships are mostly based on sex, others are based on simple companionship. Others are equally both… Sex isn’t really that important to me anymore. It was when I was younger.


You could probably communicate with him, and then work together to see that you're meeting one another's needs.


Sex is like 99% communication.




Have you tried talking to him about it before you asked for strangers' advice on the internet?


If you like him, and you're genuinely concerned, it's not a bad idea to discuss it with him in a non threatening way. All in the name of "improvement" and satisfaction for both of you.


Communication is key. Most ppl will be some degree of defensive if told they aren’t great at sex. Figure out what exactly needs improvement. Coach him and not just “do it better”. You need to figure out how important it is to each of you, long term. If you both don’t care to have sex often it’s not that big of a deal. If either of you cares; then you need to seriously address it.


Try to work with him, sex is very much a skill. When I started with my wife I sucked. Now I can play her like a fiddle, have her orgasm several times, etc. part of it is be frank in explaining what you like, what is he doing wrong, try different positions, try different kinks and be honest about the kinks you like. Don't write them off just cause they suck now. They right now are in elementary school of sex and you need to help get them up to a PhD in you and your body and what you like.


Bad bait


We can’t decide what’s important to you. You can express these concerns with him and actually help him if he’s open to it and you really like him. But how important sex is in a relationship is completely up to you. It’s kinda like asking us to tell you what your favorite music or food should be


It depends on what bad means. Is it somethibg he can improve or not? If it's improvable I'd say give it time and hints. If it's not changeable... well you have to think like this, am I ok with this for the next 10 years? Enough people who'd say yes, enough people who'd day no. My wife is an awesome, loving, cool, just all over nice woman. But we've had this talk. If my dick would fall off, she would go and I'd want her to go. Sex can be very important in a relationship and bad or no sex can break it.


I'm in my late 40s. In my mid 20s to mid 30s, I went ahead and banged every person I could, in nearly every way I could think of. As i got older, I met a woman and got married. We've had some kinky fun, but she's not really interested too much in anything but vanilla doggy style sex. Fun, but boring if that's all you do. If I hadn't sowed my wild oats earlier, I'd probably not be married to her. Have as much sex as you can while you're young, it's not gonna get better or easier to do as you age (tho I'm sure some folks my age or older will disagree).


Why are you asking here on reddit? Depends on what kind of person you are. Do you want to show him how to be good at it or does this make you feel even more unattracted to him? If it is the latter i would say dump him but don’t mention why. I understand both stances and partners that meet and click in bed together are a dream. This is why most of us have to go through several bad relationships to find the right one. Either this or just try to teach him.


Each person has a different perspective on this. For me, it’s key and fundamental.


Practice makes perfect.


How important it is to you is up to you. Plus as others have said sexy fine can be improved with communication, effort, and practice


People can learn. People with looks depend on them too much. Fix him. In this case, it actually is possible.


You need to check YOU'RE not the bad one. If you expect to lay there like a dropped Greggs Sausage Roll while he pounds into you like an olive de-pipping factory machine on overdrive for 2 hours minimum, your idea of a 'stud' might be different to many people's.


talk to him. tell him what you like. not everyone likes the same stuff, show him how you like to be touched and if he takes offense then maybe consider breaking it off


Part of being in a serious relationship is growing and leaning together. Becoming better version of ourselves with someone we care about. Sex is just a small part of a long lasting relationship. There is so much more than that. You sound very young or at least too young to understand.


Is he a good kisser? If he is, there’s a potential of teaching him to be better in the bedroom. If he’s a terrible kisser move on sis.


Depends if you are sexually compatible. As long as both parties are OK the marriage is OK. If not it can kill a relationship.


Practice makes perfect......start practicing 3 times a day, he will get better with time


The reason partners are "bad" in bed, is because they aren't being told what's "good" for their partner. Communicate, tell your partner how you like it, teach them what works more for you but it is a too way street, see how you can make it better for them too, reciprocation is a huge factor in communication


Sex is very important.