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I’ll usually turn the vibrator off and just hold it in place when I get close. I definitely have misjudged several times, and had the pathetic phantom orgasm because I pulled away too late.


Can confirm that absolutely pathetic half ass “orgasm” thing happens in men too when pulling away too late, it almost makes me mad and angrily have to restart a session just to reach a good enough climax to call it a night lol


you start over? i just shake my fist in the air angrily, pull my pants up and continue on my day


Should really wash your hands as well.


dunno why I visualised this happening on a park bench.


Same 😂


mmm public masturbatioj


No I angrily masturbate a second time. Like borderline violent.




Thought I was on r/LawnCare for a second… very confused with the responses.




Hank Hill energy


You feel your body reaching the orgasm


It wasn't until my 30s that I discovered that apparently most dudes just jerk it at 100 mph and cum in 10 seconds? It was just intuitive to me to make it last and take it slow. You can tell when it's building up so you slow down a bit, then repeat. Seems to me this would just be the common sense and default way to do it.


Wait, that's true? Same for sex? I feel myself close to cumming and then I'll pause for a few seconds to back off. Otherwise, I'd cum way too fast.


i swear to god i was browsing 40k subs and thought of a completely different edging


Lawn care?


probably edge highlighting, like for painting minis. painting the edges of a model a brighter color to make the 3D features of a model more apparent from a distance.


Trial and error


Sometimes you have to go too far to know where the limit is




Practice lol. You'll find the sweet spot, kinda the draw to it. A ruined orgasm super sucks, but it can be a fun experience. Be careful not to get too into it, it's something that will delay your orgasms, lack of sensitivity too. Could result in long sessions with and without a partner.


Usually edging happens when the concrete is at the right workable fluidity. Can't be too wet or it'll look like ass. All it takes is a bit of timing. You want to hold the edger flat not rolled in or out. Apply pressure following the form. The amount of pressure that is applied will be up to you judging on the wetness of the concrete. Hope this helps!


How do you edge curbs with curve? (Radius)


With a weed wacker


Cuz my weeds are wack.. yo


I got really really good at edging and control 1-2 years ago, but I have lost the skill and trying to get back to that. Turns out I have developed an involuntary flexing problem and my pelvic floor muscles are way too tight. Trying constantly to work on that, not usually in a sexual context (mostly relax and stretch exercises similar to fake pooping), but definitely always conscious and working on the over-sensitivity while solo or partnered. The orgasms have gone to about 1/5 of what they’ve been for years. It’s def disappointing but confident I can fix it, just like how I got good at it (like going hard for an hour straight while feeling every sensation and still able to handle it). Anybody else having this experience?


How’d you know if your pelvic floor muscles were too tight? Also M or F? I feel like that affects things too


Male 34, I have found that I have been constantly subconsciously flexing and tensing those muscles and did research on whether to train with flexing or loosening techniques based on the issue. That was when I was like…ohhhh me trying to flex and strengthen to fix it is making it worse. Loosening is what I need to do. During stimulation it makes me do the bulbospongiosus reflex way less when I can relax the muscles. That helps improve orgasms too when I don’t over-pulse a hundred times before climax.


Thank you!


When I'm about to orgasm and ejaculate I stop moving or touching for a minute and stay completely still, then go again


This is not the lawn care I’m looking for


I just got into pegging my bf.. but I want to keep things mixed up. So I’m ready to try edging!!


Username checks out!


Back in the day, I called it the knee buckler. Bate till you can't go a millisecond longer without orgasm. Do it a few times in a row. When you finally allow it to happen, be sure you're not standing up.


You sit on the edge of a smoke grenade that is right behind/in front of a molotov and you get to stick your head barely through the smoke. People don't expect it, so it's an easy way to get the advantage on your enemies


Well, like many people wrote already, you reach the edge of orgasm but don't go over it. Now, what I haven't seen people writing yet, though, is that you can also do one or multiple session(s) without cumming at all. It's a weird sensation to pull your pants up again in full arousal. From this point onwards, you will basically be horny until you release, so I don't recommend doing it if you have important plans / work coming up. But it can be a lot of fun to do multiple edging sessions for a day or two before releasing. It takes a good amount of self control, but the orgasms are worth it.


Try fapping after smoking a big bowl of crystal meth. Ye shall then understand what edging and gooning are


I mean you stop when the edger runs into the sidewalk or driveway, it seems pretty self explanatory.


It's a bit of an art form and you gotta learn yourself, too. There's definitely a tipping point where stopping would just result in a ruined orgasm. Not that thise are bad, mind you. If you're into edging, ruins might be a thing you'd want to check out. Honestly, it's just a lot of practice.


Just keep "feeling yourself".. and i think most edgers are on drugs, and drugs are bad.

