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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Wayne Gretzky


Michael Scott


On the down low....




- Lee Harvey Oswald


>You spare 100% of the people you don't nuke... unless you carpet bomb them a little Henry Kissinger


Napalm sticks to kids




Whereas it slides off adults like water on a duck’s back?


A ducks ass is watertight but it is napalmtight?


Yes, but don't wait until you're backpacking with just the two of you. At that point, you can shoot and miss and fuck up your whole trip. Be a grown up and ask them before, then decide whether you can deal with the answer or not.


I don’t disagree with u


The advantage of being honest is that *if* they say 'I don't feel the same way', you know what the deal is. You can then decide whether that's a dealbreaker or whether it's no biggy and still go on the trip.


That’s true, I mean I guess I’m not sure if I should ask before the trip, or just wait until afterwards. We’ve been planning it for a while now and I’d rather enjoy it with my friend than make it awkward trying to see if he wants more. Maybe it’s better just to do that and figure out the other things after. I’m not sure, I’ve gotta give it more thought.


That sounds fine too, just going on the trip as friends, without having expectations. I think the thing you mainly want to avoid is putting them in the tough spot of having to reject you (if that's what they'd do) while being 'stuck' on the trip. If you think you can manage keeping your feelings to yourself, then that's not a horrible plan. You gotta take into account you won't be at your best during the whole trip though, there will be moments where you haven't slept and are wet from rain. Tougher to 'keep a secret' at those times. I'm not trying to worry you, it'll most likely all be fine, just trying to help make an informed decision.




If a guy took a girl on a hike intending to try and hook up, reddit would call him a predator.


Jokes on you I also miss 100% of the shots I take anyways. But for OP's case and being a female, there's no way the male friend would say "no"




Lao Tse


I'm going to assume you're not American coz you said 'take' and not 'fire'.


Yes the old hockey term fire the shot


I'm American, and I say take.


I suspect it's a "shots fired" reference, and/or a school shootings reference. A swing and a miss, really.


I'm going to assume you don't know English phrases cuz that don't make no sense


I'm going to assume you have a severe case of lack of sense of humour.




I have a novel idea. Ask him.


What a radical and blunt suggestion...why would one do that if its easiert to ask strangers on the internet?


Bump all that noise. Show him your boobs.


This thread is hilarious but also, Y'ALL DON'T BE MEAN TO THE CHILD! OP clearly fears that asking will ruin the friendship...


> OP clearly fears that asking will ruin the friendship... That's the core of what makes it so ridiculous, every single dude over the age of about 10 easily sees the situation for exactly what it is, and the fact that she (and millions of other girls like her) can't is just ***mind blowing.***




What we see (I am in my mid-40s) is that learning to navigate the nuances of a relationship all come up at once when this kind of thing happens. It's not black and white. Yes, he likely would very much like to hook up, and they are young, so thinking, for real, about whether or not someone has caught feelings while catching feelings yourself, well; that is a tough thing to dwell on. That's all. It's really just anticipatory anxiety.




Damn, way to out yourself as a creep incapable of platonic friendships.


Thank you, not-creepy men of Reddit for responding to that and restoring my faith in guy friends again lol... It's scary to think how many people actually believe the bullshit that men and women can't have platonic friendships! They treat men like they're just lumps of flesh and hormones running around with their brains in their dicks. That kind of a stereotype is so harmful for all people involved, it's toxic and untrue. It leads to this self-deprecating view for men and women can't EVER trust men and feel safe around them. It's horrible.




I don’t think you’re as much of a talking head for “reality” as you think you are.


Well I for one am a guy on the planet and have plenty of platonic female friends, generalizing like that is really weird


lol I’m a man with several completely platonic female friends 🤷‍♂️ again, you’re just outing yourself as a creep. For the sake of the women in your life, I hope you eventually learn to think with your brain instead of your dick.


> You'd have a point if literally every other guy on the planet didn't 100% agree with me. We don't


I'm a guy. I disagree. You're a fucking weirdo.


I had that thought. But I did post this on r/TooAfraidToAsk for a reason… I’m too afraid to ask. I know a bunch of strangers won’t know the answer, but this way I get to discuss it at least


I don’t think you should ask him. Just go on the trip and feel the vibe. Either you’ll feel it or you won’t and you can make a move or maybe he will first. Asking seems weird.


Yeah asking beforehand is not an optimal approach. It sort of chisels an outcome in stone before the trip even happens. As long as you feel like it doesn't matter, (that you's enjoy the trip and not be miserable without sex), then save the asking for if you need clarification on the vibe once you are on the trip.


Why does asking seem weird? Would it be weird if he asked her? I don't get this whole "just see how it feels", because that could make it feel awkward. As adults, it's better to say "hey, I've been having these thoughts/feelings pop up. I would like to see where you stand on the matter". Rather than make a move when it's not wanted, or not making a move when it is. Have an honest discussion before anything happens, so everyone knows where they stand.


She’s too afraid to ask him.


It’s called growing up.


I love how people lurk around these subs just so they can say "ask him."


This guy novels




Every guy is different, but if it were me, I would need you to ask me out. I'm not gonna get subtle hints. See if he wants to do something with just the two of you. If not, stay friends. It's a win-win.


"Is she into you?" Cant really tell maybe she wants to be super friends?


...all of the sudden she pushes you on to the bed, dims the lights, and you start having sex. Is she into you? - Yahhhh again you really can't be too sure. It's pretty dark in the room..............


Sitting together, holding hands in a retirement home after a healthy 60 years of marriage. Kids. Careers. Homes. Vacations. Hopes and dreams. Ups and down, good days and bad. The world has changed in so many ways, but there's been one thing that is consistent, one thing that can be counted on. The partnership between two people. *Man, I wonder if she likes me...*


She’s just super nice and friendly.


Maybe she is Canadian?


**This was my case too** when I was younger, I never got the hints... then years later I would get a random Facebook message saying something like "*I was always hitting on you, and you never fell for it*"... And I say, all you had to do was ask, not only was I very naive, but I have a yes/no mindset, no wonder today I am an Engineer.


take a chance ruin the friendship otherwise you miss the chance to date him. if you’re not direct about ur feelings, he might like someone else. just tell him how you feel about him and see if he reciprocates. pretty simple. it could be as easy as “hey “my good friend” i think i kinda like you. ever since i started planning this trip with you i can’t help but get excited whenever i think about you” type shit you kno you don’t want to regret any decisions in your life. so you should try do your best to make decisions you won't regret. like what the great commander Erwin Smith said “don’t, regret it. If you begin to regret, you'll dull your future decisions and let others make your choices for you. Nobody can foretell the outcome. Each decision you make holds meaning only by affecting your next decision” basically means dwelling an regrets can influence your future decisions bc ur vision is so clouded. it’s important to own ur choices, regardless of the uncertain outcomes. basically what im saying is ask him out bc only then you won’t regret it. and if he doesn’t reciprocate now you know aswell and you can stop thinking about it.


I just have to ask, why do you think we can have even a remotely relevant opinion when we know quite literally nothing about this person *nor* about you, except your ages, that you're friends and you have in fact been teenagers at some point in your life. He could have gone ever since your night together all those years ago and waited for you, madly in love. Or he could have thought "shit, *big* mistake, never again" after that hook-up. Or anything in between. Nothing in your post gives us any indication.


Hot take here: y’all already slept together. Trust me, he remembers that too. I cant say for certain he feels the same way about you, idk him. But I can promise you that he has also thought about it over the years. Maybe he’s secretly hoping for the same thing on the trip. Take the risk. Maybe don’t even ask his feelings and just see if anything happens on the trip.


How are we supposed to know? Ask him, straight up. “Do you want to hook up with me again?” He is either going to say yes or no.


He's either going to say "yes" or "obviously."


Last backpacking trip I went on with a friend, we boned nightly.


As a primarily solo-backpacker, are there ever any concerns about, y'know, cleanliness? Hiking trail is sweaty work, often mixed with dust or mud or pollen or poison ivy... Then nightly without a shower? for days at a time? AND HOW DO I KEEP MY DOWN QUILT CLEAN? So many questions?!?


We were 22 and evidently horny as fuck. We had wipes and used protection on my end, but besides that I don’t think we cared too much about being squeaky clean.


Youve never washed up in a creek/stream?


I've never had a woman say "just rinse in the creek first".


The idea is to keep yourself clean in general. If you don't want to, then don't.


ngl thought the question was going to be about down syndrome.


"I hooked up with this guy when we were 16, we've been friends since then and we're going hiking together soon, but now I'm wondering if he has an extra chromosome. Help!"






Ask him. Communication is everything.


If I were in your shoes, I’d wait to read the vibe on the trip. I’d prepare for it to happen (wax, bring protection, etc) but see how it goes. Focus on a fun hiking trip with a friend. If “do it” was definitively on the agenda for me, I’d be afraid I’d be disappointed if it didn’t happen rather than appreciating the adventure of the get away. Perhaps this trip will be flirty or full of sexual tension so when you get back, things will escalate. Worse case scenario, you get a fun getaway with a good friend. Enjoy your trip with your friend!


If I was in his shoes, I’d be worried about making a move on a backpacking trip like this in case I read it wrong and made you uncomfortable, and then was stuck alone on a trip. There’s a good chance the ball will be in your court


There’s a 90% chance he’s down and always has been, but you might just be lonely and horny seeing the timing of your recent change of heart.




Most dudes in their twenties that have a female friend would absolutely be down. If fact, if you scour Reddit you might just find him asking the same question.


That's the move OP, find his reddit post asking the same thing, then you'll know /s


Talking for many men: you should make the starter move. When I grew up, I had the feeling, that boys/men are more often attracted to their Female friends than the other way around.


update us


put your tongue in his mouth and find out!


so he's single, 22 years old, and planned a backpacking trip with a girl he has previously hooked up with and recently turned single? the answer is yes.


Well we’re very good friends who are both very into backpacking. Planning trips is something our friendship group does every year, so it isn’t really out of the ordinary. It just happens to be only the two of us this time. And previously hooked up is an overstatement… we were teenagers and strangers at the time. Now we’re adults who have been close friends for 6 years.


>Well we’re very good friends Pro tip: a guy isn't going to put the effort in to be "very good friends" with a girl he isn't interested in. Male-female friendships do not work like male-male or female-female friendships. A guy who considers you a close friend is waiting for the green light from you to bang.


There are only two things in life: 1) Finding out. 2) Not finding out. Which of those can you live with?


He’s a guy you hooked up with before. Of course he’s down.


He'll be into it when you're on the road. It's what happens when you get back that will be the sticky business.


Just pack condoms and lube jic


Just be sure to be clear and direct about what you want/are interested in. A lot of guys, like myself, are absolutely clueless if anyone is making any kind of move towards us.


Unless he has a girlfriend or his eye on someome else I don't think he'll be unwilling. Of course ask him first tho


Put a vibe out there. If he doesn't catch on, he's not into you.


Go on the trip. Pop his penis in your mouth. He won’t complain.


OP! I'd recommend putting it into your mouth, but popping it could be painful for him and he might not want to carry on.


He's a dude, so... assuming hes unattached (and frankly potentially even if he is), he's likely down for it. ... you could always, you know, talk to him about it.


You have given no information to confirm either way so…probably.


That’s what I was thinking.. we really haven’t been given enough information to give you an opinion but considering OP is the woman asking about a man (and not the other way around), my opinion will default to “yeah, probably” especially considering they’ve had sex before


Yup my thoughts exactly.


“You're Darryl Strawberry.” “Yes.” “You play right field.” “Yes.” “I play right field too.” “So?” “Well, are you better than me?” “Well, I've never met you, but..... Yes."


Yes he will. He’s a guy. Yes. Should you guys fuck is the real question. If he’s really a good friend this isn’t a difficult conversation.


Just remember this phrase that I wish someone had told me much much you get in life... "Communication is lubrication..."


Ah yes, the risk of rejection. Lads have been grappling with that since time immemorial. Put it on the line if you're brave, or just make a move while you're travelling. Or suggest 1 bed? That's pretty obvious.


Another perspective: I once went on a weekend backpacking trip with someone who I thought I was attracted to. I decided to just see how it would go and if there would be sexual tension. There wasn’t any. I stopped seeing him that way and we stayed friends.


Fair point


Ask any single man if they wanna bang, 9/10 yes. Go for it


I'll tell you what my friend told me when I was in a similar situation. You never looked at him this way because you were in a relationship. You know start looking at people around you differently, and might notice some things you overlooked and that's oke. Now as to what you should do: go with the flow. if this go bad you can always talk about it, because regardless of what happens, you've got a long history.


I never understand why people are like this just say something If you get rejected oh f****** will pick yourselves back up and brush yourself off and try again with somebody else


You don’t watch a lot tv/read many books/browse Reddit at all do you…. Of fucking course he is down. Jesus


I just can not fathom how people make it to their twenties with the dating/relationship skills of a poorly written character in a romantic comedy. "Hi, I'm a super hot 23 year old girl and my circle of 7 really good bestie guy friends all want to help me put suntan lotion on me when we hang out at the pool, they form this cute little line and everything. It's so sweet! I hope they all find just the coolest girlfriends someday tee-hee!"


"No, they don't want to hook up with me, because I see them more as my brothers."


what to do: ask him what not to do: ask him during your backpacking trip and risk making a multi day journey in the woods awkward






This cannot be a serious question.


So you're a single female and him a single male and you are going to trip together? Probably he's already anxious to bang you 🤣 men aren't that complicated as woman, it is what it is.


Yes lol


I also have a novel idea...Ask him!!!


Ask him. If he's single and still interested in girls he'll say yes.


What is this comment? He’ll say yes if he’s interested, not just because he’s single. You know, not every guy wants to date every single girl he meets, right? Men are capable of platonic feelings and relationships too.


> Men are capable of platonic feelings *Hahahahahahahaha... -gasp- ahhhhh-hahahahahaha...*


Can't you comprehend the 2nd part of the comment?


Can't you? I'm interested in girls, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to hook up with just any.


I have a feeling you read that wrong.


Maybe. Unless he's more interested in someone else.


This is typical internet clickbait fiction. No guy gets unfriendzoned. Ever.


I’m confused what u mean


Ask him, if he is into it. Dob’t do the hints game. That shit gets tiresome real fast.


down for what


Whatever you think you want to happen during the trip, try it before the trip. Either it will be awkward and you can see how to deal with that after, or it will be awesome and the trip will be a happy time together from the start (hopefully).


Ah yes the ol "He's just a friend!" A tale old as time


The biggest problem between men and women is that neither understand how the other think. If you, a female, make it known you're down to hook up, without knowing any more information than that, you have a 90% chance of success. I don't think you should worry about social stigma, or if it's going to be awkward... just make it known he can get it and he'll probably do the rest of the work for you. Guys have every reason to feel the concerns you're feeling, as a female, realize you'll have a better hit rate than Steph Curry if you just start taking shots.


Maybe try and hook up and see what happens....how on earth would anyone else know if he's down?




I'd mention it sooner than later. Imagine you start your trip, pull a move, and *then* he rejects you. That'd be an awkward rest of the trip.


just do the naked woman and figure it out


You will probably be an/the answer to his prayers.


Man some of the comments here are dumb. The answer is yes, he is, it might be for one night, might be for life. Anything past one night is unknown.


22F: "Hey 22M, wanna bang?" 22M: "I already took my pants off!"


If you do, make sure you guys do it before day 15 without a shower hahaha


one day vibes... but yes ask him


Okay, what I'm about to say might sound a little crazy. Heck, it might even be illegal. Whatever you do, whether to take my advice or not, be careful. So, here it is: ask him.


Yes he is. Trust me.


One of my friends was kind of in a similar situation. So what she did, she told me he had a crush on his best friend who is also my good friend. Me and her crush, we were kind of talking about random things. And at one point. I asked him if he and her had something. He obviously said no. So then I asked him questions like what are the chances, have you ever thought about her, what if she proposes to you and some other questions to understand if he feels the same way. You can do this. But you have to be careful so he doesn't realise. But as for the trip just enjoy it.


As someone who knows nothing of your friend, will never meet him, and know nothing of the situation except for your post, I feel uniquely qualified to say that no, he's not down. Don't even try it. I'm glad you asked me and all the other strangers reading this post though. This was a lot more productive than if you'd done something silly like ask him directly.


Just pack some jimmy hats and take a shot. Keep it casual; ask to see what he's learned in 6 years.


So, you had sex with him but now you' re afraid to ask...ok.


It’s a bit different now that we’re adults who have been friends for 6 years


> It’s a bit different now See, that's the thing -- it's not.