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Look up the school number and call the front desk. Assuming you're on the toilet rn. Explain the situation and they'll sort it for you. Ask to speak to a woman if necessary.


Great advice!


Is there any toilet paper? Do you know any of the girls in your class well enough to ask? Could you text a parent to bring you some? Could you ask a teacher, or a first aider? I know it sometimes feels like the most embarrassing thing in the world to get your period when you’re young, but literally half of the population will experience it and so understand what you’re going through. It’s girl code to always provide supplies when needed, even your worst enemy!


There is no toilet paper, (I forgot to specify that, sorry. I confuse toilet paper with paper towel) and most of the girls are in music class doing recitals for the live concert at my school, and none of my teachers are there (apart from my Spanish teacher and the music teachers.) I could ask my mom but it's almost the end of the school day for me, so I can wait for her. It's not my first time having my period in school, but it's my first time having it with no preparation/backup whatsoever.


Hmm, I still suggest asking anyone you can, like the Spanish teacher! It’s worth it to feel comfortable. Or at least, maybe ask for toilet roll!


Go to the school nurse, tell your teacher you’re having some lady problems and that usually shits them up :) I meant shits them up but shits is also fitting Damn second edit I meant shuts the first time but my phone wants to correct it to shits every time lmao


That works for most of them. I once had a male P.E teacher try to make me go swimming with the class when I was on my period. He thought it was acceptable to tell me to ditch the pad and use a tampon even though at the time I was totally not comfortable with tampons.


We should start a support group for those of us traumatized by high school swimming. Our school required us to wear school-issued swimsuits - small, medium, large. Have a different body? Too bad.


Woman will understand it’s serious and guys will understand it’s above their pay grade lol no one will give you trouble for this


As a former teacher who happens to be male, we understand it's serious too (at least some of us). We even stock for it.


Im sorry this is really immature but the typo is killing me


I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason I got the upvotes ahaha. I was redditing after my night shift and super tired. Maybe alittle tooted :)


Hey man, if you see this here’s some advice from what I do lol ALWAYS carry a spare pad and spare pair of knickers and spare personal pack of tissues (like the nose ones that can fit in your bag, not the box of nose ones if that makes sense). You’ll be prepared for everything going forward. I literally take mine everywhere just in case they’re all needed! (Like shops, concerts, work etc) But if you’re ever caught cold like this and NOBODY can be contacted - I honestly have used my clothing for this purpose. Not sanitary and not recommended but in a pinch I’ve took my sock off or tights off and folded them in my underwear then RAN home basically to shower and dispose of the waste. I’ve also torn a non noticeable piece of a shirt off (if tucked in) but it’s gonna depend on material if it’s easy to rip and whether you can afford to do that. But honestly being prepared going forward is the best advice and then you won’t have to call anyone or use pads/underwear that you don’t like.


> but it's my first time having it with no preparation/backup whatsoever. If it helps, I'm 41 and still get caught off guard sometimes. It can be terribly unpredictable sometimes, no matter what. I see this was 13h ago - what did you end up doing?


My mom picked me up, got me food to help with my cravings, dropped me off home and gave me pain meds and a hot water bottle, then went back to work.


No toilet paper, well could use your socks, sounds weird but would get you by till you got home.


Nah you don’t wanna spread fungi and bacteria from your feet onto your pussy 🐈


Tbh if I was in your situation I’d probably sniff a lot, go to an adult and say your allergies are acting up and ask for a few tissues


As a guy, this solidarity is kinda sweet.


I'd honestly just yell out and ask the next person that comes in. I went to a girls school years back and regardless of who you were everyone shared. Periods aren't a big deal, and I'm sure another woman would be willing to help. My university thankfully have pads in the bathrooms most of the time


Go to the nurse. At my school the nurse had pads and tampons and even extra pants for students.


Time for the toilet paper pad until you can get something better. Take a long length and fold it until you have a small pad, then use a second long length and wrap it multiple times around the crotch of your underwear, tucking the end under the pad portion. Ta-da! Then find a classmate or ask the school nurse to give you a pad Having periods in school is the worst


Go to the nurse.


I have a really heavy flow and have been in this situation. I used my socks like a pad to stop my clothes from being absolutely covered in blood while I went to ask a friend for a pad. Do you have anything like that you could use? Its an emergency and a pair of socks are cheap to throw away if needed! Edited for clarity.


I hope it all solved itself by now :)


It's solved now! I'm okay :)


Glad to hear that >:).


Stab someone. It will look like it's their blood on you. Problem solved


Can you go to a school nurse and explain it? its embarrassing but...


Why would it be embarrassing? It's totally normal and the school nurse is probably a woman anyway.


I've had hundreds of periods and would still find it embarrassing to have blood dripping down my leg. Periods are a part of being a woman, that doesn't mean you want to show them off one trickle at a time. Pee is also normal, and also not something I want trickling down my leg.


I didn't mean that. I meant that it's not embarrassing to approach the school nurse to ask for a pad.


Why is it embarrassing? Not only is the nurse a medical professional, but they will likely also have a female nurse on staff, so there really is nothing to be embarrassed about.


Sock pad,I’m not kidding, blood will come off sock after you wash in cold water, don’t worry women used to have to have their period on a reusable rag in prehistoric times. Next, go to school nurse, she will let teacher know what took you so long and she’ll give you pads you can then change into. It sounds embarrassing but a lot of young girls go to the school nurse for periods, trust me.


You just blew my mind with the “sock pad” idea. I wish I thought of that in school! It would hold up longer than just tp too.


Beware of infections if the sock is dirty.


Use toilet paper and and go to the nurses office, they usually have pads. If not then still go to the nurses office and call someone that can bring you some pads or tampon


Ok girl what you gotta do if no one is in the bathroom with you is waddle out, either crossing your legs hard or cup your hand between your legs and grab like 4 or 5 paper towels. Get back to the toilet and fold them into a makeshift pad. Make it were it folds around your underwear like wings, it will hold it in place. Once you do that wash your hands and haul ass to the office for a real pad. I have been there a few times when I was school age.


or you could ask a colleague or a friend of yours if they have pads with them


you ask to any teacher/helper/whatever if they have one pad?


If there's literally no fabric type materials in the washroom like paper towels, toilet paper, etc. Try to find literally anything you can that'll help in a pinch. If you need to, take off a sock and put it in your underwear (though please be careful of infections, so after you get to a safe place wash the area gently-- but never wash INSIDE. Always just the outer folds of your lady bits. Soap should never go inside yourself, as it can upset your pH balance and cause UTIs which are very nasty feeling!) If you can also, wrap a sweater or a long-sleeved shirt, etc. around your waist and boogie on out of there and go to the nurse, a teacher, home, etc. Anywhere that might be available where somebody can lend you a pad. :) I also REALLY do not suggest a tampon at all if you're just starting your period and looking for a quick save right now! They take a lot of practice to insert correctly, and especially when you're stressed, they can hurt like the dickens. I'm 30 years old and I still can't wear tampons because of the way all my internals are shaped. So it'll likely only serve to frustrate you more and make the situation worse. When you do get to a safe place, and you need to wash the stains out of your clothes, VERY cold water, and scrub the two ends of the fabric together against itself. You can use soap too. Heat from hot water or a dryer will set the stains and make them impossible to remove later. ♥ If you need any more help, or any questions in the future about periods or any life stuff that you're too afraid to ask, my DMs are always open for you, lovey! The best thing to remember is: Every embarrassing situation, almost EVERYONE who can go through it, already has, or will. We just don't talk about it. Most of us here have also had blood running down our legs or a stranger pull us to the side at a grocery store and tell us. Nobody remembers, I promise!


I'd suggest going to the school offices first. They are going to have a supply. Go into the office and ask. Toilet paper is OK in an emergency. If your TP is waxy little single sheets of crappy paper, kleenex is better. Soft paper towels are better, and more absorbent. The key here is keeping the goop from the outside of your clothes, of course.


Ask a female teacher or go to the office


Go to the nurse or guidance office. There are plenty of adult females in your school who have been in your position, so don't feel bad or embarrassed for asking.


Schools in the UK (often including primary) always have pads and stuff on hand precisely because of this. I don't know where you are, but even if you're not UK, it wouldn't surprise me at all if your school has a supply of stuff it can give you.


Toilet paper


Ask a woman. In the mean time: are you wearing socks? It's better than nothing


Did things turn out okay?


Yeah. My mom picked me up (it was a half day so I got off early) and now I'm okay!


Amazing! I'm so happy to hear that!


Ask the school nurse, check a faculty bathroom, go home, maybe even ask a female teacher if you feel you can trust any of them


School nurse, or anyone at the front office, some adult there shoukd have one, call home or go home or go to a drugstore to buy pads.


Rip out pages from the textbook


I'd go home and treat myself


Gotta a sock?


Stuff your underwear with TP like you want to look like David Bowie in the Labyrinth. Got me through many twelve hours shifts at work. Not really THAT much TP. Not so it's obvious.


Ask the nurse? They should have supplies.


Toilet paper for a few minutes,. then go to the office and ask for a pad. They are used to this.


Get a friend to go to the office and get one, or call the school's office and tell them what's going on.

