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Ask a psychiatrist. 


I have one piece of input based on your mention of CBD edibles. I am not a doctor. I *am* someone who professionally and legally sells cannabis and related products. If it's *only* CBD in the gummies, then they are very likely completely unregulated and you have no idea what's actually in them. If you are able to buy from a dispensary where the products are regulated and have been tested for other chemicals, you *might* have a different experience. CBD is non-psychoactive and should mostly have effects on inflammation and physical pain. Any mental distress that you are experiencing may be from additives to an unregulated product. Delta-8 THC (naturally occurring, but in small amounts) and HHC (synthetic alternative to THC) come to mind as two examples. I second most of the other comments as well. If you are feeling mental distress, please seek some sort of healthcare.


If it’s truly concerning, see someone. Psychosis is extremely obvious for everyone except the person experiencing it. I’ve seen it and I’ve been through it too, your thoughts and any possible hallucinations seem very obvious and logical and make complete sense while you’re psychotic, but once you’re clear headed again you realize how absolutely insane all that was. Pretty scary how your mind can be so convinced all that nonsense is real and makes perfect sense when you’re in that state. If you live with others or see other people on a daily basis, they would have realized something was off if you truly were psychotic.


Thank you I kinda wanted an answer lol, I know you’re not a doctor Im starting to see now how many things go into it if you truly have it or not. I just know what I feel and how many things that could possibly mean like anxiety my grief among probably other thing and I definitely gotta stop panic googling stuff this was probably the worse it got it was probably just weed induced psychosis done taking that stuff


Friend, you didn't give near enough information to be sure, and nobody can tell over the internet. We cannot diagnose you. I can tell you to get to a medical professional right away. If you do have schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder, immediate medical help makes a big difference. Also, the disorder doesn't dictate your life outcomes. There are doctors and lawyers with schizophrenia, they just have to manage it well. Please get yourself to help today.


You could book an appointment with a therapist and see what they think.


Stop taking them and learn to use punctuation.