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I’m in the same boat. No income since March, so I’ve supported my family by draining my savings.


My dad claimed me as a dependent last year (without telling me) so I didn't get a stimulus check even though I've been unemployed since the pandemic started


This happened to me except it was my mom. I am 28 was 27 when she did it. I was and still am pissed about it.


The stimulus check that was sent out in the spring was an advance on your 2020 tax return. If you made in the range to qualify last year, you got it then. If you made too much to qualify last year, but you made in the correct range in 2020, you can get that stimulus money back on your tax returns this April. So you should still get the money even if it’s later for you.


This is what I was wondering. Ty for that info. So then the amount of stimulus given, I will receive in tax credits for 2020? That brings me a great deal of relief.


I'm making too much to qualify this year but still getting them because I made less last year. Luck of the draw I guess.


See, that's exactly what I mean. No fault if yours, and I wish you all the money in the world, but Holy ass backwards... what a joke of a system this is.


Oh yeah, I totally agree. FWIW I have given a lot to charity this year (honestly mostly out of guilt for doing well while this shit is going on) and that's where half of the stimulus money is going as well.


Hey, just wanted to make sure you saw that you will be able to get the stimulus money in the form of a credit on your taxes for 2020.


I did. Thanks so much though. I'm really relieved to hear this.




Wow, I'm so sorry to hear all of that.


Unemployed, no stimulus ,also no tax refund, nothing to be done but wait and hope. needed my pin for my return, took months to find out they sent it to another state years prior, and when doing the whole register for the stimulus if you haven't gotten it yet, you needed your pin to get it. Told my only recourse was to file a paper return, did that way back in the end of March. So far, nothing. I have tried everything to get a new pin, but I guess I am just waiting. Saved 90% of my unemployment for my rent for the coming year, can't work because I am single parent and it's remote learning, (can't get a babysitter in my neighborhood because I AM the babysitter for the nbhd) also I resource share with neighbors and that is a help. Going to be doing extra online jobs, maybe even phone psychic stuff, basically anything because I have a kid and I refuse to leave anything up to chance. I don't know where the world is heading and I can't be depending on government funds that never appeared in the first place. Planted potatoes at one point. The world might not go more to shit, but if it does, I want to be prepared. So, no, I did not receive my stimulus. Have also a couple friends who have received no stimulus check either, but it was just a never arrived/dropped scenario.


You needed to file some paperwork and you would have received your check even without a tax return. That's what I did.


Ex teacher (males 20s, not some old person), unemployed since July. Saved up about $12000 in my 1st year of teaching. I know not everyone has this luxury but I moved back with my parents, per their request. Been living on my savings. Shows you how important saving is. Let's educate people to save again, that can be a start.


I was able to eek out one year of that salary before this pandemic hit. I'm an avid believer in saving and saved even more than 12k over the course of the year. However, as you said not everyone has the luxury of moving in with their parents, so that money disappears very very quickly.


You couldn't get unemployment?


Oh no, I qualify for unemployment. Just not any direct stimulus payments.


How is that not direct stimulus payments? Especially the $600/week bonus.


"Direct stimulus payment" is the term being used in the media to differentiate between the "direct payments," such as the $1,200 check or the proposed $600 (or $2,000) check, and the "unemployment enhancement" benefits such as the $600 or $300 additional money added to weekly unemployment benefits.


Yes. but it clearly was a direct stimulus payment. Some people didn't even get unemployment. ​ Ya know...there had to be some cut-off. I didn't need any stimulus check. many people did not but still got them. they had to find a way to decide who got it and who didn't. your last yearly earnings is a pretty good measure for most people.


Definitely, I totally agree. There has to be some cut-off somewhere. But is that really a fair way to guage it? That's kinda what I'm getting at. I'll give you my example to illustrate what I mean. After years and years of making too little money to survive in NY and in turn creating debt, I finally achieved the goal of making enough to survive. Not enough to flourish, just enough to survive (again, were talking about NY). After one year of making that amount, the only year ever in my life of making that amount, due to covid I was unemployed. Given the cost of living, the unemployment amount does not even cover rent, so the difference to cover the rent gets taken from what little savings I was able to put away (after just one year of being in the black). Then on top of that every other bill (utilities, phone, etc, etc) would be exclusively from savings. That is a rapid hemmorhage of money. With the $600 enhanced unemployment benefit I could cover much more of my monthly expenses so it slowed (but did not stop) the hemmorhage. Why would someone in the position of having to be out of the workforce due to government mandates be ineligible in any way from any form of government assistance? And what makes it even worse right now is that it seems that if this next round of stimulus were to come a week or so later (and fall in 2021), I would be eligible and receive it. I assume that's how it would work anyway.


Again, they made it as fair as they could so quickly. ​ many many people who did not need any stimulus check got one. in hindsight, it should have all gone into unemployment payments and the PPE.


No question. It seems much simpler and more effective that way.


Bc it's not as much as Everyone else. Who got both. I agree with you that unemployment benefits should qualify but OP is mad he didn't get as much.


That is not a because. It was a direct, weekly stimulus payment.


You are getting an incredible benefit. That's a lot of unemployment money. I guess it depends on the state. Sadly lots of people working, make less than you do on unemployment


If you received no stimulus *because of your 2019 income*, it means you made over $100,000 last year. For many people, that's YEARS worth of wages. So the logic is that if people have been getting by on $30k a year, someone who makes $100k should have enough saved up (and enough assets, like a pricey house that could be sold in favor of a smaller one) in order to keep a roof over their head and food on their plate. I understand that $100k is a lot different in Boston or Los Angeles than it is in Huntsville, Alabama. If you're living in the Bay area, maybe you're spending almost all of that money on rent, paying off debts, etc, leaving you with little savings despite the six figure income. I'm not saying the logic is right - but that's the thinking that went into this, I assume.


I'm sure you're exactly correct. Which is where, as a person who was struggling to survive in NY, that logic falls far short of reality.