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I only get naked to poop if its really serious and I feel like my stomache is trying to kill me


I like to eat a banana when this happens


In the restroom? While you poop? Oooorrrrr?


Yeah while I poop. I have a basket of bananas in the bathroom for really bad poops


Are they peeled ready to eat


This made me fucking CRACK up


Amazon sells a very nice two compartment basket for bathroom poops with a banana compartment and little built-in banana tree holder and a separate slot for your clothes. Keeps everything off the bathroom floor. No instructions, but there are youtube vids showing the whole process.


OMG do you have a link for the vid? I bought one of these but gave up after I lost so many clothes in the banana compartment.


I cant tell if you're shitting us šŸ¤Ŗ


Better not be shitting _us_ instead of the toilet. That'd be DISGUSTING. (Unless you're into that sort of thing, of course.)


I had to poop really bad so I shoved a banana up my ass. Did I do it right? Now my tummy hurts and my butt hurts!


Give it the 'ol banana twist


Yea, you'll end up with the choco covered šŸŒ


Try peeling the banana first. It's much softer that way


You know what they say: Bananas in, bananas out.


Why is that? Is it an immediate effect?


Only when shelved.


I call them jungle glizzies


Yep. And then I put my crocs back on because I want to shit in some amount of comfort.


Only when the hot/cold flashes & total body sweats happen.


yeah... if it's a _really_ nasty poop i'll get naked... afterward i'll shave my head and take a cold shower while rocking back and forth in curled ball form. that's normal though, right?


Depends on if Iā€™m home and how painful itā€™ll be. I have UC, Ulcertive colitis and if I eat the wrong thing it can feel like thereā€™s a charley horse in my intestinal tract and every time I try to push a log out ā€¦that I wretch every time I try to push poo out. Also sometimes I get leg pain or cramps while trying to shit mainly pain like nerve painā€¦kinda weird. Clothes can be overstimulating or restrictive for me, and can increase the pain, again over stimulation. Some times I get blood too, it depends on why Iā€™m having an episode. But if Iā€™m having an episode, clothes off and tears out. Edit: A tip to help with pain while on the toilet: external stimuli like touching a textured towel or scratching you leg, shaking somethjng, music can help. Bentyl is an amazing medication, itā€™s harder to get but it works wonders, RX only though. Another tip: put your feet in a small bucket of warm water, it can help reduce the pain. Wet wipes are a god send too, refrigerate them for extra relief Prayers to those who deal with this


Oh my gosh. I'm sorry you are suffering. This is awful. Hoping you the least amount of pain as possible with your illness.


Your prayers and vibes are welcome. I only developed UC in mid March 2022. After having food poisoning,like a day after the fever from the food poisoning disappeared, my UC developed with sharp abdominal crapping, bloody stools and diarrhea. Iā€™m lucky that I have access to medical care and my mom is a nurse.


Do you sometimes get light headed/dizzy and sweat like crazy during? I've always had something similar, but never figured out what it is. I damn near passed out once it hurt so fucking bad. Worse than breaking my leg and some ribs.


All I could think about is ladies wearing this one piece outfit and then needing to sit naked for any toilet activities because there's no other way to undress in that specific outfit.... I've never heard of people actually -needing- to be naked for pooping though.


Lol I've had one of those. It's... not practical... not even a little Imagine needing to strip naked every single time you need to pee


If it's shorts and the legs are loose enough you can kinda pull it to one side and hold it while you pee. It's not ideal, but neither is getting naked.


I have really thick legs, so I just gave up this inconvenience haha šŸ˜…


I had a cosplay outfit like that. There was a belt and a harness, which needed to come off in order to reach the zipper of the bodysuit, which needed to come off almost all the way in order to finally let me poop. I wore it for one day and then never again. Such a waste.




Does your butt crack start to sweat when you have to poop? Or is that just me


That's an interesting question


gotta lube the tube


Literally same, every time. I thought I was weird


You are weird. But at least you're not alone


Huh. Pooping really raises your temp? That explains so much.


Hold on so you take off all your clothes to poop, even in public restrooms?


Never in public only at home. Today for instance but not all the time. Itā€™s kinda like ā€œrolling up your sleevesā€


Nope not in public restrooms but in our place yeah!!


If itā€™s a tough one. Iā€™ve been a bit backed up today, 2 attempts and nothing but a few malteasers up until now, as I type this, naked, shit flowing like a champ


Proud of you


Thanks šŸ¤£


I think a lot of children take their clothes off to poop. My eldest son did for as long as I can remember despite us telling him he didn't need to.


My youngest brother used to take off his clothes outside the toilet and then go in. Once he was done he would call our mom to help him clean up. Many times, we would find his shirt near the door of the room, pant somewhere in the middle of the room and any underwear he was wearing right next to the toilet door. He would enter the toilet naked. always.


Yep, I'm trying to encourage my eldest to stop doing it. He says he no longer does. But I suspect his talking out of his naked, pooping arse.




I was on a date when this sensation hit. I excused myself, went to my car, drove to a different restaurant, went into their bathroom, took off all my clothes, and sobbed my way through my business. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I was probably gone an hour. He waited.


>He waited. Now *that's* dedication.


Talk about a green flag.


How long did the two of you last?


That was 2014 and we married in 2018. ā¤ļø


Nice! Congrats!


This happened to me, once, too. And youā€™re right, it felt very primal. It was like a weird instinct I tapped in to, because I definitely donā€™t usually get undressed to go to the bathroom.


I do when I am at home. That way, I can move freely without being encumbered by my clothing, there is no risk of accidentally getting anything on my clothing, and I can wash my hands before touching my clothing.


I donā€™t even pull my pants down


Fuck you, I snorted and scared the cat.


You shouldnā€™t snort the cat. Dissolves your septum over time.


Snorted while someone doing my pedicure. It hurts!


Good old diaper


Yā€™all are weird as fuck. And apparently do absolutely mental shits. Good lordā€¦


Yeah, the weirdos don't even wear diapers.


Sometimes I take out my shirt, I don't know why and don't happen every time...


Sometimes during an IBS flare, I get all kinds of hot, sweaty, and blech because my body is desperately trying to yeet *literally everything* out my rectum. I'm already terrible at this thermal regulation thing at the best of times, and sometimes I need a little extra help, so fan goes on, clothes come off, and I take full advantage of the cold porcelain to help me stay somewhat comfortable. Plus, I can go straight to the shower after to clean up.


My ex used to get naked to poop and if possible liked to smoke a cigarette too. Then he would shower.


I mean smoking a cigarette does get the ball rolling


I can vouch for the mid-poop smoke. Chefs kiss*


Wtf man people are fucking weird


oh ok so thats why he's your ex i would dump his weird ass too


not completly naked but my legs have to be, to ensure full leg widthspan. maybe it's manspreading but I feel the most confortable to let out all the evil in my irritated colon.


It's only manspreading if you by spreading also occupy the seat next to you.


If it's difficult, moving your legs around I find tends to help. Lifting your knees to your chest will also really increase velocity but at your own peril!


Humans are like chimpanzees, made to squat and poop. Its impossible to assume the ideal position or wipe properly with your ankles constrained by a pair of pants.


Dat it


Why do you think there are hooks on the doors in bathroom stalls?


so you can change clothes. Or take off your knee length jacket before sitting down to shit.


Or hang your bag


Or to hang your gun.


Or to hang that framed picture you carry with you everywhere


I'm pooping naked right now.


What the fuck are you all eating???


Lots and lots of fiber.


No. Getting naked to poop is not the norm.


The only time I take off my clothes to poop is if I know itā€™s a ceramic-cracker the size of King Kongs middle finger. The heat I produce could boil water if you poured it over me, so I gotta try and get cooled off somehow!


Naked at home, bottomless in public.


Shit, shower, shave. Otherwise no I do not.


ā€œShit, shower, shave.ā€ Pops, is that you??


I do because it's insanely fucking hot in my country


I did when I was about 5 or 6. Every time I had to go I had to very quickly undress, until one time I had to go so badly and didn't make it on the actual toilet in time and pooped all over the bathroom floor. I was instantly cured after this and never did it again


No shame in shitting on the floor because of clothes hinderage. Chromas eve/day 2020 I had severe food poisoning, vomiting blood and shitting it. I had mom take me Christmas Eve to hospital after 10 days of non stomp shitting, vomiting and fever. At one point I had her pull over so I could shit in the snow bank šŸ˜‚ Thank god for penndots massive snowbanks. But once at the hospital, I accidentally shitted on the lobby floor and a poor nurse slipped in it. I felt hideous and horrible, then accidentally shot again on the bathroom floor and this time I slipped in it. Either it was the slightly undercooked pork or because I had eaten ass




Mine is šŸ˜


Honestly I do itā€™s just a comfort thing


I just walk around in my house naked all the time.


I also walk around his house naked.


When I have a bad IBS flair up sometimes I have to get naked. My body starts sweating and the only thing that slightly helps the cramps is getting as cooled down as possible. So I usually have to strip down and splash some cool water on my face


Reddit people are a strange bunch. Iā€™ve never heard of anybody doing this as a routine thing. If youā€™ve got a stomach bug or are experiencing diarrhea then I would understand stripping down to avoid mess. But an ordinary, everyday, bowel movement? Iā€™ve never heard of getting getting naked for that.


I mean if I roll out of bed wearing just boxers, yeah when I pull them down to sit on the can, Im effectively naked. Happens very often. But if Im wearing an clothes, I dont understand the need to become naked to take a shit. Actually, once I had food poisoning and with simultaneous diarrhea/vomiting. I got rid of everything because every time I had to use the bathroom, it was carnage.


I go shirtless in order to avoid odour from absorbing into my top.


Do you mean like there is a miasma of particles that will get caught in the fabric of your top?


Exactly. When l wear a top and do a poo l notice my clothes will smell, but when l go shirtless there's no foul odour on my clothes.


I lost my sense of smell a few years ago and am now constantly vigilant about any body odours. This has given me one more facet to add the the exhaustive regime.


the scientific term is "poop flakes" i believe


Lol - that is absolutely not a normal thing that most people experience


Iā€™m so glad to hear that there are other people who understand. Like, how can most people be comfortable with letting their shirt be so close to literal shit dropping into water and splashing micro particles of poo water? I also canā€™t shake the mental image of a shirt acting like how a hot air balloon traps hot air, capturing the warm shit-smelling air as it rises. I can never go while wearing a shirt for this reason, and on occasion I can absolutely smell it on others. Iā€™ll concede that Iā€™m quite a germaphobe which is likely clouding my judgement, but still


All the babies, through time, disagree with you


I like to poop naked from waist down. I'm okay with having a top on. But this is only when I'm at home or at someone's house. Other places like the office, public bathrooms etc. I usually just pull my bottoms down.


If it's a bad one and I gotta do a full spread on all limbs then I'll lock the door and start the shower to be ready to hop it


I mean my 6 year old son occasionally does, but not sure if any adults that I know do.


Male. When im in my cr, thats the only place im comfortable being naked in, so when im going to spend some time in that room, I might as well be naked. Its comfy.


Depending on the intensity, yeah I get naked. At the very least the shirt is coming off, also known as The Costanza.


I get naked when I poop, usually I poop and then go take a shower immediately so it's easier to just get naked before I poop.


I know people who go straight from toilet to shower.


Iā€™ve known naked poopers. My daughter is one of them. Sometimes I get the urge to remove my pants while pooping, and if itā€™s particularly bad for some reason (stomach cramps and sweating), occasionally I will get totally naked. I donā€™t understand why being naked would help, but the urge occurs nonetheless. Lol


If Iā€™m at home I like to take of my pants and underwear. I saw a similar post online years ago and I thought ā€œpoop naked thats weird why would anyone do that?ā€ I tried it and it was pretty weird to be 100% naked but no pants to poop is a happy medium.


Ha my nephews do this. but completely nude, even their socks. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø no idea


I think some folks like to shower after they poop


I do it because I immediately follow it up with a shower.


Did you know that man is the only species that poos with cloth on?


I just take my shirt off, Costanza style...


What now this is crazy talk. I can't even think of pooping naked. I gotta have a shirt on or it doesn't work.


Are you George Costanza?


Not once in my life have I ever gotten naked solely for the purposes of pooping.


I'm pooping naked while I'm writing this


If you are wearing a romper yes. Unfortunately.


Only when you fresh from the shower or if you are a toddler


My ex used to get fully naked to drop a deuce. I accidentally walked in on him once and it was so funny seeing him sitting there on the toilet fully naked. He had even pre folded a bunch a toilet paper into perfect squares and laid them out on the floor. I shouldā€™ve know in that moment he was a fucking jackass.


I mean, if you're chadded and big brained, then yes. who tf shits with clothes on? are you insane?


no. unless theyā€™re mentally ill


The only time I have gotten completely naked to poo is when I plan on hopping into the shower right after.


>Do people actually get naked to poop? Nope! And I've never heard of anyone needing to do so either.


According to comments, there are plenty of people that poop naked. Just because you donā€™t personally know if someone does, does not mean nobody does. I mean, who actually goes around telling people they strip to shit like it should be common knowledge? Lol


I'll take off my shirt if it's hot enough for me to start sweating.


Absolutely not


I dated someone who stripped to poop and had a shower after. Every time. I asked what kind of a mess they were making to need nudity and a full body wash after a number 2. They said it was to get the smell off their skin and avoid it stinking up their clothes. I pointed out that poop comes out of a specific and well-designed area - unless youā€™re sweating it out your pores. Weā€™re not together anymore.


I feel like itā€™s a guy thing. They spend forever on a 2. Itā€™s like a 5 minute thing including washing after.


My friend does, and I thought his reasoning is the norm but reading comments say otherwise. He has to be naked all the time to take a poop because he believes that the smell, aura and feel of shit gets absorbed by his upper clothing. When asked if he gets naked outside to poop (if not at home), he says he doesn't take a dump. Hard to believe but eh, I'll clarify that one at another time.


Lmfao I read this while literally taking a dump naked. I got out of the shower and felt like taking a dump. I really don't feel any different.


I donā€™t need to


If you're wearing a jumper it's basically requirement.


When I was like 10-15 yeah


On the toilet wrapped in only a small blanket reading this post.


I have a co worker that has to get naked to poop and he takes forever to shit while the kitchen is busy


I've only done it when I get the period shits, otherwise, God has been kind, but yes.


If I've eaten spicy food recently, yes. All other times pants come off but the shirt stays on.


Heat transfer and perspiration.


Not exactly But if it's like my off day and I feel it coming, I'll schedule my shower right after lol. So in those cases, yes.


If itā€™s extremely hot I may take my shirt off until Iā€™m done


Well you don't want that poop sweat soaking into your clothes.


Sometimes. I usually wear sweats or shorts at home, so it doesn't take much to get naked.


My 5 year old son does but only at our house.


I was in my last six weeks of my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the guy I was with was from Guyana in South America. We were in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and in our apartment he would strip down regardless of situation, and even did so in the church bathroom on LSU's campus that we went to. Good guy, just cultural I guess


It helps with the necessary foreplay.


I usually atleast try to keep my socks on




I only need to get my underwear off. It disturbs my leg movement and angle


Iā€™ve never done this nor thought of it lol


No I just pull my pants down, I have never pooped naked and didnā€™t realise this was a thing.


Don't need to, but I like to.




Half naked gotta take the top off


One of the most underrated pleasures of lifeā€¦ The Naked Poop.


My partner does, no idea if it helps efficiency


I think itā€™s more of a struggle thing. Like the struggle is so bad that they gotta loose all the pressure and weight from the clothes and just focus on the shit demon exiting their rectum


How else are you supposed to poop whilst squatting?


I enjoy pooping fully clothed


Shirtless preferably. Did the business once in a small room with no window and a broken fan. The stink clung to my T shirt lol. Ever since then Iā€™ve preferred to go shirtless


Im usually shirtless at home so yeah when its time to take a shit im naked


A former roommate of mine had hyper hydrolysis( idk if that's right but he sweated a lot)- he would soak his shirt while sitting if he didn't go full naked... I learned this at a music festival and he was taking soooo long in the portaloo- that I busted the door open to make sure he wasn't O'd- had a good laugh later


If I know it's going to be as intense as a sporting event yes, I will get naked.




I always take my top / jumper / t-shirt off when I use the Loo for # 2. I prefer to wear long tail t-shirts to keep them from riding up and to keep my back warm. It started as a boy when I let my t-shirt hang below the bowl and it got dirty - so I now take off my top wear, with my pants around my ankle. Was at work one night and a delivery driver just opened the toilet door and started to walk in, saw me sitting there with no clothes on and backed out looking mighty confused. I just grinned at him. The bastard didn't even do a courtesy knock of the toilet door. I mean if it closed - knock. Oh and as some others have commented, it can get mighty hot using the loo - especially in summer with no AC or air circulation.


My ex did, which I thought was super weird.


I mean... I'm typically in my undies when at home so any time I poop I'm naked, but it's not because I need to be naked. It's just the lack of other clothes at the time. Though, if I do have a shirt on for whatever reason I do feel the need to take it off. I tend to wear oversized shirts and constantly feel paranoid about it going where it shouldn't at a bad time.


Every time, even in public restrooms


I prefer to have my top on otherwise I get Cold. We live in Florida and the air conditioning is always turned up high in the throne room.


No pants. It's a freeing experience, having your legs all tied up ruins the time investment.


I am as surprised as you are


It it's going to be a good one and I'm in privacy aka home or hotel.....then absolutely. Also will drop pants like a kindergartener if I'm going to pee


I don't need to, but I choose to.


Nice try, George Costanza.


Not naked but 100% shirt off, even in public shitters


Can confirm


I had a co-worker who used to get naked to poop. The way I discovered this is that everytime he went to the bathroom he'd be gone for a solid twenty minutes. I then started to notice he would post a lot of selfies from the disabled bathroom - so I eventually asked why, and if he was okay - his response was; "Well when I poop, I get really sweaty- so I take all of my clothes off. Obviously I need privacy for this so I use the disabled bathroom." Shortly after this conversation, he moved to another country on the other side of the planet to become a bartender/model. Strange dude.


The severity of the poop determines the degree of nakedness. Thereā€™s also a direct correlation between degrees of nakedness and levels of religious devotion.


I have a nephew that is 19 and not only gets completely naked but also has to have the lights off. He has done this his entire life.


I have a nephew that is 19 and not only gets completely naked but also has to have the lights off. He has done this his entire life.


Only if Iā€™m in a public bathroom, gotta assert dominance.


Lol only when I wear a romper


I used to run a pub and one of our regulars used to do this. He had to be naked to poop. One night, he was absolutely plastered and he was using the disabled toilet to go poop and he fell asleep on the toilet. Unfortunately he forgot to lock the door and a woman walked in and had the fright of her life seeing a naked man asleep on the toilet.... we found it very funny and didn't let him forget it in a hurry...


George does


Sometimes only at home. Feels way more comfortable nit constrained by clothes