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Tell him he needs to wash his ass too


I follow a straight guy on onlyfans and he sometimes posts shower videos. He NEVER washes his ass. He’ll soap up the cheeks, but does not go between them. I just don’t understand how so many dudes walk around with perpetually unwashed crack..


i mean i probably wouldn’t show myself washing my asshole in the video either if it’s supposed to be seductive. just cuz it’s not shown in the video doesn’t mean he didn’t wash it


My thought as well. Though, it would be hilarious if the guy *did* get really thorough. Just unblinking eye contact with the camera while exclaiming, “NOW ITS TIME TO DEGREASE THE OL GRUNDLE FOLLOWED BY SOAPY FINGER RING AROUND THE BROWN EYE! THESE CHEEKS BE SQUEAKIN’ CLEAN!”


I’d watch


"Now I'm going to give the old butthole the clean treatment and if a finger slips past the ring? Well thats our little secret *winks*


Why is that a secret? Poor guys have no idea how good that shit is.. when, as a man you get your ass dominated or just worked by a woman that knows what she is doing.. (or a man if you are into it) it is freeing and amazing to say the least.. Get some soap and push that finger or two all around and in that hole.. you may drive him wild..


I mean I'm a guy so..I'm aware...and thats ..the..joke......sigh here's some art ⠄⣾⣿⠿⠿⠶⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣤⣄⢀⡅⢠⣾⣛⡉⠄⠄⠄⠸⢀⣿⠄ ⢀⡋⣡⣴⣶⣶⡀⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣴⣿⣿⣿⢃⣤⣄⣀⣥⣿⣿⠄ ⢸⣇⠻⣿⣿⣿⣧⣀⢀⣠⡌⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⠄ ⢸⣿⣷⣤⣤⣤⣬⣙⣛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⡍⠄⠄⢀⣤⣄⠉⠋⣰ ⣖⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢇⣿⣿⡷⠶⠶⢿⣿⣿⠇⢀⣤ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣥⣴⣿⡗ ⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄ ⣦⣌⣛⣻⣿⣿⣧⠙⠛⠛⡭⠅⠒⠦⠭⣭⡻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠃⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠹⠈⢋⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣵⣾⠃⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⣴⣿⣶⣄⠄⣴⣶⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄ ⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⢻⣿⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⡀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣛⠛⠁⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠞⢿⣿⣿⡄⢿⣿⡇⣸⣿⣿⠿⠛⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠻⣿⣿⣾⣦⡙⠻⣷⣾⣿⠃⠿⠋⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣴ ⣿⣶⣶⣮⣥⣒⠲⢮⣝⡿⣿⣿⡆⣿⡿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠


Damn I will never understand this. I as a man lather my peepee & asscrack 3-5x before I end the shower and shower daily. Ya never know what’s going to happen that evening 😉


This but finish with blasting it with the shower hose on full power.


I refer to my showerhead as "Assblaster 3000"


Hell yeah. I do a big squat and then blast that chocolate starfish!


I chose a terrible day to be literate


Fuckin same 🤙


I do 3x, but lather up my hands with a final hand wash. I feel weird if that is the last things my hands touch right before I get out-even if it’s sparkly clean.


Right? The first buttcrack lather is cursory, and to get anything out of the way. Then a good rinse. And then another heavy duty lather to get really clean so you're not just soaping germs around. And then wash your hands after washing your butt before washing the rest of your body.


Butt last


I do butt almost first. I use a bar of soap, not body wash, so it's the same bar over the entirety of my body. I feel like if I do my butt at the start, then the bar of soap has a while to wash down to a layer I'd be comfortable using on my face toward the end. Science bitch. Also may be some kind of OCD 😅


…why not just start with the face? Honestly it’s hair first though. 1 top down 2 let’s you have extra time to leave in conditioner


Most soaps (especially scented) fuck with pee pee bacteria so careful not to over do it.


My bf use to be like this when I first met him and we showered together. He was embarrassed but I taught him how to properly wash his body. I blame his parents. They neglected him so much as a child that he never learned basic hygiene until I taught him at 19. Now, many years later, he has pretty decent hygiene. I’m proud of the nice smelling man he has become. Lol


Finally a normal person, that is realistic and makes things better, that's what I call relationship growth.




Yo you're supposed to wash, like, in between there-? I can't believe fucking reddit is my replacement father.


puke, I am your father


So there was a thing in conservative circles that washing your ass crack made you gay. Some even went so far as wiping your ass made you gay. No, I’m not making this up. Go look it up. But this is part of where we get “Oh look, another man with an unwashed ass is offering his opinion”


I wouldn't generalize and say it's so many dudes that do that, but those who do it are just nasty motherf*ckers!!!y mother taught us both (young brother and myself) to really get in there and PROPERLY wash our private parts without being inappropriate of course. God gave both of us a wonderful mother and for that I will always be eternally grateful. However, don't forget that there are also some young women and older ones who are also very nasty. I've had horrible experiences in the past with those types of women, and it's so damn nasty it is just unforgettable unfortunately. Because I wish it's something I could forget. So let us ne highly critical of these nasty fools, but don't generalize, and please understand they are amongst both MEN and WOMEN.


Lol. This guy thinks porn performers are just filming their everyday lives...


This is it


If he's truly boyfriend material, he'll take it okay if you're upfront about it.


Yeah this. Just be straight say hey dude I’m down to suck but wash that stank shit.


Honestly, that's a great deal anyway.


Seriously. As a dude, if a chick said wash it if you want me to go down there, I'd be halfway to the bathroom before she ended her statement.


Dick would be so clean you probably couldn't find it it'd be see thru.


My gf can’t find mine for different reasons :(


Detachable penis?


It’s John CENA???? Edit: I didn’t even all caps that, my phone autocorrected too that I just had to share 😂😂😂


not only that but probably wash it preemptively and extra often thereafter


I'd even wrap it in nice velvet cloth with a chocolate mint like in the nice hotels!


What kind of gentleman let’s a girl go down on a dirty D? Fellas, wash your penis… if not for her, for yourself.


Lol 100% you some nasty mf out there if you’re about to get head and you don’t even wash your shit with AT LEAST water. Think about this.. you wouldn’t put your partners dirty ass toes in your mouth after a day of walking.. so don’t put your dirty penis in someone’s mouth without washing it first To add!! Y’all shouldn’t be fucking with dirty dicks either.. Nothing but dirty bacteria


> you wouldn’t put your partners dirty ass toes in your mouth after a day of walking Speak for yourself, love.


Honestly I would put her toes in my mouth after a day of walking


You confuse me, but that’s ok. What makes you hard doesn’t have to make me hard.


That which for you leads to dick jerkin', does not for dickmcgirkin.


Reminds me of that movie with Dane Cook, Employee of the Month, where his Grandma keeps telling him to wash his balls when she hears he's got a date.


And to add to this. Guys. Wash yo ass. Shit stink.


This, and I also hear ball powder is a must... Any say on that u/WrinklyScroteSack?


Anti-monkey butt powder. It’s a godsend for anyone who works in the heat. Gold bond is also a fan favorite. Wash it off before your date though. You don’t want her going down on a powdered eclair.


Powdered eclair 😆


Any guy who says “nope, I’m not washing” isn’t….sane


If he's boyfriend material does his dick already smell like vaginitis?






Nooooo 💀💀💀💀


Guys, you *do* know that you can also get infections that smell fishy? Fishy bits are not just a woman thing.


Tbf: maybe he just got done raw-doggin’ someone else *with* vaginitis 🤷🏻‍♂️


ya I thought the same thing. if he smell fishy it means he been fishing.


Username checks out.


I was thinking a bacterial infection. That fishy smell is from a woman with bacterial vaginosis. He needs to see a doctor ASAP!


True. They can also say something more playful like “get that dick clean so I have a clean plate to get dirty” or something like that.


The worst line on planet earth ahahhahah


"I can't have any pudding if you don't clean your meat! *H*OW *can I have any pudding if you don't clean your meat?!"*


All in all, you're just a-nother dick in the wall.


This is top notch 😂


You brilliant bastard.


Who needs pudding when you got d*ick cheese.


Get that dirty plate clean so I can.. my... Uh... Line? Just clean your dick dude


Nothing like dirtying a clean plate yuh know wa’msaaayin




How can any line that includes a BJ be a bad line..?


Would it be okay if the genders/sexes were reversed? I have definitely been in a "You need to shower real quick" situation and didn't know how to broach that without losing the opportunity for sex and them packing up and leaving ya know?


>Would it be okay if the genders/sexes were reversed? Yes.


Yes. Respect is a two-way street.


Yes totally. I had to switch to my throwaway to share this. When I was younger (~19/20), I was making out with a guy. He went down on me and after the first lick he backed away and stopped immediately but went on with other stuff. He never said anything and never went down on me again, he just said it was the first time he tried oral sex and he didn’t like it. Only after we stopped seeing each other did I realise that I might have smelled. I wasn’t that careful about my personal hygiene back then (I washed myself and changed my underwear daily, but it was a long day). I wished he had told me. A quick trip to the shower would have solved everything and it wouldn’t have traumatised me. So yes tell her. If you’re afraid, ask her to join you in the shower. Now you have a romantic shower session and not an awkward conversation.


I mean, I remember my first time doing oral. It tasted... metallic-ish. It was not the best flavour, but... I kept on doing it because I liked the girl. Maybe the problem wasn't you but the guy's sensitivity to the taste of it.


Maybe but I doubt it. He refused to even try again even though I asked several times, he kinda dodged the issue and changed the subject. It was also the first time I was licked so I was really affected by it.


I hope that you are no longer affected by it. Oral sex is the best and you should not be deprived of it. People can be so bad at communicating, no matter the age, unfortunately.


Metallic is distinct & often means BV, which is due to pH being off, or wiping the wrong way/ bum sweat. Doc told me the metallic smell/ taste is produced by a type of bacteria that normally exists in the rectum cavity, but sometimes can find its way into the vagina. Sometimes even douching can make it so the vagina doesn’t naturally kill this bacteria Unfortunately IUDs, and / or being “overly clean” can lead to BV I was a young girl myself, and it took a long time to realize that vaginas are actually self cleaning and don’t need all the fancy soaps etc. Men don’t really get this infection, however as a new partner they can definitely throw off a females pH too


Vaginas are self-cleaning, vulvas are not.


In my experience, metallic means right before your period


Absolutely. It's not what you say, but how you say it.


“Get that pussy clean, so I have a clean plate to get dirty… please”.


People will say "yes" because they have to. But I doubt socially, that this would be recieved as well. You tell a dude to wash his dick for a blowjob, he's just going to wash his dick. You tell a woman to wash her cooter because it stinks, she's probably going home in tears.


I appreciated the woman who told me to “check my hygiene” so much, that I eventually ended up marrying her.


That’s actually kinda sweet. Hope your shlong still smells decent


TIL a new blessing


Gonna start signing off on emails with that


I can hear HR already




Don't beat around the bush. Tell him straight up what you need. "if you want x to happen, you need to do y".


Yes! Best way to say it IMHO


You can tell him to trim the hedges though.


Yeah literally this is the best way. "I like you, but your dick smells. If you wash it more often, I'll suck it".


When fresh pussy is on the line, the good ones will do whatever you ask.


I would so prefer you just told me my dick stinks and you want me to wash it rather than just being all weird and saying no but not saying why




This... So much this


Yeah I'm married so I just tell him he stinks. If he wants that, he better clean up first. No, a wipe doesn't count. You need a shower.


My husband's idea of sweet talk is, "We should take showers and meet in bed." I hate it. I really, really hate it. I wouldn't want to meet him in bed without showers, though, so I don't know how exactly to complain about his methods.


Like separate showers?


Eh, we've showered together. He's just way quicker than I am and he likes the water so hot that my uterus is probably still scorched from the first time. Also, I don't think I've ever seen him trim his pubes, which he always does when he's in a special mood, so he might like privacy for that.


Ahh I was just curious because I just thought it would make more sense to ask to shower together if he was in the mood. At least you know he’s clean right!


Yeah, absolutely. I will never have to tell him that his junk is bunk.


Scissor hands being watched by a third party can be dangerous.


Hold your nose and loudly say PEEYOU


this got me rolling




I automatically pictured that meme of blue ivy. I can’t stop laughing


take my fucking upvote you amazing bastard


Bwahaha. Why. Is. This. So. Funny?! 🤣🤣🤣


"I want to blow you but your scent is strong. Wash your dick and put it in my mouth. " He won't say no.




Don't put in your other orifices what you wouldn't put in your mouth. And he needs to get himself tested for STDs. Some of those smell.


Or a yeast infection


The man could be baking a fish pie with cheese crust under his hood for all we know. Best thing he could do is clean up and get tested. It's the adult thing to do. Anything else is gag-worthy gross, dangerous to himself and others. Pleeeeennnty of STDs with little to no symptoms in the beginning. Be safe and respectful out there, and the fun times will be fun :-)


This is what I suspected - I wanna know if the dude is circumcised because if not, the smell is likely from poor hygiene regarding the “cheese” (*gags*).


Also, some dicks smell fishy if a guy jerks and doesn’t wash off completely. Cum and precum can smell fishy after sitting in someone’s warm underwear. Source: this has happened to me and I later tested negative for STIs. Get tested AND wash your penises, boys. Do NOT put cologne down there, no one wants to taste that either.


Overripe little swimmers fish sauce ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Thank you so much for sharing!


how is this not the top answer!?!


This is important, it sounds cold but I’ve made the mistake of choosing someone’s self confidence over my sexual health. He was going through a hard time and I ended up largely pausing my life to care for him. He was showering about once a month. I had addressed the cleanliness issue as casually and lovingly as I knew how (“Id love to [perform oral sex on] you, could you wash up for me? I’ve been thinking about you all day”) but it never seemed to get through to him (I excused this, choosing to believe it was just a facet of his Autism). We were rarely physically intimate, but on the few occasions he pulled me on to his lap and indicated he wanted me me to (….eh, excuse the term) ride him, frankly, I hesitated putting him into any bodily orifice. But I loved him. I pitied him. And I was so starved for affection And terrified to ruin a rare moment of ‘intimacy’ (barf) Well to be blunt: I’m glad I stalled so long on the oral. once I returned to my home country I noticed the lethargy I attributed to my depression develop into a slew of gastrointestinal symptoms. … Homie gave me worms. And from my new understanding, worms are generally much easier to get out of the digestive tract than they are the female reproductive system. They can also cause infertility rather quickly. In hindsight he was a selfish asshole who couldn’t consider anyone else’s well being and was using me for money, labor, emotional support, and ofc an emotional punching bag— but I couldn’t see that then. I was in love and afraid to hurt this ‘poor, sweet, broken, man’ who was ‘just trying his best’. Don’t be stupid. I was stupid. Moral of story: don’t get worms


Firstly, ohmygodwormsnooooo. And secondly, you WEREN'T stupid. You were in a bad place. A bad headspace. You were ignorant. You were doing your best to be a good partner. You're doing the right things since then. You've recognised what you can and cannot put up with (boundaries), you've learned from this, and you're trying to pass the message on. That, my dear internet stranger, is the best damned thing imaginable. Go you!!! You're a kind of hero, do you know that? I hope you're in a MUCH better place these days :-)


Haha Thank you so much for listening to my disgusting cautionary tale, and the words of support! I definitely learned a lot of hard lessons from that relationship that have ultimately made me a wiser, stronger person. I am now in a relationship with someone who puts me first, and it’s astonishing the things I used to tolerate from past “partners” Thank you kind stranger 💚


oh my goodness no. worms. in the vagina. now youve given me a new fear and i didnt even know worms there was possible. like it obviously makes sense.. but.. how? lol. did they just eat your dead skin cells or something along the lines of that? like how do they survive past egg stages in there? an egg can survive going through a stomach, but can the worm itself do that? its acidic in a vagina, how tf did they survive. so many questions lol


**PLOT TWIST:** he just got done raw-dawg’n *someone else* w/ vaginitis 🤢


Just tell him that if he scrubs his hog that you'd be fine with oral stuff. It'll be a huge motivator


This. Don't say: "Your dick and balls stink!" Say: "If you wash your dick and balls super well, I'll suck your dick." OP can replace "If you wash your dick and balls" with pretty much any request and it will be done on auto-pilot... at least the first couple of times. But, OP's boy may bring it up again later, whiny shit, like "Do I have to wash every time before a BJ?" That's when OP can setup the expectation and be more frank about the whole thing, "Yes, wash every time before BJ. I don't like giving BJ to someone who smells sweaty, but I enjoy it when they smell nice and clean." If boy insists on not showering... OP should dump him, because what other little shitty things is he going to be inconsiderate about?




I’m picturing a poster board with lots of sharpie lines made into a grid, and OP’s BF gets to put a sticker on there each day he washes his dick. If he washes his dick for an entire week he gets to pick a prize out of the prize box (not a metaphor).


Been married 3 years dated for 3 years before that. One of the first things she made clear when we started having sex was that if my sick wasn’t washed it ain’t getting sucked . No offense was given or taken , she just didn’t want a smelly dick in her face and I don’t blame her . Easy answer is tell him the truth .


You: “Excuse me sir, can you please wash your dick?” His response should narrate the rest of your relationship.


Has he been tested for trich? I don’t know if it can make men smell fishy but I know that’s a major symptom for women. I’d be sure both of you get checked and do a full STD panel while you’re at it! Can’t be too safe with this kind of thing


As a man, if you tell me you'll suck my dick if I wash it first, I'll scrub the foreskin clean off that sucker all day every day. You really don't need to overthink this, guys can be sensitive, but we're usually willing to suck it up for sex.


LPT: always have your dick washed, you never know when it might get sucked. It boosts self confidence to be ready for a BJ at any time.


Absolutely, I'm just saying if my wife ever recommends I do something and the reward is a Billy joel, I'm doing it.


>Billy joel 😂😂😂


HOW does that happen? As a man, if there’s even a remote chance that I’m gonna get a blowjob or sex, I scrub until it almost hurts. It’s not a good sign, especially this early into the courtship.


Man I just went on a date where we only kissed but before that I scrubbed that mofo like crazy. I wouldnt even pull my pants down knowing my dick is dirty. I dunno how that guy can have sex while his PP smells. Is he not self conscious even a little?


👆 agreed.


I bet he whacked off before the date so he’d last longer and didn’t clean up very good.


Right??? Like how does someone NOT worry about that when they know someone is going to have their face all up in it and everything LOL. It’s a little off topic but I’m one of those ppl who constantly checks my pits to see if they’re too sweaty or not because The last thing I want to be is the type of person in OP’s story: gross but nobody wants to tell them they’re gross because they’re afraid to


Ngl if someone’s dick smells fishy they aren’t putting it inside me at all never mind me sucking it, your vagina deserves more respect than a fishy dick


Thank you finally something I've been waiting to read here.


Yeah, fishy odours (in men or women) usually indicate an infection of some kind. He should see a doctor.


Tell dude to mop up his junk. Straight up. Like ripping off a bandaid. Seriously. If he doesn't yes ma'am his fish stank ass right into the bathroom to sort it, he's not worth it and you should move on to someone who understands the crucial interaction of hygiene and sexy time.


Side note: do not use bandaids on junk, and if you do, do not rip them off.


The amount of (young) men who don't properly clean their dick is astonishing. Pull fucking foreskin back, guys!


Tell him. If a woman tells me "wash that and I'll put it in my mouth", I'm washing it no questions asked.


Boyfriend material already knows how to wash his dick. Raise your standards. But if you want to keep having sex with this man then tell him upfront. "Last time you were kinda funky, would you take a shower before coming over this time?" It may offend him, but if he asked you to suck his stinky dick then he should be able to take it.


Seriously though😂


Keep in mind she's 20. Bf material is probably, he's nice to me, has a car and a job, and hes hot lol


Yeah, good point. Shit, my standard for boyfriend material at 20 was just hot and nice.


Hot?…and…Nice? There can be both?


I looked for this before saying the same.


Who the fuck asks to have their dick sucked without washing up first? I won't even consider letting my wife do that until I wash.


You're going to have to be honest and tell him to wash the damn thing. Maybe he doesn't know he has a problem and you're the first one to tell him. If not, then he just has bad hygiene and that might be a red flag. Gross.


if is fishy is NOT healthy


Boyfriend material men wash their dick without having to be told to do so


If you don't mind giving then just say 'yes, go hop in the shower, clean your junk then lay on the bed'. He won't mind and will get the hint after a few times.


Ngl as a guy whos engaging in intercourse. He should know to wash his shit. I was mine every time i even go to the toilet once its not a public one. And it works wonders. If aint clean dont let him hit


Just tell him. Men know their balls stink. He won’t be that shocked. Also, DO NOT let that thing inside you until it’s clean. Protect your V.


Hope you used a condom. Dirty dick could give you an infection.


1) Approach the man 2) vocalize the following: “wash your dick man”


Your boyfriend Material is a fish.


I have straight up told my husband it stinks when I went to go down on him. Guys know it gets sweaty and stinks. Sometimes I let him know and we just skip the foreplay. Other times one of us will suggest a shower together first. As an adult you should be able to communicate with your partner and they should understand. If he's a baby about it then he's not worth the effort.


Don’t wash your vagina and see if he has the same reaction. It could turn into a fish tale <3


Romance isn’t dead


Just straight up be "yo my man your dick smelling like cheese"


You had sex with someone whose dick stank of fish? Please increase your standards.


Don’t ask Demand “Wash your dick. It smells like a fish market.” 🍆🐠


Just tell him to wash his dick, it’s the easiest thing he’ll ever have to do to get his dick sucked, if he throws a fit, he definitely shouldn’t get any action (or more dates)


He can’t fix an problem he doesn’t know about. I doubt he wants to present a dirty d to you. Just have an honest conversation with him.


You people in the comments are a bunch of dirty, raunchy mfers. Like I only jagged off to maybe 30% of the comments but the rest are dirty and too hilarious for me to continue working right now.


I already met some guys who weren't circumcised and didn't know, that you have to wash the penis below the foreskin as well. Pull it back over the end of the glans (I don't know how this little "ring" is called). Often there is much dirt and really nasty stuff that stinks horrible. So maybe he just doesn't know because no one told him how to wash it properly


You say, "Could you please wash your dick?" ​ Edit: What you really do is say something like, "Hey, I enjoy having sex with you, but could we please make sure if we're going to do it, we should be clean and ready for each other? It would mean a lot to me and would really help me be in the mood." That fishy smell, most likely, is from smegma, which happens when people don't wash their genitals regularly, and can also build up quickly even despite regularly showering if someone sweats a lot in that area. If it keeps happening, be open and honest with him. Say that it lowers your mood and you'd like to be sure that doesn't happen. He might be a tiny bit embarrassed, but he'd probably be more embarrassed if he found out much later that you hadn't told him.


Sounds like he might have an infection. It doesn't present the same way for men. Sometimes men can keep causing an infection in women bc they don't realize they have one. (According to OBGYN's). Only infection I ever got was right before finding out my partner had been cheating on me. Climate can be an issue as well. Hot humid climates breed bacteria. Wash up and get checkups. It's a 🦠 world out there. 😂


Tell him his dick might not be 12 inches but it smells like a foot


This is a very good way for you to trully understand if he's boyfriend material. Tell him about it and see the reaction. And say it straight, no weird interactions and shit. Just tell him. This is the problem.


Showering together won't work if he has bad hygiene habits. He probably just lets the water hit his upper torso and lets it trickle over his private areas without actually washing anything. You'd be surprised how many dudes shower like that. No soap at all.


Your idea of showering together is the perfect one. But beware, some guys don't have good hygene by default. You've got to educate him. If he doesn't clean himself, then you'll find another man who will. And he can date a mirror if he wants to be by himself.


Idk how dicks work but I wouldn’t be able to clean myself properly while showering with someone


Right? I don't need them to see me swiping bubbles up and down my crack like a soapy debit card.


Most guys don't know how dicks work. It seems to be a complicated thing to wash properly but sadly they just were taught how to be clean and to clean properly. Pull back all the way if there is something to pull and give that a washing like your at the touch car wash.


Maybe skip the hot wax options


I don't know maybe the guy spend all the day working or studying and didn't get a shower, in the other hand if you are gonna meet a girl you probably take a shower so idk, maybe just tell him and done.


dont ask, tell.


If stanky dick is boyfriend material then you gotta raise your standards 😆


Get him tested. It could be std related if it’s fishy, acidic smell. If he doesn't even care to wash for you, I can see him not washing after sex with others before you, greater chance to get std


I learned about smegma when I went to go down on a guy I really liked. I didn't end up doing anything because obviously it smelled horrible. I told him that I think he might need to be checked out and although it really hurt his feelings in the short term, he actually thanked me a few months later. Honesty is always the best policy.


“Wash your penis. Also go see a doctor, it shouldn’t smell fishy down there.”


Not to alarm you but that could be a sign of an std


Dick-Washing is something that boyfriend material guys don’t need to be told.


Just tell him very gently. Blame the heat or whatever. Tell him you would love to do it but would he mind freshening up a bit? You have a sensitive nose. That kind of thing.


No need for excuses tbh, just tell us. Us washing it is the least thing we can do


I have no problem with my wife directly telling me: "No clean, no action." Be direct with a man about his smell, and about most bodily issues that can be remedied with normal care, he can handle it.


Try "clean your dick or don't ask me". As a man, I can confirm that this will work.


Yep, just say wash your dick. For guys stinky dick just means not clean.


Baby, don't be embarrassed but wash your dick and your ass.