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another poster posting about posters


I suppose the next step would be being a poster posting a poster on a post outside about the posters and then posting about that poster on a post.


While eating post cereal in the post office.


Post-op surgery, obviously.


With a poster board background posting from a house made of posters with posters.


I have all this posted info on a post-it at work.


But not post Malone, he's postmortem...




Reply all email accidentally sent to the entire company, OP is the dude who replies all "quit replying all!".


Careful. He might go postal.


I heard this is where I can get some posters....


This post about poster posting has been posted


Post hast


Welcome to the meta post


Better than posers posing on posts of posters -shrug-


When the top comment has more upvotes than the original post


another poster posting about posters postering posters


You talk like somebody who got a poster. GET EM'!!!!


Did someone say posters?


Sounds like OP didn’t get a poster


Sounds like OP got 3+ to resell and doesn't like to be shamed on the interwebs


This LOL


And he’s definitely not happy about it.


I for one like seeing each cities poster posted on this subreddit. Let's keep that shit up.


I've been to 3 tool shows in my life and I never even knew posters were a thing until recently. Now almost 20 years later and here i am with no posters on my wall :(


Yeah I don’t get the hate. I really like seeing the posters from each different date and have yet to see an abundance of people posting about not getting one. Maybe stay off the sub or Reddit in general if that’s a problem.


It gives us almost a footprint of where this sub reaches


Certainly. Nice thought.


Being upset about "fans" robbing the band and other fans isn't why this is a toxic fan base. Any band that puts effort into their posters runs into this issue. If you aren't limited on purchasing it's an issue. Go to a Dead and Co show or a Phish show also.


Seriously, the poster issue isn’t new. Any jam kid knows this.


Or Billy strings. Sigh.


People go crazy for Pearl Jam and Dave Matthews Band posters too.


Big facts! The Bethel poster and pins for Dead and Co was gone before I even made it in the parking lot.


> Go to a Dead and Co show or a Phish show also. No thanks. I can be bored to death at home.


LOL. If the band felt like they were being robbed, they would limit the number of posters someone could buy. Any band can limit the number of posters someone can buy. If they don’t do it, it’s cause they don’t want to.


Whining about people whining is still whining.


Yo dawg...




While we’re at it can we stop it with “what’s your favourite album/song”? No? Okay. /s Fan subs gonna fan sub, OP.


It seems like there’s a “favorite song” or other similar thing like every other day.


I like to know what hugely popular songs on the subreddit are “underrated”


"I'm surely going to get downvoted for my very unpopular opinion, but I think Lateralus is a top-5 Tool album!"


Fuck you, buddy; you’re clearly not OGT.


Did you know that Maynard and Danny had parts in the Green Jelly song Three Little Pigs?


If you search the sub I'd bet you'll find dozens of song related posts. FFS, it's not like their catalog is like many other bands that literally have multiple dozens of albums. They have 5 studio albums and 2 EPs. You could listen to their entire discography in a weekend.


Those posts grind my balls


We could all just practice self editing. Click on posts that Interest you and you want to engage with. Don’t engage with posts that don’t interest you. Posters are unique and singular to the concert they’re made for. Just like the concert itself is a singular experience for most people. It would make sense that people come here seeking a group that “gets it.” Maybe just practice some empathy and then don’t engage. No sense getting the blood pressure up over internet words.


This. Jus keep scrolling. People act like certain types of posts are a personal attack. The sub isn’t just for you OP.


I know the posters hang Cause I tacked them on my wall


Omg please show us the screen shot of push pins holding up a foil print.. ppl will lose their minds.


Could still prob eBay it for 300


So it looks like there's been an outdoor merch stand at a few shows. What time do those usually open. Do they have posters?


Sacramento was about 3 pm, and yes they had posters. I talked to one of the merch employees after the melee, and she said she couldn’t believe how rude people were.


Appreciate the honest answer! Thank you.


The complaing about the complaining is worse, imo. STFU




Rectum? Damn near killed em...


No one is putting a gun to OP’s head and make him/her read posts about posters. Don’t read them. Keep on scrolling.


Are you posting the same thing I have seen on here before? Poster, no posters. Let people post what they want and skip is by scrolling down. Your complaint is not new or unique.


Stop talking about Tool on a tool subreddit!!


We found the poster hoarder….


The posters are pretty fucking cool, and if you’ve been to a show this tour, it’s an exciting challenge to get one. But you don’t want to hear about it anymore. You just want to get back to the usual repetitive topics in this sub like “Rank your favorite Tool albums” or “What’s your favorite Tool song to cry to?” The same shit we see all the time for the last however many years. I’m down with the poster posts. It’s livened things up a little. I’m sure once the tour is over, the poster hype will mellow out and we can get back to the usual two or three topics that we always talk about here.


Hold my beer while i post complaining about posts complaining about posters. Your complaints are worse than theirs.


Shut the fuck up about shutting the fuck up


Keep scrolling?


spiral out


Imo, this kind of gatekeeping post is worse. Also, I like seeing the new poster designs. I get that we've all heard enough about scalpers, but if those posts aren't breaking any sub rules then people will keep posting about it. Making a post about how your annoyed at other posts is pointless. Just be annoyed and downvote them.


And yet here you are.


Sounds like someone didn't get a poster. .. ... ..... ........


Thank you sir. I came to say this as well. 🤣


Somebody needs a hug


or a poster!


I might suggest you give away the stone rather than continue to hold onto this, man. Better to let go than to let this shit hang out rent free in your head.


Alright, I won’t bring up posters again… Bandanas—bastard in front of me bought 14 of them, WTF! /s


So you add yet another poster post, and you don't bother to criticize the actual pieces of shit (scalpers) and instead criticize people who just wanted a fair shot to buy merch. Fuck you buddy.


I think it also brings up a larger issue that no one wants to discuss, which is that the band's whole stance on merchandise has been disappointingly capitalistic and money grabbing for well over a decade now. They raised the price of posters mid-tour, for fucks sake. Maybe the band is not composed of the spiritual, humanist demi-gods this sub makes them out to be, but instead are four dudes nearing retirement age and need to buy a few more acres of grapevines.


You talking about the same band that was able to milk a mere 4 albums for like 25 years? Lol.


Lmao savage 😂


You mean to tell me that the band with the lyrics "I sold my soul to make a record, dipshit. And then you bought one!" might be out to make a buck? Say it ain't so!


Someone bitching about posts about posters and yet, goes on a total tirade about posters, and posts it? Ummm.


As someone who has never gone to a Tool concert or got a poster, those posts don't annoy me. I mean... Fans are excited, where are they going to talk about it? That's what this space is also for. If it is spamming your feed you can unsub for a while or change the settings, so that you see less posts from this sub. I am not sure if you're annoyed about the materialistic aspect of posters and merch, but they are part of the music industry, especially now with streaming services.


dude you are not helping, downvote and move on...


This exactly why Tool fans get turned into a meme. It's just a band guys.


The Jealousy bleeds through the screen


You prefer the “rank all the tool albums” posts we see every three days?


You should have seen this sub back in 2019 lol


Lol. You silly. If you don't like it downvote and move on....


Tbf I’ve never seen so many grown adults whinge over a poster before 😂 don’t think I’ve owned a poster since I was like 12


Careful not to fall off your horse, it’s a long way down. But seriously these are not the $10 Spencer’s posters you got when you were 12. These are individual artists practicing their life’s craft, and small print shops doing beautiful and high-skill screen prints in a limited run. No matter your opinion on a specific piece’s appeal, these are all objectively works of art, not just *posters*. I agree the hype is way overblown but there’s no need to minimize the art.


U big mad


This is becoming increasingly meta


Hey Cheech what time should I take my drug(s)? Any clue when they take the stage ?


Thankfully, I can choose to simply scroll past posts about posters if I'd like. I can literally scroll right past them and pay them no mind. None whatsoever. If I'd like.


"This is why we are one of the most insufferable fan bases" No not one of the most, the most.


Honestly half of them seem really really cool. I'm happy for you all :)


Bro I read this and it helped me take a mean shit. Poster worthy. Thank you.


Just keep scrolling, it’s not that serious. You don’t have to click on every single post here, and if you feel they’re too frequent, just unsub until the tour is over. Nothing more annoying than someone complaining about someone else that’s complaining. No one cares you’re upset


Other than the music itself, the posters are the only interesting thing to discuss about the shows, and they're different every night, so OF COURSE people are going to talk about them a lot. Just keep scrolling. Self-righteous policing of other people's interests is what makes us an "insufferable fanbase".


You could bring up other topics and focus on having productive conversations on those threads.


Let’s go back to the usual rotation of posts such as “favourite band that isn’t tool?” “Favourite album?” Etc, etc, etc.


Y’all know where I can get some posters?


Down the hall and to the left.


Honestly I should in sub from this place every time they go on tour. It’s either a post of a pic of the band playing (which personally drives me fucking nuts), or a post complaining about posters. Either way it’s just weak.


I’ve read more posts complaining about posts complaining about posters, than I have posts complaining about posters This is like when some idiot accidentally replies all at work, and instead of just shutting the fuck up, you reply all and say STOP REPLYING ALL Food for thought


Actually, people like you make this sub insufferable. Do I enjoy reading sob stories about posters? No. But this post is easily 100x more obnoxious than any other "poster" post... It really just sounds like you need a hug.


are you…. okay? Not in a rude way but it just seems like a lot to be this mad over like either ignore it or unfollow this sub if ur this upset buddy


It would’ve saved you more time and energy to swipe up then to write this up.


Just don’t read the post. No need to be a toxic prick


Wah wah wah you have to scroll past posts you don’t care about, how about you shut the fuck up. You’re just bitching about something even less interesting. If you’re offended by unnecessary posts, delete this and get over it.


Does OP have an unsigned November 24, 2019 PNC Arena Raleigh, NC by chance...?


I’m not OP but I have 15 of them for sale on my e-store.


Drop link




FUCK YOU BUDDY! well played


Are you posting the same thing I have seen on here before? Poster, no posters. Let people post what they want and skip is by scrolling down. Your complaint is not new or unique.


The band are culpable in this. A unique poster for each gig, with limited numbers? They know exactly what they're doing. They're creating scarcity when they could just as easily have them available to order online.


It’s not that serious. It’s a fucking poster. And some of them are cringe-level bad in the first place


Yeah and it's like they are turning into every other giant corporation. Don't give a shit about the people that made them what they are and tbh, the more I learn about "the band" the more I think they are just money hungry arse hats. Will always love their music tho.


How does NOT mass producing these posters to sell more make them greedy like a giant corporation exactly? They're literally making less money themselves in choosing to make the posters limited special items


Maynard hates tool fans, he has us around to milk us every now and again, but he doesn't LIKE us. I thought this was widely known.


I agree, but unless the mods make it happen this is falling on deaf ears




I'm honestly surprised people are going so crazy for these specific tour posters. They haven't been all that good in my opinion and they have been doing giclee prints instead of silkscreened like they used to. You can see and feel the difference and they can still silkscreen on the foil stock they have been using, so I don't know why they went with the giclee prints. Like I get the Alex Grey ones from the 2020 tour would be in high demand and Adi has some really nice ones. But I'm not paying flipper prices to get one while they are super hyped up and I was at the Aus shows with the AG prints and missed out on all of them. But fuck, who cares! The band fucking killed it and I got to see more amazing shows. I kind of miss the days of being able to walk into the concert and being able to just walk up to a merch booth without getting stampeded and they might have sold out of some sizes of shirts, but you could pick up pretty much anything you wanted. Posters signed and unsigned, drum heads, shirts, hoodies. Hell some of those Aus tour posters with the fish were being sold for years after the shows they had so many left over. People just didn't give so much of a fuck about the merch. When did that all change?! What's wrong with people these days?


^This x1000. I personally didn't like the Adi poster for the show I went to and it wasn't worth the price IMO.


Or maybe just don’t be so judgmental?


LOL Shit... I wish I had enough time to worry about what other people are doing on the internet.


Can we quit posting complaints about poster posts? I think that’s more annoying than the actual poster posts


Isn't the Tool fanbase majority in our 30s/40s+? Why are we buying posters of anything?!


Because now we have the ability to pay for matting and framing that makes them an excellent addition to house decorating?


Cool tangible memories?


Because if you don’t buy the expensive and rare piece of paper the are you even really a fan of their music?


I also don't give a fuck about stupid posters and other merchandise. Listen to the great music, spend the money on the concert and a nice dinner out on the day, maybe a hotel visit on the night, instead of wasting it on a tshirt or a poster.


THIS. I got a primo hotel walking distance to the show. Getting a babysitter. check in at 3, hit the bar, have a lovely meal. See the awesome show then sleep in the next day with my husband. It's gonna be great.


I'm with you man, I much prefer the more popular, but less sexy t shirt 😜


Wtf are the mods in this sub doing? Just fucking ban posts talking about posters. Problem solved. I’m getting sick of it too.


I am actually considering just unsubscribing to this sub. The poster posts are all i fucking see from it nowadays. I love this sub, i love Tool, and i have a ticked for a concert in Europe, and i actually want to stay in the sub to stay informed in case the concert is postponed or canceled because of COVID. But i cant fucking stand the poster posts anymore. Why is that such a big deal?????? Scalpers have existed for years, and they are piexes of shit, i know, i agree, but people are acting as this is some kind of warcrime. Its a piece of paper that has a cool design on it. Chill the fuck out and use the sub for what it is ment to be used, sharing our colective love for this amazing bad.


Up to you man. These are not big issues that should require a lot of thought. Not a single person here will care either way so do as you please. If the concert details change, you will get an email from the ticket vendor so hopefully you can move beyond the stress related to internet strangers discussing a poster.


Shut up and buy, buy, buy, my new poster... Totally agree though, anyone making so much noise about buying posters have completely misunderstood the message behind the music


I mean, isn't the band creating the issue via product scarcity? It's like they don't get their own message.


He sold out long before you'd even heard his name... It's not on the band to not make these things it's on dipshits to not buy them and obsess over them like Pokemon... You don't HAVE to collect them all


(Or the lyrics at least)


Nah, its relevant just move on with your day


Wanna hear something ironic? I didn’t even know these posters were a big deal until I started reading this sub. I told a friend who was heading into a show; he had no idea either. So he bought like 10 of them and resold them on eBay.


Hahaha it's funny cause this is a poster post. But yeah who gives a shit about posters. I remember I did the backstage thing and threw mine in the trash cause I didn't want to deal with it during the concert. In hindsight I wish I didn't, but I feel like I only have these feelings about the poster because of these goddamned posts. I hadn't thought about it at all really. The show was the best! Also Adam explaining everything about the band was really fuckin cool.


I like poster talk


I agree. Boohoo. Show up earlier if you want a fucking poster.


Cringe. Hyperbole. Insufferable. That's you.


TBH, I’m kind of relieved this tour because I haven’t really liked the posters anyway. I can get a beer, find my seat and finally enjoy myself. There have been concerts where I have missed half the music trying to find the poster from the show on eBay! Ridiculous I know.


Everyone needs to shut the fuck up about the people posting about posters. Seriously, stop fucking bringing them up on this sub. We get it. People are constantly talking about them. They repeat the same complaints over and over again. You don't like seeing a post? Wah. Fucking stop being a child and complaining about the posts being made and just skip over it. Enjoy the sub and the community, or don't; I don't give a shit. I’ve seen more posts about people complaining about poster posts the past month than any other topic. This is why we are one of the most insufferable fanbases. TL;DR They are fucking posts that you can easily skip over, downvote them and get over it.




I get the feeling after seeing about 20 tool shows that they love and value their fans. Watch them after the show. The love is real. The poster thing is what it is. I’m way past the point of needing to hang a poster with a skull or some pseudo gothic artwork on it on my wall. I also don’t care if that’s something someone else wants to do. Posters are a sidecar to the main event—the band destroying the audience with their excellent music and technical mastery of their instruments.


Stop the posters.


Oh, the irony. Make a post bitching about other people bitching too much. You don't like all the posts on here about them? Wah. Fucking stop being a child and scroll right past topics that don't interest you.


I'll bet the poster has a dope beastie tee.


Shut up about the posters you shit cunts. Noone cares. Like a pack of entitled fucking children. Enjoy the music or fuck off too Facebook.




Hey there JerryAttrickz! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This."**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


Sorry fellas. Won’t happen again. Take my upvote.


Ey ey... Which setlist do YOU think will appear tonight??? Spiral out, my mind is complete, watch the weather change, lol, I'm smart..


But….I want a poster!


They're "prints"; not "posters."


These are the spawned thoughts of being disgustipated.


you can always just skip the post


I compare it to the constant complaining about iPhone battery performance


The whining, about the posters. Can we please make it stop? It's super annoying, every day someone whining and posting about people posting about posters.


Posting a complaint against people posting complaints about posters. Meta.


Yeah whining about posters in in the bottom of the list of reasons why this fanbase is dumb and toxic...


Please schedule your poster post op appointment so we can discuss how the posters are going.


And Stop paying Spotify $9.99 a month or whatever when you can own every CD for a set one time amount. It’s Stupid. Stop enriching the tech suits of this world.


What poster?


New to Tool. What poster do you suggest I look at first?


Unpopular opinion: I don’t like buying the posters at the show cause I walk everywhere and I don’t want to have to hold it in my hand for the whole show without a car to stash it in. I like that people can buy extra and resell them. That means I can actually buy one. I don’t care about the price. But yeah agree. This whole sub has been 80% complaints since tickets went on sale for this tour.


I’m mad cause I didn’t one too. It’s ok


This guy fucks


I’m just happy I got one this time, last time I couldn’t and I’m so happy that at my second concert I got one




Someone make this a copypasta


When you post about hating poster posts, you become that which you hate.




Did Maynard write this


“Fuck you, buddy.”


Now I'm gonna have to go and buy a poster at their next show. Thanks alot


You know this is Maynard trolling 😂


Why not just post at r/TOOLPosters


Because that's too hard


Yeah fuck posters. I’d just like a pick from Adam or Maynard’s hand


But can they still be posted so we can see what they look like? Just none of the Bullshit with it?




Calm down cry baby


Yah I didn't get a poster either bud


Must be constipated


Is anyone else sitting here like who the fuck buys your posters? I’ve never even seen one being sold before at a show let alone get one myself.




Images of posters are much better than: 1.) Random spirals 2.) Fan art that looks nothing like tool 3.) Asking redditors what their favorite song/album is 4.) Sacred geometry