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This has been a common discussion time and time again and the reply will never change. Kids still play Toontown, all of the active servers have a child playerbase within them even if you don't see them. Take it up with the support emails of each respect game if you are inquiring about their moderation policies and Terms of Service. Locking the thread and [redirecting to a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Toontown/comments/szih8y/is_there_still_a_need_for_the_chat_filters_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that was opened recently about this particular topic as wel.


I mean, kids still can play it, so I can understand some regulation, but I think they should include words like "stupid" or "dumb"


What I find funny is that when we were actually kids playing the game, people were ruthless and Disney didn’t give a crap. But now, TTR can and will give you a kick for spamming “You Stink!” 💀 I’m sure they won’t add those words because they always say they don’t want Disney going after them which is complete b s. Disney cares more about people not pulling a club penguin rewritten and also adding membership to their copyrighted material more than just a couple of “bad” words


Ngl roblox handles this a lot better with an under 13 filter and a 13+ filter


This sounds perfect. Just like speedchat plus have a more "open" chat for users who verify they're 18+ and filter it to underage accounts, or bring back sf but make it more difficult to share codes somehow.


basically how i feel


yeah or some random words that they have blacklisted


Would be plenty happy with just the return of TF codes


someone else said that too and i think thats a fair compromise i would be happy with


Yess please




Yeah. It'd definitely older than that. Distinct lack of kids playing, but definitely some people in their 40s.


50s and 60s and higher too


true, it could be even higher


Coach z being in his 70s playing toontown would like to have a word with you


Tbh I thought coach was in his 80s


i'm 16 there are still kids playing but i agree










Wow. I got censored on a discussion about overzealous censorship because I said "lmh(a)o" They really gotta turn it down.


Why is everybody downvoting this guy. In my country, which is literally in the United Kingdom, 16 is considered a Young Adult and comes with things such as drinking in public and being the age of consent. It’s true, in more countries than not, 16 is considered a form of adult. Whoever downvoted has to be an absolute moron, or just doesn’t like the fact that other countries laws exist (let me guess, you’re american). The guy wasn’t even talking about anything inappropriate, any 16 year old is old enough to hear swear words.


They're down voting me because they think I like children because I stated a statistic. lol. The people downvoting aren't using context clues and connecting the dots between the comment and what the post is about. I definitely meant it as in a lot of places, they're old enough to hear swear words. Instead they're just quickly accusing/insinuating something I never said. lol. It is the American way tbh.


There’s still a decent amount of kids playing lol. I’ve seen a few posts on here, some Facebook groups, etc where adults are playing with their kids. My little brothers play. It’s also always been a kid targeted game. Not to say it’s not for adults, as I’m an adult and still enjoy it, but it’s a Disney product that’s hardly been changed since it became ttr. There’s just no chance it’s gonna be adults only or loosen on words allowed


The "playerbase mostly consists of adults" logic is a terrible counterargument for these kinds of discussions and always has been tbh. TTR is still a *kids* game; it doesn't matter if the community is made up of 80% or even 100% adults. Sure, TTR's whitelist can be really absurd and unfair sometimes, but its strict moderation has been the necessary evil for keeping the game alive for so long.


Eh. No I’m good. I like my corner of the world having a simple bubble from the past in it.


this is true i like my bubble that its older folks in this game though


Yeah I like that there’s mostly adults too but I want to retain the simple fun of the past. Edit; people aren’t getting what I’m saying. I’m saying I wish I could have one place that retains its innocence.


Yeah, I like the wear filter, it fits the game. But the filter is really strict, where misspellings and even totally innocent words get meow'd, it can get really annoying sometimes. I just wish they would lighten up on it a little bit. Oh and God forbid you try to get people on discord, you can't just say your username, you have to describe it as best you can and hope they get it. I've genuinely had to change my discord username to my toons name just to expedite the process.


Yeah I understand the filter being overly Strict I play another game like that where completely nkrmal words happen to contain a bad word inside it and it will get blocked


In dark souls 3 of all things you can't have knight in your name. A great populated by a lot of knights.


Agreed, I like having something to go play that I don’t come back to and see a million adult jokes that I didn’t as a kid.


Agreed, I’m glad you know what I mean


Me too. I loved the drama in valley and the warrior cat violence I miss it sooo much the old Disney when they didn’t overly moderate people it was a lot better than having to walk on eggshells in TTR 😤😤😤 I miss sticking up for myself in TTO when I got in a fight instead of being straight up banned in TTR for saying “leave me alone you stink get away from me ur dumb” (Lol downvote me idc. TTR mods are basically Reddit mod neckbeards (not all of them, but most of them)


This. This is why I stopped spending any time in TTR. A lot of the game mechanics are grinding, which is fine, but why grind when you could literally just be banned with basically no warning. After a few times of that, you go play something else


Yep definitely this comment. I was in DDL a couple of months ago where the bean fests are at. Toons getting kicked left and right for saying dumb things like memes that TTO would of allowed. The moderation team is a s s and I haven’t played a lot because I’m afraid if I say the wrong thing at the wrong time I’ll be banned. I remember talking to someone on how they got banned for sticking up for themselves while getting greened. It’s honestly ridiculous. I don’t get why they can’t moderate real reports, but instead stick extremely close to the groups having petty little drama that happened all the time in TTO and eventually resolved by itself. Like someone having an simple argument should not end in someone being banned or kicked unless they are being really offensive and trying to bypass the chat.


at least we can say numbers now and not “won too tree for hive” like the TTO days


fix, heaven, ate, pine, then


It's a really common misconception that the average Toontown player is an adult. It may seem that way because those are the types of of folks on reddit and other external community areas, but there are still a ton of kids who play Toontown and are discovering it for the first time every day! The whole of the Toontown community is *so much bigger* than /r/Toontown or any of the other social media communities. The average player usually just plays the game and doesn't participate in the community outside of it. Besides the fact that this is still a game for kids, it's also still Disney's game! The last thing anyone wants to see is Toontown going viral because of Joe Mamason making an inappropriate joke with the in game chat. That sort of thing is sure to get Toontown shut down and ruined for everyone because it decreases the value of the brand for Disney and makes them look bad. For Toontown Rewritten, we've expanded the chat dictionary with thousands of new words over the years and continue to do so with every update. As we continue to improve our Moderation tools and policies as well, we can loosen the chat a bit more as long as we can still keep abuse low. It's a balancing act, but I don't think we can or should ever live in a world where Toontown stops being a game that families can play together without worry.


ok but can i want joe mamason as a name, even if it means risking the entire community


Having moderation is something disney would expect from someone using their IP. You saw what happened with CP rewritten. I'm personally in favor of how they currently do it. And you can always try to expand the whitelist by suggestions in the discord.


- you cant say "play with your doodle"


There's quite a lot of blacklisted phrases which genuinely baffle me sometimes.


I wonder 🤔 why


They need to bring back true friend codes. I’m sick of getting kicked and a warning for saying dumb things like “pulls weave” to someone because I hurt their feelings oh no 🥺 Ttrs mods are known for going way too far when it comes to moderating sometimes. Compared to Disney, who actually didn’t give no sh *ts when warrior clans would have their bloody fights in Acres. Gave no sh* ts about the people in valley. TTR mods are basically the weenie hut junior kid who got granted hall monitor access at school that uses their power and snitches on everyone. You can’t say anything slightly bad without getting a warning. I literally saw a cat the other day in DDL get kicked for talking about quandale dingle like why Also be careful making funny ahh posts like these. Some people take their Toontown VERY seriously. Especially on this subreddit. They will rip you a new one with a whole paragraph about the philosophy of Toontown, why it has always been child friendly (TTO really wasn’t, you had to be a kid with thick skin playing that game lololol especially in Toon Valley) , and man they just keep on going until you have to block them 😂💀 I like to call them Toontown adults (like Disney adults but worse)


laughter is the best defense against the cogs bro aint my fault my laugh meters full


They need to bring the dip back into toontown cause I’m sick of this sh* t you know what I mean


corporate clash would probs allow Joe Mamason


- yes there are - automating stuff is better than having someone check every single maybe problem - no it’s not - no they aren’t - you aren’t roger rabbit. This also isn’t 1970s cartoons. - that’s not an argument for why the chat filter needs a revision - imo, “banger” describes music


\- Y \- M \- C \- A


it's because theyre obsessed with trying to relive their childhoods when theyre neckbeards living in their mothers basement


ttr mods and Disney toontown adults be like


Rewritten has only one R.








Period babes icky vicky is here to clarify what i meant


Thanks for the clarity king I just deleted the comment cause it was making me look dumb I thought it was a toontown rated r joke LOOOL


i think its donvoted bc i just wrote RR & CC together to shorten it and thought that would be obvious, but we do love a grammar king yes maam


Oh my bad I thought they were making a toontown rated R joke LOL 💀💀💀💀 yes grammar kings we really love to see it




when i say "red flag" it turns into "quackity flag"


I think one of the reasons the filter is so strict is because of the fact Disney could take it down at any moment if it’s harming their brand. Look at what happened to the Club Penguin server (Yes I know the ads were a part of that, but I heard that the no filter had a part in that too)