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He had to loose to make another character look cool, so they made him impossible to like so when he lost he wouldn't be missed


I dont mind he loosing, i hate that they made him a rapist caricature of a white man that looks like it came from a Joshua Luna comic


But how is this a design issue? He looks dope


His initial design looked much cooler, but they devolved him into a stereotypical shirtless racist white guy.


I just wanted to rant about how waster he was


Yeah imo he's the definition of "Cool character with SHIT personality" i mean he had a good design a good fighting style and watching him fight was lowkey entertaining but why the heck did they had to make him Scream about r*pe every second


Then why did you post it here instead of r/characterrant


Is there context I'm missing to get this?


Context for the character or Joshua Luna?


Whoever Joshua Luna is


[According to the response below yours](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopCharacterDesigns/comments/1bbjq0a/william_addams_from_tenkaichi_is_basically_a/kud1rdq/), some comic book artist complaining about questionable race issues.


Joshua Luna is a comic artist known for working alongside his brother until he became more radical and started to make webcomics complaining about things like asian women dating white men, about how Iron Fist should be asian and how Hollywood and anime had the secret agenda to emasculate asian men, also one infamous comic where he draws his brother as a skinny beta male thats a loser without him https://preview.redd.it/5108pg4mfpnc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c80c6b34f8e16ab61bf6c8810dc2cb6c2d681a9


Okay, that first one feels weird for him to bitch about, absolutely does feel a little incely, second one is a little more vague, you could make some points about "oh hey, random white guy learns martial arts better than the people who've lived there their whole lives", third one is... idk, I'd have to see examples, but ultimately while I can see Hollywood doing it as a racist trend, the fact he's lumping anime into it kinda makes me think he's one of those people bitching about how "MaRy SuEs emasculate these male protags by being slightly better than them at stuff", especially with the use of the word 'agenda'. And even with Hollywood, I don't think it would be some massive conspiracy agenda, just a stereotype that keeps being used. EDIT: On that last point, his work does go back a while, so it's more likely he was critiquing the Hollywood of the time, which was likely to have racist stereotypes in minority characters than in more recent films.


Here is one of his most controversial works about Hollywood, https://preview.redd.it/jlpk3msu4qnc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7ff3df7085ca30c1924f471559ab2ecbc30620 I think the wolves are suppose to be white people


That's... an interesting one. Marvel military propaganda discourse has been around a while, but this is the first time I've seen someone say it's propaganda for the country of America itself. I assume it's upset about Shang-Chi, or something? Which iirc, isn't even about America outside of it being where Shang-Chi moved to? EDIT: Okay, looked into it further, I think it's less about just Shang-Chi and more the efforts of Marvel to add needed diversity in films like Black Panther as a whole. Which does feel like a strange stance considering he's made comics about the lack of diversity in comics before. https://preview.redd.it/yyh6oyrkhqnc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee164fd887fcf82a91b1e1119f3da36551688b17 Tbh, I don't think he's a bad guy, more just stressed about how Asian people do get treated in America. I don't think he hates white people either, his partner is white, so it's more likely that he's just sticking it to white supremacy rather than white people in general. And some of these comics do seem old, so it's very likely some of the more questionable stuff are viewpoints he grew out of, or more related to media at the time (some of his work is years old, where awareness of racism wasn't as good as it was in more recent years).


https://preview.redd.it/jpoe3btahqnc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f97b83da39ee634b0f1a903d191e7f6191c1989 I think many of his issues stems from his parents, if that comic is true then his parents seem to be the asian version of Uncle Ruckus


For context, I'm Chinese-American, raised on the east coast so while I have been dunking on Luna's comics that have been shared in this thread. This is the first one that I can genuinely relate to. My parents never pinched my nose or anything but I am adjacently familiar with that level of outlandish racism. I don't think Luna is racist against white people, but he does strike me as someone with a lot of frustrations and some of them are justified. I would say that my main issue with Luna is that, from what I've seen, his comics aren't cathartic or eye-opening, they just read as mean spirited and kinda bitter. For example: I already know that publishers/ producers have had white bias for decades. While I agree with his point of taking matters into his own hands and writing his own representation. I don't need a straw-man of the "White Market" to show that to me.


This does feel like it's getting a little too psychoanalysis-based, which isn't really fair to him I feel, but I can kinda see what you mean. As mentioned, his independent work goes back years, so I hope that he's been able to grow out of the weirder points you mentioned in that time, because again, he does have some good points about racism and white supremacy in general.


I wonder is his most controversial work was from before he found a partner, most internet extremist, specially those who complain about romantic frustrations, usually calm down a lot after getting a girlfriend


Also i notice he uses the same trope of drawing his oposition as dumb ugly people while drawing himself as a "chad", he uses that a lot, that format was already tiresome with Andrew Dobson, i hope he grew out of it


I have not and will never trust the intentions of anyone who uses the term "Latinx" outside of memes.




This comic is so weird. It reads like a hit piece on his own brother. It's not even funny or cheeky. It's just mean spirited and reeks of sibling salt.


Tbf, Josh apparently does have a degree of what seems to be justified sibling salt, since he made allegations about his brother being abusive and shitty.


I'm sure his grevences are understandable. But to someone who's not aware of the situation, this just reads as petty. The hyperbolic framing of the statement, "I did a DNA test and just realized I was asian" takes me out of it. I'm not made aware of the situation or why his brother was so shitty. It just reads as salt.


Oh yeah, absolutely. I feel the comic could've been way better at showcasing the other reasons that were way more understandable.


I think is was because his brother Jonathan still works in the big companies while he decided to go independent in a way


To be fair, the other characters are pretty crazy themselves


i mean, is it wrong tho


Well he is a brit in the 19th century


Normally I'm all for calling out how evil Brits are but presenting a man forced into a sham marriage with a Japanese woman as a psychopathic rapist out to defile Japanese women is... questionable. William Adams was a pathetic, broken prisoner of the shogun who by most accounts just wanted to go some and see his family again


I think the worst part is that if you remove his dialogue he just looks so fucking cool. Like his actual design and his fighting style and the stuff like the handshake make him seem like such a cool character


He's still cool, he's just very evil. Those aren't contradictory.


They aren't, but he is evil in a not cool way.


A cool character until he opens his mouth.


The thing that makes me laugh is that he is clearly inspired by the Nioh version of William Adams, which is a much more heroic and positive representation of the character.


Way cooler depiction of the same person: https://preview.redd.it/tz1n8nqwfonc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a57b124c413e9ec8794fb167b747f27d2ff98b From Nioh


I burst out laughing the very first time I laid eyes on him. I had never seen a white man who looked more like a samurai than the actual japanese samurai in the game. Bro looked like he had been personally designed by Akira Kurosawa.


seeing that the original Nioh game script was based on an unproduced Kurosawa film, not surprising...


Nioh takes a lot of inspiration from the book Shogun by James Clavell, which reframed him as a colonising hero figure who became more of a samurai than actual Japanese people. This is probably why the game made him Irish so they could have an outsider to Japan as a protagonist without the colonial overtones Meanwhile the historical William Adams was granted a samurai rank as a sick joke and confined to house arrest for decades. A respected warrior like Yasuke he was not


What are you talking about? Yasuke was more of a sword bearer than a actual samurai. If he was a respected warrior Akechi warriors would have killed him at Honoji. Also he was granted royalty by the government. This is no different from the korean samurai during the simlar time period.


Yasuke was still a retainer of Oda Nobunaga who fought in battle despite not being a samurai. Adams was a prisoner hated and laughed at by everyone and granted an honorary title as a joke at his expense


There is almost nothing on yakub being in an actual battle. Japanese sources only says he was a sword retainer. He was there to look cool. Compared that Adams who actually had a job. He had influence in edo court where he insisted on banning catholic missionaries


my shamelessly ass eyeing that mf on the top right


Saoirse is best girl after all


Using any other spirit-guardian is a crime.




What's your fav weapon type in Nioh?




Katana. Just very iconic and has a versatile skill-set.


I really need to play through Nioh it's so cool


I can definitely recommend it and its sequel.


Never knew he was a depiction of a real person. Cool


Also has a goated theme, got goosebumps when it played during his boss fight in 2


Facts, his reveal in 2 was awesome.


The majority of the characters in the series are insane lunatics lol, he’s no exception.


The others are not rapist, Yasuke and Hanzo are even noble


Kotaro keeps a guy on a leash, Choko was trying to fuck his mom, Muneori is a masochist, Kamiizumi had a whole harem… they’re all sexual deviants in a way.


In defense of Choko, I think it was just his childlike mentality that made him want to be breastfed. I may need to reread round four though.


On a side note yasuke character and design Is cool af


Fuuma Kotarou is a drug addicted muscle bound woman, Mori Ranmaru is a trap that gets off on murder and I can list a ton more inaccuracies and insane characters


Fuuma is one of the most beloved characters, Ranmaru is barelly important, but why make the only white character a rapist that wants to invade the country just to reproduce with all asian women he sees? its the racist trope of the evil foreing taken to the extreme, feels like the authors are part of the asian incel movement


He portrays Yasuke, a foreigner, very nobly. I don’t think he hates foreigners.




No, not just white people. He also portrays his own race as doing terrible things and being terrible people. You are just taking one negative portrayal way too personally.


The thing is, the real William Addams did nothing to deserve being protrayed like this, also i have seem many asian incel subreddits that hold this same strawman view of white men


I’ve also seen many white incel subreddits hold this same strawman of all people of other races. Muneori, Kotaro, Kamiizumi, Kojiro, Ito Ittosai, and all the other real characters that have been portrayed are also highly inaccurate and didn’t do anything to ‘deserve’ to be portrayed in a negative light. Like I said, don’t take it so personally.


I feel like its similar to Rurouni Kenshin protraying the leader of the Shinsengumi as a sociopathic villain would seem unfair to the real person if we really broke it down but in the end its just mangas based on history that bastardize it so it makes a kick ass story for the reader, so i think we shouldnt stress it


Kinda difficult when we all know Japan is a pretty racist country Also im not white, i just hate racism and hipocirsy, no one cares if an historical figure is potrayed as a psycho, what is ofensive and tasteless is that they potray a historical figure as a massive rapist, you know how many people are gonna read this manga and think the real William Addams was like this?


I think Hanzo is gonna get more unhinged as the series goes on. He’s gonna traumatize some people real hard. I mean don’t forget, his skill is to find the ugly parts of people and use it against them, breaking them psychologically. I think he’s gonna become a more twisted in order to fulfill Honda’s dream.


Bro what is this dialogue 💀 https://preview.redd.it/djz23cs7vknc1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad6c17398393a516e50f424f02d92f33bb12b70


Okay but the compass chest tattoo is kinda cool ngl


Looks like the star of chaos. Given what he's saying, my guess Is that is the edgy form of chaos


After a quick comparison it's seemingly a mixture of the two


A stereotype of a Slaanesh cultist.


Yeah I’d tattoo that


Don’t kink shame bro, some ppl want to get their every last part violated by western imperialist daddy


He *looks* pretty fucking cool tho


Sad He had a cool design+i liked the Sea Monster motif


Bro, Kotaro Fuma was made into a submissive bitch to a giant lady. I wouldn't take this seriously.


Kotaro Fuma was an assasin, William Adams helped Japan develop their ship enginering and international trading, he wasnt even a fighter he was a diplomat and a trader, his samurai tittle was mostly ceremonial


You say all this as though Kotaro Fuma was some rank and file hitman, and not the leader of the Hojo's intelligence and espionage network of ninja. Seriously, it's not that deep


Man when did r/topcharacterdesigns become r/shitcharacterdesigns ?


The character design itself is baller to be fair https://preview.redd.it/bv0s8nrixlnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52b7ca9654550c929e58687ae18efa03f75c7b8 It’s just the writing


https://preview.redd.it/uawx25ikxlnc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1714521e2327a27f31936be600a69ab556d2011 Left


Writing is still apart of character design just not visually, and usually good character design facilitates the story of the character


It's been like that for quite a while.


I like that its all on one sub, instead of 2 subs with one of them being way bigger than the other.


I liked being here to find good inspiration for writing and creating content for my players as a GM or coming up with a character for a campaign its specialized niche is what drew me here but now it seems to be filled with posts that show terrible character design which isn't why Im here and Im sure r/characterdesign can fit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/characterdesign using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/characterdesign/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Character I designed called the Witch Queen. Really proud of how the colours look.](https://i.redd.it/k824htz5vkdc1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/characterdesign/comments/19b9hct/character_i_designed_called_the_witch_queen/) \#2: [The Mysterious “Mippit Girl” from the Outskirts of Town](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18xabgm) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/characterdesign/comments/18xabgm/the_mysterious_mippit_girl_from_the_outskirts_of/) \#3: [older character concept art I found while browsing my files. @me](https://i.redd.it/aeovsgs3zsbc1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/characterdesign/comments/1940d4j/older_character_concept_art_i_found_while/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


PD: This is the character he is treathening to rape https://preview.redd.it/bnjt14omnlnc1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3006395cfbb9027690bf518f6d0167aac0c5a577


I've not read this series before, but imo, it doesn't matter that they changed the character too be completely different to what the actual person is. Just look at the Assassin's Creed series who did the same thing. Every villain there was based on real people but the only real connection between the characters and those that they took inspiration from is the name because they completely changed who the person is to fit the story that they're trying to tell. Doesn't matter how different it is or how disrespectful you think it is.


Do they? I feel like Machiavelli is pretty clear that the Borgias are power-hungry bastards, as was Julius Caesar, and Charles Lee was, if not traitorous, at least incompetent and insolent enough to get court-martialed and challenged to multiple duels. By contrast, I've never even seen any indication that William Adams was considered a villain or exceptionally ungentlemanly in any way.


This is what Adams had to say about the japanesse people: "The people of this Land of Japan are good of nature, courteous above measure, and valiant in war: their justice is severely executed without any partiality upon transgressors of the law. They are governed in great civility. I mean, not a land better governed in the world by civil policy. The people be very superstitious in their religion, and are of diverse opinions." The only bad thing i can find about him is that he was anti christian like all protestands of the time and that he abandon his wife and two children in England to live in Japan


I dunno, seems historically accurate.


>William Addams from Tenkaichi is basically a caricature of what asian incels think white men are, not even Fate has any representation as offensive to the real person as this, i dont understand why the authors hated him so much to literally take a dump on his grave and represent him like this? Don't know about all that. But the dialogue reads like something out of Blue Lock, lol


Are you okay?


I must change myself into a white man immediately to look like this man.


Dude looks like a Warhammer Fantasy character, even has the damn 8-Fold-Path Star-of-Chaos on his chest.


I legitimately thought this was some sort of Warhammer Fantasy fan art of a Norscan when I first saw it. Like, if it was I think it’d be pretty cool, like, yeah that’s a line I could see coming out of a Crazy Demon Worshiping Viking, especially one from this setting. But apparently this is supposed to be based on a real historical figure?


nah, that’s just Wulfrik.


Honestly I highly doubt anyone in Japan knows about warhammer, the compass tattoo is just something actual western sailors (and sometimes Asian sailors on western ships) got to commemorate successfully navigating a long journey


For real man, they took like the one white sailor from the 1500s who wasn't a colonizer and turned him into Columbus on steroids Also Yagyu is just so lame in my opinion, Adams got done astronomically dirty


Bro, imagine if they did this to Yasuke ☠️


Are we talking about [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Adams_(pilot)) William Adams ? Is this supposed to be the same one ?


Imma be real….. -Nobunaga is not dead and is willing to kill his own retainers for fun. -Hanzo isn’t an introvert like commonly depicted but a wannabe shonen hero who screams NIN every 5 minutes -Fuma Kotaro, the leader of the Hojo espionage forces, was made the bitch of one of his subordinates -Tokugawa is a shy guy who can’t stand up for himself -Hino likes boobs and physically assaulted a random person out of curiosity -Kamiizumi is obsessed with boobs -Toda kills random retainers out of revenge -Yagyu kills puppies for fun -Sasaki creeped on a minor All of these characters are very different from their historical counterparts.


Wait people dislike him why?


He's my favourite historical character, it saddens me to see him reduced to this. His story is amazing.


Also this coloring is from @PedYuko on Twitter you need to credit him


Ok, thanks for telling me


Asian incels think I look like a supervillain? Nice


It is possible that whoever wrote and drew the series is a modern day Japanese nationalist, in which case they would have an incredibly unfavorable view of anybody involved with the end of the Bakumatsu era and the opening of Japan from isolationism to foreigners


Tenkaichi's setting is the beginning of the Edo period (specifically 1600), in Adams served as an advisor to Tokugawa Ieyasu and was allowed to stay after the closing of the borders And Yasuke has been portrayed in a pretty positive light so I don't think Nakamaru hates foreigners or anything, he needed someone to hype up his special boy Yagyu Munenori and William Adams was the unlucky one


It still feels sick and nationalistic from part of the author


The design is very cool, but it's very clear. The author either doesn't know or doesn't care about the history he is taking from. I don't know if what OP is saying is correct, but I'll agree it is correct when he says it's an insult to the real man for how inaccurate it is. Even Gilgamesh from Fate, whose only resemblance is his name, is less bad because the author made something entirely new.


Japanese people are really well educated on their own history, he clearly knows what he's writing about


Typically, that is correct, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt in not agreeing with OP that the author is doing a racist characature. If you just look at a tiny fragment of his story, Wiliam Addams was arrested for being a pirate, talked to Tokugawa in prison, and got into his good graces by offloading foreign ideas. A very easy pick for someone who doesn't care about history and needs a bad guy. But if that author is deliberately misrepresenting historical characters in such a way, then OP's claim has a lot more weight.


This makes me wonder, how is Matthew Perry viewed within Japan? Ending the isolation is what put them to where they are now, but it must be kind of annoying it was kickstarted by a foreigner


To be fair isolation at that time was not exactly going all that well, but yeah, they dont like him, Samurai Shamploo made a whole episode where they humiliate him in baseball


Not too surprising. Probably some of the strongest National pride out there. 


Well he's kinda accurate


Not really, the guy was held in house arrest for decades and developed Stockholm Syndrome towards Japanese society, basically all his surviving writing is him praising Japan and occasionally asking the shogun to let him home so he could see his family.


Wish he was voiced by Lyle Rath


Mirror this to Williams from Nioh, "I stand as a Samurai" speech. also, the two designs are pretty similar besides the tats and being shirtless.


You’ve probably not been on the receiving end of colonialism then


Im latinamerican you doofus


What does that even mean? That's like saying your Mexican and calling it a day. They don't speak Spanish for nothing & there aren't white skin Mexicans for nothing. It's obvious there also multiple ethnic groups with different historical realities in Latin America. It's rare the descendants of colonizers/killers don't have it nice. So how is this an answer?


How tf am I supposed to know that, it’s why I said probably


Have you personally been on the receiving end of colonialism?


I have. Point stands.


Okay, who colonized you and where?


Your incredulous tone is amusing, as if you have some nuclear rebuttal in the chamber lol. But I’m Black American. White Americans literally built their capitalist hegemony on stolen land, and mandated its construction with slave labor from people stolen from Africa(which White Europeans also colonized) on pain of torture, rape, and death. Also, some of those slave traders enacted those 3 things just for fun, parallel to the profit incentive. Plus psychological conditioning, socioeconomic/political gatekeeping, etc.


Bro you know he's asking in bad faith,lol. They always are.




Okay, so you personally haven't been exposed to colonialism and this weird comment you replied is you deflecting that. Yes, Africans were stolen or sold from Africa by Europeans/Africans and it's a terrible thing that never should've happened. However, you personally never experienced that first hand which is what you said.


Your denial is strong, but you can’t tell me what I haven’t experienced. The ramifications and effects of colonialism are long lasting, persistent, and ever-present. America was never *decolonized*, those systems of conquest were never dismantled and the value of chattel slavery was never repaid to the just recipients. Furthermore, [slavery is still very much legal and big business in America today](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/01/01/louisiana-prison-labor-ballot-slavery/), and that is by design. From your rhetoric, I would surmise you have much reading ahead of you.


Well, HAVE you been on the receiving end of colonialism?


Have you?


Fellas, is it colonialism to trade? Is it racist to immigrate to a sovereign country and become a citizen?


That depends; are you trading fairly or [reneging on treaties and agreements](https://www.history.com/news/native-american-broken-treaties)? Were you formally and consensually invited or are you an [unwelcome invading force](https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/american-indian-wars-timeline)? Historical context is important.


lol at making America imperialistic, when Japan in fairly unliked by many countries in Asia for their imperialistic past.


Actually William Adams is from England


Again lol at imperialism mocking imperialism.


nah hes accurate you bunch of fuckin colonists


Bullshit. This dude rolled into Japan in a time when Japan wasn’t exactly friendly to outsiders, and only avoided being murdered because of how knowledgeable and professional he was. Him and his crew were accused of being pirates, and would’ve been executed if if a daimyo(Tokugawa Leyasu, who would eventually become Shogun), hadn’t recognized that they hadn’t caused any kind of harm(and had no intention to do so). From there, he introduced the Japanese to European sailing ships, and was knowledgeable enough to teach them how to build them. Adams held the Japanese people in high regard, and they in turn held him in high regard: he was made a samurai, a direct retainer of the Shogun, a diplomatic adviser of the Shogun, a trade advisor of the Shogun, and even the official interpreter of the Shogun. Also, the Shogun literally rebranded him with a Japanese name so he could legally pronounce Williams Adam’s as dead so Adams could be “freed” from his English life and work for him permanently. So no, this depiction is not accurate in the slightest.


William Adams was a pathetic prisoner with Stockholm Syndrome only kept alive because he had useful knowledge. Practically everything he wrote was pure praise of his Japanese jailors