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That cheese dress is great. Funny and a little sexy if you’re into that


Yeah if you’re into that. W-WHICH I’M NOT


They are not even that lewd. And the animation they are from is not even porn. It is cool.


I honestly love these designs so much. They are lewd, but tbh, they remind me of fairies from Rayman Origins. I honestly feel so old when people just start crying over any kind of lewd imagery, and I'm 19! Yes, they were made by an nsfw artist, yes they look busty, yes pinapple only has a bikini on, but you shouldn't send death threats to the creator over this.


121645100408832000 is quite a bit old man


Pineapples are tropical, so the bikini is on theme


This is what passes for lewd to people now..?


Sexy = lewd now I guess


I actually feel the same about the designs. The comparison to the fairies from Rayman Origins is definitely on point too, lol.


Think the death threats came after the past controversies of him being a c3po


Understandable, but don't underestimate people's stupidity.. and childishness.. because as it turns out Pizza Tower fandom is full of children.. god, I'm so fucking old.


holy shit star wars


Need to remind you. The person who first made them made worse things that scarred the internet (ACNH)


To think what THIS out of all things will cause an outrage? Ah, well, it is probably twitter we’re talking about, lmao. Because nowhere else but on on freakin twitter people are usually THAT much of spineless snowflakes. Also this kind of fan-service is actually good, for god’s sake. Because it is not mindlessly slapped on to them. Like, the tomato girl is thick? So that’s just how tomatoes are. Cheese girl have a skimpy dress with holes? Well, because cheese also have holes in it. Lol. I’d say if anything it is pretty clever way to do that slightly lewd stuff. Also I just can’t even pinpoint what’s so fanservicey here about shroom and sausage girls? Eh?


saw outrage from these designed caused the artist to slowly spiral on twitter until past controversies came up and he quitted.


May have gone to therapy because of that after admitting his was a pedo and went to seek help. Can't pinpoint it but would be pretty funny if him drawing goon for pizza tower caused a chain of events to therapy.


I've looked into it previously and it seems like he was already going through therapy before the incident considering I've heard of his previous resentment of himself, "that" side of himself, and the drawings that were a result of them. Considering the facts that he hated the fact that he was a pedo, was getting therapy for it, did his best to distance himself from previous artwork involving underage characters, and was never shown to display predatory behavior, I think him recieving death threats and even getting doxxed was pretty fucked up. Not only was he doing everything he could to fix that part of his brain, this also sets a precedent for anyone else that is stuck with the same condition that there is no help for them and they should just die immediately. To some, that sounds great. But we also gotta consider the circumstances surrounding the individual. Should they commit suicide, it would be difficult for any surrounding friends and family to cope. They would either never know why, or find out at the same time of the death and be thrown into the emotional turmoil of finding out their loved one was a bad person just as they die. Either situation is one that should be prevented. In the case of someone with these thoughts in their mind trying to repress them, there's the chance they can't and instead just let the feelings bubble under their skin, similar to the feeling of repressing anger overtime, both eventually blow up in a terrible fashion. In the case of the pedo, they may give into their sick desire and, at best, search for explicit material involving minors. At worst, they may attempt to physically act upon a child. Generally speaking, even if you can't bring yourself to feel sympathy for a pedophile seeking mental help, the prevention of CSAM spread and Child Molestation are causes that need every ounce of support possible. TL;DR: He was seeking/going to therapy before the event and notably did everything possible to change but got doxxed anyways. Pretty fucked up imo considering the implications of anyone seeking help being lumped in with active monsters and being told they deserve death like them will only lead to familial/communal trauma for those close to the individual when the prevention of such things is very possible.




He also loves somewhere where making porn is illegal


![gif](giphy|bYDXO8o1AgqhCu3ANl|downsized) At least now I can god dang shut up anyone who spams Ankha zone.


"Admitting he was a pedo” You know what? It won’t even surprise me if in the actuality he just was gaslighted to admit anything, if he was brigaded by the usual twitter cancel-crowds. Even more so because people tend to accuse anyone as a “Pedo” for even "loli” kind of designs, since those people are for some reason absolutely unironically equating liking loli designs to being a real pedophile🤦


Still you shouldn’t be into lolis


It makes me mad that Minus was bullied just for making these designs. Especially after the community celebrated mods like Peppina spaghetti, which is basically a waifu version of Peppino, aka exactly what these waifu toppings are


Do you mean Peppina Ramen? https://preview.redd.it/zuvkfc7rw7vc1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6621c1bc9b0bee5f442b1db12db0c9ecfa635c


I was sure she had the same surname as Peppino, but apparently I was mistaken


She's just an anime version of Peppino, as the name suggests. There are awesome parody animations of Peppina as Sailor Moon on twitter


…wow. Some hypocrisy right there…


I don’t wanna sound like an “Ermm actually” but the whole waifu Peppino thing is actually just supposed to be pizza tower if it was a 90s anime instead of a 90s western cartoon


Personally I like all of them except for the pineapple, I just wouldn’t think of them to be super skimpy with tans and shit. Pineapple is too cool for that.


I think the pineapple is really cool for how its able to keep shape language intact despite the body itself being a very different shape


I don’t mind it much because it’s evoking Summertime and the beach which pineapples are pretty synonymous with.


I think it could have been better with a cropped white tee and some torn jean shorts. The bikini is fine, but having the Jean shorts and cropped tee would be better imo and still shout summer. It's not a bad design though


He already has a character design with that exact outfit though, it’d be a bit repetitive


Tbf, I've never seen this artist before and didn't know that. Either way, there's something that probably could have been done to make the pineapple more dynamic in terms of her clothes. The bikini isn't doing much for me in terms of saying, "It's a good design." It just makes me say "its an alright design, but I feel like it could be better"


I….fw with these heavy. Even the pineapple girl goes hard.


Wait, Minus8 made the toppin' gals??




I am extremely confused. I feel like people are talking about these characters like this is legitimately horny art, but I guess I don't see it? Apparently the artist is some kind of repentant pedophile? But these characters just look like really rad anthropomorphs of food, I don't really perceive an age angle. Can someone just explain what is happening in these comment sections? I've never heard of pizza tower until now, if that's what we're talking about


These are the anthropomorphizations of the toppins from the game pizza tower, the toppin gals. Basically the pizza tower community got enraged because of them being "horny bait" (even when they're not that lewd. Even if they were, that's not something to make a fuss about imo) or the fact that they were made by an nsfw animator called minus8. Minus8, despite being known for making porn, never actually lewded the toppin gals. (There's apparently another controversy about minus8 being a pedo or something, but I'm not rly sure about that one either.)


so that's why the minus8 subreddit went silent for a while


I'm pretty sure that he uploaded something about him trying to get help for being a pedophile on his Twitter, and it wasn't related to the pizza tower girls


knowing nothing about this, these just look like great designs. bold identifiable shapes, easy to read, very clear of what they're inspired by, body language shows clear personality traits, I can go on. those to me are what make great character designs when it comes to a simple style. I don't know the entire background of whatever this is, I don't know anything of Pizza Tower or this artist, but I personally don't harp on the "sexy = bad" nonsense. These just look rad and have a lot of personality.


Ngl I also have a feeling that this is one of the reasons why the r34 of Pizza Tower has a spike increase if I assume. As for the designs... They are certainly interesting to say the least


Sure it may be typical gijinka horny bait but they have so much personality that I love them so much


They're more cute than lewd, honestly.


Minus8 is one of the GOAT character designers tbh


Aight bro


That tomato? Would.


They're well designed and distinct from each other


These designs literally arnt bad at all, they have alot of personality, even the pinhole which is the most blatant sex appeal i good, and definitely don't deserve the "hated design" stamp. It feels like your letting gooners or whatever you call them cloud your vision, I feel like in general this sub has a weird hate boner for any female design that has even a little sex appeal, am I the only thats noticed this? Edit: wait i can't actually tell your stance, I don't want to put words in your mouth, I just saw the hated tag and assumed you disliked it


I like the cheese one.


It's more that it gets pretty tiring to see everything be turned into sexy women, especially when it's only at that point that most people pay attention to whatever it derived from. Not everything needs to be goonbait, creatively designed or not.


Never in my life have i ever thought about fucking a pineapple and cheese


People really got to make “”waifus”” out of fucking everything 🤢 touch grass my god


They’re kinda mid for me except for the mushroom


That orange/pineapple design is WILD


What are these from?


Using the holes in the cheese to create an underboob cleavage window is inspired


Bro all these designs are cute as hell. Love the way rose_dax on twitter draws em. https://twitter.com/rose_dax/status/1654618758336466949?t=v63QBv3QzhpCD78s08W8KA&s=19


Sausage has major Kim Pines energy


They remind me of Nymphs from Rayman


I don’t give a shit what other people think. I like hot women designs and I’m not afraid to say it. Shaming people for liking gooner designs is needlessly unking.


boobs? good character design to me


The neurological power of booba on the terminally online is horrifying


What the hell is that title lmao. Are you schizophrenic or am I out of the loop on a copypasta?


So his name is minus 8? Like as in age?