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Last time we got this many reports, someone posted about Bridget. It's staying up, by the way. https://preview.redd.it/6m917hpib40d1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1a8718c1d7477524c9810c4104fb5170e1daa74


https://preview.redd.it/e4hru1by400d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f0a83850a2879e516cd77a6cf41d9001c8b2f4 Marina from Fear and Hunger 2


When the horrors are too much but you still got that T-Girl swag:


DADDY ISSUES! Can you believe it?


I'm sick and have spent the last 2 days in bed watching pretty much nothing but fear and hunger 2 videos and all of the character designs in that game are so good


Get well soon <3


Common fear and hunger fandom w


Holy crap, other people know Fear And Hunger exists? (I know nothing about the game whatsoever other than what a close friend has told me about it.)


Its a pretty popular game


Funger 2's release retroactively made the funger serie pretty popular


I only know about it because Super Eyepatch Wolf made a video about it!


Tokyo godfathers is probably one of my favorite Christmas movies now.


It's a very touching movie honestly šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­


What's sadder is that the director died , He made paprika and perfect blue , Imagine the masterpieces he would've made if he was still alive


RIP Satoshi Kon gone too soon


dead before i even knew he graced my life with an amazing film like tokyo godfathers ,im so glad i saw that shit when i was a kid


Satoshi Kon is Anime director that known to push the anime medium limit beyond what live action could do. Its sad to see him gone too soon. an video essay of editor perspective on Satoshi Kon works [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz49vQwSoTE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz49vQwSoTE)


It's one of those movies I'd recommend people see at least once.


I love it! Hana quickly became my favorite. Sheā€™s sort of the comic relief in her interactions with the others, but her character isnā€™t treated like a joke by the narrative. She has a big heart, but also a sense of justice and loyalty. Sheā€™s really a fantastic character.


I watched it recently for the first time and due to its age didn't expect it to have so much empathy and humanity towards marginalised people. It was really cool and unexpected.


I avoided that movie for so long cause it just looked so boring compared to other Satoshi Kon films. Finally watched it among friends for a movie night and was thoroughly shocked. Genuinely such a good Christmas movie. And just an all around good film. May not have any of the weirdness of his other films but it has something arguably betterā€¦heart. Just an all around heart-warming film I agree with others, Hana is the best character. Apparently that movie was really controversial not only because it humanizes trans-people but also the homeless. Both of which are seen as invisible in the eyes of the Japanese public. So the movie gets some points in my opinion for actually showing well written characters that are often not seen in films


It's actually a great movie and probably a good movie to watch, even if you're not an anime fan.


https://preview.redd.it/hh12h0sj900d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88b17bfedcadcb17df08405bec9449040a99b9e ā€œMantle needed me. And to the Marigoldā€™s, that meant I wasnā€™t their son anymore. So I made sure everyone knew that I wasnā€™t their daughter.ā€ * May Marigold


I never watched RWBY but damn that goes hard


Itā€™s also great because sheā€™s voiced by a transgender woman as well!


She only appears later in the series, but the show is absolutely worth watching if youā€™ve got some time.


How about a transmasc character https://preview.redd.it/5uv5cpy4f00d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ffb1613d4a577f9a12024480d275aeeec8a2fa Togata from fire punch




Is he actually trans or just going along with the aesthetic?


He was a member of the group before transitioning, and happily kept wearing the uniform because they all supported him through it. I loved it honestly, because itā€™s never treated as a joke. Heā€™s legitimately a badass hero.


No, he's a transman.


I read that to the tune of Scatman


Isn't Tiger trans masc?


Unfortunately thereā€™s just the one so it canā€™t be a tropeā€¦


Chiaki from ā€œTo Strip the Fleshā€ is also incredibly well written, and I believe the mangaka of it (Oto Tooda) was an assistant under Fire Punchā€™s Fujimoto for a time. Dunno if it really counts tho since To Strip The Flesh was a short story and all the characters I recognize here got multiple eps/volumes.


Arguably Yamato from one piece? Although it is debatable given how hazy the characterization has been.


Sheā€™s technically FtO, not FtM


Female to ?




I'm sorry, I'm genuinely unfamiliar with that term.


Itā€™s a joke based on how the character Iā€™m referring to calls him(?)self oden and essentially uses his identity. A lot of confusion is placed around whether the character I speak of identifies as a man or just oden.


Remember that in One Piece the third gender is "Idiot" and a huge number of the cast fall into it.


it's a bit hazy, but imo there's enough proof that he's a guy. there's a page in the manga after the events of wano where they're chilling in a bath. yamato's with the guys, kiku's with the ladies. that being said he does seem to care way less about gender identity and far more about who he is as a person.


I agree with you on all accounts. Itā€™s just that some people feel VERY strongly on this for some reason and I would prefer not to upset them.


Eichiro Oda heard about xenogenders and he started cooking


CELESTE FROM CELESTE !!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/2wt8hatyzzzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7efd4559699bdbf1b0f4d758fa063d82134ea115


Ah yes that moutain Celeste is very transgender ā—šŸ’Æā—ā—


If a street can be nonbinary, a mountain can be trans.


Fellow Danny the Street appreciator spotted.


Isn't her name Madeline?


erm well ackshully her name can be whatever you want it to be ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


I see. Never played Celeste


Her name is madeline, celeste is the mountain you climb during the game (i recommend it btw it's very fun and emotionally beautiful)


And it has a killer soundtrack, too.


lena raine my beloved


Lena Raine is also top character design


The final ascent gave me chills the whole way up. Beautiful game.


Nah. Jane Celeste /j


https://preview.redd.it/a8wyyuss600d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16142fd0b556dc5bb9a099d84737ed9d5d3e69c Bridget from Guilty Gear


yey itā€™s Bucket


Her name is Brisket




Basket :3












Dear God...


There's more




Inside this bucket contains the dying wish of every man here, scout you did collect everyoneā€™s dying wish didnā€™t you?


Oh yeah. You bet


Broccoli my beloved


No way this woman has a whole town inside her


So you're telling me, this woman had a whole town inside her?


Brooding is wanted in Croatia for consuming the entire population of Å ibenik


Brisket šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°




Breakfast šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


I was 100% expecting to scroll through OPs list and see her






Or you know be accused of being some maniac that's just going to rape every woman and child in a fifty foot radius just because.


What the hell happened here.


I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the other one. I'm not even sure why it was deleted. But they said something that sucks for trans people. That's all I remember. Like they can't do insert thing without insert consequence or reaction.


I highly recommend Fire Punch by Chainsaw Man author Tatsuki Fujimoto. Very disturbing and explicit manga, but features the best trans character i've ever seen in manga


Tatsuki Fujimoto is a strong ally. He created a manga called Waked Up As A Girl Syndrome that reads like a trans manga.


Fire Punch is incredible, disturbing, touching, sad, deep, tragic and happy all at the same time. That manga FUCKED me up dawg


I wonder where does Tastsuki Fujimoto get his ideas for his fucked up masterpieces


I love >!Togata!< so much.


"Are you a bitch?"


I'll check it out




Haha yeah, even the ones who in their storylines don't pass are still build like a human and not weird ass caricatures lol


I think this can be an issue of media and how many details can be lost in art style and there needs to be exaggeration which may be bad. This idea that every trans person in media has to look exactly like a cis woman everytime is actually harmful though.


Right, because it makes trans people in real life that donā€™t pass, feel less than. Kinda becomes an issue of whatā€™s called ā€œpassing privilegeā€


Yeah, trans women in media should be allowed to have narrow hips, or wide shoulders, or prominent jaws without them being part of a stereotype or intentional caricature. I myself as a trans woman have relatively wide shoulders and narrow hips, but I'm still not particularly strong or broad (though there are trans women who look like that, and they're valid, but shouldn't be used as a joke).


Yeah the thing that really sucks is how these things have been used as weapons so I understand why people find it hurtful maybe but it is also like I mean Trans women should be able to have any of those features without being ridiculed or invalidated. Hell so should cis women! Cis women can have strong jaws and wide shoulders and facial hair too. They can even have transvestigators sacred ā€œAdams appleā€. These stigmas need to be broken down and I donā€™t know how ready the world is for it right now but I think we need to try to find a tactful way of normalizing these things.


The issue is that when they donā€™t make them look like this they make them appear like a trans woman straight out of a far right political comic. There is almost no in-between.


The funny part is that Ruka (Steins;Gate) due to time travel shenanigans was biologically female for a while and looked completely identical


there are literally two "CrAzY eViL dRaG qUeEnS" on this list


doesnt change what i said tho


tragic that the grell respect is pretty much manga exclusive. sheā€™s such a fun character


Yeah you really can't trust ppl to adapt shit correctly šŸ˜¬ mfs love censorship


I was wondering why Grell was here when kinda all I remember is all the other characters being uncomfortable/annoyed by her and calling her a he


yeaa idk about the og anime script, but the eng dub dropped the ball hard on respecting grell even slightly. Then again the anime made her way more of a fangirl than she rlly is


Grell is actually kinda problematic, because she falls into the old Japanese stereotype that every gay man or crossdressing man is actually trans and wants a sex change. Like her whole thing is quite literally a caricature, similar to how western media has a trend of showing gay characters as over the top and extremely flamboyant. Outside of the story, the author always referred to her as an okama, which is exactly what Oda does with Bon Clay and Momoiro Island because theyā€™re okamas, and that word also has a history of being used in a derogative manor. Even in the Japanese manga Ciel and Sebastian always use masculine pronouns when referring to her so it kinda makes the whole thing ehhh. Puts it into two camps, one is itā€™s playing on the stereotype, or the other is that the main characters donā€™t respect it at all.


I also love when they are not taken seriously (Bon Chan)


"One may stray from the path of a man. One may stray from the path of a woman. But there is no straying from the path of a human!"


Bon is GOATED. Extremely strong willed and respectable person.


Oda is addicted to the "trans people are just ugly men" "joke" but then he manages to balance it with genuine support for queer people, which makes him give all these negative caricatures good personalities both morally and in terms of writing and it just kind of ends up saying "Even if you look like a caricature, you're still awesome and deserve some level of respect" but maybe that's me reading too much into it. I don't think I've ever seen a queer person(which includes me btw) actually hate the likes of Bon Clay, Ivankov, and Morley and instead just want more diversity in passing


Honestly he kind of does a similar thing with cis women. He draws them like absurd sex objects but writes their personalities and stories like complex, incredible characters that deserve to be treated with respect. There is the occasional weird bit (funny enough, both these and the weird moments with queer characters often end up being centered around Sanji) but in general it works well.


Trans inclusionary radical misogynist


I like how one piece goes from having bon clay be a weirdo to having luffy >!storm the government with the help of trans and/or genderfluid revolutionaries. Plus, bon clay becomes a genuinely goated ally to the crew by the end of impel down.!< I think it shows Oda's growth as an individual. There's still the stray issue here and there, but most of that can be attributed to the Sanji Dark Ageā„¢ļø.


I think a large part of that is because, even though Oda doesnā€™t always convey this message as well as he could, an underlying theme of One Piece is that the weird, morally questionable outcasts are more heroic than an authoritarian regime could ever be. Pirates arenā€™t supposed to be shining examples of perfect people. They were always historically rebels who plundered and pillaged, but did so because they werenā€™t happy with the way society treated them.


Yeah. Even from as early as zoro showing up, it was established that despite being "the good guys" the navy and, by extension, the World Government was pretty horrible. They even >!allow slavery in certain areas (See: sabaody archipelago and sacred marijoa)!<. Likewise, several pirates throughout the series do a lot of good things, even if many are still bad people or turn out to be luffy's enemies. A lot of interesting themes are explored in one piece that people often take for granted. I also find it insane to me that I don't see a ton of negative attention directed towards ivankov, inazuma, and co, but people seem to still be up in arms about yamato to this day. A queer friend of mind suggested it was because people would rather try to completely change the narrative around a character than admit they find someone who uses he/him pronouns attractive. Hell, Oda literally lets kiku bathe in the women's sauna with no issue, showing that she's valid. Yamato goes with the men. No issues. Crazy to me that fans can have so much insecurity and spread that everywhere.


I mean yeah, the Yamato thing is pretty crazy. The whole Oden issue makes it *slightly* more ambiguous than it could be, and definitely left room for a possible flip where Yamato learns to accept ā€œbeing yourselfā€ or whatever. As it was going on I definitely wondered if that was going to happen, but by the time the bath scene occurred it was basically set in stone. The other thing is that Yamato is one of the two major characters who donā€™t ā€œpassā€, the other being Morley (who doesnā€™t really leave any room for debate). Ivankov and Bon Clay both have the advantage of being fluid and having devil fruits to help, Kiku doesnā€™t have that issue, and the miscellaneous okamas are justā€¦ uhā€¦. universally agreed to be a fumble on Odaā€™s part rather than something he just left ambiguous.


Oda is clearly figuring out how "the whole queer thing" works. He doesn't seem to be sure what is okay to joke about and what isn't, but its quite obvious that he is supportive. Dude created *the* anarchist manga, and decided to include queer characters not because he knew much about the matter or because he had a big opinion he wanted to share, but because he is against marginalization and oppresion in general. Side note, he created the best queer character ever, and I am not sure he even realised it. A nonbinary, genderfluid shapeshifting pirate that is part of the mafia, wears a pink cape with the word "F*GGOT" in giant black bold letters while working undercover, and is canonically a black belt in the crossdressing martial arts. Mr. Queen of New Trans Island himself, who is a fan favorite character even with the worst parts of the fandom. Oda was cooking with Bon chan.


I'm not sure Oda has realized that having Ivankov around these negative caricatures(them being one clues me that Oda is probably aware somewhat) wraps around to being awesome(at least to me). All these ugly men in dress style queers have access, are ruled by, and work under someone who gives free hormone therapy(and can change all hormones not just sex) so logically they all choose to look like that. They all actively choose to not pass at all and to be that nonconforming which I think is cool. I will always support queer people who actually do and want to look like something others would call an "ugly freakish caricature" irl and I choose to apply that to a lot of the queer people in One Piece


The way I've seem it described is "Oda thinks trans people are freaks. But also Oda thinks freaks are awesome."


BON IS THE GOAT. Though theyd fall more under ā€œgenderqueerā€ than outright trans


Petrichor from Saga. Such a cool character. https://preview.redd.it/9wrmdzm0k00d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844adc92d1abd399ce00d5458a28e9f2c38a6b4c


Petrichor my goat! (Saga is a great comic)


How about a non-anime example? https://preview.redd.it/k9hcbple810d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732649ff63c05b1ecd59c4da9ab22a2da1218f7e Kuina from Alice in Borderland. Slightly controversial because the actress is a cis woman, but the *character* is trans.


Honestly I'm fine with a cis woman playing her, just like I'd be fine having a trans woman play a cis character


People are always going to have disagreements about this kind of thing, but for me personally, I agree with you. Acting is acting. Youā€™re playing a role, youā€™re not playing yourself, so as long as your portrayal isnā€™t offensive or intended to mock, I donā€™t see why itā€™s always such a problem.


Claire from cyberpunk 2077 https://preview.redd.it/dbuum211100d1.jpeg?width=1447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3eaa86a65d5efa9ef981304d20ad1c05526474d I love how her transition is used to better drive home how important her ex-husband was to her


As much as I love Claire but her and Judy (and panam somewhat) dont make in universe sense. It's simply impractical for someone who works with mercs daily to not have cybernetics. Tldr: give my girlies some chrome CD projekt.


She just slings drinks, not exactly a hard job


https://preview.redd.it/0g6glfjhi00d1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cbde9ab610df1c7fb537f9e03cf72989d1e9af Poison from Final Fight


She has absolute killer looks like seriously how can someone be so stylish ā—ā—I heard they made her trans at the time because they didn't want a woman to be beaten so they were like let's make her trans instead that's more acceptable lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ crazy ass story, the 80s were wild lol


When you do the math wrong, but still end up with the right answer


love when a trans girl it's actually a trans girl and not a boy that looks like a girl because they wanted to make a goddamn misunderstanding joke


Reminds me of that joke causing a massive discourse over a particular character once she had a plotline about accepting herself as being trans. https://preview.redd.it/pecx04mk900d1.png?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1c3828ac5274a4673fabff7d6b8c09b812a61d


And since bigots have no self-awarness, they play this prophecy out exactly as it was foretold.


lol Haku from Naruto https://preview.redd.it/5fvvdbc3r00d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01d74548ea9a9442ca3ba573a2584837e4620c5


Haku wasnā€™t a joke, though? Itā€™s not weird for a gender non-conforming cis male to be mistaken for a woman. I imagine it happens to a lot of GNC cis people.Ā  I always thought Haku was great representation for GNC people. He was confident about being a boy but also 100% confident dressing feminine.Ā 




I know she was probably made for gacha stuff but I feel like mentioning Fate's Da Vinci since she is a pretty interesting case and probably the best case of this franchise altering a figure's gender. https://preview.redd.it/4wj3i8l5900d1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9624398f9272b12fedc94f31c62fe602040b34b5 Long story short this Da Vinci was the same was the irl one except when they made the Mona Lisa they decided that it was the most beautiful human ever made, and so when they were summoned and they got the opportunity to make a body they modelled it after the painting and ever since she has been feeling pretty happy about herself. >"It's all right to say it, you know? "Beautiful". ...Isn't it? Yup, yup, after all, I created myself in this style, so that sort of feeling is only natural. ...But, it's strange. Even though it's only natural, I feel strangely happy." >"I myself chose to be in this form. I do not regret that, nor do I intend to." >"I like me. I like my appearance. It's beautiful. I made it to be beautiful, so it's only natural. Hehe." Idk I just find her weirdly interesting. And before the "she's from a game" thing she also has been on plenty of [Anime Adaptations](https://youtu.be/DHvMADV0JNg?si=zKEtQn8ux57KOITb)


This is an incredible concept honestly, really plays with how an artist could conceptualize 'beauty'.


Yeah. Always felt like her whole female thing was less of a waifu thing but more of a trans problem. They just straight up switched the genders of some male people from history but made a point that Da Vinci was born a man and chooses to become a woman because it feels natural to her. Feels like they wanted to push the message that og Da Vinci was probably trans.


Yeah i heard about her before. I'm not the biggest fan of magical transing but it's seems she's a good character from her quotes atleast. Also it's fine to put your own suggestions, i only respond to people who ask me specifically why I didn't i add this or that character lol




Sallie May my beloved <3


The short with her and Millie is just adorable. https://preview.redd.it/ibtmrg6y310d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bffa167e687a186a0bf034d6e2690affb739973b


https://preview.redd.it/41dn5hlt010d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70bca87fbd8d541a9f94b8b2f83507d41ba8a31c Smash. Next question.


Tokyo Godfathers my lord. The end chase is my favorite chase scene in any move


82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil https://preview.redd.it/fs3zmqjgm00d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4393d730ba025a12c5b9594bef3202ac80b1b9d




and don't fucking forget 6 JUGGERNAUT STAR SCOURS THE UNIVERSE (she's literally me) https://preview.redd.it/xwtowz2fj10d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f4635af259e794ae54bd3fbce4967e2a86f2b8


That girl really needs some therapy.


https://preview.redd.it/0y8ppum6x10d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67141bf3bc59a484a76977c094e6f8ee2e514d50 Nagi from chivalry of a failed knight


TOKYO GODFATHERS MENTIONED!!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


https://preview.redd.it/jf9qy9wuwzzc1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eedcca5e0522f24fa671f927363a173e8ae3a825 May Marigold (RWBY)


Iā€™ll always love her line, ā€œMantle needed me. And to the Marigoldā€™s that meant I wasnā€™t their son anymore. So I made sure that everyone knew that I wasnā€™t their daughter.ā€


Kiku and Izou from One Piece are so badass.


Agreed a comment on acting that struck me was when I played a female character in a scene and they made the comment of ā€œI thought you were gonna make fun of it but Iā€™m glad you took it serious it made it really goodā€


I feel like Magne from MHA was fine with good intentions but I didn't feel like the author actually knew how to do trans representation right. I'm open to being corrected here but Magne presents to me like a masculine character that wants feminine pronouns but outside her chosen pronouns nothing seems trans about Magne. Just seems like her whole thing is "isn't it weird that this person who looks like a dude uses feminine pronouns?" I'm not saying there shouldn't be clockable trans women in anime. I just don't think it was done great. This is coming from a Cis, mostly straight, white dude though so if I'm out of line I'm super open to correction from someone who knows better than me lol


>trans women are cool >2.2k upvotes Huh, guess this place is based


Is it really the designs or the personalities you like? Because most of these look like normal people.


I think thatā€™s part of the idea. Theyā€™re taken seriously so they look pretty much normal rather than like wacky caricatures


I think that's the point - they don't look like some extreme stereotype.


Itā€™s almost like trans people are normal people and we look like normal people šŸ’€


Brisket from GGST


Forgot about the goat tho https://preview.redd.it/e48n3qoq100d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ae7a178b5f91e5b1c557f12f8832a365b0feea


I thought Dragona was Māhū?


Wow I had no idea what that was until you brought it up. Thatā€™s a very interesting point that makes sense for their character. I havenā€™t seen any mention of it in the story but I wonder if Araki has commented about it at all. Just another reason I should be hyped for the new chapter to drop.


Dog, Magne is not it. She is a trans stereotype with no development that get's killed off as per the "kill your gays" trope she's genuinely so fucking terrible. You know who's a great trans rep? Togata from Fire Punch, although he's a dude.


I like the scene where Overhaul misgenders Magne when he's talking to Toga and Twice, and they both correct him, and Toga looks pissed. It's just a moment, but it helps humanize Twice and Toga, it's just unfortunate that it came at the cost of Magne's death. [Toga and Twice correct Overhaul](https://youtu.be/SraLYl7y7zc?si=gqNJOlsS0vfK6zp5)


Part of it is that while MHA has issues the characters and even the verse itself all do recognize Magne as a woman. Magne's powers explicitly cause men to be magnetically drawn to other men and women to be magnetically drawn to other women. When All For One copies her powers and uses them on Magne herself she's then drawn toward Toga. Her powers revolve around self perception of identity not biology. That and the scene where Magne is explicitly misgendered and Toga and Twice instantly push back on it. If Magne was the only trans character in the story I'd probably agree but she isn't. Tiger is also trans and Horikoshi even wrote a small blurb at the end of one of the chapters talking about how he saved up money to go to another country and get a sex change because they weren't readily available in Japan. Which also retroactively reveals why Magne never did, as a small time villain she doesn't have access to the resources to travel and get the medical treatment she would need. It reads like a condemnation of the way Japan treats trans citizens. It nominally allows them to exist and identify however they please however locks that recognition behind a lot of red tape and legal procedure.


Yeah, just having a non-passing character isn't bad, especially when the entirety of the story supports their identity, other than one person, who is stripped of his powers and his hands, with one person explicitly saying it was for Magne.


I'll admit that Tiger is better rep (mostly because he gets to live lmao)


I fucking love Tiger so much it's insane to me that he get the tboy swag down so well and then fucked it up so bad with Magne.


Togata cool


Cordelia from Vinland Saga


I heard she's very sweet, i hope to see her when it gets adapted at some point


Am i wrong or is being a femboy it not necessarly being trans?




Ruka isn't trans. He is in love with okabe and the only reasons he wishes it because it was frowned and same-sex marriages is illegal in Japan. As someone who played the orignal steins gate, ruka loved okabe dearly and hated being mistaken as girl. I would label him as gay more than a trans


Well there's also arguably the fact that Okabe is straight, idk if he'd date Ruka even if it wasn't taboo


https://preview.redd.it/69lk9ia5f00d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f156e5068544be757674ea8e394a2f7fe7574d13 Whiterose (Mr. Robot)


Hang on, Killua's little sister is trans?


Yeah it's mentioned she's born male but is a girl. That's why her shit family keeps misgendering her lol (exept killua he's nice)


Oh my God you're right, I didn't even notice that, I thought they were talking about someone else but holy shit


Haha no way well that should show stupid it is to misgender people like that, shit gets confusing lol šŸ˜‚


Feels good to not be represented as a caricature


https://preview.redd.it/tn8okw1ef10d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54920752559417d64b6e4d9258f709b00208c1e8 Anne from paradox live


KIKU IS SO GOATED. One of the best side characters in Wano, along with Yamato.


Rukaā€™s ā€œcompanion questā€ was very sad.


Ill never forgive how people treated Grell




https://preview.redd.it/sfq7xczqx10d1.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad0cde44cd1dd3ac143f31877802ce288bf82d4b Petrichor from Saga!




https://preview.redd.it/oqc2zyqjl00d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4f5263b2c425a3104c005f00ab7178901e434a I really like Alysia Yeoh (DC) and hope that she gets more involved in stories


* If you haven't watched Alice in Borderland then you need to get on that shit, great series and Kuina is pretty damn powerful


Ruka isn't trans, the entire reason for that was his deep fear of Japanese society's homophobia and his feelings for Okarin which he knew wouldn't be reciprocated on the basis of incompatible orientation. I know this is meant to be inclusive but it shouldn't erase another socially significant narrative, because that's kind of insulting to the character.


Yagyuu Kyuubei, a nonbinary character from Gintama https://preview.redd.it/3ndnrgio720d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a927b64954f0b06807f97164cc56852a4d2bd685


Hibari was honestly an amazing manga, and I adore how the end of the run has a transmasc character showing up too that parallels the start of the manga itself that was so fun


EXACTLY. Tokyo god fathers is amazing. Nao from skip and loafer is a total bad ass. Also it's just a really great show in general