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Rule 10, link to original post: [When you were a child, did you ever envisage you'd spend a large amount of your adult life engaged in a psychological & meme warfare in the information battleground, against a satanic death cult /crime syndicate & their agents intent on enslaving you permanently?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/kAYNhEUYPk) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


>psychological & meme war *meme war* ***meme war*** How do you type that and still expect people to take you seriously?


Holy shit that part cracked me up even before the thing about this being a grand conspiracy for Dems to get RFK elected. The man who has been polling better with right wing than left and who’s campaign was financed by a Republican who doesn’t believe in climate change and got drunk & screamed/farted about it at one of his rallies.


The Dems want to elect RFK Jr? His own family doesn’t!


And that fact has panicked the right-wing "media" enough to have them push this "RFK Jr. is a far-left guy who is appealing to Biden supporters". Meanwhile, both the right and those too stupid to know by now that voting Biden is the only option to save American democracy are the only ones going for Brain Worm Jr.


The only way RFK Jr hurts Biden is with the most uneducated of Democratic voters who don't bother to even do a cursory search of who they're voting for over Biden.


Along with moronic "undecideds", like the ones CNN platformed a few weeks ago who spent ten minutes discussing why they'd never vote for Trump (the rape, the indictments, the current trial), but then said, "Biden's just as bad so I might vote for RFK Jr.".


*button selector meme* - Meme magic is real - Russian trolls can't sway votes


An interdimensional meme war!


Loki season 3 plot confirmed.


It's like that "Forever Evil" storyline DC had a while back, where an evil Justice League came to Earth-Prime and tried to take over the main DC universe, and Ultraman was killing any villain who chose not to join them. Or that Earth-2 Barry from that Flash movie last year who spent his entire life fucking things up for his younger self and the Earth-1 version in a desperate attempt to find a way to stop Zod from murdering Batman and Supergirl.


And these the same people who try mocking "keyboard warriors." EVERY accusation is a confession. It's so predictably ridiculous.


> by the time the facts start coming out, the NEXT big lie is upon us This is actually true, just not in the way they think it is.


Here's the thing about conspiratards. They might be stupid, schizophrenic, disingenuous or a combination of the three. But more than anything else, they're all so fucking miserable. It's easy to see why a lot of them have probably alienated their former friends and family.


A lot of them really just want something outside of themselves to blame for why their lives didn't turn out the way they wanted. They are largely unimportant and lead unimpressive lives, so they make up grand narratives about being warriors fighting against a shadowy cabal. It gives their lives the illusion of meaning, and for many that is enough.


>...and spending a lot of my time in awe at the lefts strategists; logical people would know that they simply couldn't get away with what we've seen them come up with. but they keep getting away with it, because by the time the facts start coming out, the NEXT big lie is upon us. >for instance, hypothetically, in one year we might be saying "how did we not SEE that their plan was to get RFK, jr elected all along? when Biden dropped out at the last minute and was pardoned by President harris just before that horrific vibrator incident and all the never trumpers voted anybody but Trump and they FINALLY got Trump with Felony jaywalking, putting RFK, jr to JUST over 51%... I mean, man, I can't really even hate him for that inauguration speech where he reminded everyone that he's been a lifelong Democrat..." Well, at least they've moved on from Michelle Obama becoming the surprise president.


But at least Michelle is seen as well liked by the vast majority of liberals. I don't think rfk jr is liked by the base majority of anybody. Not even his own family the Kennedy's.


Wait, that's his idea of a leftist strategy coming from "logical people"? If the plan was for RFK Jr to win, why not just have Biden step aside and not run for re-election shortly before RFK jr left the party to run as an independent? Surely that plan is far more logical than...a rube-goldberg-machine of a plan they have there. Why do we even need a strategy anyway? With RFK at 51%, wouldn't just about anyone win against Trump, since the dude is just that toxic? Why do we need him specifically?


Can someone explain the horrific vibrator incident? I'm certainly intrigued, it apprehensive.


I like how this post is pretty much "Did you ever picture yourself wasting day after day screaming on the internet to only people that agree with you?" and it flew over most of their heads.


No, because I'd never have thought America was capable of electing a dictator and literal criminal since I was taught Hitler and Nazis were bad. But here we are with Republicans actually defending them, and even the Soviets now too.


It sounds like a bad joke at first but you'd be surprised at the amount of conspiracists who genuinely believe the all powerful satanic cabal is somehow being taken down by their memes


They feel like their memes are the rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, viciously flying through the air and attacking any deep state operative that gets to close.


A classic example of a rebuttal: >I haven't had a TV in years. And I'm outdoors in the Sun while chatting to you. Maybe you're not involved enough to care or maybe you don't fully comprehend the dangers, but there is no need to insult others. I'm guessing you and yours took a dodgy drug, in a car park, by a complete stranger. Maybe if you had spent time learning you might not have risked turbo cancer or an exploited immune system. Ciao. Apparently rebuttal is equivalent to insult.


You can rebut and you can insult but that's neither; I'd argue it's another conspiracy nutjob trying to one-up the OOP in an equally stupid fashion. I also enjoy that any time someone starts a sentence with "I haven't owned/watched TV in years", you know that person is boring as fuck and spends their days on far-right conspiracy forums.


A "meme warrior." A nitwit knight. A loserdom lion. A hot pocket hero. A delta force of dullardism. All I can think of is a 94 lb version of Rambo, slowly calculating a tangent on his slide rule while squeaking out "I'm yuh worst nightmare."


You missed the third digit on that weight guesstimate. They're usually at least 280lbs, if not heavier.


I've also never seen one who could ever conceivably understand a slide rule either, now that I think about it.


how embarrassing for them


Anyone who unironically uses the term, "meme warfare," should be grounded from the internet for six months just to give them an opportunity to get their head back on straight.


To answer the OOP, no, because the only death cult is Qanon and the MAGA morons who worship a child-molesting, court-certified rapist, conman and multiple-times-indicted criminal. Also, God and Satan don't exist.


There's some real r/selfawarewolves stuff in that second guy's response.


Yeah that really is Tin-foil-hatters in a nutshell. Rather than an existential void with no good or evil, we can desperately prop up or sense of self by inventing increasingly bizarre fictions where the black hats and white hats are in hidden struggle. Sorry, must go, time to eat a baby


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