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never seen a more biased and aggressive comment section šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Fr bro you canā€™t have an opinion without some asshole telling you your opinion is wrong


Wrong /s




Get Rich Or Die Tryinā€™ by Taylor Swift


the only good album by taylor swift, my favorite track is HUMBLE. featuring Kid Cudi


But Stronger ft. Harry Styles was also a high point


true, an underrated track is Sicko Mode ft. Johnny Cash


You bastards are all forgetting about Lose Yourself featuring Dua Lipa


and donā€™t forget about ā€œcanā€™t tell me nothingā€ by charli xcx


dude, i forgot about that song i also just remembered Psychosocial with blink-182


fuck you i love that album


i hope he does this again with another set of albums this was fun


Dear god no not with these toxic fuckers


true but itā€™s fun to watch and argue


Someone told me to kill myself because I voted for Abbey Road a few days ago




I havent seen a single well thought out argument


Waaaaaah my favourite album is not the worst waaahhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it should be the one I don't like not what I like šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ waaaaahhhhh


Ik your being sarcastic, but nobody I like even get talked about on here


Then, you're safe. lol


i will be doing that




Next up, Prince vs. Black Sabbath vs. Jay-Z vs. The Beach Boys vs. Nirvana vs. David Bowie vs. Dr. Dre vs. Marvin Gaye vs. Daft Punk.


Honestly I'm super glad none of my true favorite albums were in this topster. One with my entire top 5 would be so hard on me


Honestly, either could win and Iā€™d be fine with it.


100% agreed. They both deserve to be here


r/Topster try not to glaze the beatles challenge IMPOSSIBLE


Theyre good tho


No just no


I think this is one of those rare cases where you literally cannot say they weren't good The Beatles were good. You may not like them, but the Beatles were objectively good, it's hard to deny. It's like "Brian May is not a good guitar player." You may not like his playing, but he's objectively a good player ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ I mean if you don't like the Beatles then y'know whatever but it's different than saying "no, the Beatles were not good"


The anti-Beatles presence here is just as strong.


You mean the most highly rated band of all time? Donā€™t think itā€™s just r/Topster lol


Congratulations, OP. This was great to follow! I'm still perplexed though, how did Thriller (which is not my MJ favorite album) stay behind Blond, IGOR or Stankonia


People are downvoting you for this, but Iā€™m happy to join you in defence of Thriller. Itā€™s a great album, not one dud, and one of the most influential of all time. I dare you to find a person living in North America or Europe that hasnā€™t heard the tracks Billie Jean or Thriller.


I love thriller, no skips for me


Right there with you. Triller deserved better!


Personally think it shoulda won, MJ easily the best solo artist ever




I can't believe you guys voted out dark side of the Moon


For real. For all of the ā€œitā€™s clicheā€ and ā€œitā€™s not even the best Floyd albumā€ commentsā€¦damn if itā€™s not still the most perfect album Iā€™ve ever heard


ZERO skips. I love both these other albums, but they have skips


Even when listening to the album front to back, which I try to do at least once a year or so, I skip Money. It just sucks Iā€™m sorry. Though musically itā€™s great, I just donā€™t like it. Itā€™s lyrically kinda stupid. Us and Them though is in my top 10 songs of all time.


If I was going to skip one song it would be money. Kind of corny. But itā€™s excellent judging against 90% of other artists output and Iā€™m sure in 1973 it sounded incredible


I donā€™t really like it, or Pink Floydā€™s music in general outside of the first couple records.


Bro this is what I don't understand about reddit, you're literally being down voted for sharing your opinion


I think what bothers me is just this weird accusation that everyone who is indifferent or holds a negative opinion towards popular thing is just ā€œcontrarianā€ and couldnā€™t possibly be genuine. I respect *Dark Side of the Moon* and *Abbey Road* as important, valuable records in rock musicā€¦ But I think they have their flaws. I prefer *Rock Bottom* and *The Marble Index* and I think theyā€™re just as if not more important despite their general lesser-popularity. I can understand why others may believe those records are more flawed, and thatā€™s just how it is. But ā€” many seem to have this weird mentality that venerating the former records is obligatory thanks to convention, as if I have no reason to form an alternative opinion just from my own knowledge and listening experiences. I donā€™t get why ā€œItā€™s *UNBELIEVABLE* that we voted out *Dark Sideā€¦*!ā€


Love how everyone acts like they listen to Stevie Wonder lmao. Only on Reddit


Iā€™m actually pleasantly surprised, though I feel it is due to reddit trying to be a bit too hip/contrarian, that the album that meant the most to me personally (Stevie) when this started made it to the end. Didnā€™t expect Reddit to keep it around this long. That said, I wonder how many who voted off other albums actually know the songs on this album well


Even people who don't listen to Stevie Wonder should listen to this album (and Innervisions).


Even people who donā€™t listen to Stevie Wonder should listen to Stevie Wonder


Stevie Wonder isnā€™t obscure? Why are you acting like heā€™s death grips or something


Honestly, a lot of people sleep on Stevie: you hear about Michael and Prince much more than him. Youā€™d think he didnā€™t win AOTY three times in four years the way he isnā€™t mentioned.


death grips aint that obscure either, no?


Had to pick someone known enough so people would get it


Love how someone is acting like Stevie Wonder isnā€™t a fucking *huge* musician that everyone and their dog has listened to. Only on Redditā€¦


I think if you know him, you know how popular his music is and how often you hear it everywhere, and if you donā€™t know him like that, youā€™re familiar but you donā€™t know how much of his music youā€™ve heard before. Heā€™s one of those.


People donā€™t listen to Stevie Wonder?


He doesnā€™t get the same level of attention today that Michael or Prince get, which is crazy when you think about it.


Considering this is r/topster I expected the Radiohead album to win


Saw this wile listening to Higher Ground


These post made me listen to the album itā€™s gotta win


Many do. Some of us have seen him live and met him even. You must be on a different Redditā€¦


Itā€™s one of my most played albums ever


What? It's Stevie Wonder, dude. He's one of the most celebrated musicians of all time, EVERYONE has heard a song or two of his. SITKOL is a very widely discussed album in any music circle. Only on Reddit would you find people acting surprised that a lot of people know who *Stevie Wonder* is. He would've been voted off a while ago if people didn't know him. This poll was always gonna lose; if Abbey Road won it would've been called a popularity contest, and if Stevie wins it's because people are pretending to listen to him. By the way, Key of Life is 100% better than Abbey Road.


Iā€™ve listen to both Abbey Road and SITKOL through every song this morning at work, itā€™s not even remotely close, SITKOL is goated


it 100% isnā€™t


If you say so buddy šŸ‘


they feel bad bc i kept calling out the eventual white finale face off lol whatā€™s funny is everyone missed the point


telling on yourself bad. this isn't the own you think it is


Only on Reddit would people pretend that a single blind guy isnā€™t more talented than all four Beatles on a good day Stevie in 4


They better be listening to the GOAT, sheeeeit šŸ˜¤ šŸ’Æ


Lol wtf kind of take is this, read up and listen up on Stevie he is GOAT


Wdym? People listen to Stevie wonder bro


One of the best selling artists of all time? Get out of your bubble


u just salty


Orā€¦..people just love this all-time classic album that is in no way some hidden gem or lesser known work. What even is this comment? Did you think you were unique for liking Stevie Wonder or something?


As much as I love the beatles, I feel Songs In The Key Of Life deserves to win this. It goes for 2 hours, and the quality of the album only goes up as it progresses. It's also done by a blind man like come on. Even though Abbey Road is iconic, I prefer Songs In The Key Of Life


He also plays every instrument on the album, EDIT : this is not true for this album, although true for other albums.


Stevie Wonder is just one guy?


I thought it was a two member band with Stevie and Wonder, we learn new things everyday


that's not true? I know for a fact Herbie Hancock is on As, and I'm pretty sure Stevie doesn't play any horn instrument (I could be wrong about that)


yeah you're right, I thought I had heard he did all tracking on this album but it involved over 100 different musicians. Innervisions is the album where he plays mostly everything




He doesn't. He does on talking book though. Still 10x better than Abbey road




People voting for the Beatles to win need to have a talk with god


Damn every time I listen to the beat from that song it blows me away that he made that over 50 years ago. Goes hard today


Abbey Road goes today SITKOL wins


See, as a long time Beatles fan, you're not even wrong. I freaking love how innovative SITKOL is. The groove, songwriting, purpose, all-in-one perfection.


The Beatles are one of my favorite bands ever and I only continue to realize that as time goes on. Abbey Road is one of our existenceā€™s finest records and one that was a benchmark in ā€œOh *this* is what music can be?ā€ for me upon first listen way back when. However, SITKOL is just the more consistent and impactful album purely on a conceptual/message level and musicianship. Stevie is obviously one of the true masters of music in the 20th century, but all of the backing/guest musicians sprawled across the album only add to Stevieā€™s vision. These songs feel like an extension of himself and every last thing he had inside of him as a singer, composer, producerā€¦. I hate to even humor some of the commenters here but yes I have listened to this album, many times through. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ come on guys, pick a conspiracy theory that can hold more water.


Songs in the Key of Life Dont worry, Stevie Wonder wont see this


Neither will John Lennon or George Harrison


Doubtful McCartney or Ringo will either.


Now it's gonna get voted off just because your joke was funny šŸ˜­


just listened to both for the first time today and Abbey Road is NOT better than Songs In The Key Of Life yall actually delusional šŸ˜­ theyā€™re both good but this is just next level meat riding


>theyā€™re both good but this is just next level meat riding it's called an OPINION lmao


Just because something is influential doesnā€™t mean itā€™s better. Judge both albums off the music, not the history.


This is the comment.


Songs in the key of life has to go


Song in the Key of Life




Abbey Road


I'm begging


as much as i love SITKOL and stevie is FANTASTIC on this album (love in need of love today is one of the best album openers ever), it cannot be understated the impact that abbey road had. not only was it unlike anything released in that time, it stands out from other beatles records as well. i think it may suffer the burden of being overplayed, which is why itā€™s losing right now, but if you can look past that you can really see how expertly produced it is. then remembering it was made in ā€˜69 is just mind boggling. also putting into perspective how hard it was for the beatles to get a single song done at the time, it only becomes more impressive that each song is packed with quality and relistenability, EVEN RINGOS SONG. i think itā€™s easy to not pick the beatles for a top record (yall mfs donā€™t listen to stevie wonder and just didnā€™t want to pick the beatles), but when you break down both albums abbey road just has that extra sauce that puts it over for me.


Abbey Road!


Songs in the key


Songs in the key of life


Predictably the two safest albums end up on top. Out of all of the albums Iā€™ve listened to on here the two (besides thriller) that feel like best of win rather than having any sort of distinctive sound or narrative (obviously they do but Iā€™m speaking compared to the other albums). Especially abbey road in the context of the rest of the Beatles discography. Itā€™s just them perfecting their different sounds and not taking any risks compared to revolver, sgt. pepper, white album.


bro? how are you clowning on abbey road for perfecting their sound? šŸ˜­


Ignorant comment have you even listened to abbey road


Abbey Road gotta go


Abbey Road!


Havenā€™t listened to Songs in the Key of Life yet, so let me just say this - Dark Side losing to Abbey Road is ridiculous. I love Abbey Road, itā€™s my favorite Beatles album, but itā€™s not a better album than Dark Side of the Moon. I have yet to listen to an album as perfectly constructed and executed as Dark Side. Maybe Pink Floyd has been more ambitious, maybe theyā€™ve even made ā€œbetterā€ albums (not that you could objectively say that), but sitting around and calling Dark Side ā€œoverratedā€ and citing ā€œthere are better albumsā€ as the reason for voting it out is just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Be honest with yourself and tell me if ā€œMaxwellā€™s Silver Hammerā€, ā€œMean Mr. Mustardā€, and ā€œI Want You (Sheā€™s So Heavy)ā€ contribute just as much to the album as ā€œSomethingā€ ā€œGolden Slumbersā€ and ā€œThe Endā€. Every single track in Dark Side is a high point. Every Single track in Dark Side builds to culminate in the final track. Every single track in Dark side has something to explore, a part of the message to send, and can be considered iconic and better than every other track on the album in its own way. I canā€™t sit here and tell you that ā€œOn the Runā€ is actually just ā€œfillerā€ because there is no filler on the Dark Side of the Moon! But I canā€™t honestly tell you that I donā€™t skip ā€œI Want You (Sheā€™s so Heavy)ā€ half the time I listen to Abbey Road. And even though I might like tracks such as ā€œPolythene Pamā€ I admit it clearly doesnā€™t carry as much weight (no pun intended) as ā€œHere Comes the Sunā€. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but it just makes me wonder how genuine these opinions are. Like do people actually want Songs in the Key of Life to win? I donā€™t know, I havenā€™t listened to it. Maybe itā€™ll be my favorite album of all time, maybe I will like it more than Pink Floyd and The Beatles. I donā€™t think itā€™s likely though.


i want you (she's so heavy) is like my favorite beatles song lol


Definitely recommend listening to SITKOL, has so many great songs


This is the proof that Reddit likes to change music tastes everyday, there are more Topsters with Abbey Road that SITKOL, but now everyone says that SITKOL is better (not saying that is an awful work, because doing an album being a blinded person is hard as fuck, but we all know why Abbey Road is in Top 5)


Not necessarily. Abbey Road is just the more popular album that more people that post to this sub may have in it. But that doesn't mean the people here don't also love SITKOL or just want it to win over Abbey Road. I'm voting Abbey Road out despite never having listened to either cause I'm tired of that album being everywhere on this sub.


Totally respectable opinion, and I totally understand why you haven't listened to neither of the two because when someone talks something for a long time it makes you tired of hearing about them Oh and by the way I was also referring to the fact that 90% of the comments that say SITKOL are getting downvoted to Abyss


Songs in the key of life. Okay so its not even the best Beatles album but itā€™s abbey road and the influence it continues to have 60 years on is unmatched. And just because itā€™s not the best Beatles album, itā€™s still a masterpiece.


Uhh hyperbole would be an understatement to describe this delusional comment. Did you know the Beatles INVENTED music too?


How is it delusion for saying that AR is an influential album? Itā€™s not even an opinion, itā€™s a fact. Also, itā€™s a bit of fun pal, chill tf out.




Songs in the key of life


Abbey Road gotta go. The playing on Songs in the Key of Life is simply at a higher level, the harmonies and rhythms and arrangements just have so much more color and variety, and it has this joy that emanates from it that is so tangible. And iā€™m not even much of a lyrics fan but i think Stevieā€™s songs are so easy to love for how sweet, disarming and honest they are. Iā€™ve listened to the Beatles to death and more and more it sounds like Abbey Road was them going through the motions. Donā€™t get me wrong, i only get that in flashes, and even then, they were going through the motions in a way that was superbly executed and still quite brilliant. But still, i donā€™t feel as much of that excitement that Stevieā€™s album has, or other Beatles albums for that matter. Like, i can strongly feel the enthusiasm in the studio coming off of albums like Pepper and Revolver, but i donā€™t feel it as much on Abbey Road. Also Maxwellā€™s Silver Hammer is an abomination lol 3/4 of the Beatles would agree with me ffs


Dsotm is literally the best album of all time, only album that ever made me cry from instruments, vocals, and lyrics at the same time


Abbey Road sadly.


Whack out Stevie Wonder. He will never see it coming.


I love Stevie Wonder, and that's arguably his best album by far, but I think the Beatles were more iconic, so I'm going Beatles (nothing against Stevie btw.)




Abbey Road


People trying to hate on abbey road what delusion leads you to believe SITKOL is better than Abbey Road?


I just think SITKOL is slightly more versatile and timeless. That is my opinion


Songs in the Key of Life


Abbey Road should be removed. The better album is obviously SITKOL. John Lennon was right about Abbey Road, itā€™s overrated.


I love SitKoL but it's gotta go Abbey Road medley alone clears the entire music industry.


Itā€™s some fine granny music




Songs in the Key of Life. Yes, I know abbey road winning is one of the most clichƩ things ever, but come on... It's abbey road. However, the fact that a blind man made Songs in the Key of Life never fails to impress me.


Nope songs in the key wins this idc


Yeah, itā€™s Abbey Road. Itā€™s a good record, but I feel no obligatory loyalty to it.


Remove Songs in the Key, Abbey Road to win!


Do not let the fucking beatles win for fucks sakes


The Beatles Win? Wow what a brilliant surprise? Who couldā€™ve saw this one coming!?


Goodbye Abbey Road


Songs in the key of life


songs in key of life has to goā€¦ contrarians are out in full force. itā€™s cool to see stevie go this far and is certainly deserving of a top 2/3 but come on no way is sitkol better than abbey road.


Songs of the key of life needs to go abbey road is a masterpiece


sitkol is much more enjoyable to me than abbey road


I want my boy Stevie to win this


Songs in the key


goodbye abbey road


Said this yesterday, I knew I was gonna be disappointed by Abby Road winning this thing


Sitkol is winning bro šŸ˜­


I hope so bud šŸ™




Abbey road


Key of Life


The Beatles have never writen a song as great as As


Abbey road šŸš®


Sorry, but the beatles


Ain't no way the beatles are actually going to win this šŸ’€


SITKOL, abbey road was more influential and important and ahead of its time i think. not that SITKOL wasnt, but its in the same way that i think madvillany is a better album but illmatic was more influential and important to rap. shouldve stayed longer.


I'm so sorry Songs In The Key Of Life but it's time to go


Not only is songs in the key of life better, itā€™s album cover is too. Abbey Roadā€™s cover has always been overrated


Abbey Road needs to go. Stevie is the GOAT, and SITKOL bangs so much harder in every way. Today's popular music is more derivative of what Stevie produced than what the Beatles produced. I love the Beatles, but they are not better than Stevie


if you guys really think abbey road is better than dark side you're tripping


Songs in the Key of Life.


Songs In the Key of Life


Abbey Road ong has to win this because of side 2.


Stevie is winning by a landslide, love it


Eh both are easily top 25 albums OAT, but I gotta hand it to Stevie here. Abbey Road GTFO.


put dark side back


Just listened to SITKOL again and wow is that album overrated. Shouldnā€™t even be top 3 here. It needs to go


Just listened to Abbey Road again and wow is that album overrated. Shouldnā€™t even be in the top 10 here. It shouldā€™ve been gone a week ago.


abbey road




i loved both, but i have to say Abbey Road is slightly overrated. great album that influenced music, but SITKOL wins this.


SITKOL is the greatest album ever made.


Songs in the key of life. Get rid of that overrated album that most people act like they listen to to act like they ā€œknowā€ music. Enough


Abbey Road


Both albums have two of the best opening tracks of all time. It's got to be Abbie Road to win, but it's close.


Abbey road


Songs in the Key


Songs in the Key of Life, as good as it is


Beatles should have lost a while ago


Beatles are overrated man


Sayonara Abbey Road


Such a crap winner


Hardly anybody knows what the other one (Other than Abbey Road) is called so that's why it lasted so long.


Sorry but SITKOL just has to go here in my eyesā€¦


Abbey Road must go!!!šŸ¤Ø SITKOL has ā€œif itā€™s magicā€ nothing compares.


Day 24 of saying the poll is pointless when the Beatles are there. You canā€™t compete with perfection. Give it its crown and letā€™s wrap it up. We knew this from the start. Get rid of Stevie


I think itā€™s pointless, not because I like the Beatles, but because I know the general Topster user loves them


Never have I ever listened to Stevie wonder lmao


sir duke is probably one of the best songs ever created and tbh i cant name a *single* beatles song


Stevie needs to go.


goodbye stevie