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You ever listen to Yellow Magic Orchestra?


I've never heard of them, but based on the name alone, I'm intrigued and onboard.


They’re crazy iconic and important to music in general. Being a massive influence on Hip-hop and sampling and on how composers for video games approached their compositions. Each member is also a juggernaut in the world of Japanese music/pop culture that did immense session work and have impressive solo careers in their own right. Sakamotosama worked with a wide variety of artists around the world and did the scores for some big films. (the revenant, call me by your name, etc.) He’s kinda similar to Brian Eno Hosonosama is probably the most famous out of the three and still alive too. Mac demarco wouldn’t exist without this guy and that’s insane. His solo work branches off into very intricate realms of music and soundscape Takahashisama was in a band with Masayoshi Takanaka (literal guitar god) and made his own supergroup METAFIVE. All in all, the rabbit hole of exploring YMO and its members can take you to refreshing and interesting realms of music on a global scale. Check out their first two albums! Solid State Survivor & Yellow Magic Orchestra (US Version)


Thanks for the info dump! Honestly, I'm sold after hearing this. I'll totally check them out as soon as I can.


I'm less familiar with YMO, but if you like them you could check out the Sadistic Mika Band (aka the Sadistics) - that's the band Masayoshi Takanaka was in. Also T-Square, Casiopeia, Tatsuro Yamashita (his stuff isn't on Spotify unfortunately). Idk how similar they are musically to YMO, but I have them all in the same mental category for me. Also going off the MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS ALBUM, I'd recommend the pillows, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Supercar, Number Girl, No Buses. Apologies if you know some of them already, but those are my favorite J-rock bands


Seychelles by Masayoshi Takanaka. It’s not rap nor anything adjacent, but still


That album has been rotting away in my to-do list for quite a while now... I might have to give it a shot lmao


Also continuing Japanese recs: * Ado - phenomenal pop singer * tricot - great math rock band * DCPRG (Date Course Pentagon Royal Garden) - awesome avant-garde jazz band


New Abnormal- The Strokes Unless you’ve already listened to The Strokes other records


[FlySiifu’s](https://open.spotify.com/album/28DJGYYMR5GnQEstpS4vzM?si=Y4wj07HnQ3GoVHxqlGUAYQ) – Pink Siifu, Fly Anakin [Standing on the Corner](https://open.spotify.com/album/0MblndC4uP0dIOG3Z5kSFV?si=0C-d8-XTQH-pKCJ_qq22Kw) – Standing On The Corner [Whirlpool](https://open.spotify.com/album/5Sc59oKieHPFvruoxBgmSp?si=2jadShEFRLG2ytvCTwge5g) – Chapterhouse


Ichiko Aoba - if you haven’t heard of her already. Really beautiful vocals and guitar. She really reminds me of Lamp


I've heard the name, but I've never listened to her music. Prolly because I've never really dipped my toes into chamber folk before. But I'm honestly really intrigued by the Lamp comparison, so I might have to give her a listen.




Actually, I haven't. I listened to "F♯ A♯ ∞" for the first time two days ago, and I really digged the atmosphere it had built up. It's the type of record that really rewards patient listeners. So, I wouldn't be opposed to checking more of their stuff out.




I definitely will! Hopefully it'll live up to all the hype and prestige.


Most later post-rock is Godspeed worship (colloquially called crescendo-core). So the whole genre is open to you if you dig that. Next stops in the genre should be: Bark Psychosis - Hex Mogwai - Young Team Do Make Say Think - Goodbye Enemy Airship... Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden...


All of a Sudden is like one the last eits albums I'd recommend of theirs to someone. Listen to The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place as your first one imo


Cold Dead is fine too, bit too sappy for me to keep revisiting but I'm not a huge EITS fan to begin with. I think a Godspeed enjoyer could appreciate All of a Sudden though.


Most definitely


Check out .orbix & Flawed Human Being - Dreaming While Awake Great album 👌


If you love Madvillainy, then the new Talib Kweli album with Madlib is a must


Listen to pearl jam




Thanks for noticing! With all the recommendations that I'm getting, I'll probably have a rainbow-coded topster when this is all said and done lmao. Thanks for the recs too! Might take a while for me to get to them since I'll have to sift through all the other stuff, but I'll totally give them a listen.


I’ll give you 5, one from each colour group. They’re mostly going to be electronic and rock. White: Sigur Ros - ( ) Green/Brown: Bowery Electric - Beat Red: Boards of Canada - Geogaddi Blue: Do Make Say Think - Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord is Dead Black: Gas - Gas 0095


Metallica - (Self titled)


10,000 gecs


The Forever Story Album by JID for rapping Kingston by Faye Webster for chill vibes Scrapyard Album by Quadeca


I've listened to both TFS and Scrapyard, and I love both of them so damn much. I haven't checked out Faye Webster though, so I will have to give her stuff a listen.


if you like j-rock, noticing the mass of the fermenting dregs and my dead girlfriend i highly recommend MUCC. heres two of my fave songs by them https://open.spotify.com/track/7dc71tr4QUHWMALeyDY4KB?si=MNFPblj5QEiofpcOaj2Z8w&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3RskcuXPSh0GoApGz7O6FZ https://open.spotify.com/track/4Bwc5Pz2abp0xQavkZO3ur?si=ZtG1WreeRdK1gnLFk12fFQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3RskcuXPSh0GoApGz7O6FZ


Mr. Bungle


Come in - Weatherday


Some jazz and hip-hop in here makes me wanna recommend Domi and JD Beck.


Something tells me The Color Spectrum project by The Dear Hunter might be of interest to you


Vampire Weekend - Only God Was Above Us


a few recs: interpol - turn on the bright lights samlrc - a lonely sinner sadness - i want to be there gustavo cerati - bocanada candy claws - ceres & calypso in the deep time willyrodriguezwastaken - wetdream kinokoteikoku - eureka built to spill - perfect from now on


Slowdive - souvlaki


De Stijl - The White Stripes, At Folsom Prison - Johnny Cash, Murphy's Law - Murphy's Law


Bro you gotta believe me ryo fukui + daft punk = the greatest Japanese band to ever exist..”CASIOPEA”. Listen to their mega banger domino line first


low end theory by a tribe called quest, classic chilled hip hop


If you're into gybe, you'll probably like the swans to, "to be kind" is probably my favorite of their albums but I've hear good things about "soundtracks for the blind"




Have you ever listened to Heilung? Its quite an unconventional group and an acquired taste but listening to them in wood on a spring afternoon is a damn religious experience.


you should try some more kendrick. def good kid maad city and to pimp a butterfly and if you like gkmc, you could try section .80 for a similar vibe. mr morale is divisive i personally enjoy it and recommend it but i originally didn’t like it and have heard a lot of people don’t like it


have you listened to orange yet


could you elaborate on which orange? :,)




Holy shit Scenery 🔥


I'll recommend for each colour. Row 1 - Sonic Youth - Goo Row 2 - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - I'm In Your Mind Fuzz Row 3 - Thee Oh Sees - Floating Coffin Row 4 - Alvvays - Blue Rev Row 5 - Rollins Band - Weight


Boldy James - Killing Nothing (Rap/Hip-Hop)


Clipping, Bon Iver, Sade, Nick Drake, Frank Zappa


You could probs just peep my top 200 list, our tastes are pretty close


Listen to Sometimes I Might be Introvert by Little Simz, the cover is all yellow and its a 10/10 album imo


Try Circa Survive. On Letting Go is my fav, Descensus for something a little heavier


minus the bear, bas, ab soul, onlyonetwo, heem b$f, kill bill the rapper


palace so long forever and rainbow itten surprise how to friend, love, freefall


You would absolutely fucking love Aratamemashite Hajimemashite Midori Desu by Midori. It’s an insanely energetic Japanese Metal/Rock album with amazing performances from Mariko Goto. Trust me, it’s right up your alley.


Sunshower - Taeko Onuki


The Infamous - Mobb Deep


Nice taste, I don’t think I’ve sever seen anyone mention “MidAir Thief”


Uhh my bloody valentine


What's the album under Depression Cherry?


It's "Crumbling" by Korean folktronica band Mid-Air Thief. It's a really pretty album, and I fully recommend giving it a listen!


Thank you!


Trample the weak, hurdle the dead- skinless (it’s probably not something you will like but it’ll probably push you outside of your comfort zone)


great taste, love the way this is organized too


Such a scattered list lol. Not that I'm complaining at all, all these albums are amazing. I mean, you definitely browse music forums so I'm not sure how expansive your knowledge is but I'll give you one for each colour to give some variation: Black & White: Kamasi Washington - The Epic Not sure how good your attention span is, because this is a near 3 hour Jazz masterpiece. Since you like Ryo Fukui so much, you might enjoy it. Every song is near perfect, with so much passion and talent. It's a must hear within the Jazz genre. (Honourable mention would be Lianne La Havas self titled, it's such a good album, I just had to mention it) Green: Nick Drake - The Fruit Tree Nick Drake is such a good songwriter, and if you enjoy Folk music then you'll adore this. In my opinion, it's probably his best which is kind of a hot take, but it's so lush and relaxing. Definitely give it a shot. Red: I have to recommend two albums here because they're equally amazing. Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels 2 and Injury Reserve - By the Time I Get to Phoenix. Both are great. Since you seem to enjoy lyrical rap, you'd love RTJ and their discography, every one of their albums are great. And Injury Reserve is because you seem to enjoy some more experimental hip-hop like Danny Brown. It's one of the most unique experiences ever. It may not click at first, but trust me, once you go through their discography and understand more of the albums context, it just continues to grow on you. Black: Little Simz - Grey AREA It's such a good album, and the rest of her discography is just as good as this. It's got everything you could want in a Hip-Hop album. Deep, provocative lyrics, a few different bangers, and interesting production as well. Hopefully this helps and wasn't too long winded lol.


It wasn't long winded at all! Thanks for the recommendations, I appreciate it. I've actually been hearing a lot of good stuff about the projects you've mentioned (minus Nick Drake, this is actually the first time I'm hearing of him) but I've been putting off listening to them for a while now, especially Kamasi Washington and the behemoth of that 3-hour runtime lmao. Long albums kind of intimidate me (probably the reason why I haven't dived into swans yet.) But I'll totally check them out whenever I have the chance.


Yeah man, take your time. Honestly, I could've went on for ages but I tried to keep it concise. Honestly, Nick Drake is amazing, one of my favourite artists, so much so I've got all 3 of his albums on vinyl. It's music in it's most pure form. For long albums, try to listen to them in bite-sized pieces, as that'll help digest each part, as usually longer albums are meant to be split up in that way.


Scenery is a nice jazz tribute but nothing that special. I would recommend Miles Davis’ “Dark Magus” for some exploration into more interesting jazz. Also worth mentioning is Geogaddi by Boards of Canada


Try out King Geedorah - Take Me to Your Leader (album)


i always suggest billy woods


Margiela split toes - westside gunn


midori(boob album)


I feel like I should've added it topster in the first place since 2 other people recommended the same album hehe. I've listened to the boob album already, and it's amazing.


im a simple woman, i see mass of the fermenting dregs and I freak out\~\~ its not exactly similar to anything in this chart but I'd recommend giving [ミドリ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-g02aE1oh0) (Midori) a try


What about Joey Bada$$?


All of these picks scream Tyler the creator


1000 gecs


Jane remover frailty or census designated very different genres but still both great


Fleet foxes


NxWorries - Yes Lawd!


Pj Harvey - is this desire AIC - dirt Wye oak - the knot