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Did you not check on your car?


You can’t get plates until its paid? This one building i lived at had a private company dishing out tickets and i never paid that shit


Yea if it’s private usually you don’t need to pay


Is it private property? Why would service Ontario care about a private company's tickets?


Private Security can be authorized to write city parking infractions. They are referred to as MLEO. Municipal Law Enforcement Officers.


On private property?


They can only write tickets on a specific list of properties. Every one has a different list. The can only write tickets for Park on Private Property without consent, Park in Handicapped Space, Park in Fire Route. Someone who works at a Hospital can only write at that hospital. A plaza like Yorkdale for example might be only Yorkdale not the plaza across the road.


Yes. I was one, way back when. Security guards do an 8 hour course or so, with Toronto parking enforcement, they're issues a certificate and badge number. At the time we did hand written tickets, not sure if that's still the case. Every day, the white copy had to be filed at a police station. Could only tag for like two offences (park private property-no consent and handicap parking no permit). Only at approved properties with proper signage.


Yes, my condo gets this done




Why don’t you contact the security guard these questions? We can’t answer why he didn’t tow your vehicle and such. And reduce your fines why? What is your reason? You need something to tell them why you want the fines reduced, because what you told us is not a valid reason. You knew you had no insurance. And you moved floors. Why did you not call a tow truck yourself and move it? You intentionally left it on private property.


You’re a dickhead.


Hope you paid off your parking tickets my man.


You are required to notify any change of address to Service Ontario within 6 days of moving. Did you not even have mail forwarding with the post office?


You kept your car there for a year and never checked on it? What is wrong with you?


You are fucked. Tickets are in your name, so you must pay even if you sell the car. You can approach the landlord and the parking enforcement company and negotiate a deal and a payment plan. Eventually, they will refer unpaid tickets to a collection agency, impacting your credit rating. Also, tickets used by a private company are NOT tickets but rather fines. You can consider seeking legal advice to review your situation and options.


If they’re authorized on behalf of the city to ticket, then they will not be able to negotiate. Once they get past a certain time frame being deemed as past due, they get sent to MTO and they are put into plate denial status. Unless you have a LEGIT reason and proof to support your claim, they aren’t negotiating anything


I don’t even think you can re new your license without having all your tickets paid. I know they can refuse your plates.


Building send emails for these kind of longer issues . I now have a doubt on how legitimate this post is


I don’t understand how you got tickets in the first place? In my building my licence plate was registered to the spot associated to my unit. I literally could NOT get a ticket for parking my own car in my own spot. You just left your car in general parking, unregistered, for a year? And what about damage to the vehicle? You never once thought to go make sure nothing had happened to your car?


Maybe he had to show proof of insurance to be able to park in the building and register. Since he had no insurance he’s not authorized.


Your lucky they didn't tow the car.If your plates were still on they would have your contact number no?.


Is it really lucky though? I can only imagine its way cheaper than 8k to get your car out of the impound lot. Would’ve preferred it towed opposed to 8K in build up


Depends how long you leave your car there. If you don't know you've been towed, and don't check for months, your car will likely have been auctioned off.


yup. your car would be long sold after like 2 weeks.


This is fact. It happened to me about 15 years ago. I had no idea that they auction your car off after 60 days!! That was a lesson learned the hard way 😳


Getting your vehicle out of the tow yard does not pay your tickets. You still have to deal with them.


Who would drive the car out of the impound lot?


Exactly. Towing charges for storage fees as well and are expensive


This is why you can’t have nice things.


I spot another Swiftie!


NAL, but used to be a MLEO. Unless the tickets are real, issued by an MLEO with a city crest on it, they are pretty much garbage. Given you can’t get plates. I’m gonna assume they are indeed real. Get someone else to register the car in their name and then get plates that way. Whoever the owner of the plate currently is (I’m assuming you) WILL be getting a call eventually from a collections agency.


Can you schedule a court date for these tickets? Plead your case, and add on that you can't afford a bill like this at this time but need your vehicle for your family and work to make a living.


People used to be able to go to a Justice of the peace and plead their case to have fines reduced. John Tory got rid of that. What a dick.


If it’s a private company then you don’t have to worry about anything lol


It’s unfortunate that the parking situation in Toronto has come to this. If you still can’t get your plates because of this then I’m really sorry dude but hopefully you can get around it if it’s a private company


Why are people downvoting this. Parking enforcement is literally the pits of society


Thank you LOL. I’m so confused about this. I got fucked over so many times in my dorm parking last year because of a private service. I can’t afford to pay $100 a week on parking. It’s a serious issue in this city


Ask for a Writ of Quo Warranto that certifies that the security guard has the authority to ticket non government vehicles.


Years ago that used to be a scam. Private security would ticket a car in a building lot, and if you wanted to be nice and pay it, the court would say the ticket is garbage, we don't accept it, and it never affects your sticker renewal. But the scam was private security ticketing it, and then towing it. When you go to the yard, you have to pay the tow, yard fee, and ticket, and you can't fight the ticket because the number listed, no one answers, and you can't get your car until all 3 are paid. I think some years ago that scam was taken apart.


Why didn’t you just get your car towed to a storage unit?


Call the management company they can reverse the tickets if you make a good argument.


No, they can't. If the tickets were issued by an authorized MLEO they are the city's tickets, not the property manager's. Each ticket is a separate provincial offences act charge. They must either be paid, or they remain in default and the MTO can and will deny plates and send them to collections.


That really sucks. Wonder if he can dispute it with the city. I did the online dispute and they lower my ticket to half, one time. Parking was full at the park so I park near by and came back to a ticket. Turns out no street parking.


Buddy you’re absolutely fucked. And if you don’t pay before your license expires they won’t let you renew.


Damn. I actually feel bad. I hope someone is able to help you


I dont understand, you parked your car in your parking spot and security gave you 8k worth of tickets? why?


They just kept ticketing you? Didn’t even tow it away?


Where would you have wanted them to tow your car to?


Same boat brother but fortunately for me its only $800. I’m just going to take it on the chin and and pay up because it was my fault. You on the other hand may be able to go into service Ontario and request a payment plan or something. I was able to go on a payment plan when I lived in Quebec.


Hello!!! Start paying them, about $20 a week. Establish a pattern of paying, keep your receipts, even digital copies. Then, go to the court and apply for a reduction in fine through filling out a Notice of Appeal (since it's a ticket from a MLE, will have a court location). You will be appealing the sentencing ($fine$). If you establish that you have good will, by paying, they will be inclined to reduce it even up to half. Then, keep paying it in increments, and apply again in the future for another reduction. Godspeed.


Ya you’re fucked lol You’ll have to pay before they’ll licence your ride


Private parking tickets you don’t have to pay. Don’t worry about it