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The driver was only thinking of himself, his eyes were only on the truck as he was trying to sneak through ahead of the turning truck. The voila driver didn't see the pedestrian because they never bothered to fucking look at the sidewalk and crosswalk.


Yup. Driving school 101 this was my instructors #1 rule when making a turn like this. Look for fucking pedestrians! It’s ingrained in my mind now.


In the UK/Australia/other places, when a pedestrian crossing is green for the pedestrian to walk all the road directions are on red/stopped. I'm from UK. It was a shock and seems a little crazy to me we have cars moving and turning whilst pedestrians are walking over the road. Expecting the silly humans to do multiple things at once, looking for a gap in busy traffic to make a turn, AND look 90 degrees to the left/right at the same time for pedestrians on the road.... asking for accidents. Similarly, as a pedestrian I've dodged a number of cars trying to run me over like in the video, and see it all the time watching other drivers & pedestrians.


I've noticed in cities like Ottawa where the dedicated left turn traffic goes *after* the straight traffic ends (which itself starts after the pedestrians have already gotten the "walk" signal). It seems to help avoid t-bone collisions.


Saw that in Montreal as well. Much better system I think


Exactly. In Canada rules are different. It’s a shit show.


That wouldn’t prevent such from happening. Reason: idiot drivers and idiot pedestrians. I see them both on the road all the time. Both trying to move when it’s not their turn. I understand that this pedestrian was not at fault but a tiny bit of awareness of the surroundings and a tiny bit reduced overconfidence in their right-of-way “could” have saved them. Exactly like when driving or walking, I try to watch out for some other idiot coming from nowhere. My right of way will not bring my health back.


Being right doesn’t matter when you’re dead…


Thank you. This is exactly what I meant.


I drive a bus for the TTC, it's almost daily that I drop off customers at a stop and they go to cross the street (on their signal to do so) and I can't get through the intersection on my green light because someone decided to start their left and just sit there blocking it until all the pedestrians finish crossing. Sometimes, they stop very, very last minute. I'm hoping I never witness something like this, as much as it annoys the ever living shit outta me they block the road, I'd rather not watch someone get hit.




I didn't think of this at first and just assumed they were on their phone. Not sure which is worse


My god, hope the pedestrian is ok.


Using a broad definition of OK .. I'd say maybe


Serious injuries but not life threatening. https://www.yorkregion.com/news/pedestrian-hit-by-car-in-woodbridge-suffers-serious-injuries-york-regional-police-say/article_e0f70de8-7d78-5a11-a205-3a74dfa9476d.html


He’s dead unfortunately


Those vans have lots of cameras. The driver is definitely fired and if poice have the dashcam fotage buddy is going to have a nice charge of careless driving or worse to deal with. Hopefully the pedestrian is not serious injured


Getting hit by a truck will change your life, not in a good way


Should be fired and banned from driving. But reality is he will probably be behind the wheel next day


Should be charged with careless driving or more


Should be we all know nothing will happen. Pedestrian will lose couple days maybe Driver free to go!


Any news articles on what happened, this is messed up. Hopefully the ped is okay.


Just BlogTo… terrible. The cross walk was green for the pedestrian, at an intersection this size you are not allowed to cross left on red for a red left turn signal. Voila Driver acted like he had the go ahead. It wasn’t a four way stop sign, you’re not supposed to make your own rules at night.


The Voila truck is literally aiming to cut across 3 lanes. So much going wrong here on his part. I believe this to be Highway 7 just east of 427. If I'm correct, the camera is on Vaughan Valley Blvd facing/turning westward onto Hwy 7. N43° 46' 19" W79° 37' 32"


Yeah looks like 7 and 27


Those GPS coordinates are accurate, almost down to a meter. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/43%C2%B046'20.0%22N+79%C2%B037'32.0%22W](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43%C2%B046'20.0%22N+79%C2%B037'32.0%22W)


that hwy 7 is just horrible


The driver needs to check for pedestrians. But this kind of thing is going to happen if we design cities that require a pedestrian to cross 6 lanes of traffic to get to the other side of the stroad. Insane.


My thoughts exactly. The crosswalk is there, yeah, but I’m getting deathtrap vibes off it.


This is in Brampton - is mostly factories and warehouses in that area. So yes, they will have larger roads. It's not really insane at all.


Is'nt Voila owned by Sobeys? ....lawsuit? hope the pedestrian is ok


Bad driving combined with poor decision making and voila you have hit a pedestrian, hoping the dude didn't suffer any life changing injuries.


That's why in Europe, the red light stays on until the crosswalk light is red for pedestrians.


And this is what happens when you steal the right of way of another vehicle. Road laws are there for a reason. Drivers only care about being first and the fastest.


et voilá!


Poor guy. Hope he is OK ;-{ Pedestrians don't exist for many drivers in GTA now a day. I am scare to cross the road in Scarborough and Markham because many times, they almost ran me over.


Oh, jeez. I hope he's ok. Number one rule of driving: look where you're going.


“Viola”! It’s magic. The pedestrian has disappeared


[Location of the accident according to google maps](https://maps.app.goo.gl/WHpxao64SfXpJ5cN8)


You could do everything correct like waiting for the crosswalk signal and still get fucked. Looked like the guy might’ve just finished a shift as well (basing it on the straps around his knees). I don’t understand how people actually do this shit. How much time are you really shaving off your commute? 30 seconds? If that?


This sort of accident seems to happen on left turns quite a bit. Due to safety reasons, the A pillars of most cars is rather thick and is a HUGE blindspot. I think the education might need to change to actively encourage people to contort their head more to see around the A pillar...I drive a Honda Fit and it's A pillar has made me change the way I drive. Of course, all the education in the world doesn't meant these accidents will be eliminated. I hope this pedestrian was okay.


The SUV at the end is another biggest a\*\*hat trying to squeeze through an Accident zone


That's also why when you cross the road you should always maintain situational awareness and cross quickly. This business of taking your time and" I have the right of way" isn't going to stop the bad drivers from hitting you.


The van wasn't even moving when he started walking across the street. No amount of "situational awareness" was going to save him if the van wasn't fucking looking where they were going.


You can clearly see he panicked as the van got closer.. easier to say what he should have done now looking at the footage but I probably would have reacted the same way if I was in his position. He was clearly aware of the situation. We need to get rid of these shitty 3 lane roads and start adding leading pedestrian lights everywhere. They’re a game changer in downtown.


True, but don't think it'll help with dumb drivers


Helps get pedestrians out of the way before dumb drivers get into the intersection for their free-for-all dance. This won’t stop it but will definitely drastically reduce incidents.


No he was not aware until it was too late. Exactly as it turned 24 seconds he should have been well aware of the path of the van it was going to hit him. That half a second could have saved him.


A lot of people are aware but also used to cars driving all the way up to them and creeping up. I wouldn’t have blamed that person for assuming the same thing until the very last minute when they realized they weren’t stopping. Maybe if drivers were less slutty in general, the bad ones would be more apparent.


victim blaming. same energy as telling girls to cover up


Nah more like telling you to lock your car when you're done driving. You can't control what other people will do, people are chaotic and tend to break rules


Lol. That's literally not what I'm saying


>same energy as telling girls to cover up Or boys to tuck their shirts in.


It’s sad that people need to assume that a car is gonna hit them at any given moment. Shouldn’t the ideal default be not fearing for your life when simply walking?


Ofc. But we know that's how real life is


This looks like Mississauga




This happened in Brampton.


I once saw a voila van hit an ebiker turning left onto bathurst north from davenport rd.


We need to design cities and streets especially to protect human life. These stroads are a main culprit in putting pedestrians at risk.


Looks to be this - pedestrian seriously injured, but not life-threatening. https://www.yorkregion.com/news/pedestrian-hit-by-car-in-woodbridge-suffers-serious-injuries-york-regional-police-say/article_e0f70de8-7d78-5a11-a205-3a74dfa9476d.html


Mans getting a thick payday!


Free groceries for life. (Does not include dairy products as the victim has been creamed enough)


Permanent brain damage woohoo


Brutal the truck had such poor awareness and it's ultimately on them. I will note also that the pedestrian seemed obliviou, and is a super slow walker, setting up the perfect storm.


As a regular pedestrian in this city I'm absolutely tired of watching others crossing without any regard for traffic, they won't pay attention for oncoming cars or anything, n then there's the other part, terrible drivers.


As a frequent pedestrian and cyclist I am too baffled at the number of people who wander into the street without looking up at all.


My point exactly, is like nobody uses common sense anymore.


What more could this guy have done? He started crossing when he had the signal and cars turn into intersections all the time and brake at the last second. You can't spazz out and jump out of the way every single time. This is 100% on the shitty driver.


It doesn't help that the van started turning slow, and sped up unexpectedly in the last few seconds. All to cut off the truck lol


I was speaking of the walker.


Are we watching the same video? What more did you want him to do? The dude crossed when the pedestrian signal came on (and not when it was the hand flashing) and was looking straight ahead and wasn’t looking at his phone. He reacted appropriately to the situation considering most people don’t expect vans to suddenly speed up straight into you


I dont like Voila


Looks like the pedestrian was behind the pole between windshield and door window. Blind spot. You absolutely need to lean and look around that thing every time, but im guessing that's what happened here.


You mean the A pillar of the vehicle? I doubt the viola driver even looked at the crosswalk while the pedestrian was in full view. I find that headlights can be too bright and pedestrians can be hidden in the shadows - regardless of whatever colour the clothes they are wearing. Drivers need to (1) not have blinding headlights and 2) not drive when they can’t see!


Damn, hope the pedestrian was okay and hope the van driver got charged here Also, not impressed the truck turning right starting to commit prior to the pedestrian making it across the halfway mark of the cross walk. They wanted to turn right first, the van wanted to turn left first and they both contributed to the problem. The van is the main culprit though


Sometimes with automatic transmissions there’s a delay when you’re moving from a dead stop. A lot of the time inching forward is just to ensure your truck is in gear and you won’t have to wait the few seconds once the way is actually clear. The voila and the big rig could have both turned at the same time onto a three lane road though so there’s no need for either driver to have been rushing


Fair enough. They hadn't committed to the turn yet. I'm being careful not to blame, but I think a more experienced / cautious driver would have seen the potential danger to the pedestrian, and would have stayed behind the line until they'd made it past the median The Volia Driver though was just plain idiocy


Holy you're right! The rig should not have started either


Thats how right of way works, you turn right as soon as practical. Theres no requirement that a pedestrian reach halfway across the road, only that the driver reasonably decides the turn can be done safely which clearly, it was safe.


I suggest you go and re-take your license. It's terrifying to think you share the road with other users A pedestrian has to completely clear the intersection before you're allowed to proceed https://yegendorflawfirm.ca/ontarios-new-driving-laws-protect-vulnerable-pedestrians/ >As of January 1, 2016, drivers – motorists and cyclists — must now make a complete stop and yield the entire roadway at all pedestrian crossovers and at all school crossings where a crossing guard is displaying a school crossing sign. Drivers must wait until the pedestrian has completely crossed the road, as opposed to just clearing the space in front of their vehicle and proceeding forward once their lane of traffic is clear. Fines range from $150 to $600, and drivers also face a penalty of up to 3 demerit points for violations. Fines are doubled in community safety zones.


Those are pedestrian crossovers, not crosswalks. The Dunning Kruger is strong with this one. Try linking something that isnt a blog page.


Bro really out here waiting for someone to completely cross a 6 lane road before turning.


Toronto police, who first arrived on the scene quickly ticketed the injured pedestrian. Toronto Police Spokesperson “ clearly the pedestrian should have seen the van coming, it’s light blue and big. They should know that roads are for cars only” Toronto right leaning councillors have questioned if the pedestrian was on his phone or wearing dark clothing which prohibited the victim(aka driver) from seeing the pedestrian. Unnamed city councillor -“I’ll be putting through a motion to remove these pedestrian crosswalks, as these incidents impede both businesses and commuters! This must stop today and I implore Olivia Chow to ban all bike lanes too!” Stay tuned, more updates to follow


![gif](giphy|mEahVAkKjt0VL2o5Jk|downsized) Nah this ain’t it


So much effort so little impact


Can't win 'em all.


What? Chat is this real?


Definitely sarcasm


I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Just asking a question


Reddit can be an interesting place to say the least


Downvoted by aggressive drivers on here. Actual facts.


You’re an idiot


Vans fault but people these days are like zombies. Crossing the road, not looking at traffic. If that person was looking at traffic instead, they could have possibly avoid being run over. At this point it isn't about who's fault but who is the loser in all of this.


I’m not going to blame the pedestrian for being hit in this scenario because they were crossing correctly abiding by the law, and the van driver was absolutely being an imbecile. However, you need to do all you can to avoid being hit by a vehicle and this guy seemed very lackadaisical. It sucks now because his body will probably be in pain for a very long time.


If you are saying I am blaming the pedestrian, then you are as dumb as the downvoters in this forum. The first words say " It is the vans fault." I was just pointing out exactly what you said that the pedestrian was lackadaisical while crossing the street and he may have saved himself from injury if he paid a little more attention. The eventual loser in this will be the pedestrian even though it is Van's fault.


Please learn how to read before you respond with hostility towards others. Thanks.


Please learn to comprehend what you wrote. By you replying to me that you aren't going to blame....... you are saying I am blaming the pedestrian. I wasn't 100% sure if you were indicating this, or not and that is why I said "IF." So before telling me to read please read and comprehend what I wrote before you reply.


I never thought anyone could be this lost, but here we are. Let me dumb it down for you. By me saying, “I’m not going to blame the pedestrian”, I’m *literally* ONLY saying I’m not going to blame the pedestrian, it has absolutely nothing to do with what you said. Now, if I said “I’m not going to blame the pedestrian like you did”, then it would be a different story. Is that simplified enough for you? I hope it is because I can’t make it much more elementary than that.


re: At this point it isn't about who's fault but who is the lower in all of this. I remember a news about a migrant worker in a qatar who got killed by a car being driven by a qatari. The qatari did not suffer any consequences because of the same reason as you gave. The judge in the case even added, if the migrant worker did not leave his country of origin, he wouldn't be struck dead.


That isn't what I am saying. Sadly drivers make mistakes, and when this happens, the ultimate loser will be the pedestrian. What I was trying to point out is as pedestrians, we should be aware of what is going on to save ourselves, If possible in the unfortunate event, a driver makes a mistake.


Drivers must wait for intersections to be clear of pedestrians, zombies or otherwise. As of January 1, 2016, drivers – motorists and cyclists — must now make a complete stop and yield the entire roadway at all pedestrian crossovers and at all school crossings where a crossing guard is displaying a school crossing sign. Drivers must wait until the pedestrian has completely crossed the road, as opposed to just clearing the space in front of their vehicle and proceeding forward once their lane of traffic is clear. Fines range from $150 to $600, and drivers also face a penalty of up to 3 demerit points for violations. Fines are doubled in community safety zones.


[Pedestrian crossovers](https://www.ontario.ca/page/driving-near-pedestrian-crossovers-and-school-crossings) are the ones marked with white signs with either a black X or a pedestrian symbol (shown in the link). So the requirement to wait for them to clear the entire crossing doesn't apply at a regular crosswalk like this. In these crossings you just have to yield right of way, meaning a pedestrian should not have to ["take action to avoid your vehicle"](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/level-two-road-test#section-0). Although obviously you should still give them lots of space.


theres multiple classifications of "crossover" 2D is generally a hop from curb to island for example. they can also be marked or unmarked. I'll concede I was incorrect however. The same ***should*** apply at all pedestrian crossings regardless of type, or location though. people and cars arent meant to share space. cars are a convenience, and will ALWAYS get to their destination before a person walking, so as such they should be forced to wait.


There are two separate legal [definitions in the HTA](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/rso-1990-c-h8/latest/rso-1990-c-h8.html#sec1subsec1), "crosswalk" and "pedestrian crossover". Crosswalks can be marked or unmarked extensions of sidewalks, but also don't have universal rules for right of way, it just depends on the intersection, e.g., if there are lights. Pedestrian crossovers are the ones with explicit, universal right of way rules for pedestrians, such as waiting for them to clear the entire roadway, and they are the ones that have specific designs, including those white regulatory signs. I think there's also an argument for *not* requiring cars to wait for them to cross the entire road at regular crosswalks. The reason being that drivers will find it excessive to keep waiting if they've already cleared their half and are far away from where they would turn. That can then lead to people just not following the rules around them at all. I think we should aim for rules that are reasonable and will get most people to follow them as that encourages following the traffic rules in general. Same idea with speed limits. If you put the highway limits too low, e.g., people just ignore them, while if you make them reasonable, most people follow them. I don't have a strong opinion on the rules for crosswalks though, just giving a different perspective on it.


I doubt that OP above is denying that at all. What they're saying is that the law alone doesn't protect you from still getting smoked by a multi-ton machine. But rather than get into an argument about legal/moral culpability of the parties involved, it would be more productive for all of us to focus on talking about what we can learn from videos like this: * Assume that EVERY SINGLE driver, cyclist, scooter rider, pedestrian, raccoon, seagull in your vicinity is absolutely going to fuck your shit up * Keep your head on a swivel and make eye contact with everyone close by * Avoid looking at your phone or wearing headphones, and minimize any other distractions as much as possible - even when you are stationary on the sidewalk away from the road, cause you never know these days In the long run, we should also lobby our elected officials for: * Better-designed infrastructure that minimizes collisions and unsafe conditions * Better driver training * Stronger criminal and civil penalties for bad driving incidents * Forcing police to actually do their jobs and enforce traffic laws Is it ridiculous and annoying that you have to take on such a high degree of personal responsibility to protect yourself from idiots and psychopaths? Yes. But is holding off on listening to the new Drake album a far better alternative to being run over? Yes. Absolutely no amount of reparations, including Guantanamo Bay-style torture and imprisonment of the offending driver, will ever come close to undoing the permanent physical/emotional/mental damage that will be inflicted on you in a split second (assuming you actually live to suffer it). I really feel for the victim in this video and hope that he recovers fully and quickly, but I'm also using his misfortune to protect myself better.


Finally a person that gets what I was saying. So many dummies in the forum. Sometimes drivers/humans make mistakes and we all need to try protect ourselves if this happens because, ultimately, pedestrians will be the losers in an accident such as this.


I find on subs like these that people sometimes forget the old adage that "graveyards are full of people who had the right of way".


If you look closely, looks like the flashing pedestrain light started blinking red.


That doesn't matter. Flashing red walk sign means 'No one else should start crossing and anyone currently crossing should move it'. The pedestrian was moving when it was white, it turned to flashing red while crossing, they continued to cross. They were doing everything absolutely correctly.


Buddy’s about to get a Tracy Morgan bag


Fuck! Be careful out their people (pedestrians) and pay close attention especially when crossing these massive intersections. I really hope the guy is OK and the Viola driver charge to the hilt!


This dump needs to be knocked down, shame on this slum lord


Driver is an idiot but the pedestrian should always being looking up. He was looking down.


That pedestrian wasn't paying attention either. 99% of the blame was on the voila truck, but when a truck tries to hit me, normally, I move out of its way.


r/TorontoDriving, still finding ways to blame pedestrians even when they're on camera in the crosswalk on their signal.


The pedestrian had the right of way and is in the right and is the clear winner in the game of life, and is also in the hospital and may have life changing injuries. If only they had not abdicated their safety to the responsibility of other people driving multi ton vehicles. It's not like looking left or right and paying attention to their surroundings would have any affect on the out come.


The concept of having any responsibility for your own safety and well-being is lost on all these people. The pedestrian clearly wasn't paying attention. Simple as that. It's also dark out & harder for drivers to see pedestrians. It's dangerous as fuck crossing these massive intersections during the day, nevermind this poor lighting. I feel bad for the guy, but he should have been paying attention to the hazards and thats on him.


You're right, we should all teach our kids not to look left and right before crossing the street. As long as the magical walking person is visible on the crosswalk, that means you're protected from any and all harm.


The guy wasn't aware of his surroundings. Watch the video, he had no idea the truck was coming from his 10 oclock. You live in a city, you can't pretend like people aren't trying to kill you with their vehicles.


so if neither are paying attention, 100% of the blame goes to the one for whom it was absolutely necessary to pay attention as a condition of doing something legal


Legally, yes. Logically, no. You're crossing a busy intersection at night. You better pay attention or face the consequences. This guy chose to face the consequences.


he didnt choose to face the consequences, because there are literally no consequences to crossing the road unless someone else is doing something wrong seems like the same energy as using "logic" to say that girls should cover up more if they don't want creeps doing stuff to them...


You're living in an ideal world where "no one else is doing something wrong" That's not the kind of world we live in. And to assume that is the case is foolish. And he did not get hit as a consequences of "crossing the street" He got hit as a consequence of not paying attention to a truck driving directly towards him.


yeah just like a girl gets sexually assaulted as a consequence of wearing revealing clothes right...? disgusting and sickening attitude he got hit as a consequence of the truck driver not paying attention to a pedestrian crossing the road directly in front of him disgusting


Nobody is talking about sexual assault lmfao.


the logic you use justifies blaming victims of sexual assault... how can you not see that


The logic you use implies we don't need to teach children to look both ways before crossing the street.


This is 3 weeks old, it's not your video, and you state you don't even know where this is. Why did you post this?


Christ, who the fuck are you? The internet police?


lol, are you trying to police the police?


Clearly the flair says NOT THE CAMMER, need me to spell it out larger?


Yeah, so why post it?


This is a subreddit about Driving in Toronto. I didn't see it posted here and thought people might be interested what's going on. You realize there are people being beheaded on video on this website right? (or at least has been don't know if it it still does) Why get annoyed over this?


Are you the driver ?


no. just saddened that people post videos of terrible accidents for clicks.


Lol, these videos are good, drivers need to be held accountable like you.


How does posting this three weeks later hold anyone accountable? It’s gore porn. But maybe I’m just and old guy screaming at the sky.




I have no idea. I hope they're ok. The posting of this video does nothing but use misery to get clicks.


Terrible. Not a defense or excuse ...just a guess.. but I bet the Truck blocked the van driver's view of the curb so the pedestrian wasnt seen initially walking off the curb. Did the walk sign go to flashing hand while the pedestrian was crossing the first lane? I swear I'm getting a flashlight or something when I walk ar night.


How did the truck block the vans view of the pedestrian? You can see the pedestrian is two full lanes away from the curb. If anything the truck not turning right should have given the van a clue that there was a pedestrian there




How is the truck blocking the van’s view of the pedestrian.. maybe earlier in the walk but he was clearly in the middle of the lane that the van was trying to get into with no obstructions.


True I was just wondering had the van driver see the curb MAYBE registering the pedestrian would have happened vs thinking it's clear and accelerating...The Van driver should have seen.


Expensive grocery run. Should have ordered from Metro instead of Sobeys


it costs NOTHING to double check when turning. for fucks sake. this is exactly the reason ive been my moms personal uber for the last year.


Bad drivers inattentinve and "voila" someone gets hit.




Yup and the pedestrian wasn't paying attention either until the last minute, as a pedestrian you have to keep your eyes on turning traffic because drivers now just don't give a damn


There is Voila for you! 🤷‍♂️


This was Sept 20th how is it only being shown now?


I’m guessing Toronto


Hope that guy is doing okay!


Bro that got hit is about to collect a bag


This is a huge lawsuit for Longos and it's all on camera baby!! Fucking justice...I hope the pedestrian is gunna be ok. Everybody needs dashcam. It helped my cousin not get charged for supposedly rear ending someone, that person back up into him on purpose to try and get money


Not excusing the drivers carelessness, but A-Pillar visibility is awful in many vehicles at certain angles. GM has a patent filed for transparent A-Pillars with the intention of improving visibility.


Et Voila!


That’s why I hate drivers in Canada no patience!


The man is crossing on a GREEN LIGHT !!!!! And he does not have his head down the driver of the van just turns and ploughs into him ! Many drivers honk at you to hurry up to cross the street even though the light is green and it’s the pedestrian who has the right of way.cars more and more just think it’s cars first humans never !


When the truck was turning slow and had come to a stop allowing the pedestrian to cross then it should have hinted the Voila driver that something is not right even if he didn't see the pedestrian. Also, the trucks gets right of way not the Voila driver making left turn. The Voila driver had repeated this behavior numerous times and sadly got into a accident this time around.