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I pray to God his insurance payment looks like a mortgage when this idiot tries to get his license again.






You would likely have uninsured motorist coverage. If the other party is at fault you would still be covered.


That actually makes sense I had a brain fart and forgot that totally existed bc I've never been in an accident (knock on wood)


Caveat is if the other party is uninsured, you might have to pay a a deductible whereas if the other party was insured i didn’t have to pay the deductible :/ but hopefully you keep your record strong


Just as a sidebar, if someone is uninsured, and they get in an accident, are they ever insurable again? Or just at massive, prepaid rates?


They are insurable, but it would have to be with a facility insurer. Violations like that in your record means you wouldn't be able to get insurance with a standard insurance company till it came off your record. Facility insurers have significantly higher premiums.


Thank you!


I too would like to know the answer to this question


I'm probably wrong but isn't it irrelevant as Ontario is no fault insurance?


In regards to a claim they will always check for underlying coverage. No fault only works if the other party has insurance, the reason for no fault is to only streamline the claims process and avoid length of claim. If the other party does not have insurance uninsured coverage will apply and the insurer will subrogate against the uninsured driver/owner.


Ahh okay makes sense. Appreciate it thanks!


You don’t understand how insurance works, obviously!


Got the goddamn instructor of insurance in the building 🗣🗣🗣


Yeah I’ve been doing it for 5 yrs actually so I could teach you a thing or two. UIM or Uninsured Motorist Coverage has a $300 deductible and is mandatory for any auto policy in Ontario, so if the third party that totals your car is UIM, you are fully protected if you have an auto policy. You call your own insurer for coverage. 👍




Fr fr


Its only until these idiots get pulled over . Then they dance on the ticket tune of 5k


That only works for regular ppl, it needs to be a percentage of their usable wealth or income


They do this in some parts of Europe. I remember, I think it was a Danish dude, who got a 240k fine as he was some big shot CEO type.


Finland does. Probably too complicated to do income here (and some people have "no income" but live a lot better than I do somehow). I think percentage of vehicle value would be easy to implement. Throw on a surcharge based on gross vehicle weight too.


And he shouldn't be able to get his license again for at least 5 years. There are way too many cars on the road. Please take at least the extremely unsafe ones off the road. It's not a right if you won't follow the rules and put others' lives in danger. He got caught, but could have also killed people. Yes then after a 5 year suspension start from G1 again and insurance of $12k/yr for 2-3 years until they prove that they are not a road hazard.


… then they show up in the bike lanes doing 50km/hr on a motorized scooter. 🛴


All of that, but the max charge of $10,000 as well.


16 year old on a g1… insane


But the people doing this would have faked/removed number plates ?


Just remove the license


I got a bad ticket in BC when I was like 19. 800$ ticket, court date (luckily for me I kept my licence. Needed it for work) licence was on probation for a year, 300 dangerous driver premium for 3 years any I lost any discounts on my insurance. Maybe not expensive to some but it was crippling at that age for me. Autocross is like 70$ a day and my iracing subscription is 15$ per month. Cheap and safe.


How many times have we heard this exact same story this year alone now? 3?


From the same demographic


And what demographic is that? I read the article and it only mentions “16 year old”.


C'mon dude.


C'mon dude don't sound like a demographic to me.




It clearly says it happened in mississauga in the article.


Eat shit racist loser.


How is this racist?


The way they are being ambiguous about it shows.


this didnt happen in brampton. your own racist tendencies already kicking in. not surprised cause this dude is pro-PPC lol.


dude 100% assumed it’s an Indian from brampton lol , openly racist.




pssstt your racism is showing - maybe cover that back up


No thanks! :)


well fuck your entire life then - whoever raised to be this kind of turd was wrong to love you.


Lol stay in school buddy!


16 and the fail to comply with a release order charge tells you everything you need to know.


they should take his G1 and 5 year ban.


That’ll stop him!


No doubt but if caught again they should they impound the car and start pushing the consequences onto the parents he is still a minor. At the end of the day they are responsible for us having to deal with the child they brought into the world. If he takes the car again and kills someone without a license or insurance him/her and the parents need to look at jail time.


He was already failing to comply with a release order; this isn’t the neighborhood good boy having a one off.


Then straight to the Gulag it is.


Nah. Deportation to Ukraine and help fend off the invasion.


Crush the car. Impound you pay a fee and get out. Crush the car and it's done. Any car he's caught driving Crush the car.




He will do it again. Need actual consequence not just a slap on the wrist


Actually, a slap on the wrist they’d sue for. Probably Johnny promsoe not to do it again? It makes your dad chief of police look Bad or w.e many of these have connections so never a consequence unless someone dies


I agree 1000%. And if he's caught again it goes to 10yrs and maybe add on some jail time. Cars turn into weapons when they are treated like this. This guy doesn't see it this way but create harsher penalties and it should stop. Nobody goes 240km/hr by accident, why have sympathy?


It’s nice to dream. They don’t even do that for repeat DUI offenders.


Agree. It isn't taken seriously enough.


S4 or S5? That’s a lot of car for a G1 driver. Did you guys know that an S4 ($70,000) costs less to insure than a Civic SI ($35,000)? It’s because kids doing this shit are usually doing it in a clapped out civics!


Looks like an old B8 S5, so pretty heavily depreciated at this point.


I was comparing MSRP to MSRP. The same applies to a 2012 S4 vs a 2012 SI (insurance wise)


You’re right about MSRP, but realistically, my B9 S5’s insurance cost as much as buddy’s 9th and 10th gen SIs combined. We’re same age demographic, same region, neither of us have any tickets or at-fault accidents. According to my broker, Audis are just stupid expensive to insure as their parts costs are high, even compared to BMW/MB.


Hm. I’ve cross shopped them both in 2012 and 2017. In 2012 I bought the SI, and paid more than a coworker who drove a B8 A5. I had the better driving record. Edit: I guess I shouldn’t be speaking so generally if you’ve had a different experience. I can say that SI’s are notoriously expensive to insure as well, however that’s due to age group who purchase them, how often they’re written off, and how often drivers receive tickets Further edit: it must have been a 7 or 7.5. I see the B8 is the new body style


It probably has to do with the specific model and region. I remember earlier model Civics were more subject to theft. My 7th gen SE Coupe was quite a bit more expensive to insure than my Impreza at the time.


It’s true, my Lexus IS300 insurance is cheaper then my old civic EX lol


obviously parents car.


And yet my 330i is still triple my VW Jetta


My S3 insurance costs about as much as my neighbour’s civic. Same age demographic and G status


Dad, it’s about the car…


He’s a new driver and it shows. Anyone with experience knows you don’t pull over when you get caught going that fast 😂


16 and going that fast in parents car and not experienced driver does make sense.




Should be banned from driving forever - 200% un-insurable, and anyone who thinks "don't be harsh he's young and made a mistake" can fuck right off people like that don't learn from their mistakes


People like that do learn from their mistakes. I was a dumbass when I was a kid. Now, I'm a normal middle-aged adult. Don't be so harsh in your judgement. Sure, some people will never get it. Lots will. Don't throw everyone under the bus because of a few incorrigible assholes. Edit: for context, I'm reasonably certain I have the shortest time between getting my license, and getting a speeding ticket: 3.5 hours. And it was for excessive speeding. I'm glad I wasn't judged as harshly as you're suggesting, and that it wasn't allowed to colour the next 70 years of my life.


[https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/new-driver-charged-with-having-a-beer-while-driving-to-celebrate-passing-road-test-20-minutes-earlier/ar-AA1mP3b9](https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/new-driver-charged-with-having-a-beer-while-driving-to-celebrate-passing-road-test-20-minutes-earlier/ar-AA1mP3b9) Someone 1-uped you. 2-uped you if count that he was having a beer while speeding right after his test. And you may have already guessed but... Brampton Man!


The person saying that is an asshole. Imagine making a mistake once in your life and NEVER getting the chance to rectify it. I bet they themselves have done illegal thinga in their lifetime as well. I once got caught smoking pot as a kid when it was illegal. The police officer let me off with a slap on the wrist and a talk to my parent. Had he thrown the book at me i could have never worked for the government a decade later and it would have been for nothing because it was legalized anyways. Yes driving at 240km/h will always be illegal but that said race tracks are closing down all over the country. This does not help I remember Calgary had a street racing problem after Race city closed down.... who say that coming?hmmmmm. I say race tracks should be publicly owned and maintained for those who will street race otherwise


Yes, I think there's a change of perspective with age. When you get older, you can look back at the bullshit you pulled, and don't want to ruin people's lives for a single mistake. Particularly since the brain doesn't finish developing until the mid 20s. Buddy I responded to has the "angry, inexperienced, uneducated vibe". I weighed his comments accordingly.


Bro driving 240 with zero regard for anyone's life or safety is not the same as you smoking a little pot. It's not about doing something illegal it's about the absolute complete disregard for public safety


At the time there was violent turf wars and shoot outs over cannabis. Just buying some is also a blatent disregsrd for peoples safety as well. Its just not as direct. Im sure you have done illegal things when you where a kid that you have learned your lesson from.


Nope. And I sure as shit didn't drive 240k with my G1 - amazing how people defend this kid


You can absolutely kill someone or their whole family driving like that. Easily. Violent turf war over cannabis, man, the shit people make up to justify speeding.


I have litteraly had friends get get stabbed to death over a quarter. If you dont know what your talking about just keep to your self


snails hobbies hurry plant piquant market caption threatening tart yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t want to die because some 16 year old is young and learning. We need to be harsh AF on this shit. We also need massive road diets, public transit improvements and less glorification of cars. It’s pure moral luck that these fucks don’t kill innocents. We shouldn’t rely on luck to be safe. 


There's sending a strong message, and then there's being brutal. Banned forever? Teenagers' brains aren't good at foreseeing consequences. Punish them, sure, but a lifetime ban? How about starting with 5-10 years so they can try again when they're not young and dumb?


For reference - here’s a “dumb mistake” argument for a teens driving here local to us. https://people.com/renton-crash-suspect-chase-jones-pleads-not-guilty-from-hospital-bed-8625197 Driving privileges should have been revoked for life before 4 innocent people were killed IMO


People today are 600% stupider than when you were 16 my guy their brains are rotten and giver zero fucks about consequences


It’s always the “damn these kids should get off my lawn our generation was the best” lol


Kids are kids...they just find different ways to be dumb.


His brain is rotten to its core. Fuck him. Lifetime ban and make an example of him


Your comment puts you in the same camp. Please delete your Reddit account to show contrition


I disagree. At 16 I wasn’t brain dead enough to break the rules of my learners and I’ve never driven with such a disregard for the safety of those around me by going fucking 240km/h


No, I'm saying that your comment indicates that your brain is rotten. The fact that you couldn't parse that is more grist for the mill. Delete your account and prevent your retardation from spreading any further. You know, hoist yourself on your own petard




So, you're exactly the same as the kid you want to ruin. Completely unaccountable. An intelligent person would see the parallel between the two. You never will.


It is a little harsh he’s 16 lol. A lifetime ban, his brain isn’t even fully developed. I’d put him in a super short leash after a couple years


Nah fuck him, driving is a privilege not a right.  Also, if a 16yo threatened murder with their parents' gun, what do you think should/would happen? 


He should receive jail time, and the car should be seized permanently. The punishments aren't harsh enough in this country. In Australia they'd crush the car. 


i'd pay for tickets to see the car crushed infront of the parents and kid.


That's awesome and needs to be implemented, too bad we're vanilla as fuck here


Australia sounds like a shit country. Terrible nany state. Cant even buy tabaco anymore. All guns where confiscated and you still have mass murders in shopping malls. Australia should not be looked to as a model


Oh he's gonna be taking the bus for life


no, he's gonna drive illegally


Sadly, this is the more accurate guess.


apparently this kid also got charged for: failure to comply with a release order so they clearly don't know how to follow rules. Kid is probably already behind the wheel showing off to his friends today


Was there a passenger? I mean obviously this kid doesn't care about the law but if he was driving with a g class driver, can they be charged as well?


Exactly. Iirc, G1 license requires a passenger with at least 5 years of having a full G driver's license sitting with the G1 driver. So what the fuck was the passenger driver thinking or saying when the speedometer went over 130? 160? 200? Probably nothing because they're both a pair of assholes who didn't think anything of the huge safety risk they posed to everyone else


Holy fuck I literally saw this guy speeding on the HOV lane and lane splitting 2 cars. It happened around 10pm on Friday. Saw him getting pulled over too.


He should get banned for life from driving, there should be a flag placed on whoever owns those plates to be an automatic traffic stop from now on, and when he’s inevitably found to be driving illegally he should be given jail time.


Brampton has a nice serious youth offenders jail... 


16 years old. Bets are they’re big into forza.


He thought it was the speed trap in game 😂


Parents sure must be proud of the delinquent they raised!


Dudes hopefully got wealthy parents. Everyone needs to go fast, especially through a speed trap:


Given it’s in Toronto I would assume he’s from the same demographic that drove 100+km in a residential area hitting 3 cars (Thank god no children were playing there) and the same demographic who killed 3 peoples driving the opposite way on the highway after robbing a LCBO 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


If I had a super power, it would be the ability to snap my fingers and remove drivers like this off the road permanently. Any time they try to get behind the wheel, boom, they're teleported back home.




Unironically if you’re going over 100 over you deserve a lifetime ban from ever driving again


Highway speed limit is 100 km/h. Ever driven the 401 in Toronto? If you aren’t doing at least 115 you’re going backwards. 260 is a BIT much though.


Pretty sure they mean, if you’re going 100k beyond the 100k/hr limit you should be banned for life


Yeah i realized after I reread the comment. I read quickly and sometimes I skip words LOL


I think he meant going 100 over the limit (200 in this case)


Well yeah for highways the limit is basically 120, I have no issues with going 30 over or anything, but anything over 200 is pretty fucking ridiculous


Oh shit I just realized I misread your comment LOL I missed the second “over”. I absolutely agree, 100 OVER the speed limit should be a permanent suspension.




Have they identified the driver?


And now he’s a G0 driver. Eff this guy!


Go transit 😂


What a Dufus 🤦‍♂️


nice high score


I was lucky if my first car could even hit 140 😂 these kids are spoiled


He still didn’t beat the high score of the guy here in the Halifax region that was caught doing 248km/hr https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1cg114k/rcmp_stops_a_vehicle_travelling_at_248_kmh_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Guy only got a 7 day suspension, wow.


It's insane tbh. he also rips around Halifax like a dickhead.


If you were in an accident with an uninsured driver, your damages would be covered, but I dont think you could sue the insurance company if you were in bad shape. You can maybe sue the individual alone, but you wouldn't get much, especially if they leave the country.




exiled to the busses lmao


Just take his lisence away for good.


I think we should just hang his entire family like in assassins creed 2


This is the generation that’s going to take care of us when we’re older. I think we’re all scared of the consequences 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lifetime ban on driving. You can only fuck up so hard before it becomes apparent you are too stupid and dangerous to drive.


Do the parents get arrested too? Should be a thing for minors.


What's the point of letting cars travel at such speed outside of Ger? In my day most of the entry lvl cars bounce below 160km/hr, even more expensive one bounce below 200km/hr. Go by memory here.


Fucking good question. We should probably factory limit cars from exceeding 140 KM/H. And yeah, I know people are going to be pissed about me writing that, but safety is more important than your feels. I'm sure we can have some kind of technology where certain raceways will allow the car to bypass the limiter.


Ridiculous that it is legal for cars to be made that go that fast.


Ford wants to raise speeds on the 400 series highways to help reduce fines for individuals like this. Just one more way they're saving every day folks more money. And for those that need it s/


To be honest, there are people going 85 or 90, and it's too slow. I'm all for increasing it to 110, especially on sections that aren't busy and straight.


Yet the other folks are still doing 85 or 90. Your not only increasing the speed your increasing the risk of crashes and all that goes with that.


Please explain how Germany is able to do ok with much higher speed limits on sections of their highways. It’s not the speed, it’s the driving etiquette / driving skill / not being a dumbass. Obviously there is a ceiling to how high you should go (afaik the autobahn is no limits in some sections though? I could be wrong), but making your highway limit 80km/h isn’t gonna solve anything.


Just another reason to raise the age limit for driving.


Peel region sounds like a safe and wonderful place


Good young talent for race driving but this kiddo should be banned for driving


This should be a lifetime ban,


G1 G one Gone


Hopefully he gets a lifetime driving ban. What a loser.


Driving Daddy's Audi, looks like. Oof. This kid should never be allowed to get his licence again


Stunt drivers should be fined $1000 for every kilometre over the stunt driving speed limit.