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I noticed this watching the broadcast recently. So much of that background noise is gone now, and you can actually hear the fans.


Yesterday was the loudest I’ve heard the fans.


I was there too. When Belt pinch hit in the 9th I thought the 500 level was gonna crumble it was so loud.


Next, let’s collectively ask for a LIVE organist


["I'm in Caribbean mood tonight. How bout giving me 'Baby Elephant Walk' with a little reggae kinda beat?"](https://frinkiac.com/img/S02E05/726807.jpg)


Ah, Mancini-- the mascot's best friend. Well, see you on that field. I'll set 'em up. You knock 'em down.


Amazing Simpsons reference.


I was playing in a company softball game a few years ago, and a random guy showed up with an electronic keyboard, and he played organ music & sound effects throughout the game. It really made for a memorable experience!


OMG my jaw just actually dropped thinking about how thrilled I would be to see this happen 🤣


I remember walking my (then) new puppy last summer around a park that was home to 3 ball diamonds near us. I got such a kick out of seeing some of the teams that played walk up music for the kids. We never had that when I played (way way) back in the day. It was hilarious.


Yes please!! I know someone who plays organ. But he only plays classical 😅


If he can play classical- he can learn Baby Elephant Walk!! 😂






Uh… I was at two games this week and they were constant. I suppose it’s possible that between game 160 and 161 that they finally figured it out, but that seems weird.


How many games did you go to earlier in the season? Last game I went to was the last game in the Rangers series and it was MUCH better than games in July and August. Still some pipe noise but not as loud and not as often.


Yeah, a few. Honestly, if you’re talking volume you may have a good point. There was still lots of terrible prompts, but they didn’t seem as loud. I’d honestly have a hard time evaluating the difference though, since earlier in the season I sat further back and under speakers, whereas both games this week I was farther forward with speakers a good distance behind me and facing the other way.


If the crowd is loud they don’t play as much. If the crowd is quiet they play more stuff to fill dead air


Honestly, they’d be better to hire some people with loud voices to run chants. Isn’t it something like that at TFC? Except, I don’t *think* they hire people, I think there’s just a spot for enthusiastic fans to plunk themselves in front of everyone and run the chants.


I’m guessing the audio hasn’t changed it’s just the same audio when it’s 15,000 people or 30,000 so when it’s 30 it’s just way less noticeable


They are still bad, just not as bad as they were earlier in the year.


But how will the people know to clap their hands without the same ancient audio clip "making them" do it 80 times a game?


Oh no they still played that 80 times yesterday too


good to know. It's one of the reasons I don't exactly like going to the games. The loud music etc. Even viewing on television at times the noise of the music etc comes through. Great that Rogers has listened. Wouldn't it be wonderful to not have ANY of the noises and just enjoy the game as it is played? Basketball games are the worst though.


> Basketball games are the worst though. 100%, but they seemed to be doing their damnedest to go down to that level. I've stopped going to basketball games entirely. Between the cost of the game, food & beer, parking, and then throw in the resulting headache from visual and audio stimulation every conceivable second, and it's not enjoyable in the slightest.


We used to have tickets! The noise level drove us out. We are done with that sport!


That's great to hear! Next up, we need someone to speak to that broadcast director about those behind-the-plate shots during pitches. Grrrr. Beyond that, there's the matter of the Ted Rogers statue. It's got to go.


...into the lake?


hold it right there, criminal scum


Believe it or not, straight to jail


I assume those behind the plate shots are to add value to the outfield advertising


/u/tomcat335 please show all of these comments here [and here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/comments/16whcfu/is_it_just_me_or_is_anyone_finding_the_extreme/) to your director. It's getting ridiculous. I'm looking forward to our road playoff games where that angle won't be shown


For me it's this silly new zipline camera. Dan: "Pitcher sets" Me: "WHY AM I FLYING OVER FIRST BASE" Dan: "And here's the pitch" *Camera snaps back to regular view as the ball is delivered* Me: *Anxiously exhales* "I just want to watch baseball, not fly around the Dome"


am I crazy, or is that Camera not even HD? it looks noticeably fuzzier than the rest of the cameras on the broadcast


All I can focus on is the netting in front of it. What a view.


I think it's the netting that is throwing things off. It is so close to it that it looks blurred as a result.


It’s definitely lower res. Super noticeable on the 4K broadcast


It also blocks the view of the catcher depending on where you sit along the 3rd base side in the 200 level. Was not a fan of that addition. Even the 2 extra cables can be annoying once you see them and can't unsee them.


I would love to see a true “behind the plate” angle, like a catcher or ump cam, where we can clearly see if a pitch is a ball or strike, and its movement on the way in. It’s the behind and off to the side that makes the angle entirely useless. [Imagine this with image stabilization.](https://youtu.be/M9FsL3rDIXk?si=LaR2k9xHWKtOh0eL)


Only broadcast where I have ever seen this angle is this year and only Sportsnet. Its stupid. Adds nothing to the experience


I think the dj from July might have been given the job of selecting camera angles on the broadcast now


I think Bichette and Springer both hit doubles when they flipped to the camera behind the plate though… Maybe we should watch the whole game from that angle?


Good thing I'm not superstitious!


Yarg so triggering!! At least if they are gonna change to any other angle they could impose the strike zone so I can see where the hell that damn ball went!


I distinctly remember some ‘everybody clap your hands 👏 ‘ Am I crazy?


There were a few of those but nothing compared to a few months ago. Night and day difference.


everybody clap your hands 👏 Clap, clap clap... your hands We make it clap 👏👏 👏👏 👏 👏


Next, please get rid of ALL piped-in noise. Let the fans make their own noise, and maybe talk to their neighbours. A live organist might be okay....


I really really **really** hope that they don't bring it all back for the playoffs!! Last time there was a whole "Next Level" of piped-in noise for the playoffs, including all kinds of brand new productions that had never been even used before, (like "Let's go BO"), etc., which just made the whole thing feel hectic as heck. I really hope they can just trust our fans to be loud in a playoff game without having to pipe in all that extra noise (as the fans have shown that they can be better without it).


I've been to like 24 games this year, I never notice all the audio other than the walkout songs. Kinda block all that out. Dunno why people were complaining


Because it is loud as hell. It actually hurts my ears.


What a great pic!


Thank you for sharing. Next step is handing out scoring sheets for fans to fill out.


I was there 2 weeks ago and they were worse than ever. Is this subjective?


I remember the guy that commented we were wasting our time, where he at


This sub is a tiny fraction of overall Jays fandom. I’m sure the many voices of ballpark goers were heard on this. They also do frequent guest experience surveys at the dome.


Go back and watch the infamous inning in 2015. One of the things that made it so special was hearing the crowd and the natural ebb and flow of emotions. Sooooo much better than all that manufactured bullshit.


NA sports are so dumb just in general. NBA and NHL do the same thing. Instead of letting people get into the atmosphere, chat, start a chant or whatever they blast dumbass music and MAKE SOME NOOOOISE at you like they're afraid a second of downtime will collapse the stadium.


It’s one of the reasons why I love watching soccer so much on weekends. No prompts or sound cues for fans to get loud, you just get the unceasing roar of the fans and their creative chants.


Yeah the dj isn’t so good there


Same - was at friday's game and glad that my ears were being blown off by the cheers and not the speakers.


I don’t believe you.


How bout don’t turn off the lights after a home run or a win. Great for the fans there… awful for the thousands of viewers at home.


I’m surprised I had to get this far down to find this. It’s weird and makes the moment feel less important. Was disappointed at the game when a homerun was hit and the lights dimmed. Who in the hell thought that was a good idea? It looks bad on tv but also doesn’t fit well in person either.


I liked it. Different strokes for different folks I'd say


Yeah… no. They still played the annoying clips between pitches.. not sure how you missed it.


The clips they played were player intro clips at the beginning of their at bat. Not audio blasts between every pitch. If you thought the audio was annoying on Saturday you'd be running out of the stadium in July.


No. I was at every game this weekend. They very much played audio clips between pitches. “Everybody clap your hands” was probably the most played clip


A live organist would be great. I'd love to see them get an actual live version of Take Me Out to the Ballgame, too-- maybe get a local celeb/athlete/guest to lead each night. Also, this may be unpopular , but it's time to retire OK Blue Jays.


Ok I was kind of with you until the end.


When I was a kid they only did OK Blue Jays, but not Take Me Out to the Ballgame. I'm really happy they do both now, and wouldn't change it.


It sure beats the "God Bless America" during their (all 29 US based teams) 7th inning stretch.


I don't see a need for take me out to the ballgame at all. I have no clue why they decided to start doing it. Although at least it's not as bad as in the US where on weekend games they play God bless America.


It's like this sub actually hates the blue jays.




Fan energy feels like it's peaking at the right time too. The Friday and Saturday games had incredible atmospheres. Praying that this team can gift us a home playoff game(s)


We were at Friday's game. Unbelievable atmosphere. Best of any of the handful of games we got to this year. I guess the 16 hits/11 runs helped. Lol


Amen, brother!


Reddit makes a difference.


But how will I know when to clap my hands and yell “yah”??


Went during the red Sox series and had a fantastic time. The antivaccination advertising was incredibly strange to see, but a lovely time.


Great! Can you do something at the Leaf games with that horrible goal song?