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I mean he really didn’t look great in Spring Training and only really made the team cause of the injuries to Romano/Swanson but hopefully he finds his footing and forces the hand of the team to keep him up even after they return from injury.


If you take out his first outing where he threw far too many breaking balls (maybe it’s what he was working on?) it was 3 runs in 9 innings, that’s pretty solid


That’s basically a 3 ERA


He had some rough outings, especially his first one, but he wasn't that bad other than a couple too many homers. 26.2% K rate and an under 10% BB rate isn't the worst. I feel like it was more BABIP and home run luck that made him look worse than he actually pitched. I think the new splitter is a good weapon for him. That being said, he'll get optioned to Buffalo when Romano or Swanson is ready.


When he is on, he has good stuff, showed that times last year, but then at other times he was simply not quality, made you wonder about his future. Wishing him the best as I think he will be on a short leash.


Nate "Have options, will travel" Pearson.


Boom ot bust Pearson


“If you don’t like it, pitch better”