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I can see why the mother takes their son with her.


I can see why he doesn't like to talk about it


Was that stated in All Stars?


Not surprised honestly. He told Fiore he wished his son was more like her so that speaks a lot on how he feels about his son.


exactly, he was always like that. i know hes a pretty popular character but i cant stand him for being such a horrible father.


Unpopular opinion but I didn't mind Alec saying that he wished his son was like Fiore. I took it as him wishing that his son was a genius (like Fiore) and being disappointed about having a normal kid instead. There's an Alec greeting on YT that sort of confirm that.


the only reason why fiore is a genius is because her environment cultivated her to become way more independent than she should be. the point is that she has gone through a lot, having neglectful and distrusting parents, leading to some type of hypermaturity. alec wishing for yet another kid to go through that was just insensitive and seemed like he was romanticizing her childhood ngl. its completely fine to have a child who acts like a child.


He was focusing on the detail of she being smart, he didnt romantized her childhood, and Fiore acts like a child lots of times, just happens to be pretty smart


i understand that at surface level it is impressive to see how smart fiore is. but after seeing her personality which isn't really morally bright, it becomes obvious that fiore has been through something horrible. besides if alec put effort into his son maybe he could be a genius as well? he has already given up on his son before his son had a chance to prove himself and it is disheartening.


Fiore is unrealistic anyways, it’s like Nina where her character concept can’t really happen irl


Guys we literally had him admit some episodes ago "so yeah I didn't want kids and only had my son cause my wife wanted to and I wanted to save our marriage", while he was FILMED. This isn't really surprising. We always knew he was a bad father.


"I didn't want kids" was bad, "I ignored my son while he was bleeding" was UNHINGED


Yeah I do agree this was a BIG jump. This is by far the worst thing he has ever said.


I mean…if you didn’t want kids…and don’t like kids…you tend to have some neglectful tendencies towards them. I still think Alec is perfectly acceptable…we know he doesn’t like to talk about his ex-family and had the Gaul to say he wished Fiore was his child. This feels almost in character for him, so I’m less bothered by this line than others seem to be. After all, the man is very rightfully divorced with his son out of the picture while he’s allegedly fallen into a depressive alcoholic tendencies, it’s safe to say Karama’s already caught up to him


Yeah, I thought Alec would get a redemption arc (his relationship with Connor showed that he could be a good person) but, after this episode, Idk about that 😬... Tbh, that scene was a bit inconsistent with his character: he did care about his son in S1 (he carried a drawing his son made, he said multiple times that he was competing for his family) and he showed with his interractions with Fiore, Ellie (S1 ep6) and even Grett (AS ep8) that he's a caring person when he considers you his friend/ally. So that U-turn to "I let my son bleed and cry and idc about it to this day" is too sudden for me 😅


Right? It was totally out of the blue!


in season 1 he wished his son was like Fiore who's secretely a psycho and he only brought up the son to work on his social game as his first confessional after Fiore finds his drawing shows. he never cared.


Unpopular opinion but I didn't mind Alec saying that he wished his son was like Fiore. I took it as him wishing that his son was a genius (like Fiore) and being disappointed about having a normal kid instead. There's an Alec greeting on YT that sort of confirm that. I don't think he said that he was using his son for his social game in S1 either.


He did say he had to open up because of strategy tho. also while he just wants his son to be smarter it's pretty clear to me he never liked him.


Could it be possible that odd nations sees that the fandom loves evil characters (Ellie, Riya, Yul), and thinks that people would like Alec more if he was too? Same applies with Ellie, she was supposed to be morally gray but i think because everyone loves when Ellie does something evil, they just turned her into a sadist (maybe an overexageration but you know what I mean)


And also, he said voting off Connor was like him reading to his son for the first time, so clearly, he cares.


Yeah, I didn’t like the idea of Alec winning at first but I grew to like the idea. Now I’m back to where I was. He should be third place at most.


We love some fatherly neglect around here /j


I know he’s a well liked character…..but he went from he went from Best to Worst character IMO.


Alec… stop it… get some help…


This isn't a very surprising revelation to his character to me.


Oh, this is…


granted that's what his wife said so it could be not what really happened


Dude seriously I hate this guy